Thursday 23 November 2023

No sign of terrorism in blast that killed 2 at U.S.-Canada border


Unknown commented-

 Iranian passport reportedly found near vehicle that just exploded at US-Canada border Rainbow Bridge Niagara Falls (From Mossad?)

(photo - tough Syrian passport surviving fire etc

From Aangirfan archives -

(1) - 11 Sep 2001 passport found in NYC towers rubble tho aeroplane had 'turned to vapour'
(2) - 7 Jul 2005 London bombings - ID of '4th bomber' allegedly 'found by UK police'
(3) - 7 Jan 2015 Charlie Hebdo, passport in car in front of Paris Jewish deli where Mossad meets
(4) - 13 Nov 2015 Bataclan Paris passport flew from body 'after killer exploded his suicide vest'
(5) - 14 Jul 2016 Nice France lorry attack 'passport found'
(6) - 19 Dec 2016 Berlin Christmas market lorry attack 'ID found', after 24 hours of searching lorry cab
(7) - 22 May 2017 Manchester UK 'suicide bomber leaves ID' at scene amidst another 'terror on 22nd'
(8) - 17 Aug 2017 Barcelona deadly terror attack by white van, 'Spanish passport found in van'

9 11 was an inside job? Most terrorism is linked to the Zionists/ Kosher Nostra?


At 23 November 2023 at 00:28 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As usual, USA faking evidence to try and justify pro-active genocides.


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