Monday 23 October 2023

UK's starving kids

 Where has all the money gone? 


At 25 October 2023 at 02:51 , Blogger said...

Interesting article in this months Herald News
One of the men who wanted to testify for Carl Beech but was not allowed
has died apparently of natural causes, heart trouble was expected to be the cause
but it did not stop him playing football on sunday.
When Carl Beech made his statements about a london boys brothel
attended by politicians and high flyers, it was met with outrage
and Carl Beech claims of massive child abuse rings
meant the police started Operation Midand, a huge investigation which some how missed 1500
girls some under age being abused on a daily basis across the north of England,
and some according to Abdul Hussien going into Kebabs.
Police totally missed them, so how thorough was the investigation ?
Carl Beech was stitched up and sentenced to 18 years for lying.
This story really begins in the year 2000 when Norfolk postmaster living near the Kings Lynn hospital Fred Seeman was caught fiddling the books, the police searched his house and large garage and found a printing press where Filthy Fred as he was known was printing a magazine
with naked often under age boys in, he was a minister in the local Evangelical church and ran several young boys activities.
The police took his massive mailing list that the magazine was sent out to and found
many names of politicians pop stars BBC DJs and others, because of the high level of these people
it was decided to take no action, these were very big people, and every one was later named
and accused by Carl Beech.
How did he know if he was making it up ?


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