Tuesday 7 November 2023

Plans to BAN anti genocide rally

Fears UK Government plans to BAN Saturday’s anti genocide rally.

“Organisers of pro-Palestine marches … have raised fresh concerns that a major protest planned for Saturday could be banned …

“… [There] is growing anxiety that the home secretary, Suella Braverman (Jewish family), will intervene …

“The marchers are calling for a ceasefire in [Israel’s war on Palestine] … Thousands of civilians in Gaza have been [murdered] …

“Akiko Hart, the interim director of Liberty, said: ‘… Shutting down protests would be a shocking breach of our right to freedom of expression …’”



Unknown commented 
Met commissioner confused by Suella Braverman ‘hate march’ remarks

“Met commissioner Mark Rowley has admitted he ‘doesn’t know’ what Suella Braverman meant when she made ‘hate march’ comments about a pro-Palestine demonstration on Armistice Day.

“‘It is entirely unacceptable to desecrate Armistice Day with a hate march through London’, the home secretary wrote on Twitter, causing an outpouring of criticism …

“‘She’s picked two words out the English language and strung them together’ Rowley told The News Agents podcast …”



Unknown commented 

Palestinian ambassador scoffs at US focus on humanitarian ‘pauses’ in war on Gaza

‘Pauses of crimes against humanity?’

“Head of the Palestinian Mission to the UK, Husam Zomlot, on Sunday scoffed at the idea of a ‘humanitarian pause’ in fighting …

“‘This whole talk … about pauses — pauses, humanitarian pauses — is simply irresponsible,’ he said. ‘Pauses of crimes against humanity?’ …

“‘So, we’re going to pause for six hours, killing our children, and then we resume killing the children?’ he said.

“‘This doesn’t stand even international laws’ …



At 7 November 2023 at 05:07 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Akiko Hart, the interim director of Liberty, said: ‘… Shutting down protests would be a shocking breach of our right to freedom of expression …’”

Where were Liberty when the world was locked up, threatened and abused during COVID???


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