On 24 September 2019, Iranian leader Hassan Rouhani said that Israel is supporting ISIS and 'takes care of their injured fighters'.
Rouhani said that 'there is no terrorism throughout the world that matches the activities of Israel' and insisted that 'Iran is a country that has brought peace in the region'.
Speaking to Fox News he said that Israel has supplied ISIS with Israeli weapons.
He attacked the US government for financing the Saudi-led coalition in the war in Yemen which has killed tens of thousands of people.
Iran - Two girls and a bicycle by Damon Lynch Rouhani said:
'You defend an Israel, the foundation of which is based upon attacking and usurping on the rights of others.
'On a daily basis Israel has targeted the people of Palestine, Lebanon and most recently even Iraq as well as Syria.
'There is no terrorism throughout the world that matches the activities of Israel.'
Rouhani denied American claims that Iran was behind a drone attack on Saudi oil facilities.
While BoJo's pole dancer Jennifer Arcuri was offering Randy Andy endorsed cyber-security, her cousin Lawrence Lessing was a trustee of the Internet Society, a position held, albeit at different times, by Ghislaine Maxwell's sister Christine.
"The Eastern flank of Saudi Arabia is not 'undefended'.
"Quite the opposite: it is protected by the US multibillion dollar Patriot Air Defense system. Western defense analysts know this inside out.
"Moreover, that Eastern flank of Saudi Arabia is heavily militarized.
"It includes several important US and allied military facilities in Saudi Arabia (as well as in the UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and Oman).
"The Gulf is among the most militarized regions on the Planet."
"The US-made Patriot mobile air defense system produced by Raytheon is specifically 'designed to intercept tactical ballistic missiles, low-flying cruise missiles and aircraft.'
On 17 September 2019, the Trump regime was saying that the attacks had come from the East.
Reportedly, the US has identified locations in Iran from which drones and cruise missiles were launched against major Saudi oil facilities on 14 September 2019.
Senior officials told CBS News that the locations were in southern Iran, at the northern end of the Gulf.
You thought that the USA had sold equipment to the Saudis to protect them?
"Saudi Arabia has spent billions of dollars in recent years purchasing US Patriot missile defense systems and supposedly cutting-edge radar technology from the Pentagon."
The New York Times commented: “The satellite photographs released on Sunday did not appear as clear cut as officials suggested, with some appearing to show damage on the western side of facilities, not from the direction of Iran or Iraq.”
Who is responsible?
Who attacked the oil facilities in Saudi Arabia?
On 14 September 2019, there was a major attack on the Saudi Aramco oil production facilities at Abqaiq and Khurais in eastern Saudi Arabia.
A senior US official said the attack involved some dozen cruise missiles and more than 20 drones. (10)
The direction and extent of the attacks cast doubt on Houthi involvement.
Unnamed US officials have been speaking to the New York Times, ABC and Reuters.
One official saidthe attacks had come from the west and north-west- not Houthi-controlled territory in Yemen, which lies to the south-west of the Saudi oil facilities.
The Mail's Associate News Editor, STEPHEN WRIGHT, is good friends with recently retired Met Detective Inspector Paul Settle of Operation Fernbridge. They even biked through California to raise money for the Prince's Trust.
The Mail's regular contributing journalist DAVID ROSE "by his own admission served as a conduit for intelligence disinformation on both sides of the Atlantic".
Daily Mail staff columnist DOMINIC LAWSON has stayed at Jeffrey Epstein's house, and contact information for his wife, Rosa, appears in Epstein's 'black book'.
Contributing writer ANGELA LEVIN was warned about Jimmy Savile assaulting children, yet apparently said and did nothing to protect more children from suffering.
And the Daily Mail can of course fall back on a whole host of so-called 'experts' like Richard/Rachel Hoskins to explain to gullible readers that the witness of victims is the result of false memories or an over-active imagination.
Geordie Greig has written about the life of Lucian Freud.
According to his publishers Jonathan Cape: "As one of a few close friends who regularly had breakfast with the painter during the last years of his life Breakfast with Lucian tells an insider's account..." [9]
Geordie Greig has been the editor of the Mail on Sunday.
Geordie Greig is the son of the late Sir Carron Greig, who was in military intelligence, and Monica Stourton, granddaughter of Lord Mowbray.
Members the family have been royal courtiers for three generations.
Greig is married to Kathryn Terry, who is originally from Texas.
Leon Brittan (right) the Jewish cabinet minister formerly responsible for the UK police and the security service MI5.
The child abuse whistleblower Carl Beech claimed that Edward Heath and Leon Brittan were child abusers.
Police officers observed boy prostitutes from 'the Meat Rack' in central London being taken to a flat in Cricklewood Broadway, near Hampstead, in London.
Among those that the police saw entering this flat in Cricklewood were:
Edward Heath
And Leon Brittan.
The police officers were then told by a senior officer that thay were no longer to investigate the flat in Cricklewood.
Cressida Dick had a key role in the events which led to the murder, by the authorities, of the innocent Brazilian plumber Jean Charles de Menezes, whom the authorities wished to label as being a terrorist.
I’m going to @BackBoris because I believe he supports our campaign.
He said: “an awful lot of money, an awful lot of police time goes into these historic offences and all this malarkey - £60m I saw being spaffed (ejaculated) up the wall on some investigation into historic child abuse”
In the trial of the child abuse whistleblower Carl Beech, the judge blocked the cross-examination of Harvey Proctor, who is alleged to have murdered children.
The police searched Harvey proctor's home, at the Duke of Rutland's Belvoir castle.
In Proctor's home, the police found whips, straps, blood-stained child's underwear and a notepads entitled 'Bizarrre sex'
David Granby, aka the Duke of Rutland, is in Jeffrey Epstein's Black Book of contacts.
The Duke of Rutland has been close to Ghislaine Maxwell.
Witness statements show Proctor's sexual interest in young boys ... No prosecution was pursued ... A school uniform with a child's underwear stained in blood ... Refusal to provide blood sample ... Someone who enjoy inflicting pain for sexual pleasure ...
Just for the record, allegations against many of the alleged so called VIP child abusers came from other sources than just Carl Beech. Allegations against Leon Brittan and Greville Janner were laid by other alleged victims, and corroborating evidence was provided.
Why when there are so many more survivors telling the same stories about the same establishment figures as Carl Beech were they not heard in this case?
Kids of 11-12 years old. Boys aged between 11-19. #BorisJohnson says investigating this sort of thing is “spaffing money up the wall.” I beg to differ. I want a #newPM who cares.
"Harvey Proctor beat 'young boys' and took photographs of their injuries, according to court submissions.…
Harvey Proctor is reported to be an old friend of Jonathan Denby.
Peter Jonathan Denby, a former aide to Enoch Powell, was once picked up by police who wanted to question him in connection with a violent gun incident in Mayfair.
Denby's Islington home was later raided by armed detectives and his Jaguar car, found abandoned in Kent, was blown up by bomb squad officers.
In the 1990s, top policeman Gordon Anglesea was awarded £375,000 in damages after successfully suing news organisations that had linked him to child sexual abuse at Bryn Alyn.
However, Anglesea was guilty.
In October 2016, Gordon Anglesea (above) was found guilty of sexually abusing boys at the North Wales children's home, Bryn Estyn, and at a young offenders institution. ANGLESEA GUILTY; BRYN ESTYN; THE BIGGER PICTURE
Ernest Parke was editor of the North London Press. He published a story naming Lord Euston as a person involved in the boy brothel. And he suggested that a much more important person was involved.
Ernest Parke was a journalist who named a top person involved in a boy brothel.
Ernest Parke, and some of the boys, ended up in prison.
Anonymous 22 July 2019 at 10:27 comments - This absurd outcome was a foregone conclusion from the moment the security services realised these true allegations could no longer be completely 'shut down' absent a suitable show trial, scapegoat, and accompanying targeted propaganda exercise.
Staggeringly prejudicial reporting of the trial and Carl Beech's allegations by the spook-infested corporate media had the intended effect.
Week after week, in article after miserable article, the corporate media demonised Carl Beech and sanctified the 'real' accused: Harvey Proctor, Lord Bramall, the late Greville Janner and the late Edward Heath, etc.
Those establishment figures were consistently portrayed by the newspapers and broadcasters as 'distinguished public servants'; as 'noble gentlemen'; as 'elderly victims' 'crying out for justice', etc. etc.
In a show trial whose outcome was predetermined by the security services, a guilty verdict supports only one conclusion: that the substance of Carl Beech's claims are 100% correct.
When the security services exert resources at the magnitude we've witnessed in the Carl Beech trial - coordinating a UNIFORM NARRATIVE about Mr Beech, his allegations, and the twists-and-turns of the trial through EVERY British newspaper and broadcaster.... the people can be sure that the VIP paedophiles and their allies in the security services are highly rattled.
Beech's allegations - especially their truthfulness, which is what gives them their power to frighten - have terrified the life out of some very important people indeed.
We've all seen the consequences of this: the massive cover-up, and the retribution unleashed on Beech in the form of the media's pathetic attempts at humiliating him (branding him a 'fantasist' ad infinitum, showing his personal photos, etc.)
Bad luck, spooks, assets, and rent-a-hacks. We still believe Carl. You've failed yet again. And we are totally undeterred in our pursuit of justice.
BBC making a massive story of Carl Beech.
That's it folks. It's over. Dossiers lost. Child abuse inquiry delayed. Westminster perverts carry on. Nothing to worry about.
7:08 am - 22 Jul 2019
The 'Jewish' judge kept information hidden from the jury?
Carl Beech, among others, accused Lord Janner of being involved in child sexual abuse. Gilad Atzmon writes:
"In Britain, the independent inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, pretty much collapsed when LORD JANNER became a centre of its focus.
"Lord Janner was a former chairman of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, a body that claims to represent British Jews.
"He was also the founder of the Holocaust Memorial Trust.
"Some people, so it seems, are either above the law or beyond scrutiny.
"We may have to admit that in a world where THE LABOUR PARTY is terrorised, in the open, by a foreign lobby, in a world where PENGUIN PRESS stops publishing a book because it referred to the Rothschilds as an 'influential Jewish family', in a world where [THE BBC] is reduced to a Zionist propaganda unit, no one in proximity to power dares to look into the possibility that the intelligence agency of a close ally might have invested millions if not billions of dollars in the formation of a spectacular blackmail apparatus that abused underage children through sex trafficking ..."
Carl Beech says that as a child he was sexually abused by Lord Bramall.
Tony Badenoch, who is leading the prosecution of Carl Beech.
Anonymous, 16 July 2019, writes about the trial of Carl Beech -
"Prosecutor Tony Badenoch QC said:
"'LORD BRAMALL ANSWERED ALL QUESTIONS FULLY AND TRUTHFULLY, gave details, spoke about his life, spoke about things intimately personal to him.
"'Compare what he was to say and the manner in which he was to say it, to this defendant, Carl Beech, shifting, shuffling and lying, and deceiving and dancing and twisting and twirling and running' ..."
"Fully and truthfully"?
Ha ha ha. Well, if you say so.
Also, what a cheap and tawdry tactic, if you don't mind my saying so, 'Tone'.
(Tony. Is that what you like to be referred to when you're pretending to be an or'nery man of the people, like?)
To invite comparison between - on one hand - a decorated war veteran of advanced age, with an elite education, a peerage, upper-class speech patterns and mannerisms, associations with royalty, and a heart-rending sob story.
And on the other hand, a visibly weak and traumatised survivor of childhood sexual abuse, who has already admitted to child sex offences and spoken of his undying shame.
A man with no titles, no peerage, no upper-class diction, appearance or mannerisms. No associations with royalty. A man totally unpracticed in functioning at the centre of public attention - in complete contrast to the powerful men he is accusing of the most vile crimes, who got to spend decades mastering their public images whilst performing jobs in the glare of the mass media.
An extremely vulnerable man, having his entire life and every real failing dissected and chewed over with relish by the lip-smacking wolves of the media, who couldn't give a hoot about abused children, torture, and unsolved murders - just so long as they continue to please the cartel.
Carl Beech is accused of damaging the reputation of Jimmy Savile and other top friends of Israel.
It's been like a bear baiting spectacle, staged for the delight of the credulous British public, who - having been fed a pack of lies and slanted impressions for weeks, months and years by the establishment so-called journalists - are now baying for this defendant's blood.
It's sick, but it's also ironic. These were the same tactics allegedly deployed by the likes of Bramall, Harvey Proctor and Edward Heath to avoid detection back in the day. 'Nobody will ever believe those powerless, rough accented boys from the care homes, when powerful, upper-class men like ourselves deny and scoff at everything'.
So the same old wheeze is wheeled out again. And again. And again.
No wonder Britain's paedophile network has been so successful.
Stick a 'Sir', a 'Lord', a 'Dame', a 'Lord Lieutenant' or any other ludicrous title from chivalrous days of yore before or after any common scumbag's name - sprinkle with royal and 'prestigious' charitable associations - and the British public fall for it. Every single time.
But you know that very well, already. Don't you, Tonee? Child abuse organiser Jimmy Savile and Edward Heath.
Carl Beech (Nick) accused former UK Prime Minister Edward Heath, and others, of child abuse.
Carl Beech (Nick) 's Defence counsel Ray Tully tells the NickTrial that it is agreed with prosecution that Wiltshire Police examined Edward Heath’s close-protection logs, but these were missing for a period during 1970’s and 1980’s.
Anthony Royle was MP for Richmond in Surrey, the home of Britain's infamous Elm Guest House child brothel until the year after it was raised by Met police.
His daughter Lucinda features in Epstein's telephone book.
Carl Beech as a child. The police say that 'John', a witness, does not exist. Nick says the Met police were in e-mail contact with 'John'. Witnesses vary their stories?
In May 2019, Carl Beech was put on trial for 'telling lies' about top people. In court, Carl Beech has admitted that he got wrong some of the details of what happened 40 years ago.
Aangirfan has a friend who often tells the tale of his visit, many years ago, to San Diego.
Each time the tale is told, there are slight differences in the details.
Asked why he told Wiltshire Police that he did not know why he passed out during abuse, when he later said that it was because his head was held under water, Carl Beech (Nick) tells the NickTrial: “Some things were just too hard to do at that stage.”
Why did Carl Beech tell Wiltshire Police that he did not know with what the abusers stabbed and burnt his feet, when he later said drawing pins/lighter.
Carl Beech tells the NickTrial that he did not know and was later giving an indication of what he thinks that it may have been.
Carl Beech accepts at the NickTrial that he wrote in a journal that he never saw John with any bruises and yet also claims that he saw him in hospital, and that he wrote he was a friend at school even though he did not go to school with him.
Carl Beech accepts at the NickTrial that he told Wiltshire Police that John was not at any of the abuse in London even though he said to the Met (London police) that John was.
QUESTION - If Carl Beech were a "fantasist", making things up, can anyone explain his "random" identification of Stowe School? It just so happens that Stowe is linked to an array of individuals with links to the alleged VIP paedophile network. Clearly Beech isn't making this up.
Carl Beech accepts at the NickTrial that he lied to Wiltshire Police “in certain areas” and that he sent them off to look for what the prosecutor called “a non-existant witness”.
Prosecutor presses Carl Beech to tell #NickTrial about being taken abroad.
Very reluctantly and hesitatingly, defendant says that he was flown... to Paris... on a private 747... but says that he cannot recall who was on the plane.
Prosecutor asks defendant at #NickTrial why when he told the Met (London police) that his step-father raped him for the first time at a wildlife park he made no mention of John.
“Because I didn’t want to tell them about,” is the reply.
Pressed on why he did not tell the Met about John at the wildlife park, defendant becomes tearful at #NickTrial, saying that he not was not prepared to talk about him.
Asked whether it was a lie, defendant says that it was an “omission”.