Thursday 23 November 2023

Denise George - Epstein

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Attorney General going after Jeffrey Epstein’s estate says she was fired for her dogged pursuit


Denise George “was fired as attorney general [of the US Virgin Islands] after spending more than three years trying to seek justice …

“George was the driving force behind three high-profile legal battles involving Epstein …

“She felt pressure from [US Virgin Islands Governor, Albert Bryan Jr] to quickly settle the Epstein cases and move on …

“[Governor Bryan’s] tone shifted when [George’s litigation against the Epstein estate and those who may have helped him] dragged on into a second year.

“Privately, Bryan expressed frustration. He wanted to know why it was taking so long to settle with Epstein’s estate …

“In the end, the Epstein estate settled …

“Four weeks after that deal was struck – and four days after George filed the suit against JPMORGAN – [she was] summarily dismissed.”

“At the time, [Governor Bryan’s] office said George’s dismissal was unrelated to her pursuit of JPMORGAN.”

“In May 2023, court filings by JPMORGAN revealed Bryan allegedly suggested Epstein donate $50,000 to certain local schools, $30,000 to the VI Little League and a $25,000 private gift to his inaugural committee in 2018.”


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