Karl Nehammer in Israel
Adam Parsons@adamparsons -
Latest on Austria's political merry-go-round: Karl Nehammer will become new leader of the People's Party, and so will replace Alexander Schallenberg as Chancellor, even though Schallenberg only took the job in October, after succeeding Sebastian Kurz who's now retired, aged 35
Unknown commented -
Margaret Hodge has reinvented herself as an anti corruption evangelist.
Yes Minister, you were told about child abuse in the care homes, yet you refused to listen (30.6.03) Yes Minister, you were told about child abuse in the care homes, yet you refused to listen; SPECIAL STANDARD INVESTIGATION: When Margaret Hodge led Islington council, she knew about sex abuse in care homes under her control.
Yet she kept quiet and pilloried social workers who raised concerns.
Parliament - Iran
Mossad spies recruited top Iranian scientists to blow up their own nuclear plant by 'posing as dissidents' and 'smuggling explosives disguised as boxes of food'
Israeli agents drafted up to 10 scientists to destroy 90 per cent of the centrifuges at the Natanz nuclear facility, reports the Jewish Chronicle.
Camp - Australia'The root cause of all this drama is stark: Kiev simply refuses to respect the February 2015 Minsk Agreement.
'In a nutshell, the deal stipulated that Kiev should grant autonomy to Donbass via a constitutional amendment, referred to as “special status”; issue a general amnesty; and start a dialogue with the people’s republics of Donetsk and Lugansk.
'Over the years, Kiev fulfilled exactly zero commitments – while the proverbial NATOstan media machine incessantly pounded global opinion with fake news, spinning that Russia was violating Minsk. Russia is not even mentioned in the agreement.
'Moscow in fact always respected the Minsk Agreement – which translates as regarding Donbass as an integral, autonomous part of Ukraine. Moscow has zero interest in promoting regime change in Kiev.'
The NATOstan Clown Show

Revealed: Arthur Labinjo-Hughes' real mother was jailed for 11 years after stabbing her lover to death in frenzied drunken rage - leaving the little boy at the mercy of his father and his evil girlfriend
Revealed: Arthur Labinjo-Hughes' real mother was jailed for 11 years after stabbing her lover to death in frenzied drunken rage - leaving the little boy at the mercy of his father and his evil girlfriend
The little boy who never stood a chance: How authorities missed FOUR opportunities to save Arthur, ignored pleas from his family and even threatened them with ARREST under Covid rules
Sad Little Man
Won't Back Down.
17 Sept 2021 - Ombudsman takes aim at Ursula von der Leyen's texts with Pfizer CEO ...
'Bowie reminds us from his avatar that the survival of 'your' soul is at stake.
'A nomad soul encased in a digital world......... I kid you not!!!?? Peace.'
Laura Walker
Unknown commented -
Margaret Hodge has reinvented herself as an anti corruption evangelist.
Yes Minister, you were told about child abuse in the care homes, yet you refused to listen (30.6.03)
Yes Minister, you were told about child abuse in the care homes, yet you refused to listen; SPECIAL STANDARD INVESTIGATION: When Margaret Hodge led Islington council, she knew about sex abuse in care homes under her control. Yet she kept quiet and pilloried social workers who raised concerns. Now the original whistleblower wants the Minister for Children brought to account.
Evening Standard, 30th June 2003 By David Cohen IMMEDIATELY after Tony Blair appointed Margaret Hodge as the new Minister for Children in his recent reshuffle, phones started ringing among former social workers who had once worked under her.
“It’s like putting the fox in charge of the chickens,” one commented in disgust.
“A sick joke,” remarked another. These social workers couldn’t help recalling the inside story of an appalling child sex abuse scandal many of us have forgotten. In 1990, when Mrs Hodge – then Mr Blair’s neighbour in Richmond Crescent, Islington – was the leader of Islington council, these senior social workers had reported to her that a paedophile ring was operating in the borough and that children were being sexually abused in Islington care homes.
Mrs Hodge’s response was revealing: she chose not to back a thorough investigation. Instead, she dismissed their concerns and accused these social workers of being ” obsessional”.
When the story was exposed in the Evening Standard two-andahalf years later, in October 1992, her re-sponse was equally aggressive.
She accused the newspaper of “a sensationalist piece of gutter journalism”. It would be a further two-and-a-half years and five independent reports later before she would half-heartedly admit that she was wrong. Yet she would have known as early as 1991 that paedophiles were preying on children in Islington’s care.
In 1991, Roy Caterer, a sports instructor at a boarding school used by Islington, was arrested and sent to prison for seven-anda-half years for abusing seven boys and two girls, some of them in Islington’s care. Caterer admitted to police that he had abused countless Islington children over many years.
Graphene Hydroxide: Like “Razor Blades” in the blood
Tk y
Vaccines Minister Maggie Throup says Brits 'probably will' have to get jabbed against coronavirus EVERY YEAR
Throup is being somewhat honest, in that she is telling a stripped-down version of one part of the truth. It may be all she has been told.
In fact, the ultimate schedule for 're-vaccinations' will be every 3 months or less -- at least for those special populations (retired non-wage earners and the chronically ill) scheduled for special measures.
Economically-productive individuals of working age may 'get away' with only being re-injected every 6 months; however, given the noises being made about the so-called 'reduction in effectiveness' of the experimental 'vaccines' and 'boosters' after three months, a shorter interval between jabs seems more likely.
But will the repeat 'vaccinations' and 'boosters' continue to be administered as injections, forever?
Almost certainly not.
As a means of conveying the drug, medic-administered injections are highly inefficient in terms of time and monetary expenditure. And the global elite are nothing if not money conscious, as we know.
In the coming weeks and months, Big Pharma is highly likely to introduce the 'Super Booster' -- a more potent 'vaccination' combined with some special vehicle for delivering a constant and continual supply of the drug into each patient's bloodstream -- and, crucially, **without** the need for repeat visits to the family physician, hospital or local clinic.
This could take the form of a medicated tattoo or skin patch.
Alternatively, it could take the form of a medication to be applied orally (as a pill or medicine), or topically (as a medicated cream), for example once a month, every week, or daily.
Finally, it could take the form of compulsorily-medicated public water supplies. And/or medicated food staples: such as compulsorily-medicated bread, cereals, vegetables, and/or milk.
To sell these foods, producers would be legally required to 'fortify' them with the 'anti-Covid' drugs.
These new 'vaccine boosted' foodstuffs would then be labelled as 'fortified', and, for the majority of the world's population, it would realistically be impossible to exist without consuming them.
Alongside the daily/weekly/monthly enforced intake of the 'anti-Covid' drugs will be developments allowing the 'vaccine passports' to be connected to each human's biometric data (for example, iris data); and/or grafted onto a patient's skin as a tattoo/barcode; and/or ingested as an orally administered capsule.
The mass of the population aren't quite ready to be told all of the above just yet, but the news will be officially broken to us sooner than many think, using narrative events that follow the Problem-Reaction-Solution paradigm.
Very many thanks Conduit.
DAME MARGARET HODGE & 'PROGRESS' - the prototypical friends-of-Israel front organization
We associate the following Zionists with the 'Progress' organization:
DAME MARGARET HODGE, Patron - presided over the Islington child abuse scandal, and attempts to ignore, minimize, and even deny the scale of the abuse
LORD PETER MANDELSON, Patron - Friend and business associate of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. Mandelson's name arises in connection with Epstein's trafficking operation; Dr Joan Coleman's RAINS list; David Icke's allegation concerning ritual abuse on the Isle of Wight; the Operation Ore police inquiry; organized paedophile rings in Lambeth Borough with links to New Labour; and Tony Blair's act to nominate Lord Janner for a peerage (on Mandelson's advice) *after* allegations of Janner abusing youths were publicly aired.
STEPHEN TWIGG, Patron - Islington child abuse scandal
JAMES PURNELL, Patron - Paul Diggett scandal
ALAN MILBURN, Honorary President - mysterious sudden resignation
"I experienced sexual abuse a lot in my childhood.”
Margaret Hodge, Leon Brittan and Keir Starmer - MISHCON DE REYA
"The Mishcon Lectures were established at UCL in 1990 in honour of Lord Mishcon."
MISHCON lecture 2014 with Sir Keir Starmer:
MISHCON lecture 2019 with Dame Margaret Hodge:
A picture is a thousand words ! Please share
Ursula Van Der Leyen, the head of the EU commission, told the press on Wednesday that she is in favour of scrapping the long-standing Nuremburg Code and forcing people to get vaccinated against COVID.
The case for compulsory vaccinations is dead…Omicron just killed it.
True Story: 22 Days Inside a New Zealand Quarantine Facility
Spy agency stops tracking Omicron carriers
Forbes stealth-edits article explaining 'yes, the vaccine changes your DNA'
More Bowie in his Omikron digital prison. Short 9 minute video. The narrator offers some insight for around 3 minutes (fairly reasonable stuff).
Omikron footage starts around 3.30 mark. Interesting, insightful, weird and worth a look.
As the Elites use numbers to mark events or misdirect. Two up and coming dates with a resonant vibration.
21 December 2021. The winter solstice is the low point in the solar calendar. It marks the end of the suns journey where it will rest at the gate of Capricornus. On 25 December the new sun rises in the Northern hemisphere (half sphere). Not to be confused with a whole sphere.
Nothing new so far. 21/12/21 can be expressed using Pythagorean Reduction to 333 (2+1, 1+2, 2+1). The last time this occurred would have been 21/12/12. Some believed that this date would herald the age of aquarius, others believed that the Mayan Long Count ended on that date. Half full, half empty - either way....
Perhaps an important event or orchestrated event will manifest. The other up and coming date being 22 February. 22 02 2022. Even numbers are said to have negative connotations. Perhaps another date of interest. A few murmurings around tinternet that at 22:22 on the above date something will happen.
We will need to hold our breaths meantime.
Parliament Iran? (If there was only this monument)
Planned Zionochiism Subversion
(sorry french version. But at least look at the pictures, Iranian names and their masks. The Iranian people also suffer whether they know it or not)
a crypto-Jew [they often hide their origins] elite members are initiates who can also wear multiple hats. They can wear the robe of the mullahs, such as being important businessmen or [/ and] being Freemasons. This description of these people is not unique to those operating in Iran. They operate similarly under other clothes in the 'West'.
In the oldest Jewish ancyclopedias, the origin of Shiism is known. Made by a crypto-Jew, criminal and falsely converted to Islam.
Muslims do not have any Shia schools recognized or belonging to Islam (I checked and you can do the same).
And those (Muslims) in the know will tell you that a certain number of them will serve the new world order or world disorder.
Others will say that they will follow the order of the antichrist ... etc.
Others will say that they are running to their own destruction, their soul .. taking with them all those who will follow them.
Is the Twelfth Imam of the Shiites really the buffoon of the New World Order *?
The subject on the net is often censored.
If people in general knew they would not stand wars waged in their name.
Ignorance, fear, intolerance and lack of mercy are killing us all?
Tk y
France, victim of serious side effects (Guillain-Barré syndrome - GBS, ...) by two injections of AstraZeneca, testifies on CNews. She explains that despite this, she will be subject like everyone else to the obligation of a third dose.
This State / This system will not see them because that would call into question the certainties of many vaccine fanatics.
This sanitary fascism is absolutely absurd. Absolute stupidity.
Tk y
Manifests with posters of vaccine deaths - Italia -Parme
Marburg - The Next Pandemic - Rivax Vaccines?
WHO, Arrival of the next MARBURG virus pandemic "⚠️ to camouflage the serious side effects of Covid-19 injections"?
Tk y
Did you notice virtual Iman along with virtual Bowie in the Omikron video game?
The state of the art of artificial realities in 1999 was a big step up from the earliest "video game" built by Josef Kates in 1950.
But from 1999 to 2022 the step was much bigger. Our dreams now collide with our realities. They are no longer visually distinguishable.
The conceit of game developers is that this power to create fake worlds is godlike.
This is nothing. Less than nothing.
But we are entering a new age of deception, total illusion, every temptation that can be dreamt by the human heart.
Stop! Wait. Look, Sarah. Look what I'm offering you: your dreams.
Before this new age ends, what will you worship?
Fleeting mirages? Unrealities.
Or the One and Eternal God? Ultimate Reality.
The survival of your soul is at stake.
"no longer visually distinguishable"
You're thinking, well, the humans in these video games are still pretty distinguishable from real humans, right?
Surely, a machine can't beat a human at naughts-and-crosses.
Oops, I mean chequers.
Umm, sorry chess.
No, go, I mean, of course.
Umm, how about recognizing speech at least?
Or, ah, maybe playing video games with no training?
Well, actually, no. The Agent57 machine learning agent already exceeds human capability. How long before similar technology finds itself into war machines? Won't that be a barrel of laughs.
... 'cause the last time I checked, you're locked in here with me, and I'm the one with the gun.
No, Mr Sanders. You're locked in here with me. And you just brought me mine.
Ok, whatever. But surely a human is better at being human.
Commerce is our goal here at Tyrell. 'More human than human', our motto.
Appearing human is one thing. But can a fake human be better at being conscious than an actual human? Good question. Hmm, something to ask God.
But don't worry. You're not being judged on your mind. You're being judged on your heart.
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