Sunday 22 October 2023

Jenrick - Jewish faith

UK government minister Robert Jenrick said the chanting of jihad on the streets during yesterday's protests London was "completely reprehensible", adding the government wanted to make sure the police did "everything that they can to protect British Jews".

Robert Jenrick is married to Michal Berkner, the child of Holocaust survivors. She is an Israeli-born and US educated corporate lawyer. The couple have three daughters, whom they are bringing up in the Jewish faith.



At 22 October 2023 at 08:51 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps this airhead minister would like to document quite how few Jews have been seriously injured in the UK the past 50 years? It's rather less than the number of Palestinians that have died in the past 2 weeks, after all...this Minister is not the Minister for Jews, he is a Minister for the 99% non-Jews, primarily.


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