Saturday 6 January 2024



At 6 January 2024 at 06:18 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

COVID CATASTROPHE? Number of UK businesses going bust rises 52% in two years

“Company insolvencies soared last year as businesses struggled with the inflation crisis and the long-term impact of the [covid event] …

“A total of 30,199 UK businesses were involved in some kind of insolvency action in 2023 — 52% higher than in 2021 …

“‘For the companies that were doing well, Covid really hurt them …’ [said Drew Fahiya, Creditsafe’s data director] …

“The Prop Factory had been turning over £800,000 a year and employing 15 people … That ground to a halt when the [covid event] hit, and … they closed the event hire business just before Christmas.

“‘It never really recovered’, [said Carmen Croxall, the co-founder] …

“Lorna Reeves had a similar experience. ‘I was the first LGBTQ+ wedding planner in the country’, she said. ‘… [It] was going well and then [the covid event] happened’ …

“Claire Hattrick sold her heated couch on New Year’s Day — the last vestiges of the beauty salon she had run for 17 years.

“‘I was probably earning about £25,000 a year and I had about 80 clients. Then suddenly I lost 86% of that during the lockdowns …’ she said.

“‘Then we had the price hikes with gas and electricity …’

At 6 January 2024 at 07:08 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kate Middleton 'heartbroken over Prince William's decision to send Prince George, 10, to Eton College', claims royal insider


Because — as literally everybody knows — immensely rich, tremendously canny, very capable women with degrees from St Andrews and astonishingly powerful friends have *no say whatsoever* in choosing the schools that their kids attend.

Choosing schools for one’s children is exclusively men’s work!

Poor, downtrodden, Kate didn’t want her child George to have to slum it at Eton College, but was overruled by manly, dominant Wills, LOL.

Poor, oppressed, suffering, Kate had apparently wanted Georgie to attend her and Ghislaine Maxwell’s alma mater, Marlborough College.

Whose former pupils also include alleged Elm Guest House paedophile Anthony Blunt; alleged ‘Lord McAlpine Twitter ruse’ progenitor, Sally Bercow; Lord Rothschild’s daughter (and very close friend of Lord Mandelson), Hannah; and Ghislaine’s very spooky spooky brothers — Ian and Kevin.

Poor, downtrodden, Kate! How greatly little Georgie would’ve benefited from attending such an august institution as Marlborough, with such illustrious alumni as these. Ha!

Never mind, Eton College may serve the purposes of your coterie and the Friends of Israel just as well, mother Kate.

Eton was attended by the likes of Derek Laud’s business partner, Michael Colvin; Justin Welby; Dominic Lawson; Rory Stewart; Earl Spencer; Boris Johnson; David Astor; Sir Tim Sainsbury; Lord David Sainsbury; David Cameron; Winston Churchill; Bear Grylls; alleged Elm Guest House abuser Jocelyn Cadbury; Ian Fleming; and Zac and Ben Goldsmith.

Familiar names to readers of this blog!

The following allegation was posted by a commenter on "As well as on the boat itself, children from Isle of Wight care homes were abused by both Edward Heath and P M at the Priory Bay Hotel, near St Helens on the eastern side of the island ... The estate extends to some 60 acres and provides a lot of privacy. Once owned by ETON COLLEGE, it was MI5's HQ on the island during WW2". 

At 6 January 2024 at 08:21 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 6 January 2024 at 08:35 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 6 January 2024 at 09:48 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


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