Wednesday 15 May 2024

Slovak PM shot



Prime Minister Robert Fico of Slovakia has been shot, multiple severe wounds, alleged shooter arrested at the scene is 71-year-old Slovak 'poet' Juraj Cintula

Fico blocked Slovakia weapons supply to Ukraine, spoke for cease fire and peace negotations

Fico condemned war crimes of Israel

Fico refused to sign the WHO World Health Organisation pandemic treaty

Fico had denounced the covid lockdown rules, and called the covid 'vaccination' campaign a possible intentional genocide

Fico opposes much of EU 'neo-liberalism' and NATO activities

short video of the scene, starts with the five shots you can hear


At 15 May 2024 at 23:00 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh look the real reason for the fake 'shit falling off planes' story that has been floating around for circa 6 months.

Whistleblowers dead - yeah sure, stuff falling off planes - yeah sure. No, a bona-fide reason to ground planes and destroy confidence in the travel sector, ruin peoples holidays and throttle back flying for the masses.

Win, win, win.

At 15 May 2024 at 23:01 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't have to be Einstein to see the motivations of dystopian psychopaths in seeking to maim/murder a man like Fico. This should be treated as state-sponsored terrorism until proven otherwise.....

At 15 May 2024 at 23:16 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not buying this story at all unless someone/anyone can provide physical proof of him actually being shot and a reasonable amount of blood - yeah I'm serious.

Is this 2024s Archduke Ferdinand or Russia's Ambassador to Turkey story (remember that)??

The alleged assailant (a poet) who starts an 'anti violence' movement then attempts to kill someone - yeah sure. Slovakia being at the crossroads of East and West with a polarised view of the shape and colour of Europe. Half the country looking East and the other half looking West. Not to mention a Long history with clandestine cryptos.

Anyone who's been in Bratislava (I have) will see the clear nod to a certain ethnicity/tribal history. A country that may prove to be an incendiary for regional tension and the excuse to 'up the ante' politically and militarily when a reason to start WW3 is required.

No doubt it will turn out the 'anti-violence' movement was/is funded by Putin and Russia and as such, a response is needed accordingly.

Proof of claim from anyone would certainly be useful as would an explanation as to why Pacifist Pavel decides to go on a murderous spree.

Just a thought.....

At 16 May 2024 at 00:05 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zero blood, low grain rubbish, nothing to see usually clipping and editing.

Might have been a different US media footage, however, when gunshots fired a cop walks into the camera footage as though he was 'going for lunch'. Just more dribbling pap. As the 'shot 5 times' PM is dragged to a car about 10 metres away - ehh zero blood. More nothings and zeros. Just made up rubbish for Clownworld.

At 16 May 2024 at 00:11 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never read the story properly - sorry for that Aang. I should have added and an engine failure or problems with Airbus. Talk about perfect storm. 737s literally ready to fall out the sky, sorry just not good Airbus can't get off the ground. Let me guess .....A320s and A321s by any chance. Who'd have thought?

Are there any other planes we could use?????? It's almost as though someone doesn't want us to fly anywhere.

At 16 May 2024 at 00:21 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes a picture is worth 1000 words.

At 16 May 2024 at 12:46 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 16 May 2024 at 12:58 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

@At 16 May 2024 at 00:21 , Anonymous Anonymous said

"Racism", another Zio Jewish invented term, go figure!


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