Kim Jong-Un was most likely mind controlled at his school in Switzerland.
Kim Jong-Un is most likely a CIA asset.

Kim Jong-Un is most likely a CIA asset.

Above, "we see Kim Jong-Un at school in Switzerland".
Kim likes American movies, such as Jurassic Park.
All the children of Kim Jong-il are said to have lived in Switzerland, as well as the mother of the two youngest sons, who lived in Geneva for some time.[26]
"The U.S. team is headed by former Clinton Administration official, North Korean bag man Bill Richardson.
"Kim is receiving these bribe funds in exchange for his playing a role in a scripted 'black op' that is designed to effect worldwide financial markets."
Continued here: Tom Heneghan's EXPLOSIVE Intelligence Briefing's Blog - Myspace
Kim has been photographed with Kobe Bryant and Toni Kukoč.

Above, "we see Kim Jong-Un at school".

Above, we see Kim Jong-Un's aunt, who lives in New York.

According to Tom Heneghan's Intelligence Briefing's Blog, Kim Jong-un has has received a lot of money from the USA.
"It can now be reported that a P140 U.S. aircraft cargo plane left Langley, Virginia at 3:30 p.m. EST destination North Korea.
"The aircraft contains $3 BILLION that was made available by the Dallas branch of the German Commerz Bank.
"The $3 BILLION will be delivered directly to North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un by U.S. officials.
"The U.S. team is headed by former Clinton Administration official, North Korean bag man Bill Richardson.
"Kim is receiving these bribe funds in exchange for his playing a role in a scripted 'black op' that is designed to effect worldwide financial markets."
Continued here: Tom Heneghan's EXPLOSIVE Intelligence Briefing's Blog - Myspace
"U.S. military planes flew from an air base in Guam to Pyongyang and back on April 7, 2012, and again on a longer visit lasting from Aug. 18-20, the sources said.
"It is believed that those aboard included Sydney Seiler, director for Korea at the U.S. National Security Council, and Joseph DeTrani, who headed the North Korea desk at the U.S. Office of the Director of National Intelligence. DeTrani left the post in May.
"They met with North Korean officials and discussed policies....
"The third visit that The Asahi Shimbun has confirmed is one that took place in November 2011."
The following is partly fiction:
Kim Jong Un and his wife Ri Sol Ju at the Haemaji Restaurant
I meet the supreme leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un, in a private room at the Toffy Ukai restaurant in Tokyo.
Kim Jong-un is visiting Japan on a forged Brazilian passport.

Kim is wearing a Chicago Bulls T-shirt and Nike sneakers.
Kim Jong Un is reported to have had posters of basketball star Michael Jordan on his wall during his schooldays.
I complement Kim on his attire.
"I got the this shirt from Madeleine Albright," explains Kim. "That was back in 2000."

Kim at school in Berne in Switzerland.
We order tosui-tofu, cubes of tofu in a creamy, savoury casserole of soya milk blended with chicken broth, topped with layers of yuba tofu skin.
Reportedly, Kim is a diabetic and suffers from hypertension.
Kim Jong Un. Soviet records show that Kim Jong Un's father, Kim Jong il was born in the village of Vyatskoye, near Khabarovsk, in 1941, where his father, Kim Il-sung, commanded the 1st Battalion of the Soviet 88th Brigade.
As we begin our meal, I ask Kim about his childhood.
"When I was a little boy, my father, Kim Jong il, got me to watch Disney cartoons for hours every day."
And what about Berne?
"When I was a little boy, my father, Kim Jong il, got me to watch Disney cartoons for hours every day."
And what about Berne?
"I spent some time in Switzerland," relates Kim.
"Our family often gets together in Switzerland at Lake Geneva and Interlaken.
"That's where we see lots of Monarch butterflies."

Kim attended a Swiss boarding school in Berne in the mid 1990's.
"I was enrolled as the son of the chauffeur of the North Korean Embassy," explains Kim.

"I was enrolled as the son of the chauffeur of the North Korean Embassy," explains Kim.
Kim Jong Un (right) with his father. Disney is linked to CIA brainwashing.
Kim Jong-un was described by classmates as shy, awkward with girls, not interested politics, but very interested in sport.
"Sometimes a car from the North Korean Embassy would drive me to Paris to watch an NBA exhibition game," says Kim.
I ask Kim about his older brother.
"Kim Chong Chol, is a big fan of Eric Clapton," says Kim.
"He's been to four Clapton concerts, in Germany, and one in Singapore."
Does Kim Jong Un like music?
"I like to drink and party all night, just like my father.
"I use a sauna beat hangovers."
Disney in North Korea.
As the bottle of Johnnie Walker is emptied, Kim Jong Un becomes lucid on the subject of politics.
"My role, as a good socialist, is to promote the interests of the USA's military industrial complex," says Kim.
"Certain Israelis and certain Americans supply our nuclear materials.
"Our Gulags are run by...."

Kim Jong Un in Berne.
Berne is a major base for the CIA and its friends.
In 1943, future CIA Director Allen Dulles moved to Bern in Switzerland.
While I drink my coffee, Kim gets up and starts to dance.
Labels: aunt, Berne, CIA, Dulles, Greece, Kim Jong Un, mind control, North Korea, Switzerland
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un has bought himself a holiday caravan on the Suffolk coast.
He fell in love with the area after joining a secret visit to the county to inspect the Sizewell nuclear power station.
But although he was unimpressed with the facility, believing his country’s coal power is more efficient, he fell in love instantly with the countryside and coast.
Thank you. How interesting--I was just wondering today if maybe
he was an ASSet, and here is your article.
Kim-Jong-un in Köniz
Last Sunday we made a hike from Schlatt to Ulmizberg. From the observation platform of the telecommunication tower, one has a good view onto Berne and especially onto Köniz, which lays at the bottom of the hill. The tower lacks any label referring to Swisscom, which is normally operating such facilities. Very strangely, the danger sign warning of falling ice, was showing “Caution, falling ice” as first language, German, French, Italian were underneath. For me, this is a clear sign, that the facility is run by the bad guys, that means NATO and their numerous lackeys in Switzerland. (There is overwhelming evidence, that the Swiss Army is effectively integrated (under Partnership for Peace) into NATO, the treasonous politicians (of all colors) in Berne have orchestrated “this feat” behind the backs of the citizens, who want the country to be neutral.)
Kim-Jong-un on RT
Some time ago, RT showed a picture of a “crazy” Kim-Jong-un with his “trendy” haircut and surrounded by generals with fancy uniforms with over-the-top wide hats.
I commented the picture stating, “it would look completely artificial, as originating from a silly Hollywood B-movie. Immediately, my comment was removed by the Russian censors.
Could this be further evidence that the animosities between the US- and NK-governments are also “crisis acting”???
A long time ago I read an article about North Korea [NK] importing a plant that was used to create MDMA but I can't remember exactly where or when I read it.
I found another article here: that talks about NK being China's drug pusher, supplying opiates, methamphetamine and more recently, MDMA.
If drugs are involved you can bet your bottom dollar the CIA is going to be in the mix somewhere.
The US is using Sun Tzu methodology against China.
Reports are that China has massed troops on the North Korean border, ready to invade
Reports are that US-Nato have massed troops in Jordan on the Syrian border, ready to invade
Has China sold North Korea to Trump, to prevent the collapse of China's debt-based economy, a collapse which might bring down Xi & his regime altogether?
Has Russia sold Syria to Trump, as arranged between Jared Kushner & Vladimir Putin via their mutual rabbis in Israeli-Mossad Chabad?
World financial markets are on a knife-edge, the great global collapse is maybe near, & the French are moving toward voting in anti-EU Communist Melanchon on the 23rd
Good time for major war at both ends of Asia?
In previous post had mis-spelled the name of surging French far-left Presidential candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon
Mélenchon is robbing the thunder from Rothschild banker Trojan horse Emmanuel Macron
And may go into the 2nd round & then beat Marine Le Pen
As appropriate today as it was in 1965, superb hit song by a then-19-year-old, Barry McGuire's 'Eve of Destruction' (3m40 video)
The Eastern world, it is explodin'
Violence flarin', bullets loadin' ...
So what's that gun your totin'
& even the Jordan River has bodies floatin'
Can't you feel the fears I'm feelin' today
If the button is pushed, there's no runnin' away
Tell me, over & over & over again my friend
How ya don't believe we're on the eve of destruction
Hilarious and Tragic 😂
Aangirfan, always and still the best xx
You make my day. Many thanks.
There is no such thing as a P140 cargo plane operated by the US or any other nation. I can only hope that the rest of the report (which cannot be reached by the link) is more accurate.
Thought of Aangirfan, and the work you do on behalf of all the innocents on this Planet, when I watched this video by Gareth Nathan. Made me think of all the souls who have lived before us and confirmed for me that life is, indeed, eternal. In God I trust xx
Lovely video. I've added it to the Deek Jackson post. Many thanks. xx
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