Thursday 4 January 2024

Met’s War Crimes Team

Unknown commented -

Met Police investigating reports of war crimes in Gaza

“A Met Police spokesperson [said]: ‘As the UK’s investigative authority for war crimes, Counter Terrorism Policing — through the Met’s War Crimes Team — has a responsibility to support International Criminal Court (ICC) investigations …

“The War Crimes Team has received more than 20 referrals in recent weeks
relating to the conflict in Israel and Palestine …

Any information that is assessed as being relevant to the ongoing ICC investigation into the Palestine situation will then be passed to the ICC as appropriate.

“There is currently no UK-based investigation in relation to this matter.

“Anyone wishing to report a War Crime-related matter can do so via our website:’”


Unknown commented 

‘Friends of Israel’ condemn Met Police 'investigation' into Israeli war crimes

“Boris Johnson (Jewish) has condemned a Metropolitan Police investigation into Israel over alleged [sic] war crimes in Gaza …

“Mr Johnson … [said]: ‘This sounds like a worrying politicisation of the Met Police …’”

“Israel … is not signed up to the ICC and does not recognise its jurisdiction …

“Lord Austin … a member of Labour Friends of Israel, said: ‘Why on earth are the police getting involved in this instead of solving crimes in London when the UK’s policy is to support Israel in defending itself against the Hamas terrorists …’”


Unknown commented 

Fears Israel could be stealing body organs

“Local authorities in Gaza late Tuesday accused Israel of stealing organs from the bodies of Palestinians and urged an international probe …

“… [The] Gaza-based government media office said the examination of bodies revealed that their shapes changed significantly due to the theft of vital organs from the corpses.

“It added that the Israeli army handed bodies without their names and refused to specify from where they were seized.

“It also said that the Israeli army … exhumed bodies from graveyards.

“The Israeli authorities are yet to comment …”


At 4 January 2024 at 01:17 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Fears Israel could be stealing body organs"

Organs and tissue that is harvested need to come from a live body to have any medical use. Therefore bear that in mind if you are on an organ donor won't actually be dead when the body parts are physically removed.

In the UK the law was changed for organ donations. If you have not physically 'opted out' of donation it is assumed you have opted in. You are now a donor by default.

If the Satanic forces are removing organs from dead bodies in Gaza it will likely be for occult rituals and for desecration.

In recent months, think of the monsters that are crawling around the battlefields in Ukraine. Debru the Dutchwoman and other Satanic monsters harvesting organs there too.

If you live in the UK, a suggestion.....opt out of the organ harvesting scam or you might find yourself on a DNR list if you are unfortunately ill and end up in the 'death clinics', aka hospital.

At 4 January 2024 at 13:41 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Warsaw Ghetto 'Uprising'
Jewish Insurrection or German Police Operation?
By Robert Faurisson


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