2. Rep. Jerry Nadler: "The president and the attorney general have systematically lied to the American people about what was in [the Mueller] report. They've said no obstruction, no collusion, he was totally exonerated. All of those 3 statements are not true."
Above, we see the demolition of Palestinian buildings by Israeli forces in Sur Baher in Jerusalem on July 22, 2019.
Israeli soldiers cheered and celebrated the demolition of over 100 residential houses and displacement of over 1000 Palestinians in Wadi Hummus in occupied Jerusalem.
You think that the polar bear will have returned to your garden.
Your wife, son and daughter think that the polar bear will not have returned.
Do minds create matter?
According to some of the scientists who study quantum physics, the definite properties of an object, such as position, are selected from a menu of possibilities.
This is said to be like 'natural selection' in Darwin's theory of evolution.
The properties that survive are in some sense the 'fittest.'
'Fittest' means "better designed for a local environment".
When you go into the garden, there is no polar bear, but there is a dove.
Jeffrey Epstein partied with Trump's closest advisers including Wilbur Ross, Rudy Giuliani, and Steve Mnunchin at a dinner hosted by David Koch just TWO MONTHS after his release from prison.
It was reported that Rebecca Wallersteiner was close to Norman Lamont.
Norman Lamont, longtime director of N.M. Rothschild, has been chairman of Le Cercle (a secretive elite group).
Jocelyn Cadbury MP, Lamont's former Parliamentary Private Secretary, committed suicide less than a month after the ELM GUEST HOUSE boy brothel was raided
UK army Intelligence Officer Colin Wallace discovered that, at the Kincora Boys home, the security service MI5 was organising child abuse, in order to control top people.
Jeremy Hunt's 2019 campaign manager, the MP Philip Dunne, is in Jeffrey Epstein's black book.
Above, we see Ghislaine Maxwell with the Daily Mail's editor, Geordie Greig.
(Via JR @JamesRusbridger)
The Mossad-linked Ghislaine Maxwell is alleged to have provided young girls for Jeffrey Epstein's child abuse ring.
There is a belief that The Daily Mail has been part of a plot to discredit the child abuse whistleblower Carl Beech.
Above, we see Ghislaine Maxwell with the Daily Mail's Piers Morgan.
The 2013 party (above) honoured Geordie Greig's book about Lucian Freud, the painter from the family linked to child abuse, the child abusing Kray Twins, Tavistock and Madeleine McCann's abduction.
(Via JR @JamesRusbridger) The child abuse whistleblower Carl Beech (above) said that he was taken to Stowe school, in the UK, to be sexually abused.
Carl Beech named the top Jews Lord Brittan and Lord Janner as child abusers, and was subsequently put on trial for allegedly 'making it up'.
Above, we see Ghislaine Maxwell at Stowe school.
The prosecution of Jewish Jeffrey Epstein is quite a Jewish affair
The judge is Jewish Richard Berman
The lead prosecutor is Jewish Geoffrey Berman - distant relative of the judge? - linked via Rudy Giuliani to Israel's good friend Trump
A junior prosecutor is Maurene Comey, linked via her father James Comey to Hillary Clinton, and by her Jewish husband and Tel Aviv professor father-in-law to Zionist Israel
Will this be like the 'Panama Papers'? ... where the published historian of the Mossad, and other Israelis, helped 'lead' the investigators ... embarrassing 'selected' leaders around the world.
No physical marks were left on me when a funnel was forced into my mouth and filled with water. I was tied to a chair but men still were restraining me as my head was forced back. Again no physical marks left .
I was extremely nervous when l went to the police. My uncle an abuser was a police officer.Another of my abusers ,one would say, owned the police! I had a blunt end of a bloodied knife dragged across my throat,tortured,treatened....so would l be neverous telling?
was on my stomach, gagged and bound. My body contracted then relaxed,over & over & over.Soiling myself, thinking I was going to choke,vomiting but I had a rag in my mouth
Some have left the country. Others labelled as unstable etc.. I just hope none of these jury people have been intimated or threatened to return a guilty verdict.
The UK Defense Secretary Penny Mordaunt has confirmed that the UK's Royal Airforce has carried out joint exercises with Israeli jet fighters In first, UK confirms F-35 exercise with Israel
Penny Mordaunt is a right-wing UK Conservative who wants to take a tough line on Iran.
Above, we see UK Defence Secretary Penny Mordaunt, with her brother, James, at the London Gay Pride event.
In 2013, when Mordaunt delivered a speech in the House of Commons, she used the word "cock" several times.
This was said to be a forfeit for a misdemeanour during Naval Reserve training.[29][30]
She used the word "cock" six times and "lay" or "laid" five times.
To pay her way through sixth-form college, Mordaunt became a magician's assistant to Portsmouth magician Will Ayling, who was once president of The Magic Circle.[15]
In 2014, Mordaunt appeared on reality television programme Splash!
"The astronauts were removed from the ship moments before takeoff, flown to Nevada, where, a few days later, they broadcast the moon walk from the desert.
"People claimed to have seen Armstrong walking through a hotel lobby, a show girl on each arm. Aldrin was playing the slots.
Above, we see Boy George, of Culture Club.
In 2008, Boy George was convicted of the assault and false imprisonment of Audun Carlsen, a Norwegian 'rent boy'. Boy George handcuffed Audun Carlsen to a wall fixture, and subjecting him to violence.
Above, we see some of the drawings of child abuse produced by 'child abuse victim' Carl Beech (Nick).
Sex is used to control politics?
'Child abuse victim' Carl Beech (Nick) said that Boy George's video for the song Do You Really Want To Hurt Me was filmed at Dolphin Square, London, which is reported to be a location of massive child abuse, by top people.
Carl Beech says that he was sexually abused at Dolphin Square.
Dolphin Square is linked to Lord Bramall's brother.
Above, we see a photo from one of Jonathan Ross's halloween parties in Hampstead, in London. Source: Gf/Bauer Griffin. SPOOKY HAMPSTEAD .
"Scotland Yard said Michael Rudetsky, 27, a songwriter and electronic-keyboard player, was found dead shortly before dawn in a rambling Gothic-style house owned by Boy George in the affluent Hampstead district of north London." American Songwriter Found Dead in Boy George's Mansion - 6 Aug 1986
"It is only when a man tames his own demons that he becomes the king of himself if not of the world."
Campbell writes about people going on a journey, overcoming various challenges, achieving greater wisdom, and then spreading this wisdom.
The Hero's journey can be internal.
Joseph Campbell.
Joseph Campbell advises you to "follow your bliss".
Joseph Campbell wanted to get above, or transcend, the world that most of us experience.
He wanted to tune in to the divine and experience bliss or rapture.
Joseph Campbell wrote:
"If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living.
"Wherever you are - if you are following your bliss, you are enjoying that refreshment, that life within you, all the time."
Joseph Campbell lived most of his life in an apartment in a building on Waverly Place and Gay Street overlooking New York City's Sheridan Square and Christopher Street.
It can be argued that some people do not need to go on a journey, as they have already tuned in to the divine.
What would people who are 'tuned into the divine' look like?
The American academic Abraham Maslow studied mentally healthy people instead of people with serious psychological problems.
According to Maslow, mentally healthy people have such qualities as:
"The agony of breaking through personal limitations is the agony of spiritual growth.
"Art, literature, myth and cult, philosophy, and ascetic disciplines are instruments to help the individual past his limiting horizons into spheres of ever-expanding realization.
"As he crosses threshold after threshold, conquering dragon after dragon, the stature of the divinity that he summons to his highest wish increases, until it subsumes the cosmos.
"Finally, the mind breaks the bounding sphere of the cosmos to a realization transcending all experiences of form - all symbolizations, all divinities: a realization of the ineluctable (unable to be avoided) void."
The VOID can be seen as being an absence of the selfish personality or self.
Understanding the void means understanding that we are all brothers and sisters.
Joseph Campbell, in The Hero With a Thousand Faces, wrote the following:
"Perhaps some of us have to go through dark and devious ways before we can find the river of peace or the highroad to the soul's destination."
"Wars and temper tantrums are the makeshifts of ignorance; regrets are illuminations come too late."
"As Freud has shown, blunders are not the merest chance. They are the result of suppressed desires and conflicts. They are ripples on the surface of life, produced by unsuspected springs. And these may be very deep - as deep as the soul itself.
"The blunder may amount to the opening of a destiny."
"Dream is the personalized myth ... in the dream the forms are quirked by the peculiar troubles of the dreamer."