Tuesday 5 December 2023

James Yoo - explosion

Media is reporting that James Yoo is likely dead, with 'human remains found' in the explosion ... but someone using the name 'James Yoo' has been posting on the web, saying he got away and was not in the explosion ... talking somewhat rationally if also emotionally about political manipulation, Israeli spyware etc.

Part of what is odd is that the media was a little too quick having 'legal files' ready on Yoo, plus such excellent video of the explosion 'by chance'

Yoo had filed various legal claims, including some about being unjustly in a psychiatric hospital

Suspicion: Yoo discovered something horrible ... was thrown into psychiatric care, drugged etc ... was 'disturbed' as a result, but still had enough handle on uncomfortable facts, so his demise was 'arranged'


At 6 December 2023 at 03:55 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tick-borne disease


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