Sunday 8 October 2023

Twitter posting by Netanyahu

Anonymous -

Bloodthirsty and unhinged Twitter posting by Netanyahu

Gaza city is home to some 750,000 men, women and children, while its metro area has a population of 2 million.

In deranged language seeking to ‘justify’ retaliatory mass murder, Netanyahu brands Gaza a “wicked city”.

In an unhinged post on X, formerly Twitter, Netanyahu thunders:

“All of the places which Hamas is deployed, hiding and operating in, that wicked city, we will turn them into rubble.”

Bialik - Hebrew Poet

Israel “will forcefully avenge,” continues the bloodthirsty Netanyahu. “As Bialik wrote: 'Revenge for the blood of a little child has yet been devised by Satan'”.

Here, Netanyahu appears to be abusing a line from a poem by Bialik called ‘In the City of Slaughter’.

According to an expert on the poem in question, the relevant stanza reads in part: ‘And CURSED BE THE MAN WHO SAYS AVENGE. Avenge? NO such revenge — revenge for the blood of a little child — has yet been devised by Satan’

“The expert explains that Bialik in this poem was ‘crying out for divine, NOT HUMAN, retribution …’

Netanyahu appears to be abusing the poem, in a bloodthirsty and unhinged call for the exact opposite.

Branding Gaza as a “wicked city”, vowing to “avenge” and create “rubble” through retaliatory mass murder, and blustering about “Satan” — in any context — suggests Netanyahu may be unhinged at best, and a thoroughly bloodthirsty individual at worst.

Gaza is inhabited by humans, among them hundreds of thousands of innocent children and civilians.


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