Sunday 8 October 2023

France and the Rockefellers



At 8 October 2023 at 03:22 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dr John Campbell on innate immunity. Summary of interview with Prof Dalgliesh on new and recurring cancers.

Describes in excellent detail why building antibodies can be counterproductive to you immune system and why it is critical to boost using probiotics.

Fermented food kefir,kombucha tempeh and saucer kraut are good examples. Likewise probiotics in the form of supplements.

At 8 October 2023 at 03:43 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has Ukraine been selling arms to Hamas?

“US arms left in Afghanistan have been smuggled to the Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip, Sama News Agency reported [in June].

“The local Palestinian news agency disclosed that Newsweek reported an unnamed senior Israeli military official confirming: ‘Some of the small weapons seized in Afghanistan had been spotted in the hands of Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip’”.

At 8 October 2023 at 03:45 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The arms market in Europe has spiraled out of control, with Ukraine playing a central role in this unprecedented militarism.

NATO’s careless and excessive arms donations to Ukraine have created an administrative nightmare, characterized by a profound failure in accountability. Recent reports have shed light on the lack of record-keeping and oversight, exposing the alarming risk of unauthorized equipment transfers.

At 8 October 2023 at 03:45 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


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