Wednesday 22 November 2023

Heath, Mandelson, Starmer, Epstein, Laud, Dolphin Square, Schwab, Kissinger, Bramall

Heath & Mandelson

Unknown commented 

Jeffrey Epstein’s close friend Lord Mandelson — now a top adviser to the United Kingdom’s ‘next prime minister’, Sir Keir Starmer — enjoyed a long relationship over at least two decades with Edward Heath.

Geller & Heath

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LORD LEXDEN: We need a new independent review of the allegations against Ted Heath

“Mike Veale, former chief constable of Wiltshire and Cleveland police forces, was found guilty of gross misconduct and barred from policing for life in July after a disciplinary hearing found that he had made inappropriate sexual remarks to colleagues …

“The outcome of the disciplinary case … should be followed by renewed scrutiny of his handling of the allegations against [Heath] …

“We owe it to the memory of a dead statesman … to get at the truth of this grave matter …”

Kissinger Schwab Heath

“Simon Regan (7 August 1942 – 8 August 2000) was a British journalist … In 1989, Regan founded Scallywag magazine in South Dorset.” Between 1991 and 1995 Scallywag magazine was published in London.

Simon Regan devoted considerable column inches to expressing concerns about prominent political operatives of the era, such as Lord Lexden and Derek Laud.

Regan wrote that a number of eye-witnesses had made credible allegations about allegedly criminal events that they had allegedly witnessed firsthand in Dolphin Square.

From the Scallywag magazine archives:

DEREK LAUD “is a frequent visitor to Conservative Central Officer where he meets Alistair Cooke [Lord Lexden] …”

Bramall & Heath

“It all happened in a Westminster flat. Rent boys, homosexual orgies, visiting Tory politicians who solicited sex during all-night parties. From time to time the whole crowd was there …”


At 22 November 2023 at 08:31 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Attorney General going after Jeffrey Epstein’s estate says she was fired for her dogged pursuit


Denise George “was fired as attorney general [of the US Virgin Islands] after spending more than three years trying to seek justice …

“George was the driving force behind three high-profile legal battles involving Epstein …

“She felt pressure from [US Virgin Islands Governor, Albert Bryan Jr] to quickly settle the Epstein cases and move on …

“[Governor Bryan’s] tone shifted when [George’s litigation against the Epstein estate and those who may have helped him] dragged on into a second year.

“Privately, Bryan expressed frustration. He wanted to know why it was taking so long to settle with Epstein’s estate …

“In the end, the Epstein estate settled …

“Four weeks after that deal was struck – and four days after George filed the suit against JPMORGAN – [she was] summarily dismissed.”

“At the time, [Governor Bryan’s] office said George’s dismissal was unrelated to her pursuit of JPMORGAN.”

At 22 November 2023 at 08:34 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

“In May 2023, court filings by JPMORGAN revealed Bryan allegedly suggest Epstein donate $50,000 to certain local schools, $30,000 to the VI Little League and a $25,000 private gift to his inaugural committee in 2018.”

At 22 November 2023 at 11:06 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

AXL ROSE of Guns N’ Roses accused of rape in NY lawsuit

Two of Rose’s former partners claim Rose sexually abused them

New lawsuit in NY was brought by a third alleged victim

“Sheila Kennedy … filed a complaint in New York state court alleging that Rose ‘violently’ assaulted her in a New York City hotel room in 1989 …”

Rose “[dragged] her across the hotel suite back to his bedroom, causing ‘her knees to bleed …’ the complaint alleges …

“Rose then allegedly threw her on the bed, tied her hands behind her back with her pantyhose and ‘forcibly’ penetrated her …

“This is not the first time Rose has been accused of sexual misconduct …

“Two of Rose’s former partners, Erin Everly and Stephanie Seymour, both claimed Rose abused them …

“Everly sued Rose for abuse in Los Angeles civil court and settled out of court, according to Rolling Stone.”

At 22 November 2023 at 11:09 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

AXL ROSE wore the Star of David

Jewish band member Ron Thal performed Israel’s National Anthem, Hatikva

The band's former drummer, Steven Adler, is also Jewish

“… Guns N’ Roses were back in Israel Tuesday night …

“Lead guitarist Ron ‘Bumblefoot’ Thal gave a solo rendition of Israel’s national anthem , Hatikva …

“Amir Asias [a fan] … was 19 when the band was last in Israel …

“‘It was a great show,’ he said … ‘Axl changed T-shirts; he came out with a Magen David [Star of David] and ‘Guns N’ Moses’ T-shirt’ …”

At 22 November 2023 at 11:41 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

‘Why Bill Gates is a dangerous, power-hungry, miserly control freak and misanthropic oligarch’

“A sober analysis of Gates shows he is … worthy of the titles of hoarder and miser …

“Relative to his vast wealth, Gates is giving away a tiny amount of money …

“Arguably … the single biggest beneficiary of the Gates Foundation has been Bill Gates …

“For a guy who publicly claims that his ‘total focus’ is helping the global poor, Gates … [devotes] considerable time to sitting for self-aggrandizing interviews …

“A child’s life can be saved for only $1,000, [he says] …

“By Gates’s own figures, his $184 billion wealth could save 184 million lives — if he gave that money away …

“… [Critics] cite the … vast collateral damage [that Gates’ crusades] leave behind.

“No one elected or appointed Gates to lead the world — on any topic.

“Gates simply asserted his vast wealth to take power …

“… [This] model of power — where the richest guy gets the loudest voice — [is best described as] ‘oligarchy’ …

“By masking his money-in-politics efforts under the banner of charity … Gates commands tax benefits [and PR] …

“A charitable gift is meant to be an act of love, not an exercise of power …

“[Thus] Gates might be better described as a misanthrope.

“[If] he does not hate his fellow human, then he certainly views himself as superior …

“… [Humanitarianism] aimed at real human progress — equality, justice, freedom — requires us to challenge unaccountable power and illegitimate leaders, not worship them.

“… Bill Gates is a problem, not a solution.”

At 22 November 2023 at 16:00 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jews Against Israeli Apartheid: ‘Zionism is a genocidal, apartheid ideology’

“A human rights group has been formed in order to campaign against the apartheid system enforced by the Israeli government on Palestinians.

“Adam Hurst, 65, is a spokesman for Sheffield-based Jews Against Israeli Apartheid …

“Adam said: ‘… If you look at the state of Israel there is a lot of discrimination. For example, the issue of the Palestinian right of return … [The] immigration laws treat Jews very different to Palestinians …

“‘They are forced to travel on separate roads and live in separate areas to Jews …

“‘In occupied East Jerusalem there are 350,000 people who don't have basic citizenship rights …

“‘The Western world supports Israel unconditionally and allows it to do things other countries wouldn't dare to do …’

“Alan Deadman, 76, is the chair of Jews Against Israeli Apartheid …

“He said: ‘I oppose Zionism because it has become a genocidal, apartheid ideology’ …”

At 23 November 2023 at 03:57 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There used to be a site called coleman who used to get a lot on insider whistlebowers same as the truthseeker co uk
coleman had some good stuff up
e exposed so many mosad child abuse sites and participants


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