Secret 'CIA-funded' group, Le Cercle, linked to UK ministers
Le Cercle means-
Kissinger, Rumsfeld, Colby, Casey etc...
Linked to Le Cercle are many top UK politicians -
Linked to Le Cercle are many top UK politicians -
Business secretary Kwasi Kwarteng and his deputy minister Greg Hands,
Former foreign secretaries William Hague and Margaret Beckett,
Current education secretary Nadhim Zahawi, previous chair of Le Cercle,
Lord Lamont, the former chancellor,
Former foreign minister Alan Duncan.
Laurene Powell Jobs, owner of the Atlantic, pictured with Ghislaine Maxwell
The Atlantic Dismisses child sex trafficking as “a Conspiracy Theory” and “Moral Panic”
While the OTF presents itself as independent internet freedom activists, their funding, staff, history and choice of targets all point to the conclusion that they are a digital weapon being used against Washington’s enemies.
OTF – The “Independent” Internet Freedom Organization That Makes All Your Favorite Privacy Apps – is Staffed Full of Spies
Unknown commented -
Assange Tortured - Gareth Peirce turns blind eye
Spooky lawyers 'representing' Julian Assange ...
Gareth Peirce has worked in USA...
"In the same waters where Julian Assange is worriedly bathing, Geoffrey Robertson of Doughty Street Chambers, his neo-con companion Alan Dershowitz, ... Mark Summers of Matrix Chambers pleading [both] for & against US extradition cases…
"In the past, a Julian Assange lawyer has been Mark Stephens of Finers Stephens Innocent ... legal advisors to the Rothschild Waddesdon Trust...
"Bail for Julian Assange has been posted by Jemima Khan Goldsmith - her brother Ben having wed Kate Rothschild, her father James Goldsmith a Rothschild cousin
"Early 'leaking' by Julian Assange helped Assange do significant damage to the Rothschilds' great rival bank in Switzerland, Julius Baer
"Lawyer John Jones of Doughty Chambers, representing Assange, was thrown under a train and killed, allegedly by 'suicide' ...
'Assange and Doughty mostly avoid talking about this.'
https://www.henrymakow.com/2019/04/Julian-Assange-Arrest-is-Theatre.html https://www.henrymakow.com/2018/11/assange-snowden-rat-traps.html
One World Religion
The Weapons Industry Is Jubilant About Biden's Nominee for Pentagon Arms Buyer
One World Religion
The Weapons Industry Is Jubilant About Biden's Nominee for Pentagon Arms Buyer
Ghislaine Maxwell trial: Prosecutors stumble as they near end of case by Jacob Shamsian
On 9 December 2021, prosecutors in the Ghislaine Maxwell trial were due to put one of their star witnesses, Annie Farmer, on the stand.
(Annie's sister, Maria Farmer, has made more serious allegations against Epstein and his former client Leslie Wexner, but she is not a party in Maxwell's criminal trial.)
Prosecutors also planned to call an FBI agent to testify.
But Judge Alison Nathan adjourned the trial at 10:34 a.m.
One of the attorneys involved in the case required medical attention, Nathan announced.
'Twitter Purges Gab Surges': Right Wing Twitter Accounts Purged Under New CEO Flood Alt Tech With New Users
'Shadowbanning, suspension, DDoS attacks, and online content manipulation: independent news media is fighting a rise in attacks on internet freedom. We’re in a time where it is increasingly difficult to have your voice heard. Mint Press News is always adapting to find the best way to be there for you.'
Israel announced on Tuesday the completion of a massive barrier around the besieged Gaza Strip, above and below ground, which took three and a half years to finish.
Israel announces completion of barrier around besieged Gaza Strip
'The Shermans owned Apotex which manufactured and sold Hydroxychloroquine – a cheap, effective and a less toxic metabolite of chloroquine.'

Geronimo DIDN'T have TB: Tests show slaughtered alpaca was wrongly put down by the GovernmentIsrael announced on Tuesday the completion of a massive barrier around the besieged Gaza Strip, above and below ground, which took three and a half years to finish.
Israel announces completion of barrier around besieged Gaza Strip
There are no indications that Israeli society, government and media – ‘liberal’ or right-wing – will, on their own, develop the necessary antibodies that will cure the disease of racism, military occupation and apartheid.
On ‘Gassing the Arabs’ and Other Diseases: Is Israel a ‘Sick Society’?
‘Media Bears a Responsibility’ – Protesters Demand Justice for Survivors amid Maxwell Trial

BBC paid £52,000 to two gangsters who went on to torture drug dealer to death
On ‘Gassing the Arabs’ and Other Diseases: Is Israel a ‘Sick Society’?
‘Media Bears a Responsibility’ – Protesters Demand Justice for Survivors amid Maxwell Trial
BBC paid £52,000 to two gangsters who went on to torture drug dealer to death

Paratrooper Officer Ian Fishback, who in 2005 exposed to US citizens the torture practices of the US Army, died on 19 November 2021 at a care facility.
He was ruined and placed on anti-psychotics.
Ian Fishback died penniless at 42

Prisoner gives testimony at Guantánamo trial
Taliban open Salt Pit ’Dark Prison’ for visits
Martin Seligman and members of the American Psychological Association are indeed implicated in torture at Guantánamo
New developments concerning report on CIA torture
Ian Fishback died penniless at 42
Prisoner gives testimony at Guantánamo trial
Taliban open Salt Pit ’Dark Prison’ for visits
Martin Seligman and members of the American Psychological Association are indeed implicated in torture at Guantánamo
New developments concerning report on CIA torture
Spooky lawyers 'representing' Julian Assange, from back then till now
French site MediaPart discusses the strange 'legal representation' of 81-year-old 'leading UK human rights lawyer' Ms. Gareth Peirce of London's Birnberg Peirce, leading Assange 'defence' in the recent negative judgement suddenly saying extradition to the USA is now permitted ... after the lower UK court under Judge Vanessa Baraitser had said the extradition was not allowed
Mediapart says of Ms Peirce, in 'Gareth Peirce turns blind eyes':
"She doesn't try to establish contact with him [Julian Assange] ... in previous sessions she acts as if he does not exist.
"Gigantic conflicts of interest affecting Assange's lawyers ... Ms Peirce met in the United States senator Rand Paul, a libertarian blocking "a resolution reaffirming the Senate's support for whistle-blowers protection"
"Gareth Peirce shows no emotion, no interest in her client's [apparent] declining health, she asks nothing from justice as a result. She would not act differently defending a mummified icon. She does nothing to protect him, to sound the alarm. Her inaction is such that if Julian Assange died in prison, or came out of it with mental scars, the question of her responsibility would be acutely raised.
"Gareth Peirce just kindly serves us the official version of the power in place ... Gareth Peirce has worked in USA, she keeps tight links with USA
"In the same waters where Julian Assange is worriedly bathing, Geoffrey Robertson of Doughty Street Chambers, his neo-con companion Alan Dershowitz, ... Mark Summers of Matrix Chambers pleading [both] for & against US extradition cases…
"After 10 pages of her [Ms Peirce's] book, the reader starts already to get a relaxed view of what is internationally considered as torture ... her criticism of torture is pragmatic, it is not principial"
Also re Assange:
In the past, a Julian Assange lawyer has been Mark Stephens of Finers Stephens Innocent ... legal advisors to the Rothschild Waddesdon Trust
Bail for Julian Assange has been posted by Jemima Khan Goldsmith, her brother Ben having wed Kate Rothschild, her father James Goldsmith a Rothschild cousin
Early 'leaking' by Julian Assange helped Assange do significant damage to the Rothschilds' great rival bank in Switzerland, Julius Baer
Lawyer John Jones of Doughty Chambers, representing Assange, was thrown under a train and killed, allegedly by 'suicide' ... Assange and Doughty mostly avoid talking about this
Epstein / Maxwell accuser Maria Farmer, interviewed by Whitney Webb
short excerpt
longer, parts 1 & 2
« I lost 20 pounds, because I wasn't allowed to go get food. And when I called Ghislaine and asked her, she said "it's a Jewish country club. You're not Jewish, they're not going to serve you." This is how this woman spoke to me. Yeah, this is how Maxwell and her friends think, Whitney. They honest to God think their DNA is better than everybody else's. It was a very, I swear to you, it was a theme, all the time with them. If I'm in Guggenheim, with Jeffrey Epstein, and Ghislaine, it was a theme.
I mean they could cut you down and it was so morally devastating, you know it was like you felt useless as a human being. Because you were told, "you're nothing because you're not Jewish, you're stupid. You're useless, a useless white girl. A poor little peasant." The things I was told, I believed it, because it was like a cult, was the problem.
Anybody who was not jewish, the way they spoke about them, it was really horrifying. And it showed me a great deal about how these people truly believe that they're chosen to do something here. I don't know. It's unbelievable to me. And it was every one of them, in how they spoke.
And one time I heard Isabel say to her mother Eileen, "mommy, why do you call Maria a 'nobody?'" and she said, "Honey, Maria is not a Jew. She is a nobody." »
Look, it would be amazing if some Jews weren't racist supremacists. Some Muslims are, some Christians are, some titled UK gentry are, some Russians are, some Africans are. Some Chinese probably are, ditto some Japanese.
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