Saturday 7 October 2023

Netanyahu, Ellison, Hawaii


Unknown commented on "‘The other side’s version’"

Bibi warns it's going to be a long war & he will turn Gaza into rubble. 


The now 3rd richest man in the world Larry Ellison, an American Jew, owns 98% of Lanai where Bibi holidayed with him.. 

A response sent to the newspaper on Netanyahu’s behalf insisted his family covered the cost of the trip.

 “There is no prohibition on Netanyahu meeting with a witness (Larry Ellison witness for the prsecution). The list of witnesses includes 100's of people, including his lawyers and members of his party, with who he is in constant contact,” the statement said. 

Oracle in 2022 became involved in a class action for spying on 5 billion people. 

Oracle broke 68 Aussie Laws, avoided tax & took $1.7 billion in grants from Aussie Govt. The law doesn't appear to concern them. 

Larry is listed as a CIA liaison & Oracle's first customer was the CIA. With this kind of influence & determination - methinks Bibi is on a winning streak. 

The good Larry has turned Lanai into a sustainable living project & it is now his # 1 home. Larry will be at Oxford University 9 October 2023 week for an announcement about Projectile Fusion. The future could be so grand ..... 

see: PDF Oracel Class Action

Also CIA info: fbclid=IwAR1U4trpN9VwHy8vrCsKr4WZTT_-pgpZjPKGbKqHB-wc9Xlvv3Fct96w9l4


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