Monday 6 November 2023

Urges him to … issue immediate arrest warrants

Unknown commented -

1,500 Israelis urge action on war crimes and genocide

“Israelis Against Apartheid, a group representing more than 1,500 citizens, this week urged the International Criminal Court's prosecutor ‘to take accelerated action against the escalating Israeli war crimes and genocide of the Palestinian people’ …

“Persistent impunity has created the conditions for the consolidation of the Israeli apartheid regime, which is intent on committing ethnic cleansing and genocide of the Indigenous Palestinian population’ …

“‘We are extremely concerned by the Israeli institutional calls for genocide that are being loudly and clearly voiced in Hebrew …

“‘… [Thousands], if not millions, of lives are at stake’ …

“The letter to [Karim Khan, the ICC’s chief prosecutor] … urges him to … issue immediate arrest warrants against Israeli political and military-security leaders who are committing war crimes and crimes against humanity …”


At 7 November 2023 at 01:34 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure they are writing such letters, but neither the USA nor Israel recognises the right of the ICC to prosecute Americans or Israelis, so you won't be getting Netanyahu being deported to The Hague any time soon.

Any more than the entire US Congress and Senate that voted to carpet bomb Libya will be in the dock either.


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