We wrote the following in 2015:
Fidel Castro's former bodyguard, Juan Sanchez, wrote a book entitled The Double Life of Fidel Castro.
New York Post
The book may be CIA propaganda.
At one time Sanchez was imprisoned by Castro, but Sanchez escaped to Miami.
Sanchez writes that Fidel directed cocaine trafficking operations.

Sanchez claims that Castro has a large number of luxury homes and owns a secret Caribbean island.
Sanchez writes that, in 1988, he listened secretly to a conversation between Castro and General José Abrantes, the Interior Minister, in Castro's office.
Sanchez claims that a Cuban-American drug smuggler was conducting a 'huge drug-trafficking' business with the Cuban government.
General Abrantes allegedly asked Castro for permission to allow the trafficker to visit Cuba.
Castro granted permission.
Castro's government was short of money and elements of the government allegedly traded in marijuana and cocaine.
Eventually, General Abrantes and General Arnaldo Ochoa were arrested, and both were soon dead.

What's true and what's fake?
Sanchez refers to Castro's brother Raúl's alcoholism and to Castro's' nine children from five different partners'.
Castro, like Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi, may have been put into power by the CIA.
But then, like Saddam and Gaddafi, Castro may have fallen out with the CIA.
Castro's alleged drugs business may have been seen as a rival to the CIA's alleged drugs business.
Fidel Castro says Mossad behind Islamic State / Fidel Castro Calls NATO Neo Nazis

Fidel Castro.
Apparently, Fidel Castro is gay, Jewish, very wealthy and has been an agent of the CIA.
According to Michel Lafon and Axel Gyldén in The Hidden Life Of Fidel Castro:
The tropical island of Caya Piedra is owned by Fidel Castro.
Castro visits the island in his luxury yacht.

Fidel and friend.
According to Castro's former bodyguard, Juan Reinaldo Sanchez, Castro lives a life of luxury, similar to the life of Louis XV at Versailles.
Castro owns 20 luxury homes.
Castro owns a fortress-like bunker.

Fidel and Elian
The CIA's Saddam Hussein used to send cases of fig jam to Castro.
Castro's lovers allegedly included an under-age nightclub dancer.
A professional lookalike, Silvino Alvarez, often stands in for Castro.
Read more: http://www.dailymail
Cuba had its 'revolution', but it was the CIA that put Castro into power.
Cuba did not really become 'free'.

Rafi Eitan, the Israeli spymaster, "is Castro's business partner and the largest land-owner (of stolen land) in Cuba. "Israel is ... one of the leading foreign investors in Cuba, with private Jewish businessmen involving themselves in everything from Cuban citrus exports to real-estate projects." interview by Haaretz. How Zionist Pirates Hijacked America. Castro is a Sephardic Jew.
What about the Bay of Pigs invasion?
It was made to fail.
What about Operation Northwoods?
It was vetoed.

The Cuban Missile Crisis may have been a psy-op.
"My assertion that the presence of Soviet strategic missiles and their nuclear warheads in Cuba in 1962 is yet to be proved, is not a speculative, unsubstantiated hypothesis, but an incontrovertible fact...
"The Cuban missile crisis was just a small PSYOP - part of a larger PSYOP called the Cold War - whose purpose was to scare the American people into accepting the militarization of the American life."
The Cuban Missile Crisis: Fifty Years After
"The CFR conspirators faced a serious problem: the Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev revealed to the world his policy of peaceful coexistence..."
Hence the psy-op Cuban missile crisis.
"Castro’s attempts to spread the revolution to the rest of Latin America in the 1960s, were unequivocal failures."

Fidel Castro' s sister Juanita was a CIA agent - The Guardian
"There is plenty of circumstantial evidence, and at least one eyewitness, indicating that the real masters of the CIA recruited Fidel Castro through its newly created intelligence agency in early 1948 and was sent to Bogota, Colombia as agent provocateur on an important mission..."
The following is from: Fidel Castro Supermole
"In 1961 the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee issued a study entitled 'Communist Threat to the U.S. Through the Caribbean.'
"The study features the testimonies of some senior U.S. government officers who firmly believe that Castro could not have been brought to power in Cuba without the continued assistance of the U.S. State Department.

"In 1961 the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee issued a study entitled 'Communist Threat to the U.S. Through the Caribbean.'
"The study features the testimonies of some senior U.S. government officers who firmly believe that Castro could not have been brought to power in Cuba without the continued assistance of the U.S. State Department.

Castro was educated at the privately funded, Jesuit-run Dolores School in Santiago.[24][25][26] In 1945 he transferred to the more prestigious Jesuit-run El Colegio de Belén in Havana.[1][27] Castro is a Billionaire According to FORBES MAGAZINE. As a young man Fidel actually joined the Partido Ortodoxo, an anti-communist political party. Splendor Amid Poverty

"The subject came up again in the course of a press conference held by President Kennedy on January 24, 1962.
"President Kennedy was asked about the security risks involving State Department employee William A. Wieland, who had helped Castro come to power according to three American ex-ambassadors in testimony before the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee...
"The impetuous fashion in which President Kennedy denied that Wieland was a security risk was, in Soviet eyes, further evidence that he was not what he seemed to be...
"There is also good reason to believe that, during his fight against Batista, Castro received support from Wieland when Wieland was the head of the Caribbean Desk in the U.S. State Department.

"Something that attracted the attention of the Soviets was the American haste to recognize Castro's government after Batista's escape on January 1, 1959.
"This haste was not only surprising to the Soviets, but also to some American diplomats...
"In January 7, 1979, just six days after former President Batista fled from Cuba and one day before Fidel Castro arrived in Havana, the U.S. officially recognized the Castro government...
"In his well read column Drew Pearson revealed, on May 23, 1961, that persistent rumors in the diplomatic corps indicated that the CIA had been helping to put Castro in power for years.
"The rumors had further stated that the CIA agents, in their efforts to get rid of President Batista, had supplied arms and ammunitions to Castro during his guerrilla war in the mountains...
"When he was in the Sierra Maestra fighting Batista's troops, Castro received some weapons delivered by the International Armaments Corporation, the company that sent weapons to Guatemala, under the CIA's orders, to overthrow Jacobo Arbenz's government, and also because the Company was organized by Samuel Cummings, a former CIA operative...
"Also, there is evidence, that between October 1957 and the middle of 1958, the CIA gave no less than fifty thousand dollars to Castro's men in Santiago de Cuba.

"On February 24, 1957, the New York Times published the first of a series of three articles written by its correspondent Herbert L. Matthews, who had interviewed Fidel Castro in the Sierra Maestra mountains in eastern Cuba.
"He depicted Castro as a liberal and a folk hero-a Latin American Robin Hood crusading against evil.
"Matthews' articles gave Fidel instant international publicity.
"One of Fidel's closest followers, Armando Hart, commenting about the coverage and the high impact of Matthews articles, told Mario Llerena, the M-26-7 public relations man in the U.S., that both Matthews and the New York Times could be considered practically in their pockets.
"Knowing of the connections between the CIA and the New York Times, the Soviet intelligence analysts were understandably uneasy...

At first we thought Erdogan was one of the good guys. We were wrong.
"On February 4, 1958, Look published an extensive interview with Castro.
"On February 25, 1958, the Times continued giving coverage to Castro and published an interview with the Cuban leader conducted by its correspondent Homer Bigart...

"Cubans today have a pretty low per capita income compared with other Latin American nations. They have fewer television sets, telephones, computers and cars relative to their population than most Latin American countries, and the lowest percentage of people with access to the Internet in the region, even below Haiti. And while Cuba does well in literacy and infant mortality indicators, it does lousy in others. Cuba has one of the highest suicide rates in the Americas." After 50 years, Cuba has little to show.
"CBS broadcasted a special program by Taber and Hoffman entitledThe Story of Cuba's Jungle Fighters...
"As 1958 advanced ... in the United States both the government and the press were becoming more and more favorably disposed towards Fidel Castro and his men.
"Thanks mainly to the selling of Fidel Castro by the American media, people all over the world were being conditioned to see Fidel's guerrillas of the Sierra Maestra as legendary liberators of an oppressed people...
"Thus, Castro's road to power was conveniently paved by the American government and media...

Nasser - CIA asset.
"U. S. Ambassador Smith commented that, during his mission in Havana, the pro-Castro leanings of the CIA station chief at the embassy was so evident...
"Testifying before the Senate Internal Security Committee on August 30, 1960, Smith affirmed that the chief of the CIA section in the American Embassy in Havana was pro-Castro, and that the number 2 CIA man in the embassy encouraged a revolt of Cuban navy officers against Batista in September, 1957.
"Ambassador Smith went further and accused the United States government, i.e. certain members of the Congress, the CIA, the State Department, as well as some segments of the press, of being directly responsible for Castro coming to power. 'Castro never won a military victory,' declared Smith...

Ayatollah Khomeini - asset of MI6 and the CIA
"In October, 1957, one of three young American navy men who had joined Fidel that summer, was designated to go back to the U.S. in a propaganda mission on Castro's behalf.
"The American entered the U.S. through the U.S. naval base at Guantánamo, with the full approval of American authorities, and received considerable publicity in the U.S. media.
"During his visit to the United States in April, 1959, Fidel received a lot of coverage in the American media.
"What the media barely mentioned, however, was that Castro visited the headquarters of the Council on Foreign Relations in New York, where he spoke on Cuba and the United States.
"Nor did the media cover Castro's meeting of over an hour with a friendly, persuasive, and fluently Spanish-speaking representative of the CIA...

Noriega - CIA asset.
"One thing that seemed very suspicious to Soviet intelligence were the sudden American efforts to prove that Castro was a Communist.
"The Americans, who before Castro took power denied he was a Communist, now had changed their minds...
"According to the information the KGB had gathered, Fidel Castro never joined the Cuban communist party, nor any of the Communist front organizations. He was not a crypto-Communist, nor was he ever recruited by the Soviet intelligence services...

In recent times, only Hitler and Castro have put homosexuals into concentration camps.
Both Hitler and Castro surrounded themselves with gay people.
Hitler had sex with boys.

"In recent times, only two countries in the world have ... interned homosexuals in concentration camps: Nazi Germany and Castro's Cuba...
"Ernst Roehm, Rudolf Hess, Reinhard Heydrich, and even Hitler’s driver, Emil Maurice, were well-known homosexuals...
(Lothar Machtan, Hitler's Secret: The Double Life of a Dictator. Eleonora Bruzal and Luis José Uzcátegui, Los hombres que erotizó Fidel. According to Machtan, Hitler allowed the persecution of gays in order to disguise his own true colors. This could be easily applied to Castro. Obama Gay? Of Course!)

Both in Germany, and in Cuba, some of these top gay people "played a key role in sending other homosexuals to concentration camps."
"Obviously, both in Cuba and Germany there were two different types of homosexuals."

"The two macho thugs who killed the effeminate homosexual Matthew Shepard were actually gays." Paglia, Camille
"While the Castro government was harassing and torturing homosexuals... many American gays joined the Venceremos Brigade and traveled to Cuba, allegedly to work in the sugar crop but actually to give support to the Castro regime.
"American gays, who are essentially anti-homosexual, had no objections to the harassment and torturing of homosexuals in Castro’s concentration camps...
"San Francisco gays of the pro-Castro organization 'Queers for Cuba,' boycotted in San Francisco Bay Area theaters the film Before the Night Falls, based on the autobiography of Cuban writer and homosexual Reinaldo Arenas.
"San Francisco gays of the pro-Castro organization 'Queers for Cuba,' boycotted in San Francisco Bay Area theaters the film Before the Night Falls, based on the autobiography of Cuban writer and homosexual Reinaldo Arenas.

"Arenas was one of the thousands of homosexuals persecuted in Cuba by the Castroist gays and interned in a concentration camp, who escaped the Island during the Mariel boatlift of 1980.
"It is also easy to understand why when the more than twenty thousand homosexuals who had escaped from the harassment and persecution in Castro’s gay paradise arrived in the U.S., the American gay organizations turned their backs on them...
"The gay-friendly Latin American Studies Association (LASA), recently received Mariela Castro, the daughter of gay Raúl Castro, the main instigator of the persecution of homosexuals in Cuba, as a hero during its International Congress in San Francisco last May...
"It is also easy to understand why when the more than twenty thousand homosexuals who had escaped from the harassment and persecution in Castro’s gay paradise arrived in the U.S., the American gay organizations turned their backs on them...
"The gay-friendly Latin American Studies Association (LASA), recently received Mariela Castro, the daughter of gay Raúl Castro, the main instigator of the persecution of homosexuals in Cuba, as a hero during its International Congress in San Francisco last May...
Rafi Eitan "Rafi Eitan, the Israeli cabinet member and spymaster who ran the Jewish spy Jonathan Pollard, is Castro's business partner and the largest land-owner (of stolen land) in Cuba." - How Zionist Pirates Hijacked America. Israel is "becoming one of the leading foreign investors in Cuba, with private Jewish businessmen involving themselves in everything from Cuban citrus exports to real-estate projects." material from 2001
"The trick is not an original one. Gay leaders got it from the Jewish Zionist movement.
"Zionists cleverly disguised their political movement as an ethnic one.
"Despite the fact that not all Jews are Zionists, nor all Zionists are Jews, any criticism of the Zionist government of Israel, particularly by a non-Jew, immediately brings on you the accusation of being 'anti-Semite'..."

How has the gay movement become so powerful in the USA?
"Because the gay movement leaders opportunistically became fellow travelers to the New World Order conspirators...
"The tacit collaboration between the gay movement leaders and the CFR conspirators is evidenced by the extraordinary support the gay movement receives from the CFR-controlled mainstream media and non-profit foundations...

"Gay France, the magazine of the neo-Nazi pedophile Michael Caignet whose pastor Doucé managed the subscriptions."
"The love and admiration some core gays feel for the Nazis is evidenced in the 'gay pride' parades in San Francisco and other cities.
"Those black leather-clad gays sporting Nazi paraphernalia while openly mimicking all types of sadistic activities are a clear sign of their Nazi persuasion.

"Moreover, the CFR-controlled presstitutes have hidden the fact that most members of neo-Nazi groups in the U.S. are actually butch, macho gays...
"The American gay movement paints itself as liberal, progressive and socially conscious.
"The American gay movement paints itself as liberal, progressive and socially conscious.
"Actually, however, it is a secret tool of the Council on Foreign Relations, probably the most reactionary organization in America, where oil magnates, Wall Street bankers and CEOs of transnational corporations conspire to bring about the communo-fascist society they euphemistically call the New World Order...
"You don’t see any rainbow flags among Bilderberg meetings protesters..."

FIDEL CASTRO OF THE CIA killed Chavez, according to one conspiracy theory.
According to Cuban born American writer Servando Gonzalez:
"Researchers at the Ochsner cancer clinic in New Orleans ... developed, under CIA auspices, injectable, rapidly-developing cancer cells that can be used as bioweapons to kill people...
"The CIA shared the technology with some of their friends, among them their secret agent Fidel Castro,who has used it over and over on unsuspecting victims."
Cuban writer in exile Carlos Alberto Montaner says that, 19 years ago, a young Cuban biologist, 'David'. asked for political asylum in Spain.
Hugo Chavez: Another Victim of Castro
David told Montaner that in Bulgaria he had been trained in the use of a technology which could be used to induce cancer in people Castro wished to destroy.
Hugo Chavez: Another Victim of Castro
David told Montaner that in Bulgaria he had been trained in the use of a technology which could be used to induce cancer in people Castro wished to destroy.
"The simplest way was to plant a radioactive isotope in the chair, in which the target regularly sits, or in an often-worn jacket, or in a sofa cushion or a mattress, or even in an automobile seat.
"After a few months, there was a great likelihood that a cancerous growth would develop with fatal results."
Caracas. By angelrravelor
Montaner recalled some Castro allies and adversaries who died in unusual circumstances, among them:
Montaner recalled some Castro allies and adversaries who died in unusual circumstances, among them:
Manuel Artime, political chief of the Bay of Pigs invaders, who died in exile at age 38 with his lungs mysteriously destroyed...
Beatriz and Laura Allende (daughter and sister of Chile’s Salvador Allende), who allegedly committed suicide in Cuba...
Castro’s ex-Interior Minister and fellow drug smuggler General José Abrahantes, who reportedly died of a heart attack in a Cuban jail...
Hilda Guevara, Che’s only daughter with his first wife Hilda Gadea, became a headache for Castro, and suddenly died of cancer at the age of thirty-nine.
Laura Pollan, a member of the dissident group 'women in white,' received brutal blows from the thugs of the Castro political police, then suddenly come down with some mysterious illness that ended up killing her within a week.
Venezuela. By Rafael DorantesHilda Guevara, Che’s only daughter with his first wife Hilda Gadea, became a headache for Castro, and suddenly died of cancer at the age of thirty-nine.
Laura Pollan, a member of the dissident group 'women in white,' received brutal blows from the thugs of the Castro political police, then suddenly come down with some mysterious illness that ended up killing her within a week.
"As Chavez mentioned, some of the Latin American leaders who have recently been diagnosed with cancer are Argentina's Cristina Fernandez, Paraguay's Fernando and former Brazilian president Lula da Silva.
"What Chavez did not mention, however, is that, like himself, all of them have visited Cuba."
Fidel Castro "recruits gullible fools under the false flag of fighting American imperialism", and "uses them as proxies to do his dirty job on behalf of his CFR masters...
Fidel Castro "recruits gullible fools under the false flag of fighting American imperialism", and "uses them as proxies to do his dirty job on behalf of his CFR masters...
"One the most useful fools Castro has ever recruited is Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez.
"In 2000, with the secret help of Castro and the CIA, he managed to grab power in Venezuela...
"In 2000, with the secret help of Castro and the CIA, he managed to grab power in Venezuela...
"On November 24, 2004, State Department Deputy Spokesman Adam Ereli pointed out, citing a 2002 report of the Office of Inspector General on U.S. policy toward Venezuela in the run-up to the coup, that the U.S. Government had alerted the Government of Venezuela of possible coup attempts, and a credible assassination threat...
"Despite all Castro’s apparently anti-American activities, the U.S. hegemony in the region climbed to an all-time high between the 1980s and the mid-1990s...
"A large portion of the nationalist Latin American ruling class fear the growing economic penetration and political influence of Wall Street and American transnational corporations in their countries, and were reluctant to accept the new free trade agreements with the U.S....
"But they were intimidated by Castro-Chavism’s ability to mobilize anti-government violence and by Chavez’ use of oil as a blackmail tool...
"The CFR conspirators have been using to their advantage the fear of Castro-Chavism as a strong factor to force the Latin American leaders they have not been able to buy or coerce into accepting disastrous policies like the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), and the coming the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), as the lesser of two evils.
"The Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) and the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) are just previous steps towards the creation, first of the North American Union.
"It will comprise Canada, the U.S. and Mexico, and later of the American Union, which will extend from Alaska to Patagonia.
"The American Union, under the total control of the Wall Street bankers and oil magnates through their international financial organizations - and, if necessary, with the help of the U.S. military - will bring the destruction of the economies of the Latin America countries, the extinction of the middle classes, the enrichment of a few and the impoverishing of workers and farmers . . . exactly as Castro has done in the Cuba.
"It seems that, despite that Chavez has played his role to perfection, the CFR conspirators who put him in power in Venezuela don’t need him anymore. Therefore, they have decided to throw him under the bus, and Castro specializes in doing the dirty work for the conspirators."
Hugo Chavez: Another Victim of Castro
"It seems that, despite that Chavez has played his role to perfection, the CFR conspirators who put him in power in Venezuela don’t need him anymore. Therefore, they have decided to throw him under the bus, and Castro specializes in doing the dirty work for the conspirators."
Hugo Chavez: Another Victim of Castro
For the whole story about how the CIA recruited Castro in early 1948 and how the CFR conspirators have been using him since as a secret agent provocateur, see my Psychological Warfare and the New World Order.
Jonathan T. Stride, “Castro Said to the Using Cancer Instigating Weapons of Warfare,”The Yara News, December 30, 1997,
Steven F. Hayward, “The Carter-Chavez Connection,” Front Page Magazine, August 26, 2004,
Carlos Alberto Montaner, “Lo que el golpe unió lo desunirá la muerte,” El Nuevo Herald, April 23, 2006.
Luli Fernandez
Servando Gonzalez
Is a Cuban-born American writer, semiologist and intelligence analyst. He has written books, essays and articles on Latin American history, intelligence, espionage, and semiotics. Servando is the author of Historia herética de la revolución fidelista, The Secret Fidel Castro, The Nuclear Deception and La madre de todas las conspiraciones, all available at
He also hosted the documentaries Treason in America: The Council on Foreign Relations andPartners in Treason: The CFR-CIA-Castro Connection, produced by Xzault Media Group of San Leandro, California, both available at the author's site at
His latest book, Psychological Warfare and the New World Order: The Secret War Against the American People just appeared and is available at Or download a .pdf copy of the book you can read on your computer or i-Pad.
Servando's new book, OBAMANIA: The New Puppet and His Masters, is already available at
Servando Gonzalez Articles
Labels: Castro, CIA, cocaine, Cuba, double life, gay, Jewish, Juan Sanchez