Friday 24 November 2023

Arabs and Jews Choosing a Shared Future


At 24 November 2023 at 08:21 , Blogger Angelina said...

People starting waking up finally opened their eyes. Jews are behind attack again now in Ireland,change my mind. Divide and conquer. They doing that for centuries,muslims and Christians to fight to death . Always win.

At 24 November 2023 at 12:59 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

can u do a post about the stabing in dublin

At 24 November 2023 at 13:00 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

can u do a post on the stabing in dublin

At 24 November 2023 at 14:36 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tragic last Instagram post of Oxford university executive who died of stroke caused by the AstraZeneca jab

At 24 November 2023 at 19:31 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

‘Israel is a terrorist state that represents death’, says son of Israeli general

Miko Peled “[is] the grandson of a signatory to the Jewish state's 1948 Declaration of Independence …. [His] father served as a general in the Six-Day War …

“‘If you have a supremacist ideology … then you must use violence. You must have an apartheid regime for this racist ideology to be realized. That is the Israeli state,’ he said …

“‘… Zionists and then the state born from this movement declared war on the Palestinian people. In this war, we saw ethnic cleansing, genocide policies, and a racist apartheid regime’ …

"’Palestinians are exposed to terrorism every day.

“‘You don't know whether you will be beaten or killed while walking on the street, whether your children will be safe going to school, whether your house will be demolished, whether your brothers will be taken or abducted and disappeared by the Israeli army or Israeli intelligence,’ he said …

“Pointing out that in Western media there is a tendency to condemn Hamas in every comment on the conflict, Peled said: ‘It is absurd to condemn those who emerged to resist, people who have been under pressure for so long … The Palestinians' response to greater violence that has been going on for more than 75 years has mostly been non-violent’ …

“‘If there is something to condemn, it is to condemn the apartheid regime. It is necessary to condemn the violence, brutality that Palestinians face every day, the thousands of Palestinians being arrested and killed in the West Bank while we speak, the racism practiced by Israel against Palestinian citizens.

“‘It is necessary to condemn the Israeli doctors who signed the petition approving the bombing of hospitals in Gaza …

“‘Israel represents everything we know is bad.

“‘Calling for support for Israel means more death, more destruction, more racism …

“‘This is a war against peace and justice …’”

At 24 November 2023 at 22:09 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

King Charles profiting from the assets of the dead is a disgusting new low

“[The] revelation that King Charles III’s personal slush fund, the Duchy of Lancaster, is having its already bulging coffers augmented by the estates of people who die in parts of England … plumbs new depths of disgusting avarice …

“… [The] feudal hangover that is ‘bona vacantia’ should have been consigned to the dustbin of history centuries ago … Over the past 10 years, it has collected more than £60m.

“[After world war two], the royals announced that moneys collected would henceforth be given to charity … Put bluntly, we have been lied to …

“… [The] king is worth as much as £2bn and probably more …

“The disgusting existence of royal windfalls from dead people should be ended forthwith …”

At 24 November 2023 at 22:17 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tommy Robinson to march against antisemitism

“English Defence League founder Tommy Robinson is expected to attend London’s first major march against antisemitism … led by the Campaign Against Antisemitism on Sunday …”

At 24 November 2023 at 23:43 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"But the good news is that I have a correct diagnosis and am in the right place to get better. God bless the NHS!! And everyone. I would still recommend the AZ vaccine. I am an anomaly! An absolute outlier statistically."

Medical and science are able to cure or fix all manner of things. However, there appears to be no cure for stupidity.


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