Thursday 25 January 2024

Declaration of defiance by Texas of US federal agents and a US Supreme Court decision

Texas governor Greg Abbott. He is in a wheelchair because he is paralysed from the waist down, due to a tall tree snapping and falling on him in 1984

Supreme Court allows agents to cut razor wire at Texas-Mexico border
3 days ago

The Independent
Texas governor cites state's 'right of self defence' in border standoff with feds
10 hours ago

CBS Evening News
Texas continues to ban federal agents from U.S. border area

6 hours ago

Unknown commented -

A state of 'civil war' in the USA has already somewhat begun, with open declaration of defiance by Texas of US federal agents and a US Supreme Court decision

What is not impossible in weeks or months ahead:

- stand-offs or even a gun battle between Texas or Florida law enforcement and federal (national) agents

- other states joining the conflict and declaring defiance of USA national writ

- US national military splintering, with soldiers, sailors and others 'going home'

Here is the letter from Texas Governor Greg Abbott, declaring Texas defiance of the federal establishment on Constitutional grounds, 24 January 2024

The letter begins, "The federal government has broken the compact between the United States and the States ..."

Under the USA 1789 Constitution, individual states are allowed to act against in a warlike manner against 'invasion'

Many people consider the millions of non-documented migrants arriving, principally over the Texas border, as an 'invasion'

Texas has begun blocking USA federal agents from their activities, and putting up barriers on the border. The USA Supreme Court ruled in favour of Biden and taking down the barriers.

Texas is defying both the Biden government and the US Supreme Court, under what many consider to be solid 'Constitutional' grounds ... as was also the case in the USA 1861-65 civil war.

Also -
The USA 1776 revolution involved a great many Freemasons, and Masonic symbols are on USA currency. This above Texas letter has some Masonic numbers:
"6 million illegal immigrants ... in just 3 years ... more than the population of 33 different States'


At 25 January 2024 at 01:58 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Memorable photo of the Texas governor, the face of a man who knows that life can radically change all of a sudden, and never be the same again

USA break-up could be like Soviet Union collapse in 1991, happening much more quickly than anyone expected ... because the mental and psychological break-up had already taken root

This now in Texas, maybe another milestone on a perhaps inevitable road, as was perhaps also the half-rebellion for Trump at the US Capitol on 6 January 2021

Imagine the consequences, USA caught up in its own re-structuring, funding for NATO and Israel vapourised

And with global economic crisis ensuing, and right-wing leaders in place, one can anticipate mass waves of migrant expulsions ... the new term is 're-migration'


'German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has condemned an alleged far-right meeting at which plans to deport millions of people were discussed.

German media said politicians from the far-right AfD and neo-Nazis met at a villa near a lake outside Berlin.

Much discussion allegedly focused on so-called "remigration" - the removal of people with non-German ethnic backgrounds, even if they are citizens of Germany.'

At 25 January 2024 at 03:53 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"6 million illegal immigrants ... in just 3 years ... more than the population of 33 different States"

Clearly a nod towards the clandestine agenda, what is not clear, however, is what side of the agenda Mr Abbott sits.

It could be that he's telegraphing knowledge of an esoteric agenda or that he is part of the controlled opposition and is 'flashing' his credentials in plain sight with an attempt at stoking fears and escalating tensions.

The latter is of most concern because it is a litmus paper for constitutional change (through conflict) and creating sides for the up and coming Civil War 2.0.

"There'll be war and there will be talk of war".

The Texas problem is very much in line with End Time events and chaos that would be seen almost everywhere.

Pax Americana and Pax Brittanica must fall to create the ground for Pax Judea and the New Jerusalem. Constantinople (Istanbul) will be conquered likewise and their will be difficulties that are unimaginable and never before seen.

Time may very well tell, there is however merit in many prophecies. Islamic prophecy illustrates much of the visible phenomenon seen today.
The arrival of Judgement Day (Al Qiyamah) as it's known in Islam is prophesied to be preceded by apocalyptic signs of its arrival in various hadith (sayings of the prophet Muhammad). Although not necessarily exclusive to Islam, a broad consensus exists within Abrahmic and Dharmic faiths about an 'End Times'.  Some of the signs are easily recognised in the world as it is today, some not so obvious.

Senseless immorality would prevail. It is safe to say that this sign could cover just about anything in todays world.

The prevalence of tyrants.  Much easier to spot despotic tyrants in the post covid era than almost any other time in recent history.  In 2024 the world is set to elect new leaders in circa 60 or so countries.  Countries such as the US, UK, Russia, India and many more besides.  With an engineered lurch to the right or left (makes no difference), fascism from the top down and communism from the bottom up on a worldwide scale will be none more obvious than by the end of 2024.  France and Argentina have just recently laid the foundations of WEF-ism that awaits.

Alcohol (mothers favourite tipple) and its excessive use, usury and the money lenders, satanic music, rap/hip hop took over from where rock music left off.

Fornication (see internet porn and deviant sexualities), homosexuality and disobedience by wives, murders, lying and cheating, disinterest in and ignorance of religion.  These behaviours and societal trends are more obvious now than at any point in history.

Bare footed Arabs competing with each other to build tall buildings in the desert.  Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Sharjah, Saudi or Qatar perhaps.

Unnatural phenomenons would occur. The rise of frequent sudden deaths - a very interesting insight of a man from nearly 1500 years ago. Excessive lightning, destructive rainfall (see storm Isha), terrible drought, a huge cloud of smoke, the opening up of huge cracks in the earth (maybe Iceland or perhaps Yellowstone), the sun rising in the west, the breeze that take the souls of the faithful.

The appearance of dark satanic evils such as the Antichrist (many believe King Charles III is recognised by his Heralldic Achievement as antichrist), Gog and Mag.

The arrival of messianic saviors such as the Mahdi and Jesus, who along with divine intervention, will restore justice.

The signs are divided into two categories likewise.  Minor events are uneventful signs that happen in the timeframe of centuries. Major signs are seismic events that happen very rapidly and is the immediate precursor to the end.

Whilst it is safe to say that difficult times do indeed lie ahead, religion from many faiths have long since prophesized events that would be cataclysmic in nature and a bell-weather of mankinds condition.

It does seem as the signs of prophetic doom are clearly present to those able to see what most don't want to.  Perhaps epiphany or divine decree will be the deciding factor.

At 25 January 2024 at 08:30 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Plan (thwarted by Russia in first US Civil War) by Masonic ROTHSCHILD, is being relaunched. Before Trump exited, he gave a speech in TX that puzzled most everyone. It was at THE ALAMO. Soon we find out what it meant.

At 25 January 2024 at 09:12 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

State sponsored terrorism

At 25 January 2024 at 09:32 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is real and gaining traction
USA states are starting to pick sides
Tweet from Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt:
'Oklahoma stands with Texas.'

It's a top story on ZeroHedge

Leading insurgent US Congressman Matt Gaetz - who led the successful campaign to remove the previous Speaker of the House - tweeted 'Governor Abbott is Correct' and reposted the Texas governor declaration

At 25 January 2024 at 15:57 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Florida, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Virginia all 'standing with Texas' already

So 5 USA states out 50 already in the 'rebel' category after just 1 day

Robert F. Kennedy Jr also 'standing with Texas' (along with Trump of course)

Some Democrats are asking President Biden to use his nominal power to 'federalise' the Texas National Guard, and thus attempt to seize control of the Texas state military away from the Texas governor, creating a 'showdown' situation

US dollar is going up in value nonetheless LOL

At 25 January 2024 at 16:52 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Half of US State Governors 'Stand With Texas'

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has won the support of at least 25 governors for declaring immigration an "invasion" and invoking "Texas' constitutional authority to defend and protect itself."'

The famous meme -

'Well, that escalated quickly!'


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