Cassius Clay, aka Muhammad Ali, was born in Kentucky, in 1942.

Cassius Clay.
His mother had some white blood, including that of an Irish grandfather.
Ali was greatly affected by the lynching of a 14-year-old black boy, Emmett Till, in Mississipi in 1955.

In 1955, fourteen year old Emmett went to visit a small town in Mississippi. He whistled at a woman outside a store. A group of men beat Emmett to a pulp, shot him dead and dumped him in a river.
In 1964, the military measured Ali's IQ as being 78, well below the armed force's threshold.
In 1964, the military classified Ali as unfit for military service, except in times of national emergency.

Ali was later "sent by the President of the United States to visit war-zones in Iraq and Afghanistan, where he was welcomed by soldiers as one of his country’s great heroes."
The Kentucky boy.

In 1955, fourteen year old Emmett went to visit a small town in Mississippi. He whistled at a woman outside a store. A group of men beat Emmett to a pulp, shot him dead and dumped him in a river.
In 1964, the military measured Ali's IQ as being 78, well below the armed force's threshold.
In 1964, the military classified Ali as unfit for military service, except in times of national emergency.

Ali with US troops in Korea, 1976.
Ali was later "sent by the President of the United States to visit war-zones in Iraq and Afghanistan, where he was welcomed by soldiers as one of his country’s great heroes."
The Kentucky boy.
Ali got taken over, from an early age.

Muhammad Ali joined the Nation of Islam (NOI) in the early 1960s.
The Nation of Islam reportedly has links to the CIA and to Freemasonry.
In 1975 WD Mohammed assumed the leadership of the NOI.
The Nation of Islam reportedly has links to the CIA and to Freemasonry.
In 1975 WD Mohammed assumed the leadership of the NOI.
Reportedly, WD Mohammed was an agent of the US government.
Imam WD Mohammed was a Government Agent.

Ali was married to:
2. 'Actress' Belinda Boyd (1967-77)
'Belinda Boyd was 17 years old when she married Muhammad Ali.'
3. Model Veronica Porsche (1977-86)
Ali and Porsche began a relationship in 1974 when Porsche was 17 years old.
4. Yolanda Williams (1986 -)

Ali had at least nine children - including two love-children.
During his marriage to Boyd, Ali is also reported to have had:
(1) Miya with a woman reportedly named Patricia Harvell and
(2) Khaliah to a 16-year-old girl, Wanda Bolton.
(1) Miya with a woman reportedly named Patricia Harvell and
(2) Khaliah to a 16-year-old girl, Wanda Bolton.
There have been several others who have claimed to be Ali's children, including in 2014 Kiiursti Mensah Ali, whose mother, Barbara Mensah, claims to have had a relationship with Ali.
Labels: Biaggio, CIA, Emmett Till, IQ, Iraq, mind control, Muhammad Ali, Nation of Islam
Some interesting info.
I guess the black panthers, etc., were becoming influential, and a controlled figurehead was needed for black people in the US ?
Often wondered how he was allowed to be "The Greatest". Any other black man would have been ridiculed or silenced.
D-bol and amphetamines will help your game. And give you a megalomanic self image. He was a very good boxer in a rigged or well managed sport.
He may have transcended being a selfish cheat with his mastery of gamesmanship. I am not impressed.
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