Saturday 6 January 2024

Epstein Escaped

'Epstein' after it was claimed that he'd died.

Unknown commented on "MEGA GROUP - EPSTEIN"

Megyn Kelly politically-connected Fox News host, blurted out to her audience re Jeffrey Epstein that "you may even be hearing from him directly"


The morning of Epstein's alleged 'death' a 'leaker' on 4chan /pol/ reported him being driven out of prison in a van .

The USA Attorney General at that time supervising Epstein in prison, was partly-Jewish-heritage, former CIA Bill Barr ... son of Donald Barr, headmaster of the Dalton School where Epstein had his first job teaching teens ... Donald Barr also being the author of a 'fiction' book on sex slavery

Epstein in Israel logic meme


At 6 January 2024 at 23:43 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Epstein will be on the beach in Tel Aviv sipping his beer with Maxwell, Draper and Abu Hamza.

The idea that any of these clowns are in jail or dead is truly laughable.

At 7 January 2024 at 08:37 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

& Jimmy Saville was buried in a concrete coffin so you know he must still be in there ..right??


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