Wednesday 22 November 2023

AXL ROSE of Guns N’ Roses


Unknown commented on "Heath, Mandelson, Starmer, Epstein, Laud, Dolphin Square, Schwab, Kissinger, Bramall"

AXL ROSE of Guns N’ Roses accused of rape in NY lawsuit

Two of Rose’s former partners claim Rose sexually abused them

New lawsuit in NY was brought by a third alleged victim

“Sheila Kennedy … filed a complaint in New York state court alleging that Rose ‘violently’ assaulted her in a New York City hotel room in 1989 …”

Rose “[dragged] her across the hotel suite back to his bedroom, causing ‘her knees to bleed …’ the complaint alleges …

“Rose then allegedly threw her on the bed, tied her hands behind her back with her pantyhose and ‘forcibly’ penetrated her …

“This is not the first time Rose has been accused of sexual misconduct …

“Two of Rose’s former partners, Erin Everly and Stephanie Seymour, both claimed Rose abused them …

“Everly sued Rose for abuse in Los Angeles civil court and settled out of court, according to Rolling Stone.”

 Anonymous said...

AXL ROSE wore the Star of David

Jewish band member Ron Thal performed Israel’s National Anthem, Hatikva

The band's former drummer, Steven Adler, is also Jewish

“… Guns N’ Roses were back in Israel Tuesday night …

“Lead guitarist Ron ‘Bumblefoot’ Thal gave a solo rendition of Israel’s national anthem , Hatikva …

“Amir Asias [a fan] … was 19 when the band was last in Israel …

“‘It was a great show,’ he said … ‘Axl changed T-shirts; he came out with a Magen David [Star of David] and ‘Guns N’ Moses’ T-shirt’ …”


At 23 November 2023 at 00:47 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing worse than crappy old fashioned rock music. Stupid clothes on ageing clowns.

Meanwhile, whilst on stage pretending to be hard and rebellious, backstage coiffing kefir and kombucha, nebulising oxygen, taking their multivitamins with their sea-moss and cyanobacter soup.

Ageing pathetic hypocrisy from souless losers. A satanic industry playing average music to brain dead childlike adults.

At 23 November 2023 at 11:51 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last names like Gold, Silver, Rose are near100% jewish. Axl ROSE is jewish?


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