Friday 24 November 2023

There is a lot of propaganda in the media

There is a lot of propaganda in the media - 

According to the 'Zionist' Daily Mail, 'an AI-generated image is being shared in relation to the Israel-Hamas conflict, depicting a boy covered in dust and blood standing next to his dead mother.'


At 24 November 2023 at 00:32 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Six fingered salute. lol.

At 24 November 2023 at 07:09 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Adobe Caught Selling AI-Generated Images of Israel-Palestine Violence.

At 24 November 2023 at 14:33 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Strongly assuming, CPI-picture was made and published by Israel Lobby, in order to discredit the Palestinians. The numerous activists for the Zionist lobby are publishing on many different channels all kinds of fake documents, in order to ridicule the suffering of the Palestinians. People in Gaza have sufficient genuine ruins and victims to show, no need for fake pictures.

At 24 November 2023 at 23:35 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

A centuries old technique called "poisoning the well".

And yes, it works to great effect.


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