Friday 26 January 2024


Unknown commented on "Declaration of defiance by Texas of US federal agents and a US Supreme Court decision"

This is real and gaining traction
USA states are starting to pick sides

Tweet from Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt:
'Oklahoma stands with Texas.'

It's a top story on ZeroHedge

Leading insurgent US Congressman Matt Gaetz - who led the successful campaign to remove the previous Speaker of the House - tweeted 'Governor Abbott is Correct' and reposted the Texas governor declaration

Unknown commented on "Declaration of defiance by Texas of US federal agents and a US Supreme Court decision"

The Plan (thwarted by Russia in first US Civil War) by Masonic ROTHSCHILD, is being relaunched. Before Trump exited, he gave a speech in TX that puzzled most everyone. It was at THE ALAMO. Soon we find out what it meant.


At 26 January 2024 at 16:15 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Biden federal government backs down in Texas-led 'States' Rights' border-control standoff, for now at least.

The Texas rebels appear to have won, the great 'showdown' postponed, the USA national government now looking notably weaker to many of its own citizens. Fox News:

'Border Patrol has "no plans" to remove razor wire placed by Texas along the southern border, a senior [federal] Customs and Border Protection (CBP) official told Fox News'


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