Sunday 14 February 2016


In the early morning of 18 November 2015, French special forces, aided by a dog called Diesel, raided a building in Paris.

The building was where the alleged Paris Attacks mastermind Abdelhamid Abaaoud was said to be hiding.

The special forces killed Diesel, and, wounded various innocent neighbours.

The authorities at first claimed that Diesel had been killed by a female suicide bomber. 

This was later shown to have been incorrect as there was no female bomber.

The French police have confirmed that the hero dog Diesel was shot by the special forces.

Abaaoud's female cousin, Hasna Ait Boulahcen, was riddled with bullets and died in the attack as she tried to give herself up.

Abdelhamid Abaaoud was also killed.


Those inside the house 'had only one pistol between them'.

Forensic examination has established that up to 5,000 rounds of security services ammunition was used during the raid, while the alleged terrorists fired around 11 bullets.


Abdelhamid Abaaoud was privately educated at Saint-Pierre College and was spoilt by his parents. 

He was a nightclub-loving playboy.

A Turkish woman has said of the family of Abdelhamid Abaaoud: 'The family weren't religious at all.' a Turkish woman tasked with keeping an eye on their now-empty house told me yesterday.

According to a friend, the young Abdelhamid Abaaoud, would smoke cannabis liberally and drink whatever alcohol could be found.

Abdelhamid Abaaoud grew up in the Molenbeek suburb of Brussels, not far from the HQ of NATO.

Abdelhamid Abaaoud became a petty criminal and spent time in prison.

The security services recruit people in prison.

In Autumn 2014, Abdelhamid Abaaoud died.

The family received reports that he had been 'martyred' while fighting for IS.

At this point, a Mossad double, perhaps a Moroccan Jew, may have stepped in.

Body doubles - Victoria Beckham, Gordon Ramsey, David Beckham and Ricky Gervais

Abdelhamid Abaaoud attended one of the most exclusive colleges in Brussels, Saint-Pierre College, but he was expelled.

A former classmate says: 'He was a little jerk.' 

He bullied classmates and teachers and was found with stolen wallets.

Abdelhamid Abaaoud's father set him up in a clothes shop, near his own. 

Abdelhamid Abaaoud bought an Audi A4.

Like the reportedly gay King of Morocco, Abdelhamid Abaaoud loved Brussels' bars and nightclubs.

No one can remember him having a serious girlfriend.

Among his friends were the brothers Salah and Ibrahim Abdeslam.

Abdelhamid Abaaoud was sent to jail.

A Turkish neighbour says of Abdelhamid Abaaoud, after he came out of prison: "I could hardly recognise the Abdelhamid I knew all his life.

"He had been smart and clean-shaven, but he came out with a beard and long hair, and he had exchanged his jeans for traditional Arab Muslim robes. 

"Before, he was always laughing and joking. But he hardly smiled and spoke very quietly and seriously."

Perhaps the Abdelhamid Abaaoud who came out of prison was a mind-controlled asset of the security services.

Or perhaps he was a Mossad body-double.

One of the guns used in the 13 November 2015 Paris attacks comes from a Florida arms dealer which was involved in the CIA's Iran-Contra operation.

Paris attack: Dealer says one gun came through South Florida. / Gun linked to Paris attacks traced back to Florida arms dealer implicated in Iran-Contra scandal

The arms dealer is the family-owned Century International Arms in Delray Beach.

The owner of the firm is Michael Sucher.

At least seven and possibly nine of the 9 11 hijackers lived in Delray Beach in the months leading up to the attack.

Encounters with 9/11 hijackers still haunt Palm Beach.

Century International Arms in Delray Beach, Florida.

The firm's weapons have also been used by Mexican drug cartels.

In some recent false flag operations, the killers have been white men, trained by the military.

The patsies who end up being killed are usually Moslem petty criminals.

Near the Cafe La Belle Equipe at the Rue de Charonne in Paris

In the 13 November 2015 Paris Attack, one of the targets was La Belle Equipe café.

A witness, Mr Admo, 26, described the shooter.

Paris attack witness says black Mercedes pulled up and ...

"He was white, clean shaven and had dark hair neatly trimmed.

"He was dressed all in black accept for a red scarf.

"The shooter was aged about 35 and had an extremely muscular build, which you could tell from the size of his arms...

"The driver had ... a machine gun rested on the roof of the car. He stood there ... acting as a lookout.

"I would describe him as tall, with dark hair and also quite muscular.

"They looked like soldiers or mercenaries and carried the whole thing out like a military operation."

On 13 November, various friends, some of whom worked at the nearby Café des Angeswere in La Belle Equipe celebrating the 35th birthday of Cafe des Anges waitress Houda Saadi.

Eleven of these friends were gunned down when La Belle Equipe was attacked by two gunmen.

Houda Saadi is Tunisian.

She was in La belle Equipe with her sister Halima, and her two brothers Khaled and Bashir.

Both Houda and Halima were killed.

The majority of the 19 victims at the La Belle Equipe café were from the birthday celebrations.


Near the Cafe La Belle Equipe at the Rue de Charonne in Paris

Psychotherapist Mark Colclough, a 43-year-old British-Danish dual citizen, was with a colleague on Rue de la Fontaine when he witnessed a gunman attack a cafe

The gunman was "a man in military uniform, black jumper, black trousers, black shoes or boots and a machine gun."

Paris attack witness: 'he was dressed in black, professional ....

We were told that Samy Amimour (above), was one of the November 2015 Paris Attack shooters at the Bataclan theatre.

It now emerges that Samy trained at the police shooting club in Paris. 

Police officers taught Samy how to use a semi-automatic handgun, using 38 Special and 22 Long Rifle ammunition.

Bataclan terrorist who killed 89 was trained to shoot by FRENCH POLICE

Apparently, Samy was recruited by the security services.

After Samy travelled to Syria there was "an international arrest warrant issued for Samy". 

However, Samy was able to leave and return to France unhindered.

SAMY Amimour 

David Headley, who planned the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks, worked for the US Drugs Enforcement Administration and he told a close friend that he also worked for the CIA.

Former Justice Dept. prosecutor John Loftus claims that the London bombing mastermind Haroon Rashid Aswat "works for the MI6".

According to Newsweek, "Terrorists in the September 11 attacks received training at secure US military bases, a Defense Department spokesman admitted in an interview."

3 days after the WTC disaster, Newsweek and the Washington Post reported that 3 of the hijackers had listed their address as theNaval Air Station in Pensacola, Florida. / /issue06.html /

Samy Amimour as a child

Samy Amimour comes from a secular (non-religious) family.

Paris attacks: Samy Amimour, the 'nice guy' 

Samy's neighbours in Paris have fond memories of Samy.

"There were both fond memories of a good-natured neighbour and bafflement at what he had become."

Salim, 24, says that Samy's parents were not practising Muslims. 

French media reports describe them as thoughtful and worldly.

Paris attacks: Samy Amimour, the 'nice guy' 

Samy dressed like everyone else, played football, hung out, and was not drawn into petty crime.

The alleged Paris 'terrorist' Salah Abdeslam (above) frequented Brussel's gay bars where staff thought he was a 'rent boy'.

He flirted with men and took drugs.

Sunday Times.

Is this Salah Abdeslam at La Belle Epoque, after the attack?

Saleh Abdeslam is a Moroccan.

Morocco's king is said to be gay.

Mohammed VI, in Tunisia.

Morocco's King Mohammed VI went to college in Brussels, Belgium, and regularly hung out in gay bars there, the newspaper De Gay Krant said.


Salah Abdeslam or a Mossad double?

"During a street side news report by the notorious Sky News (see: Scrutiny of the Tunisia “terror’ Attack) after the Paris attacks, a dead ringer for the alleged terrorist and subject of a 'massive manhunt' Abdeslam Ben Salah casually strolls in front of the camera and gives us a little smirk."

Abdeslam Salah Goes on Camera

Salah Abdeslam. It is possible that there is an Arab Salah and a Mossad body double?

Salah Abdeslam was stopped and let go by police, 3 times.

He is now believed to be on the run in Europe.


In 2010, while a trainee state rail mechanic, Salah was jailed for armed robbery.


His accomplice at the time was Abdelhamid Abaaoud (Abou Omar el-Belgiki), now suspected of being the 'mastermind' of the Friday 13th attack in Paris.

Salah's friend Nabil told reuters that Salah Abdeslam and his brother Ibrahim were "regular guys who enjoyed a laugh."

Salah's friend Hicham said that the brothers played cards and talked about football, but "never Islam or anything jihadist."

Neighbor Sheraz Sheik said of Salah: "He was a really nice guy.

"He was really well dressed, wearing designer clothes, no beard. A really smart guy, he'd gone to school and was really intelligent.”

The brothers opened a bar in their hometown two years ago, called the Cafe Des Beguines – named after a Christian monastic order – which served alcohol.

Ibrahim Abdeslam would openly drink alcohol, contrary to Islamic rules.

In 2015, the authorities served the bar with a notice saying they would shut down Café Des Beguines in August because 'the premises have been used for the consumption of banned hallucinogenic substances,' and alleging the dive bar was being used as a place to score drugs.

However, the Abdeslam brothers were never even brought in for questioning and they sold the bar in late September 2015.

Salah Abdeslam was on a countrywide list of about 800 suspected radicals, but, the authorities appear never to have interrogated him.


So, either Salah was blackmailed into working for the CIA-Mosad, or he has a CIA-Mossad double.

Mohamed Atta had a Hebrew speaking double.


Abdelhamid Abaaoud, or his double. Moroccan Jew?

Salah's friend Abdelhamid Abaaoud (Abou Omar el-Belgiki), is now suspected of being the 'mastermind' of the Friday 13th attack in Paris.

Abdelhamid Abaaoud became a petty criminal and spent time in prison.

The security services recruit people in prison.

In Autumn 2014, Abdelhamid Abaaoud died.

The family received reports that he had been 'martyred' while fighting for IS.

At this point, a Mossad double, perhaps a Moroccan Jew, may have stepped in.

Perhaps the Abdelhamid Abaaoud who came out of prison was a mind-controlled asset of the security services.

In the 13 November 2015 Paris attack, one of the 'patsies' was Salah's brother, Ibrahim Abdeslam.

Ibrahim's former wife says says of Ibrahim:

1. He never went to the mosque.

2. He was not opposed to the West.

2. He was a jobless layabout who smoked cannabis 'all day every day'.

3. He had spent time in prison.

Ibrahim, 31, lived in Brussel's Molenbeek district, where the CIA reportedly recruits its patsies.

On 13 November, Ibrahim 'blew himself up' outside the Comptoir Voltaire cafe in Paris.

dailymail / Paris bomber Ibrahim Abdeslam 'smoked cannabis every day' but 'had no gripe with the West', says former wife.

Anders Breivik

Breivik's double

Abdeslam Salah is wanted in connection with the Paris attacks of 13 November 2015.

According to Associated Press, Salah was stopped by police in a Volkswagen Polo with two others men shortly after the attacks.

The officers let him go.

Police protected the terrorists.

Salah has lived in the Brussels suburb of Molenbeek, which was home to Abdelkader Belliraj.

Abdelkader Belliraj is a terrorist who worked for the CIA and the French and Belgian security services.

Boston. BOSTON

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former US Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy, writes:

"I have received a report from European security that there was a massive cyber attack on French systems 48 hours prior to and during the Paris attacks.

"Amongst other things, the attack took down the French mobile data network and blinded police surveillance."

Paul Craig Roberts.

"A Danish citizen describing one of the attackers to a Paris café; ultra-pro, black-clad head to toe, AK-47, very well trained."

Oriental Review

“They didn’t shout anything, they didn’t say anything."

Silent Gunmen

John Brennan, crypto-Jew?

"The head of France's external intelligence was in Washington for consultations with CIA Chief John Brennan two weeks before the attacks."

Important Events Leading Up to the November 13 Paris Terrorist Attacks. Sheer Coincidence? bProf Michel Chossudovsky

"Friday 13 November 2015 also happened to be the day of a 'multi-site attack exercise' in Paris that included 'police forces, firemen, EMTs, and others,'" according to Patrick Pelloux

The Paris attack is like the Mumbai attack.

Ex-General Paul E. Vallely in Syria.

Towards the end of October 2015, the USA's ex-General Paul E. Vallely, a specialist in psy-ops, visited Paris.

In Paris three weeks ago' - US General.

The Friday 13th attacks on Paris look like a psy-op.

British Defence Secretary Michael Fallon, US Defense Secretary Ash Carter and NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg attend a NATO Defence Ministers meeting at the NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium October 8, 2015.

An inquiry into the Paris massacre has brought Belgian law enforcement into the Molenbeek neighborhood of Brussels.

Witnesses of the November 2015 Paris massacre reported that two cars linked to the attacks, one near the Bataclan music hall and another near the restaurants Le Petit Cambodge and Le Carillon, had Belgian license plates.

Molenbeek, Brussels, Belgium.

In the 1990s, Abdelkader Belliraj worked for the main Belgian intelligence agency, the Sûreté de l'État, and he had dinner with Osama bin Laden less than two weeks before the September 11 attacks. (Abdelkader Belliraj - Wikipedia)

Abdelkader Belliraj (said to be currently in jail) is a Belgian-Moroccan terrorist who has worked for the CIA and the French and Belgian security services.

Belliraj's home is in Molenbeek St Jean, in Belgium.

Molenbeek St Jean is the Belgian district that Oakley International, who were looking for Madeleine McCann, was said to have been staking out in April and May 2008.

A girl fitting the description of Madeleine McCann was caught on CTV images in the same Molenbeek St Jean district.

(Maddie McCann investigator in battle against US fraud charges )

Belgium means Marc Dutroux, who is believed to have worked for the security services.

"The Dutroux arrest unraveled an international pedophile ring involving Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal, the U.S., Great Britain, Japan and the United Nations and its agencies."


John McCain in Syria in 2013. In the left foreground, we see the boss of ISIS Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Often the 'terrorists' are secretly working for Mossad and its friends.

So the 'terrorists' must be protected by the security services.

On 5 November 2015, a heavily armed suspect was stopped on his way to Paris, "but German police who uncovered an arsenal of weapons in his car did not tell anti-terror chiefs."

At least one of the Paris attack "terrorists" was a Parisian who had been on a terror watch list for five years.

He was not being monitored "closely enough to be stopped before he took part in the attack."


There is a belief that the Zionists and the fascists (whether Moslem, Hindu or Christian) work together.

Towards the end of October 2015, the USA's ex-General Paul E. Vallely, a specialist in psy-ops, visited Paris.

Netanyahu warned of a 'grave mistake' if France recognises Palestine (November 2014)

On the morning of Friday 13 November 2015, security officials in France’s Jewish community were informed of the very real possibility of an impending large terrorist attack in France, according to Jonathan-Simon Sellem, a freelance journalist.

In France, defense experts 'see parallels to Israel'

Some people are blaming Mossad and its friends for the Paris attacks.

Official PA Daily Links Mossad with Paris Massacres.

On 6 October 2015 there was a high level meeting of NATO generals at Lille near Paris. NATO - News

In August 2015 "French police arrested a man on suspicion that he was plotting a terror attack on a concert venue, French television channel BFMTV revealed."

On 7 July 2015, around 200 detonators, 40 grenades and one 'pile' of plastic explosives mysteriously disappeared from a military instillation in southeastern France

From 3 October - 6 November 2015, NATO forces were carrying out Exercise TRIDENT JUNCTURE 2015.

This involved locations across Italy, Spain and Portugal and included events such as terrorist attacks.


On 6 October 2015 there was a high level meeting of NATO generals at Lille near Paris.

NATO - News

On 8 October 2015, British Defence Secretary Michael Fallon, US Defense Secretary Ash Carter and NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg attended a NATO Defence Ministers meeting at the NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium.

It happened on Friday the 13th (commemorating the massacre of the Templars) in the 11th month, in Paris's 11th district. French false flag.

Towards the end of October 2015, the USA's ex-General Paul E. Vallely, formerly in charge of psy-ops, visited Paris.

On 29 October 2015, The CIA director, John O. Brennan, met with his counterpart, French intelligence (DGSE) director Bernard Bajolet and with former UK MI6 Chief John Sawers, and former Israeli National Security Advisor Yaacov Amidror.

On 5 November 2015, a heavily armed suspect was stopped on his way to Paris, "but German police who uncovered an arsenal of weapons in his car did not tell anti-terror chiefs."

On 11 November 2015, there was a practice Terror drill in Denmark.

On 13 November 2015, a few hours before the attacks, France introduced Border controls , with 30,000 police mobilized.



On 13 November 2015, the security services were carrying out terror drills in Paris.

Deha, who lives on Boulevard St Germain told The Local that this his son came home from school on Friday 13 November 2015 with a letter advising parents what to do in case of an emergency.

False flag terror events require patsies.

In the case of the Mumbai attacks, the patsy, Kasab, was actually in police custody immediately before the attacks began.


Paris prosecutor Francois Molins now says 'a terror suspect' has been 'formally identified,' [and the person is known to the French authorities] "for ordinary crimes."

Evidence has to be planted; and planted passports are a much used trick by the security services.

French police say they found a Syrian passport 'near the body of one of the attackers' during the investigation into the assaults.


France's Minister of the Interior, Bernard Cazeneuve (above), is reportedly linked toMossad.

Hausfrauleaks points out that the CIA-NATO's Operation Gladio terrorism in Italy is linked to the P2 masonic lodge in Italy (which has been linked to Kissinger, the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers)

"P2 had a sister lodge in Paris also linked to Gladio named 'Le Grand Orient de Paris'. 

"The most influential mason now at that lodge is France's current Prime Minister Manuel Valls. 

"Valls appointed interior minister Cazeneuve who was directly in charge of handling the investigation of Charlie Hebdo, the Belgian train attack and the migrant riots in Calais which were recently proven to be instigated by Black Bloc (run by western intel) and a pro-migrant Soros group together. 

"Cazeneuve is known to be a significant high mason as well like Valls who appointed him. 

"Cazeneuve and Valls are both known to be extreme zionist Jews who are also high masons tied to the elite establishment.

"Note that Gladio authority Daniele Ganser documents that interior ministers of complicit countries were always Gladio players."

The Paris attackers did not hit any important assets such as Paris Disneyland or Notre Dame but hit the city's young, progressive core

One witness who was in the road front of the Bataclan concert hall before the attack and saw at least one of the assassins told BMFTV that he wasn't hooded: 'I saw a guy, quite small, white, European looking.

Some reported hearing at least two of the terrorists at the Bataclan Theatre speaking perfect French.

A witness present at the Bataclan Theatre told Reuters that none of the other attackers were over 25, and all had brown hair.

dailymail. / Direct Attaques à Paris - Libération

Some of the attackers in Mumbai in 2008 were described as being white men, and not Moslems.

President Hollande leaves the Stade de France after the attack

Journalist Julien Pierce told CNN that the gunmen did not shout slogans as they massacred their victims.

He said: 'They didn't say anything. Not Allah akhbar or something like this. They said nothing. They just shot. They just shoot.'

dailymail. (The Daily Mail seems to have deleted what Journalist Julien Pierce told CNN )

The Bataclan Theatre, according to Le Point, had Jewish owners.


According to the Times of Israel November 14, 2015

"The Bataclan theater, targeted in Friday night’s Paris terror attacks, was Jewish-owned for decades, but was sold two months ago, its former owners said."

The owners moved to Israel just before the attacks.

On Friday 13 November 2015, in Paris, a series of 'terror' attacks killed young concert-goers, soccer fans and people at popular nightspots.

At least 120 people were killed.

Allegedly, "all the 8 attackers are dead."

President Assad.

The objective of the Paris psy-op is to get more attacks on Syria - to topple Assad.

Assad is the moderate secular guy who protects Christians, but who stands in the way of Israel's plans for a greater Israel.

San Francisco knew in advance?

"The Media is now airing images of landmarks - SF City Hall , One World Trade Center, London Eye, CN Tower Canada, Sky Tower NZ - all lit in French colours.

"That all seems indicative of a mighty fast and co-ordinated effort."

Don't fall for the psy-op.

The attack in Paris is like the CIA-Mossad attack on Mumbai in 2008.

The organiser of the Mumbai Attack, David Headley, told his close friend that he worked for the CIA.

The police and security services in India reportedly helped to carry out the Mumbai attack.

A top intelligence officer admitted that the CIA carried out terror attacks. Operation Gladio - Wikispooks

According to the Paris police, there were "two suicide bombings and an explosion outside the national stadium during a soccer match between the French and German national teams."

Within minutes, "another group of attackers sprayed cafes outside a concert hall with machine gunfire ... As police closed in, they detonated explosive belts, killing themselves...

"Dozens were killed in an attack on a restaurant ... and several other establishments."

"People inside the concert hall were begging for help on social media but the police did nothing for 2 hours. This allowed two gunmen to shoot dead around 100 people"

This suggests that the Paris Attack was an inside-job?

Amid Bataclan Hostage Crisis, Did Paris Police Wait Too Long To Rescue Victims?.

Some of the accounts of this event seem somewhat contradictory - Black Friday- Paris Terror Attacks.

Psy op - prepared in advance.

Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, told AP that ISIS may have carried out the Paris attack.

ISIS works for the CIA, Mossad and NATO, apparently.

Operation Strong Tower - UK terror drill. Deliberately fake, as in the Woolwich attack on Lee Rigby.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said it was too soon to say whether the attacks in Paris would lead him to reconsider his pledge to withdraw Canada from airstrikes against ISIS.

In the 13 November 2015 Paris attack, one of the patsies was Salah Abdeslam, the brother of Ibrahim Abdeslam.

Salah Abdeslam was stopped three times by the police, but each time the police let him go.


In some recent false flag operations, the killers have been white men, trained by military.

The 13 November 2015 Paris Attack is partly about making money.

Weapons manufacturers had a good opening at the New York Stock Exchange on Monday 16 November, with Lockheed Martin trading 3.5 percent higher, Northrop Grumman up 4.4 percent, and Raytheon up 4 percent.

Stocks of French defense giant Thales were up 3 percent, even as French markets were down overall, according to the Sydney Morning Herald.

The Western security services put both the Ayatollah Khoemini and Saddam Hussein into power and then manipulated them into having a war. This made lots of money for the arms dealers.


The 13 November 2015 Paris Attack is partly about creating a Greater Israel.

This Greater Israel will contain a part of Syria.

France and the USA have been protecting ISIS and killing innocent Syrian civilians.

The illegal French airstrikes on Syria have hit a stadium, a museum and clinics.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said that the US and French airstrikes "didn't touch those ISIS units, which were capable of seriously challenging the Syrian army... They want ISIS to weaken Assad..."

US intentionally spare ISIS in Syria.

The 13 November 2015 Paris Attack is partly about helping President Hollande win in the coming French elections.

According to Paul Craig Roberts:

"It is entirely possible that the French Establishment made a decision to protect its hold on power with a false flag attack that would allow the Establishment to close France’s borders and, thereby, deprive Marine Le Pen of her main political issue."


The 13 November 2015 Paris Attack is partly about the CIA using its Wahhabi-Salafi Moslem forces to destabilise parts of Europe.

Only the very stupid Moslems do not know that Osama worked with the Jewish Mafia in the narcotics trade.

British spies used the Salafi/Wahhabis to break up the Ottoman (Turkish) Empire.

MI6 used the Salafi/Wahhabis in Aceh to help topple President Sukarno in Indonesia.

The CIA used the Salafi/Wahhabis in Afghanistan to frustrate the Russians.

Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, Emir of the State of Qatar (L) and Israel Meir Lau, Chief Rabbi of Israel.

Reportedly, the founder of the Saudi Wahhabi sect of Islam, Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab, was a crypto-Jew.

"The ancestral lineage of the Saudi royal family goes back to the Jewish tribe of Banu Qunaiqa of 7th century Arabia.

"The 18th century founder of the Wahabi sect, Muhammed ibn Abd Al Wahhab, had his origin from the Jewish community of Turkey. 

"His grandfather was a Turkish Jew belonging to the Doenmeh community."

Jewish origin of Saudis and Wahabis

British spy boss John Buchan wrote the spy novel Greenmantle in 1916. In Greenmantle a shadowy Moslem figure, working for certain Western Intelligence services, tries to spark an Islamic jihad "that will throw the whole of the Middle East, India and North Africa into turmoil..." (Greenmantle - Wikipedia)

In real life, it is Britain's MI6, mossad and the CIA who reportedly control the shadowy Moslem figures.

Before World War I, the Salafi-Wahhabi form of Islam was promoted by the Western security services in order to try to break up the Turkish Ottoman Empire, which contained Palestine.

On 13 November, various friends, some of whom worked at the nearby Café des Angeswere in La Belle Equipe celebrating the 35th birthday of Cafe des Anges waitress Houda Saadi.

Eleven of these friends were gunned down when La Belle Equipe was attacked by two gunmen.

Houda Saadi is Tunisian.

She was in La belle Equipe with her sister Halima, and her two brothers Khaled and Bashir.

Both Houda and Halima were killed.

The majority of the 19 victims at the La Belle Equipe café were from the birthday celebrations.


Near the Cafe La Belle Equipe at the Rue de Charonne in Paris

Psychotherapist Mark Colclough, a 43-year-old British-Danish dual citizen, was with a colleague on Rue de la Fontaine when he witnessed a gunman attack a cafe

The gunman was "a man in military uniform, black jumper, black trousers, black shoes or boots and a machine gun."

Paris attack witness: 'he was dressed in black, professional ....

The Chief of Staff of the Israeli army is General Gadi Eisenkot.

General Gadi Eisenkot is a Jew of Moroccan origin.

Gadi Eisenkot, juif d'origine marocaine à la tête de l'armée.

Azoulay, who runs Morocco.

André Azoulay is senior adviser to king Mohammed VI of Morocco.

André Azoulay is a Moroccan Jew.

The CIA is said to have a record of the King of Morocco visiting gay bars in Brussels.

Above we see "the Stade de France bomber Bilal Hadfi".


Brussels is home to a large number of Jewish Moroccans.

Un centre de culture judéo-marocaine inauguré à Bruxelles ..

In the 1990s, Abdelkader Belliraj worked for the main Belgian intelligence agency, the Sûreté de l'État, and he had dinner with Osama bin Laden less than two weeks before the September 11 attacks. (Abdelkader Belliraj - Wikipedia)

The Moroccan terrorist Abdelkader Belliraj is expected to be freed by the King of Morocco on 18 November 2015.

Belliraj pourrait être gracié le 18 novembre par le roi du MarocAbdelkader Belliraj is from Molenbeek in Brussels and he worked for the CIA and for Belgian intelligence.
Belliraj pourrait être gracié le 18 novembre par le roi du Maroc

Abdelhamid Abaaoud - Moroccan Belgian (Jew?) from Molenbeek in Brussels

The mastermind of the 13 November 2015 Paris Attacks is said to be the Moroccan Abdelhamid Abaaoud.

Abdelhamid Abaaoud is from Molenbeek in Brussels.

Abdelhamid Abaaoud - belonging to ISIS, which is financed by the West.

A French official has identified the alleged mastermind of the Paris attacks as Belgian-born Abdelhamid Abaaoud, AP reports.

Abaaoud is also linked, to the Paris train attack in August 2015. (Paris terror)

The PARIS TRAIN incident was a FALSE FLAG attack, linked to CAZENEUVE and MOSSAD

Abaaoud grew up in Brussels' Molenbeek district. Abaaouda was described as a happy-go-lucky student who went to one of Brussels' most prestigious high schools, Saint-Pierre d’Uccle. He may have been mind controlled and he may have a double.

According to Paul Craig Roberts:

"It is entirely possible that the French Establishment made a decision to protect its hold on power with a false flag attack that would allow the Establishment to close France’s borders and, thereby, deprive Marine Le Pen of her main political issue."


On 9 November 2015, just before the Paris Attack, the UK's finance minister George Osborne stated that his government would be funding an extra 1,900 intelligence personnel.

Yes, GCHQ is hiring 1900 staffers. It's not a snap decision

Allegedly, the Paris Attack was reported on WIKIPEDIA before it happened. However, a lot of fake stuff is being put out on the internet in order to discredit the alternative news sites.


A Turkish official has told the Guardian that French authorities were informed twice about the Paris attack 'terrorist' Omar Ismail Mostefai by Turkey, but only received an information request about him after the Paris attacks.

French intelligence was reported to have been tracking Mostefei in 2010.

Paris terror attacks: Turkey told France twice about Bataclan bomber

Activists have noted the Balaclan Theatre's association with pro-Israel activities.

The CIA and NATO have a long history of carrying out terror attacks in Europe.

Operation Gladio


The US politician Jack Lindblad claims that the Charlie Hebdo killings were done by the 'US and Mossad' to keep Israel's Netanyahu in power


Francesco Cossiga is a former President, former Prime Minister, and former Minister of the Interior, in Italy.

Italian President Francesco Cossiga said: provoke riots then “beat the shit out of the protesters”

He was one of the founders of the NATO-CIA Operation GLADIO secret intelligence group.

Recently he gave advice to the current Italian Minister of the Interior Robert Maroni about how to deal with protestors.

Cossiga's statement translated reads as follows:

"Maroni should do what I did when I was Minister of the Interior.

"University students? ... infiltrate them with agents provocateurs ... and let the agents provocateurs devastate shops, set fire to cars and put cities to the sword for ten days.

"Then, having won the sympathy of the public ... the police should pitilessly beat the shit out of protesters and send them all to hospital. "

Fascism survived after 1945

It was the CIA chief Allen Dulles who devised the plan to set up secret Gladio forces across Europe.

Dulles, Sir Stewart Menzies (MI6) and the Belgian Premier Paul Henri Spaak were in on the plan.

A few years ago, CIA-NATO Gladio agent Vincezo Vinciguerra explained the Gladio "strategy of tension" in sworn testimony.

He said:

"You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game ... to force the Italian public, to turn to the state to ask for greater security. 

"This is the political logic that lies behind all the massacres and the bombings which remain unpunished, because the state cannot convict itself or declare itself responsible for what happened."

NATO’s secret armies linked to terrorism?

According to historians, Gladio carried out false flag terror attacks, such as the Bologna train bombing in 1980 which killed 85 people.

According to the Italian Senate, after its investigation in 2000, the bombers were "men inside Italian state institutions and ... men linked to the structures of United States intelligence."

The book "NATO's Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe," by Daniele Ganser documents the terrorist activities of the security services.

Evidence of Gladio terrorism was revealed during an Italian parliamentary investigation.

The terrorists are usually working for the security services.

Certain 'Palestinian terrorists' were reportedly working for the CIA and MOSSAD.

(Abu Nidal reportedly worked for the CIA and MOSSAD...)

Terrorist working for the CIA.

At thirdworldtraveller Peter Dale Scott, Jonathan Marshall, and Jane Hunter have an article which refers to the Bologna Bomb and the P2 freemason fascists who were Italy's secret government.


"According to the Italian Parliamentary Report on P-2:

"P-2 contributed to the strategy of tension...

"The purpose was to destabilize Italian politics ...  to bring about an authoritarian solution to Italy's problems."

The London Bombings and 9 11 - reportedly part of the 'strategy of tension', designed to advance a Zionist-Fascist agenda.

Stefano Delle Chiaie worked for the CIA's Gladio operation.

According to the Italian Parliamentary Report on P-2:

"Delle Chiaie was a principal organizer for ...

"The 1969 bomb (in a bank) in Piazza Fontana of Milan (16 deaths, 90 injuries),

"The 1970 coup attempt of Prince Valerio Borghese (a CIA client since 1945), 

"And the Bologna station bombing of August 2, 1980 (85 deaths, 200 injuries).

"In December 1985 magistrates in Bologna issued 16 arrest warrants ... accusing members of the Italian intelligence service SISMI of planning and then covering up the Bologna bombing.

"One of these 16 was P-2's leader Licio Gelli...

"A small group of anarchists ... were blamed at first for the Piazza Fontana bombing, even though SISMI knew ... that delle Chiaie was responsible..."

In 2007, Cossiga declared that 9/11 was an inside job and that this fact was "common knowledge" among intelligence agencies.

Bologna 1980

Operation Gladio was organised by the security services of the West.

Reportedly, the idea was to kill innocent people and then blame this on others.

Gladio was about keeping the right-wing elite in power.

Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti revealed the existence of Gladio in 1991.

Parliamentary investigations in Italy, Switzerland and Belgium have revealed the truth.

The CIA, MI6, Pentagon and NATO have carried out their Gladio terrorist activities in many countries including Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Turkey and West Germany.

Deir Yassin - Jewish terrorists, called Irgun, massacred women and children

Gladio was the name used in Italy.

In Austria the name was Schwert, 

Belgium - Sdra 8, 

Britain - Stay Behind, 

France - Glaive, 

Greece -Operation Sheepskin, 

Sweden -Sveaborg, 

Switzerland -P26 and 

Turkey -Special War Department.

Notes on Operation Stay Behind

What would you do?
On 7 September 1947, Associated Press reported: "The Paris police today arrested a number of persons after discovering six home-made aerial bombs with which, it is suggested, the Stern Gang intended to bomb London.." JEWISH PLOT TO RAID LONDON

"As early as 1947, the United States was constructing a clandestine network in Northern Italy..."

(Wolfgang Achtner, Sunday Independent, 11/11/90)

gladio / gladio 2 Terrorism is used to help keep the rich elite in power. "Some of the biggest declines in worker's wages have been egalitarian societies such as Norway, where labour's share has fallen from 64% in 1980 to 55% now." Pay and economic growth: A shrinking slice | The Economist

According to the newspaper Die Welt, western security services set up a committee to oversee the secret guerrilla forces.

"Former defence minister Paulo Taviani (told Magistrate Casson during his1990 investigation) that during his time in office (1955-1958), the Italian secret services were bossed and financed by 'the boys in Via Veneto' - ie the CIA agents in the US Embassy in the heart of Rome." 

(William Scobie, Observer, 18/11/90)

The real terrorists are people like Irgun and the Stern Gang.

"General Sir Anthony Farrar-Hockley, a former commander-in-chief of Nato forces in northern Europe said...that a covert intelligence service was set up in Italy with the help of British agents and the CIA - which also partly funded it. 

"The Italian branch of the network was known as Operation Gladio" 

(Richard Norton Taylor, Guardian, 15/11/90)

"Gladio was ... set up with British help in the 1950's, operated by the secret services and partly financed bythe United States CIA."

(Richard Norton-Taylor, Guardian, 16/11/90)

Jewish terrorists bombed the King David Hotel, killing many British people.

"Declassified secret service papers reveal that Ted Shackley, deputy chief of the CIA station in Rome in the 1970's introduced the notorious Licio Gelli - head of the neo-fascist P2 masonic lodge and for years a fugitive in Argentina - to General Alexander Haig, then Nixon's chief ofstaff, and later, from 1974 to 79, Nato Supreme Commander. 

"P2 was a right-wing shadow government, ready to take over Italy, that included four Cabinet Ministers, all three intelligence chiefs, 48 MPs, 160 military officers, bankers, industrialists, top diplomats and the Army Chief of Staff. 

"After meetings between Gelli, Italian military brass and CIA men in the embassy, Gladio was given renewed blessing - and more money - byHaig and the then head of the National Security Council, Henry Kissinger. Just how those and later funds were spent is a key point in the [Casson]investigation." 

(William Scobie, Observer, 18/11/90)

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Shakes Hand with an Al Qaeda Terrorist. Is the wounded terrorist an Israeli intelligence asset? Israeli military field hospital at the occupied Golan Heights' border with Syria, 18 February 2014″. Israel's Mossad 'to the Rescue'

"The makings of the bomb which killed 85 people at Bologna railway stationin 1980 came from an arsenal used by Gladio, the Italian wing of Nato's communist-resistance network, according to a parliamentary commission on terrorism...

"The suggested Link with the Bologna massacre is potentially the most serious of all the accusations levelled against Gladio." 

(Ed Vulliamy, Guardian,16/1/91)

John McCain in Syria in 2013. In the left foreground, we see the boss of ISIS Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

"P2 was not uncovered until 1981. Later it was found that every member ofthe crisis committee set up by Francesco Cossiga, then interior minister, now President of the Republic, was a member of P2."

(Charles Richards &Simon Jones, Independent, 16/11/90)

India has its 'Deep State'. Brijesh Mishra holds a meeting with Tony Blair's Jewish security adviser Sir David Manning in New Delhi on July 10, 2002. Manning was in New York on 9 11 and saw the Twin Towers attacked. Brijesh Mishra has connections with Sonia Gandhi's Italian family through his daughter Jyotsna.

Between 28/6/90 and 2/7/90, four programmes on Italian state television (RAI) alleged that the CIA paid LucioGelli to "foment terrorist activities. "

In the first programme someone described as 'Agent Zero' described how (ex-Swedish Prime Minister) Olaf Palme had been caught in a deal between the CIA and Iran to release American hostages in Tehran.

"Palme was a fly in the ointment so we got P2 to rub him out," the agent said.

The second programme, which showed the gaunt silhouette of 'Agent Zero One', alleged that P2 was not wound up in the mid-1980s, after the arrest of its leader Licio Gelli.

"It still exists. It calls itself P7," he said.

According to the agent, the lodge is till functioning with branches in Austria, Switzerland and East Germany.

"Zero One" has now been revealed by the Italian press to be Dick Brenneke, allegedly a career CIA officer." 

(Richard Bassett, Times, 24/7/90)

This policeman was 'shot' with blanks; there is no sign of blood.

"In the programme, Mr Brenneke alleged that, throughout the 1970's the CIA had made large sums of money available to the subversive Masonic Lodge, P2, widely believed to have been involved in the August, 1980 Bologna trainstation bombing in which 85 people were killed.

"Furthermore Mr Brenneke claimed that, not only does the CIA continue to secretly finance a revived P2, but that it was involved in the 1986 killing of the Swedish PrimeMinister, Mr Olaf Palme.

"According to Mr Brenneke, P2, under the guidanceof its Grand master, Mr Licio Gelli, used some of the finance made available by the CIA to set up agencies in West Germany, Austria andSwitzerland.

"These agencies in turn were used by P2 to set up the assassination of Mr Palme, on the orders of the CIA. Finally, and perhaps most sensationally, Mr Brenneke alleged that President Bush, then director of the CIA, not only knew about these CIA activities in Italy (during the late 1970s and early 1980s) but was in fact one of the masterminds behind them.

"In a four part special on RAI, the main Italian state-run televisionnetwork, Brenneke claimed he had been making payments to members of P2, a right-wing Masonic lodge, on behalf of the CIA from 1969 to 1980. He said he had made payments which ranged from $lm to $10m a month ... He said P2 was also involved in arms and drugs trafficking for the CIA..."

(Mark Hosenball, Sunday Times, 29/7/90)

NATO Deputy Secretary General, Alexander Vershbow welcomes the Prime Minister of Tunisia, Habib Essid
NATO Deputy Secretary General, Alexander Vershbow welcomes the Prime Minister of Tunisia, Habib Essid. TUNISIAN SPECIAL FORCES LINKED TO SOUSSE HOTEL ATTACK...


"The Belgian government said it was investigating ... links between its own clandestine network and a spate of particularly brutal raids on supermarkets around Brussels in the mid 1980's, in which 28 people died. Several policemen and well-known right-wingers were arrested after ballistic tests, but no one was brought to trial."

(Fiona Leney & WolfgangAchtner, Independent, 10/11/90)

GREECE (Operation Sheepskin)

"In Greece, where it was given the code-name, Sheepskin, a cell was set up by the CIA in the 1950s but was dismantled in 1988, according to thegovernment.

"Officers in the underground unit were involved in theColonel's coup in 1967." 

(Richard Norton-Taylor, Guardian, 5/12/90)


"In Portugal, a Lisbon radio station has reported that cells of the networkassociated with Operation Gladio were active there during the 1950s to defend the rightist dictatorship of Dr Salazar." 

(John Palmer, Guardian,10/11/90)

TURKEY(Special War Department)

"The paper [Milliyet] quoted former Premier Bulent Ecevit as saying the unit had first been funded by the United States...

"During a wave of terrorism in the 1970s, leftist groups questioned the possible role of the organisation, also known as 'kontrgerilla', in right-wing terrorism." 

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At 14 November 2015 at 01:37 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is that picture you always use with the Gladio quote "You had to attack civilians..." a snapshot from a show or movie?

I've always wondered that but could never find anything.

At 14 November 2015 at 01:38 , Anonymous Greg Bacon said...

Even if this isn't a FF, consider the following:

France, based on LIES, helped to destroy Iraq.

Based on LIES, France helped to destroy Libya and are now working on the destruction of Syria.

They've helped to kill millions of ME and African people, and destroy their homes, based on LIES, so what did they expect?
And what about France's past brutal history of colonial repression, thefts and murder, from SE Asia to Africa to the sell-out of the Arabs that helped you defeat Germany during WWI, but that's soooo boring, that kind of history.

Watch this be turned into a clarion call to replace Assad.

Yes, France, being a typical bully, it's so much fun to watch the small and helpless writhe in pain and misery from your brutal attacks, Vive la France!

But when the chickens come home to roost, you start crying like a baby.

Tough shit, you started it, so take your dues.

At 14 November 2015 at 01:42 , Blogger Unknown said...

I heard that mr. Asad is near to close war in his country, i mean to 2-3months, and now NATO want to come and fight with ISIS [yhm SAA] and make more sh*thole than before. This attack like in Lebanon was made to invide once again Syria.
I hope my country like others east countries will not agree with invide an independent Syria, but i can be wrong - we have a judeoamerican govement and media :(

At 14 November 2015 at 02:45 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Media now airing images of landmarks SF City Hall , One World Trade Center, London Eye, CN Tower Canada, Sky Tower NZ all lit in French colours.

That all seems indicative of a mighty fast and co-ordinated effort.

Extended: CN Tower lit up in French flag's colours | CTV ...
The CN Tower is lit up in the French flag's colours following terror attacks in Paris.

At 14 November 2015 at 03:02 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check out Jim Stone's take on it:


Ok, I can't resist, so I will put this in fine print. DO NOT SKIP THE NEXT "FAR MORE IMPORTANT" REPORT. But I just gotta say this: Try to follow my logic, please . . . . . Ok, so Russia kicks ISIS butt in Syria, and ISIS, in response attacks France. Now, even if one makes the point that Muslims are not very bright, trust me, they are not that stupid. Why would ISIS attack France, when their worry is Russia? URF. That was a half burp half vomit . . . . contained. Anyway I just do not see the logic here. And lots of people do not see the logic. Where is the logic? WHERE ARE THE CELL PHONE VIDEOS? Ok, I did not look for photos, but the description was that it was all "apocalyptic," so we ought to be able to see an apocalypse. From people's cell phones. Come on now, we can't trust the media after all those fake ISIS beheadings, I want to see cell phone video from a $29 verykool cell phone, or some other sub $50 piece of pre paid crap. Thousands of people saw this, and I know not everyone has an Iphone. Let's see it if this was real. Let's see the blurry shaky cell phone video. And even then, if it shows up, I will only believe something happened and that is the end of it, BECAUSE, AND THIS IS A BIG BECAUSE, A THOUGHT PROVOKING BECAUSE:
Israel kidnaps hundreds of children from Palestine. Children that would work GREAT in an ISIS video, if Israel really did want to stage something real. Why not? Why settle for CPR dolls when you are soulless anyway and might as well just use a couple hundred real children and really get the job done? Site intelligence group is Mossad. Anyone with a lick of sense knows all of ISIS is CIA/Mossad. So if ISIS really did do this terror attack in France, what is stopping the Jewish community, which has absolutely nothing against killing non Jews, from doing a real event in France? Why scream Allahu Akbar? Muslims would not do that during an attack, but GOSH does it work for the idiot feed. Just fill that trough up with rotten droppings and watch the idiots suck it down. Anyway, whatever this was I am sure it was fun for someone and seriously doubt that "someone" has any sort of dent or mark on the forehead."

At 14 November 2015 at 03:04 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

French did it again LOL

At 14 November 2015 at 03:07 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

pure manipulation and fakery

At 14 November 2015 at 03:32 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

A predictable consequence ?

Planned trips by Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani to three European destinations, including France, has been cancelled following a spate of deadly terror attacks in the French capital, Paris.

“The president’s trips to Italy, the Vatican and France has been postponed to some other time in the light of the terrorist incidents in Paris,” Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif announced on Saturday.

Earlier on Saturday, Rouhani himself expressed condolences to his French counterpart Francois Hollande over the terror attacks.

“In the name of the Iranian nation, itself a victim of the evil scourge of terrorism, I strongly condemn these inhumane crimes and condole with the bereaved French nation and government,” President Rouhani said in his message.

Rouhani was scheduled to set off for Rome in Italy later today at the head of a high-ranking delegation. He was also slated to pay a one-day visit to the Vatican on Sunday. The Iranian president was then set to address the UNESCO Leaders’ Forum as a special guest in Paris on November 16, and hold talks with Hollande in the French capital a day after that.

Advancing an agenda ?
European leaders read the last few days the alarm about the survival of the European Union (EU). Prague said Commissioner Frans Timmermans (PvdA) Friday that the EU is only one alternative: war.

"The only alternative to the EU is war," said Timmermans Friday gave a speech at a conference in Prague, said a reporter for The Times of London who attended the speech.

Timmermans is the way Europe responds to the migration crisis' the biggest threat to the EU ever. The Commissioner underlined that countries should cooperate better when it comes to border controls. "Migration is part of life, but we must lead these movements together in the right direction," said Timmermans.

At 14 November 2015 at 03:40 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

By an astonishing co-incidence the well publicised Calais migrant camp was torched on friday.

Football stadium / Hollande targeted -- Germany vs France --- both have migrant problems and angry nationalists a key demographic of the football watching public.

State Sponsorship – But Which State? Gladio Extra

As the refugee crisis expanded in Europe, it was warned that it would be purposefully manipulated to create maximum hysteria to justify more direct military intervention in the West’s losing proxy war in Syria.

In a previous report titled, “Can Pan-European Hysteria Save NATO’s Syrian War?,” it was warned that:

What is taking form is a controlled strategy of tension, where far-right groups are being arrayed against the migrants and their European supporters, to create hysteria and eventually violence that will be leveraged by those who orchestrated it.

Permissive immigration policies and self-imposed quotas ensured a virtual tidal wave of migrants coming into Europe, while long-cultivated racist and xenophobic political groups – holdovers from NATO’s notorious “Gladio” Cold War stay-behind networks – attempted to create backlash and hysteria in the streets regarding a migrant “invasion.”
First appeared:

Like the terrorists and their supply lines pouring out of NATO-territory into Syria itself, clearly with immense state sponsorship behind them, those involved in the most recent attacks in Paris are also clearly the recipients of state-sponsored funding and training.

While France will undoubtedly try to use this attack to justify further intervention in Syria to topple the government in Damascus, it was most likely France’s own allies in Turkey, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and even Paris itself who were directly or indirectly involved in the training, arming, and funding of those who spilled blood on Parisian streets this week.

Conveniently, the French flagship, the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle was just sent to Syria’s coast last week. It is now poised to take part in any expanded military campaign predicated on the attacks that just unfolded in Paris.

The first and most important question in examining any great crime is “cui bono?” or to whose benefit? Attacking Paris, and in particular a football match full of nationalists already increasingly violent and hysterical seems to only benefit a government seeking further justification to wage wider war abroad – a war it is currently losing and a war it currently lacks wide public support to continue fighting. It now, all so conveniently, has the support it was looking for.
First appeared:

At 14 November 2015 at 04:03 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

By Nahed Al-Husaini on October 21, 2015

“There is a strong cooperation between MOSSAD and ISIS top military commanders...Israeli advisors helping the Organization on laying out strategic and military plans, and guiding them in the battlefield”

The officer’s rank is Brigadier and his military No is Re 34356578765Az231434. This reminds us of the Israeli Brigadier killed in the Syrian city of Quneitra, while meeting with the leaders of the terrorist groups.
Updated: Israeli General Captured in Iraq Confesses to Israel-Isis Coalition

The Times of Israel reports

Netanyahu: Israel stands with France in war on terror
Prime minister sends message of condolence as Paris declares emergency amid terror attacks that kill over 120

Islamic State claims responsibility for terror bloodbath that killed 127 in Paris; Hollande decries IS ‘act of war,’ declares national emergency


Bataclan theater long a target of anti-Zionist groups, report says

French magazine Le Point said early Saturday that the Bataclan theater, targeted in Friday nights Paris terror attacks, has for years been the target of anti-Zionist groups as its Jewish owners often put on pro-Israel events.

The publication quoted a member of the extremist group Army of Islam, who told French security services in 2011 that, “We had planned an attack against the Bataclan because its owners are Jews.”

The Eagles of Death Metal, the band that was to perform at the theater when the attacks began, played in Tel Aviv’s Barby club in July.

At 14 November 2015 at 04:21 , Blogger Anon said...

Don't know.

At 14 November 2015 at 04:57 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 96% owned shite media can scream all it likes, but I didn't believe it from the word go. And every passing hour makes the orchestrators of these psyops look more desperate and foolish.

We all know the story about the Boy Who Cried Wolf. And it's been 'wolf, wolf, wolf ' for years now. Anyone with an ounce of intuition plus ordinary powers of observation, takes one look at these false-flag/psyops and clicks out. Maybe they should nominate the date upon which they intend to quit insulting our collective intelligence

The real problem now, as all through the past, is the criminal gang of psychopaths who're determined to destroy as much as they can of this planet and its population. *They* are the problem. And we need to rid ourselves of them asap. Then, as new psychopaths spring up in place of the old, we need to get rid of them too -- on and on until anyone presuming to play the role of politician fears for his/her life in the event they start the old crap up again. We have to get rid of the 1% instead of dancing to their bullshit tune ala the recent French psyop, 9/11 and all their other numbers productions

oh --- and life sentences on chain-gangs for all crisis-actors. We should be rounding them up now, the sick, perverted bastards

Anyway, this latest load of crap they're peddling is a box-office failure, like all their other tin-can productions

damn I'm sick of all of it

At 14 November 2015 at 05:21 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As hoaxed as it can be....

At 14 November 2015 at 05:42 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some commenter made a comparison between this Paris hoax and Operation Northwoods, "syntethic terror"

At 14 November 2015 at 05:53 , Anonymous sovereigntea said...

Paris attacks just prior to G20 meeting in terrorist assistant Turkey.

Zionist puppet Cameron would like Russia to stop bombing terrorists in Syria whilst overseeing UK arms exports to sponsor of terrorists Saudi & collaborating with ISIS friendly Israel.

The Guardian today
David Cameron to try to sway Putin over Syria bombing at G20 summit

Prime minister meeting Russian president for first time in a year aiming to convince him airstrikes in Syria will prolong conflict
David Cameron to try to sway Putin over Syria bombing at G20 summit

Prime minister meeting Russian president for first time in a year aiming to convince him airstrikes in Syria will prolong conflict
David Cameron to try to sway Putin over Syria bombing at G20 summit

Prime minister meeting Russian president for first time in a year aiming to convince him airstrikes in Syria will prolong conflict

France is exporting record quantities of arms to sponsor of terrorists Saudi.

France and Saudi Arabia to sign contracts worth $12 billion

At 14 November 2015 at 06:04 , Anonymous sovereigntea said...

Pic 1st published by Peter Eyre as a still image

you can use Google image search to track down the source of an image. see link

At 14 November 2015 at 06:11 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Assad is the moderate secular guy who protects Christians, but who stands in the way of Israel's plans for a greater Israel'

All the time you will read in the press, like the Guardian, about how evil this guy is, but he doesn't look in the slightest bit evil to me.

Apparently he liked the western way of life so much that he tried to bring neoliberalism into Syria. Then in the privatisations that followed a few rich people seized all of the country's wealth. This is probably true but I have trouble believing anything I have read in the western media. Things are probably a lot more complicated.

At 14 November 2015 at 06:28 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

*** Friday the 13th ***

At dawn on Friday, 13 October 1307 (a date sometimes linked with the origin of the Friday the 13th superstition)[30][31] King Philip IV ordered de Molay and scores of other French Templars to be simultaneously arrested. The arrest warrant started with the phrase: "Dieu n'est pas content, nous avons des ennemis de la foi dans le Royaume" ["God is not pleased. We have enemies of the faith in the kingdom"].

Was last night revenge? A commemoration?

*** The Bataclan ***

The band's name is 'Eagles of Death Metal'. The eagle is a favourite symbol of the elite.

The lead singer goes by the nickname of 'The Devil'.

YouTubers are saying that the song they were playing when the attack started was 'Kiss the Devil':


At 14 November 2015 at 06:33 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS It seems all of the band members got out unscathed. One might have thought a bunch of rabid Islamic extremists would have been keen on disposing of such decadent and 'morally corrupt' Western influencers?


At 14 November 2015 at 06:50 , Anonymous sovereigntea said...

An Israeli Preparing the ground for the psyop ?

ISIS cells in America & Europe ready to launch Third World War - terrorism expert

Sept 4 2015 - Criminologist and terrorism expert, a reserve lieutenant colonel of the Israeli Army and a recently elected member of the Knesset. Dr Anat Berko

Now, I think it is not so easy like it was before. But we still see this phenomenon of travelling, of jihad tourism, of young people, males and females who would like to join and to be part of something very big in their eyes. And they think that it’s very big. It is the Third World War and nobody paid attention to that something very big is happening. It’s not just in the Middle East, because you have a lot of cells in Europe, in America and I think that we will see that. I doesn’t have to be a mega-terror like September 11, but saw what happened there in Paris, and I think that we will see more and more, because the ideas are flying. The ideology is in the air. It’s not just to physically join ISIS and to be part of the war there. This is where the real danger real is.

SS:You have spoken to female terrorists, potential suicide bombers – tell me something, do they seem completely sane to you? Do these women know and understand what is it that they are doing?

Dr. AB: You know, Sophie, I call these women in my book that’s published in English, “The Smarter Bomb”, because the trend is women and children – and we saw that in Iraq, in Afghanistan. Here, in Israel, women – it’s very effective, because we see all the security checks and sometimes there are checkpoints or airport checkups. Women, people do not check physically and the perception is that the women cannot be a terrorist: she is a mother, she is a sister, she is wife, but she wouldn’t be terrorist. And this is something that terrorist organization will rely on. I think you know that very well from the Chechen Black Widows and we saw women with explosive belts in Beslan and in the theater in Moscow, and we know that it’s very effective, because sometimes in Israel, Palestinian women put explosive belts on their stomachs and pretend to be pregnant – and who will stop a pregnant woman or tell her: “Take off your clothes, I would like to check if you’re not a suicide bomber”?

At 14 November 2015 at 07:35 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paris attackers 'had French, Egyptian and Syrian passports'

"Right lads, got everything? Guns, ammunition, explosives...passport? Shit, almost forgot that essential item for the attack!"

At 14 November 2015 at 07:39 , Blogger Peter Nordin Blog said...

it is just the culmination of this:

At 14 November 2015 at 08:23 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Charlie Hebdo false flag helped the establishment divert the attention of the world from Epstein/Dershowitz/Prince Andrew and their kiddie fiddling activities just long enough for them to bribe a judge to make a ruling that it was illegal to name these 3 in the case against Epstein's solicitors. This meant that they got away with paedophilia without having to lie under oath.
The reason for this false flag is yet to be determined, however the likelihood is that it's either to gain public support for France to attack Syria (allegedly a policeman found a Syrian passport near one of the terrorist's bodies which is as likely as finding Mohammed Atta' s passport on top of the rubble that used to be the twin towers) or to create civil unrest in the country (such as the burning of the refugee tents at Calais) necessitating the introduction of martial law.

At 14 November 2015 at 09:06 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

A real 'Death' Metal band.

At 14 November 2015 at 09:10 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm...Timmermans...Can we greet him with a SHALOM!!.

At 14 November 2015 at 09:39 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

False flags, true flags. It hardly matters. The direction cannot be altered. The Tavistockers have cracked the mass code, not that we're terribly complex. Thus flags become embedded cues.

Pepe Escobar is saying today (via Facebook) Paris is a Daesh trap to get Crusader boots on the ground in the Holy Land:
"And they want to lure Western boots on the ground in Syria. That would be a gift from heaven: the “Crusaders” are invading us, again. You can imagine Jihad Inc. recruiting going through the roof. The only feasible way to smash them, slowly but surely, is via close collaboration between the “4+1” - the SAA and Iranian and Hezbollah fighters with Russian air cover - and the Kurds, PKK, YPG, even Peshmerga." --PE
Boots on the ground would be a disaster, the ultimate world-ending confrontation. How odd though that every national power is trained on the ancient city of Damascus to the point that they are practically bumping into one another --or at least soon will. It's enough to give the irreligious religion!

At 14 November 2015 at 09:59 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

BOOM! CIA Director Met with French Security Chief and Mossad Before Paris Attacks

At 14 November 2015 at 10:20 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's fake, below is the proof:

Spot the same image here:

At 14 November 2015 at 10:32 , Blogger izri said...

Muslims had the greates scientists in world history. But they won't publish that on cnn or teach you in school.

At 14 November 2015 at 10:33 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since you mention P2's role in Gladio.... here is one more detail.

P2 had a sister lodge in Paris also linked to Gladio named "Le Grand Orient de Paris". The most influential mason now at that lodge is France's current Prime Minister Manuel Valls. French press openly discussed in the past that he is one of the most powerful dark masons in Paris. Valls appointed interior minister Cazeneuve who was directly in charge of handling investigation of Charlie Hebdo, the Belgian train attack and the migrant riots in Calais which were recently proven to be instigated by Black Bloc (run by western intel) and a pro-migrant Soros group together. Cazeneuve now has a Paris mass shooting to solve. Cazeneuve is known to be a significant high mason as well like Valls who appointed him. Cazeneuve and Valls are both known to be extreme zionist Jews who are also high masons tied to the elite establishment.

Note that Gladio authority Daniele Ganser documents that interior ministers of complicit countries were always Gladio players because it simply takes a government with these high certain key functions to create and cover up something of this size. We should look at the interior ministers of suspicious attacks in detail simply as a matter of routine investigation.


At 14 November 2015 at 10:52 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a superb video where Cenk Uygur, of The Fine Young Turks, interviews Sam Harris about religeon. It is three hours long.

I like Cenk Uygur a lot. He was once a republican who moved over to the Left. He's say's he's still a moderate, or slightly Right, when it comes to economics, but a liberal on social values.

I thought Cenk Uygur's arguments were spot on when Sam Harris tries to say that Islam is more dangerous that other religions. Cenk Uygur doesn't agree with this at all where he says that liberals, like Sam Harris, are just cherry picking. For instance, the Old Testament is full of blood and guts and revenge. My own personal opinion is that anything outside of our own culture can seem a more scary and threatening to us.

Still, I found some of Sam Harris's arguments compelling until I eventually realised that he was just another liberal hawk. The liberal hawks are really scary people because they demonise their enemies which tends to make them show their bad side more. Jesus told us to forgive our enemies and this will have the effect of relaxing them as no one likes to feel disliked and threatened. Then Peace and understanding can then take place.

Sam Harris and Cenk Uygur Clear the Air on Religious Violence and Islam

At 14 November 2015 at 12:11 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like you, Aangirfan, ironically, I had the same "feeling" as you did but could not put my finger on it until you updated this thread with the Disneyland picture. I thought, "Great, they hit a progressive rock band from California, this is going to do wonders to the music and arts community, especially in the heat of France's 'Bohemian' society". Up until then, most of these shootings and terrorist activities had been limited to schools, religious or political institutions. I agree with you that there is an aura surrounding this particular target.

But there are also many other glaring incongruities that are becoming evident as time moves on, undoubtedly, and it is refreshing to still have a place to come to see what is right in front of our eyes that many still cannot see.

Although I have noticed that there has been a great effort this time by the French to stem reporters and cameras, and even incident 'leaks' in the form of conversations and camera phone footage, the DailyFail is still able to give us some 'nuggets':

I noticed a few key words in this article

'I saw a hole in her face, and realised she'd been shot': Gunman dressed in black picked off terrified diners firing 'professional bursts' of shots in cafe shooting rampage

By the way doesn't the DailyFail have such tact (and great proof-readers) in their title selections!?! (We know you're watching you goofs)

by firing 'professional bursts' of three or four shots

like a combat soldier' firing short bursts

It was fully intentional, professional bursts of three or four shots

a gunman shouted 'Allahu Akbar' (already a huge point of contention)

'I saw one girl struggling to breathe, she was choking on blood, asking for help for her friend who was already dead.
'The shots starts again so I ran with some other people and hid behind a bus for many minutes.
'The shots became more and more violent and more and more precise. So long and loud. Then it stopped and went quiet. *Then I had a little meeting with the killers.*
'Three guys came out wearing black and went past the bus towards a car. They *looked young and very professional, wearing black.* -Dmitri Mohamadi, the owner of Casa Nostra told Le Figaro

'They had finished their attack and weren't shooting any more and they wanted to drive down a little side street. The people behind the bus were blocking their way. There was a crowd of us now.
'One of them shouted, "don't you realise there was a shooting there!" To manipulate us and cause panic.' (these sentences are just strange in this article)

Interesting to note here something that you had uncovered was that it was reported that these men looked European, spoke fluent French, all very young and had brown hair.

Some pretty significant incongruities still here but I can see France was VERY careful with the psy-op here on this one.


At 14 November 2015 at 12:37 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 14 November 2015 at 12:41 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 14 November 2015 at 12:55 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, the comments are on fire for this one.

I was wondering if anyone was going to start up with the rife symbology in and throughout this entire event but it seemed a bit early, but when Anonymous at 06:28 posted:

*** Friday the 13th ***

At dawn on Friday, 13 October 1307 (a date sometimes linked with the origin of the Friday the 13th superstition)[30][31] King Philip IV ordered de Molay and scores of other French Templars to be simultaneously arrested. The arrest warrant started with the phrase: "Dieu n'est pas content, nous avons des ennemis de la foi dans le Royaume" ["God is not pleased. We have enemies of the faith in the kingdom"].

Was last night revenge? A commemoration?

*** The Bataclan ***

The band's name is 'Eagles of Death Metal'. The eagle is a favourite symbol of the elite.

The lead singer goes by the nickname of 'The Devil'.

YouTubers are saying that the song they were playing when the attack started was 'Kiss the Devil':


I was elated. It had seemed at the outset at this incident everyone was in such a state of shock, even in all the forums, that they had forgotten or had never even heard of the origins for the myth of Friday the 13nth, that ALONE should send red flags up and down any theorists neck immediately.

Not only was DeMolay burned at the stake he also vowed revenge on France. Philip the Fair's extortion plan has come back to haunt the French people. Now, I'm not saying that this incident totally relates to a Templar revenge plot but all in all what happened is still a result of that fateful day for the future Freemasonic Grand Lodge of Scotland, because all in all there were still strong alliances made with certain Saracen's called the Hashishin's who were the originator's of the promised 72 virgin suicide pact and one of the first forms of drug-induced brainwashing. A variant form of this is what we are witnessing today, along with all of the other clandestine psycho making projects the security services have out there involving the Arab, Arab-Jew, or Crypto Jew patsy buffet line. I was very impressed with Izri's statement that many great scientists did come from Islam, in fact were the progenitor's of much of the worlds modern math and often traded the secrets of numerology and occult symbology through to the Knights Templar.



At 14 November 2015 at 13:15 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Other points I found impressive in the comments today included certain observations that Aangirfan had made, most importantly that the gunman had brown hair, along with statements like their shots seemed very measured and precise, young, well built, European and professional looking. And some other incongruities are slowly coming to light, one, of course, was posited by a comment above that they were indeed found with passports along side them, aren't we all getting so tired of this blatant... whatever it is? Why in the world would a terrorist bother with ID (during the incident it's easy to see why he would need it in the first place to implant himself but to take it to the venue?).

Pepe Escobar is opening his mouth again, and damn you know that boy DOES know ALOT and I am very surprised he is still able to talk, but bless him that he can, of course his statement hits the nail on the head.

and this: BOOM! CIA Director Met with French Security Chief and Mossad Before Paris Attacks says SO darn much.

I mean C'mon:

Blood Moons theory and the Shemitah


Friday the 13nth - Templar Purge and Revenge Threat from 1307

11nth month 11nth aggrandisement

the death toll numbers between the 118-120-122 range, clearly an attempt at a 911 reference although actual numbers originally indicated 160
(also I find it kind of odd that 4 men had over 1500 concert goers at bay and managed only 160 in 2 hours, I'm sorry it sounds callous but does not seem like that kill rate is as proficient for a 'rampaging' terrorist as you would think he might be).

The band's name is 'Eagles of Death Metal'. The eagle is a favourite symbol of the elite.

The lead singer goes by the nickname of 'The Devil'.

MB at 06:33 "One might have thought a bunch of rabid Islamic extremists would have been keen on disposing of such decadent and 'morally corrupt' Western influencers?"

AND: Parisians warned about emergencies earlier on Friday
“There are ambulances passing all the time,” Deha, who lives on Boulevard St Germain, told The Local, adding that this his son came home from school on Friday with a letter advising parents what to do in case of an emergency.

I mean... it seems like "they" were long overdo for a big one and all it matches up to what happened yesterday.... pretty heavy.


At 14 November 2015 at 13:20 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of coincidences:

Jewish owners recently sold Paris’s Bataclan theater, where IS killed dozens

‘We’re devastated because we knew everyone who worked there,’ says former owner Pascal Laloux

By Times of Israel staff and AP November 14, 2015

The Bataclan theater, targeted in Friday night’s Paris terror attacks, was Jewish-owned for decades, but was sold two months ago, its former owners said.

At 14 November 2015 at 13:56 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh the irony, not seconds after I post my thoughts does this article come up in the DailyFail:

More numerology AND ISIS casually tries to explain they mystery You and I noticed as to why they targeted the progressive district of France...

It said an attack at the Bataclan Theatre, during a rock concert, was aimed at 'idolaters' who were 'together in a party of perversity' and said the French are ISIS's 'principal targets'.
The statement, in French and Arabic, condemned France, saying they are at risk 'as long as they dare to insult our Prophet, and as long as they boast about their war against Islam in France and their strikes against Muslims in the lands of the Caliphate with their jets, which were of no avail to them in the filthy streets and alleys of Paris'.

'The targets included the Bataclan theatre for exhibitions, where hundreds of idolaters gathered for a concert of prostitution and vice. There were also simultaneous attacks in the tenth, eleventh and eighteenth districts, and elsewhere.

10 - 11 - 18

He called the attacks: 'an act of war committed by Daesh that was prepared, organised and planned from outside (of France)'. (why would Hollande have to clarify this fact?)

'This attack is just the start': ISIS claims responsibility for terror atrocities in Paris that killed at least 129 people and warns there is more to come


At 14 November 2015 at 15:06 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And now there's this:

Remember that strange cover on The Economist in January?

Were the Paris Attacks Predicted on the January Cover of The Economist?

Link replete with close-up's of Leonardo Da Vinci’s La Belle Ferronière which is housed in France at The Louvre' next to two arrows embedded in dirt in which read 11.5 and 11.3


...the gnashing of teeth!!!


At 14 November 2015 at 15:56 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's pretty much been shown that they didn't.

What they did was conquer civilisations and steal their technology and innovations.

That is not the same as discovering it for yourself. The same goes on today in the corporate world.

At 14 November 2015 at 15:59 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And as if by magic the old "it was on the internet before the event actually happened" trick is uncovered.

The following tweet was made on 11 Nov, two days before the atrocity:

"BREAKING: Death toll from Paris terror attack rises to at least 120 with 270 others injured"

At 14 November 2015 at 16:58 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about these?

At 14 November 2015 at 17:32 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

cazeneuve announced stricter border controls beginning friday 13 november & mobilization of extra 30 thousand police...

France announced in October that it would reinstate border controls with Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Spain between November 13 and December 13, according to an internal note it sent to other EU countries...

translation of final paragraph in the following article -

Border control was restored a few hours before the attacks, with 30,000 police mobilized precisely to secure entry to the territory before the Paris conference on climate

At 14 November 2015 at 17:56 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The CIA and NGO agent provocateurs who started the Calais migrant riots. Hausfrauleaks

At 14 November 2015 at 19:54 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Multi site exercises

Patrick Pelloux Charlie Hebdo

At 15 November 2015 at 01:22 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also, the two arrows link to Indian premier Modi's legs - he was speaking at a huge Wembley event on the 13th November - there does appear to be date references here.
(And being wise after the event, there is also a pig right in front of Cameron!)

At 15 November 2015 at 01:38 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 15 November 2015 at 01:44 , Anonymous Anonymous said...
0.45 Supporter of Israel

At 15 November 2015 at 02:11 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No it was not France, not the authentic french people. You know all french politicians are not authentic french people, they are servers of Israhell, alias Israel.
Normal humble people, the majority of France are against repression, would never kill. Who get's killed? Not the guilty ones, that is clear, not the jewish politicians, the jewish owners of the media, they never get killed in mass but the humble people of France, the humble people of Germany, the humble people of Palestine, the humble people of England, the humble people of Spain, etc.

At 15 November 2015 at 02:26 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't understand your contradictions. In the above comment you practically say that France deserves this for being colonnialist when you exactly know that the colonnialismus, the killing in other continents was planned by jewish people to take more control positions, to trade with jewels and drugs, not by honest humble authentic french people.
I agree with you here but on the comment above you look like a different person.

At 15 November 2015 at 02:29 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

and by the way by "jewish" I don't mean the jewish indoctrinated mass who most of them are victims like the rest but their masters, their rabis and so on, they are the ones installed in every country of this flat and not moving Earth to destroy everything.

At 15 November 2015 at 03:00 , Anonymous sovereigntea said...

A famous or infamous high-level practitioner of PsyOp arts was/is ex-Lt.-Col. Michael Aquino, [12] commanded[13] by ex-General Paul E. Vallely[14] at Presidio (now a Fox-y tongue).

Look who crawled out from under his be present in Europe prior to the event.

The Fox News ISIS thought Leader ... Psyops specialist Paul E. Vallely.

RT give him a platform.

Paul E. Vallely: I was in Vienna, Austria and Paris, France three weeks ago and I had an opportunity to see the transit of the refugees coming from Lesbos, up through Serbia to Hungary to Austria, then of course up into France and Germany.

I also had an opportunity to present my 6-point plan to the Russian Federation Ambassador [Mikhail] Bogdanov in Paris and I recommended at that time that he relayed to President Putin there are the senior members of the opposition forces, which is the Free Syrian Army, which is composed of former ministers, generals, doctors, professors that would be very amenable to meeting with the Russian delegation in order to solve two things: 1. The reunification of Syria, and 2. Solving the European-Syrian refugee problem.

By an astonishing co-incidence

On 29 October 2015, The CIA director, John O. Brennan, met with his counterpart, French intelligence (DGSE) director Bernard Bajolet and with former UK MI6 Chief John Sawers, and former Israeli National Security Advisor Yaacov Amidror.

At 15 November 2015 at 04:00 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Swiss radio had aired yesterday morning a statement from an official (coach?) of the German soccer team, who had claimed, that the German team had been requested “to clear the hotel” (mussten das Hotel räumen..) well before they went to the stadium to play the game against France.
Later on, the relevant broadcast was no more accessible on Swiss radio’ s site, while older and newer news could still be replayed.
In following report, Jochen Löw (coach) is referring to a bomb thread, to which the German team was subjected in their hotel, prior to the game.

At 15 November 2015 at 05:00 , Anonymous sovereigntea said...

The much touted Syrian passport appears to be a fake.

A tweet
Jon Snow


Paris police sources say the 2 Syrian passports found on the terrorists were fakes probably made in Turkey
8:52 AM - 15 Nov 2015

Intelligence officials have reported that a Syrian passport belonging to one of the eight terrorists who carried out the Paris attacks was a fake, which was made in Turkey and then used for passage through Europe.

Situation in Paris after series of terror attacks
© Sputnik/ Galina Azule
French Police Detain 6 Paris Attacks Suspects
A Syrian passport bearing the name 'Ahmad Almohammad,' found on the body of one of the eight terrorists who carried out the Paris attacks, appears to be a fake. The jihadist obtained it in Turkey, intelligence officials reported.

According to some reports, two Syrian passports were found on the bodies of two of the terrorists, but Paris police sources say they were both fakes.

At 15 November 2015 at 05:02 , Anonymous sovereigntea said...

New Mossad chief to apologise for use of UK passports in Dubai killing
The new head of Israel's secret service, Mossad, is ready to apologise for the use of forged British passports during the assassination of a leading Hamas militant in Dubai.

At 15 November 2015 at 05:08 , Anonymous sovereigntea said...

Michael Fallon is he totally out of his depth as UK Defence Sec ?

Is that the intention of those who promoted him to the post as a pliable stooge ?

Fallon has no relevant experience or qualifications.

Should this be cause for alarm ?

Political career

Michael was MP for Darlington from 1983 to 1992. He was a minister in the Department for Education and Science from 1990 to 1992. More recently he has held positions on the Treasury Select Committee and was Deputy Chairman of the Conservative Party. He was appointed Minister for Business and Enterprise in September 2012 and Minister of State for Energy in March 2013. In 2014 he also became Minister for Portsmouth. He was appointed Defence Secretary on 15 July 2014.
Career outside politics

Michael is a former director of Bannatyne Fitness Ltd (fitness clubs), Quality Care Homes plc (nursing homes), Just Learning Ltd (nurseries), Attendo AB (Scandinavian social and health care) and Tullett Prebon plc (inter-dealing broking).

Secretary of State for Defence

The Secretary of State for Defence has overall responsibility for the business of the department providing strategic direction on policy, operations, acquisition and personnel matters, including:

operational strategy, including as a member of the National Security Council
defence planning (including SDSR 15), programme and resource allocation (including the Spending Round)
international relations including lead for NATO
defence exports policy, including as chair of the cross-Government Exports Working Group
nuclear programme

More about this role

At 15 November 2015 at 06:04 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And from Jerusalem Post:

' A religious Zionist cleric from a Jewish settlement on the West Bank told mourners on Saturday during the funeral of an Israeli father and son gunned down by Palestinian terrorists that the attacks in Paris were deserved due to what Europeans "did to our people 70 years ago."

And be sure to read the Comments below the article

because it appears the Rabbi's opinions are shared by many jews

At 15 November 2015 at 09:34 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

One more significant meeting before the Paris attacks: Oct 27, 2015, CIA's Brennan met at Georgetown with French ext. intel chief Bajolet and ret. Mossad guy Amidror and MI6' Sawers. Here is more on that meeting.

This was the conference of the above:

CIA put pics of it on Twitter:

Also - Stoltenberg in your pic of the meeting.

Stoltenberg comes from a multi-generational old EU power background, son of a major pol Thorvald Stoltenberg. Stoltenberg was sitting PM when Breivik/Utoya happened and he was widely criticized for his failure in the attack. His next job was NATO chief. It should be clear with such an appointment that the Gods of Gladio, to which NATO certainly belongs are rather happy with Stoltenberg.

Another curious detail: Stoltenberg is an anthroposophist originally affiliated with the Marxist New Left. Anthroposophy was Rudolf Steiner's version of theosophy and one of the nazi era brands of occultism of choice. Rudolf Hess was an anthroposophist.... anthroposophy survived and connected the deep state - Ulrike Meinhof was raised by an anthroposophist. Otto Schily, a major creature of Gladio, also anthroposophist. Under Hitler, anthroposophists were the 'green nazis' - organic gardening, vegetarianism, environmentalism included. That piece of fascism broke off the right wing after the Third Reich fell and was reincarnated under liberal veneer - several founding members of the New Left's '68 Green Party Frankfurt were anthroposophists.... the green agenda at the UN is also influenced by them.


At 15 November 2015 at 11:28 , Blogger SG said...

Paul Vallely was in Paris in late October 2015 per your article.

Do you know who he is? Vallely in DC circles is known to be a close friend of MK Ultra programmer Michael Aquino who ran Psyops for the Army, same psyops where Vallely is.

Psyops via Aquino is the MK Ultra connection. Aquino is the Temple of Set satanist at the Presidio who programmed countless children at Offutt AFB and elsewhere in specifically MK Delta, the assassin form of MK Ultra.


At 15 November 2015 at 11:32 , Blogger SG said...


At 15 November 2015 at 11:43 , Blogger SG said...

In addition to the Aquino connection to military satanism and MK Ultra...more on Vallely...

Paul Vallely is Chairman of CSP think tank which deals with theories in how to destroy western civilization and the white race. They are extremely friendly toward Mossad groups such as ADL and SPLC (despite cosmetic media appearance of a rift), also propagate the idea that Sharia law is a must to govern western muslims as a parallel society. Add to this the serious long-standing rumors in DC that John Brennan (CIA chief) is himself a convert to Wahhabism. He is known to be best friends with the Saudis and Israel alike.

This from wiki:
The Center for Security Policy (CSP) is a national security think tank based in Washington, DC that has been widely accused of engaging in conspiracy theorizing by a range of individuals, media outlets and organizations. Its activities are focused on what it claims is a secret, global campaign to destroy western civilization.

The Center has claimed the existence of a "Global Jihad Movement" which it alleges is a worldwide campaign at war with Western civilization to install Shariah Law as a parallel legal and political system in the United States, constituting a separate governance system for the Muslim community with respect to family law, civil society, media and political discourse, finance and homeland security. CSP received donations from "Boeing ($25,000); General Dynamics ($15,000); Lockheed Martin ($15,000); Northrup Grumman ($5,000); Raytheon ($20,000); and General Electric


At 15 November 2015 at 11:49 , Blogger SG said...

Look closer into Paul Vallely in context with Paris. There is enough material on his MK Ultra and Aquino connection, his think tank which promotes Sharia Law in Europe to make it a whole new article.

It would certainly fit the context of a likely MK'd set of patsies. ISIL is known to use SRA-like programming methods to make its decapitators.

Likewise, the drug cartel killers along the US/Mex borders are CIA operatives, also trained in satanic sacrifice and decapitations under the Santa Muerte label. They protect CIA's drug profits. CIA likes SRA as effective method of making assassins and spreading terror. Both mass shooters Dylann Storm Roof and the Roseburg, Oregon shooter recently were confirmed satanists as well.



At 15 November 2015 at 12:16 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Friday morning, security officials in France’s Jewish community were informed of the very real possibility of an impending large terrorist attack in the country, according to Jonathan-Simon Sellem, a freelance journalist and a representative of French citizens in Israel.

The Jewish community, already on high alert ahead of several planned high-profile events Sunday, had been told that after several minor attacks in France this month, a large terrorist event was thought to be on the horizon.

At 15 November 2015 at 12:20 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bermann is Jewish btw? Or married to one?

At 15 November 2015 at 12:55 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Official PA Daily Links Mossad with Paris Massacres

At 15 November 2015 at 13:40 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

From August 2013:

Most French people do not want France to take part in military action on Syria and most do not trust French President Francois Hollande to do so, a poll showed on Saturday.

The United States said on Friday it would punish Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's government for a chemical attack that it says killed more than 1,400 people in Damascus last week, and Hollande said Britain's parliamentary vote against military strikes would not affect France's own actions.

The BVA poll released by Le Parisien-Aujourd'hui en France, showed 64 percent of respondents opposed military action, 58 percent did not trust Hollande to conduct it, and 35 percent feared it could "set the entire region (Middle East) ablaze".

Think that's changed now?

At 15 November 2015 at 14:11 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you go to the link you get 'Account Suspended' - anyone take a shot of the page ?

At 15 November 2015 at 17:25 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

a fascinating 9/11 detail from The Times of Israel article about the Bataclan being sold:

His brother Joel, the co-owner, told Channel 2 that they sold the theater on September 11, and he recently immigrated to Israel.

At 15 November 2015 at 21:55 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 15 November 2015 at 23:36 , Blogger Chris B said...

Exactly! It really doesn't really matter if this is a false flag or not. Any way you dissect the Paris events, they were generated by French/Nato/Israel policy. It they were done by ISIS, they were generated by the USA/Nato/Anglosfear/west; if they were undercover Mossad agents pretending to be ISIS fighters, they were sent by the west/Israel, if they were a genuine response to the west's murderous, treacherous Mid East divide and shatter policies, they were created by the west, and if they were a false flag, they were crafted by the west. Whichever way, the Zionist/Anglosfear/Nato forces got their desired response. I doubt their military leaders would care how the desired result was achieved. They got exactly what they had long planned for. So which Nato country is next? Germany must surely be the prime target after their open borders policy. It's like a poorly scripted soap opera only we're not allowed to not believe it's real. God help us all, because the gates of hell have officially been opened. And they control both sides of the looming 'Apocalypse'.

At 16 November 2015 at 01:26 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ Aangirfan
Already yesterday - as also today - You wrote that Julian Pearce (You write his name "Pierce"), who had been at the Bataclan told CNN had said: "He said: 'They didn't say anything. Not Allah akhbar or something like this. They said nothing. They just shot. They just shoot.' "
You gave - and still give - the source as: "dailymail" - with the hyperlink:

And I believe to have read exactly that(!) on dailymail yesterday.
But when you look at the same page today ( ) you find: ''They fired into the crowd and people tried to escape but the attackers said: 'If you move, we'll kill you,'' said Philippe, 35. He heard the attackers say: 'What's happening to you, is your fault. We are avenging our brothers in Syria.' ''
So the comment of Pearce disappeared - instead some "Phillipe" is cited (without any explanation who this "Phillipe" is).

By the way: On we still find Pearce' statement exactly as you, aangifan, stated.

Would You, aangirfan, please check, if "Dailymail" CHANGED its page of yesterday? This would be important, because the Paris Attacks are definitely used as a pretext to bomb Assad's Syria. And it would be interesting to know if "Dailymail" changed a "They didn't say anything. Not Allah akhbar or something like this. They said nothing. They just shot. They just shoot" to a "What's happening to you, is your fault. We are avenging our brothers in Syria"

While You, aangirfan, do that, I will try to convince our German "Luftwaffe" to bomb targets of ISIL and theire sponsors in France. That is the least we Germans could do for our French neighbours! .

On of the main targets will be Hollande's Élysée-Palace, of course!


At 16 November 2015 at 02:36 , Anonymous sovereigntea said...

French now bombing Syria on the back of Paris false flag.

Zionist PM Manuel Valls

French PM: Anti-Zionism is Really Anti-Semitism - Arutz Sheva

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls says more attacks are being prepared not just against France but also elsewhere in Europe.​

“We know that operations were being prepared and are still being prepared, not only against France but other European countries, too,” he told RTL radio on Monday.

The French prime minister said that Paris attacks were “organized, thought out, planned out of Syria,” warning that, “Terrorists can hit again in the coming days or weeks.”

“We should not be afraid. We should be prepared for it,” Valls added.

At 16 November 2015 at 03:29 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hollande at Bataclan 2011:

At 16 November 2015 at 03:48 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It all connects, u see....

At 16 November 2015 at 05:49 , Blogger Anon said...

Dear J,

You are correct.

The Mail has deleted the statement by Pearce.

The statement still appears elsewhere - eg the Slate, New York Times, CNN.

- Aangirfan

At 16 November 2015 at 06:31 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard it on Tv last Friday.

At 16 November 2015 at 07:05 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to Donald Tusk via the "filthy" BBC

Russian military action in Syria is increasing the number of refugees trying to reach Europe, European Council President Donald Tusk has said.

Yet other sources claim

800,000 Refugees Returning to Syria Thanks to Russia

Middle East

Journalist Christan Saarländer from the Austrian Contra Magazin called Russia’s military operation in Syria a “blessing” and blamed German media for its propaganda war against Russia.

At 16 November 2015 at 07:27 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 16 November 2015 at 07:29 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Media now reporting French bombing Raqqah Northern Syria ......

Is this why ?

Alain Juppe,is " a close friend of the Zionist prime minister Netanyahu"

Video in English Netanyahu & Alain Juppe on terrorism & of course jewish victim-hood and innocence.

Alain Juppé porte ostentatoirement la kippa !

The colonisation of Northern Syria is an old Israeli project linked to the development of missile weaponry. It calls for the creation of an independent state in the north of the country in order to control Syria from behind, just as Israel had created the state of Southern Sudan in 2011, to control Egypt from behind.

This Israeli project was taken up again by France and gave rise, in 2011, to a secret treaty signed by Alain Juppé and Ahmet Davutoglu.

Turkey agreed that this new state would be governed by the Kurdish minority and that Ankara would be allowed to expel the PKK there, thus affirming Turkish supremacy in their own country.

In September 2013, the Pentagon published a new map of the division of the region designed by Robin Wright. This map included the creation of Daesh’s Islamic Emirate and the creation of a new « Kurdistan » in the Arab territories of Syria.

In mid-October 2015, in reaction to the Russian campaign against the jihadists, the CIA created the « Syrian Democratic Forces », presented as an alliance between the Syrian Kurds and the « rebels ». In actual fact, the SDF is simply a new label for the YPG (People’s Protection Units, the Kurdish forces who until then had been loyal to Damascus) with the addition of a few Arabs to act as a front.

Note Joe Biden has declared himself to be "a zionist"

In October 2014 US Vice President Joe Biden told a Harvard gathering that Erdoğan’s regime was backing ISIS with “hundreds of millions of dollars and thousands of tons of weapons…” Biden later apologized clearly for tactical reasons to get Erdoğan’s permission to use Turkey’s Incirlik Air Base for airstrikes against ISIS in Syria, but the dimensions of Erdoğan’s backing for ISIS since revealed is far, far more than Biden hinted.

ISIS militants were trained by US, Israeli and now it emerges, by Turkish special forces at secret bases in Konya Province inside the Turkish border to Syria, over the past three years. Erdoğan’s involvement in ISIS goes much deeper. At a time when Washington, Saudi Arabia and even Qatar appear to have cut off their support for ISIS, they remaining amazingly durable. The reason appears to be the scale of the backing from Erdoğan and his fellow neo-Ottoman Sunni Islam Prime Minister, Ahmet Davutoğlu.

At 16 November 2015 at 07:35 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another disgraceful act by Cameron.

Despite the timing of the UK Prime Minister's emissions following the terrorist attacks in Paris last Friday, increases in intelligence personnel were already in place and had been announced by the Treasury some days before.

After the attacks, David Cameron stated his government would be funding an increase of 1,900 intelligence personnel. While it appeared to some observers as an admirable "response", it was in fact an increase that had already been announced by the Chancellor of the Exchequer last Monday.

Blighty's three spy agencies will receive an increase in personnel to help them combat "those who would destroy us and our values" according to the PM.

At 16 November 2015 at 08:25 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 16 November 2015 at 11:47 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am seeing MANY observations far and wide concerning the lack of photographic evidence from those on the scene and from reporters on this Paris False Flag. I would have to completely agree, and I believe, Aangirfan, that what we are witnessing is in fact a very important phase of a psy-op that was intentionally and specifically designed with an element for the conspiracy community. I really do believe that Hollande' is being true to his word that he was going to combat 'conspiracy theories' (See Abel Danger's article on Hollande's "Conspiracy Theories: Current Status" by the Fondation Jean-Jaurès ) and we are seeing more than one element that is confirming this. The intentional withholding of much more intense scrutiny of the press after this incident and the lack of photographic evidence from the spectators and victim's, all around the city, show that France is deeply involved in containment of this scene based on Hollande's decree against conspiracies.

Even though the majority of the 'alternative news media' has already easily debunked and deconstructed the incident proving to the more discerning minds the intricacies that connect the real to the unreal and vice versa between the news agencies and what we know about history and secret societies, the occult, etc etc, much of that cannot be proven without a thorough understanding of a quite a bit of material and quite a bit of time for a LOGICAL and open-minded person to understand. I believe the powers-that-be use this as their principle exploit.



At 16 November 2015 at 11:47 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This, per usual, is lending to some of the more bizarre speculations about the incident not only to the usual suspects within certain forums or blogs, but I am finding them even in some of the more discerning minds of our online community of 'alternative researchers'. I hate to be a name dropper but Abel Danger reproduced some material that contends that the initial gun blasts from an uncovered video were dubbed in afterward, with some kind of contention about the drummers reaction that his sticks would have been flying etc, etc, and Jim Stone has reproduced some kind of tripe that the bodies were dropped and re- placed.
I'm willing to give these brilliant men most times the benefit of the doubt that they are on to something important, yet, speculation like that this early in the game really only does serve to make the online community look a little ridiculous.

Many people cannot even logically absorb the meaning of the word False Flag and automatically assume that the entire event was staged with 'crisis-actors' (not an accusation at the above named bloggers meant more for the CT forums), fake deaths and fake blood, etc, etc, and hell yes what an insult to those people that really died, NUMBER TWO CHIEF EXPLOIT, take away from the legitimacy of real deaths and millions of people's REAL GRIEF. It's brilliant. Great way to piss A LOT of people off. Many of those memes, of course, are intentionally planted by the security spooks cyber-nerds seeded in and throughout the entire net nowadays, not that they are too hard to spot, but they are proving to be effective.

One of the best examples I've seen condensed for the term False-Flag is this:

The term comes from the old days of wooden ships, when one ship would hang the flag of its enemy before attacking another ship. Because the enemy’s flag, instead of the flag of the real country of the attacking ship, was hung, it was called a “false flag” attack.(and of course this mental image wouldn't be replete without including, that after these raids, the 'pirates', would rehang their own flag, the infamous Skull and Crossbones - which also happens to be the logo for the secret fraternal society within Yale University patroned infamously by the Bush's).


False flag (or black flag) describes covert operations designed to deceive in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by entities, groups, or nations other than those who actually planned and executed them. Operations carried out during peace-time by civilian organizations, as well as covert government agencies, may by extension be called false flag operations if they seek to hide the real organization behind an operation. Geraint Hughes uses the term to refer to those acts carried out by "military or security force personnel, which are then blamed on terrorists.

There are obviously a very large degree of variations these people can play with to make it appear certain ways of course, some people may die, some may not, some may be 'actors' in some incidents and in some there are not. The point is, in the amount and time I have done researching these kinds of materials there does not happen to be one single large incident in history that is how it appears on the surface. Not one. I've always learn to come to assume that when hearing that a large number of innocent people died needlessly.

There is an inordinant amount of psycological exploitation here in this incident Aangirfan and it is important that all of your readers are aware of that.

I highly recommend reading that article on Hollande's position and collaborative effort at combating 'conspiracy theories', especially when conflating them within the context of the ubiquitous call of anti-semitism and the "Jewish conspiracy" of National Socialism.

Thank you Aang.


At 16 November 2015 at 12:00 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drills in the morning 13.11.
(once again, in case it will be deleted from youtube...

"Le matin avait été organisé au Samu un exercice sur des attentats multisites" Patrick Pelloux

At 16 November 2015 at 12:33 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I have also more & more doubts about Jim Stone
(he believes in Apollo moon landing :) and that Snowden is bona fide whistblower ;) and that a321 was shot by missile - never mentioning autopilot system...
Abel Danger is very honest former pilot, but unfortunetaly he is lately
distracted, not concentrated on reality, as it was before...
and he puts sometimes material from disinfo sites
The source put at comments above is from Sorcha Faal, famous disinfo site
Great work, Aangirfan, as usual :)

Best site in the Web, thanks

At 16 November 2015 at 12:41 , Blogger Anon said...

Many thanks!

- Aangirfan.

At 16 November 2015 at 13:00 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Closer Look At Youtube User "Videos Paris attack exclusively" Which Was created a Day PRIOR to the Paris Attacks

Mike Rivero over at broke the astounding story this morning of a Youtube user named "Videos Paris attack exclusively" who created their account on November 12, 2015, a day PRIOR to the Paris attacks. The Youtube user does not appear to be American nor is English their primary language. Aside from English, they post video descriptions in Arabic and French. They are literally active on youtube at this moment, posting videos as recently as seven minutes ago. The date format they use is the European date, for example 13/11/2015. Moments ago subscribed to the channel (I am only the 2nd subscriber) and posted a comment on one of his videos, asking "Hi, how is it that you established your "Paris Attack exclusively" channel a DAY PRIOR to the attacks???! MANY people would like an answer, thanks.?.
Read more:

At 16 November 2015 at 13:01 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see what you say about both men. It does seem like FIeld is in 'left field'- excuse the pun lol I just had to and agreed about the sorcha faal garbage. But, I really do think he's on to something rather huge with that Serco is Spectre thing.


Also agreed that Aang and Co. is the best site on the net.

At 16 November 2015 at 13:02 , Anonymous Anonymous said... This is incredible. Only about an hour after publishing our article A Closer Look At Youtube User "Videos Paris attack exclusively" Which Was created a Day PRIOR to the Paris Attacks, the article had gotten about 1,000 hits from all over the world and was visited by the U.S. Defense Dept. and the Canadian Government.
I had subscribed to the channel (I was only the 2nd subscriber) and posted a comment on each of his videos, asking "Hi, how is it that you established your "Paris Attack exclusively" channel a DAY PRIOR to the attacks???! MANY people would like an answer, thanks.". [I also grabbed screenshots of all of it, in case the user disabled or deleted the comments.]

But they did one better! The very suspicious Youtube user "Videos Paris attack exclusively" has DELETED THEIR ACCOUNT ENTIRELY. The page now states "! This channel was closed and is no longer available.

This pisses me off, and I sincerely hope, and demand that the bastards in our federal government TRACK THIS BASTARD DOWN and get to the bottom of this. They certainly have the ability to do so. Every Youtube/google acount member is tracked and identified by their specific ISP info.

Below are the screenshots of the account shut down, screenshots of the U.S. Dept. of Defense and the Canadian Govt, the screenshots I took of the Youtube user "Videos Paris attack exclusively" this morning, and screenshots of all six of their videos with my comment on it. And below that is a copy of the original article which I published this morning.

At 16 November 2015 at 13:03 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

On Friday 13th November, here in Italy it was the Feast of San Diego.
Diego is the Spanish word for "James". The Italian translation would have been Giacomo but for some reason, the Spanish name is used. Perhaps indicating a Spanish king/saint. The king of Arragon in 1307, was king James II Justus indicating a possible descendant from James the Lesser, the younger brother of Jesus.

There is a story that James II Justus wrote a letter to Jack de Molay warning him of his coming fate but that he ignored the warning and scorned the letter. r.m.

At 16 November 2015 at 23:58 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is a link to the best description of one of the pro-shooters by British-Danish psychotherapist Mark Colclough

At 25 November 2015 at 12:44 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I was a so called 'terrorist' I wouldn't do things that grant my enemies more power to try and annihilate me. I wouldn't do this. That just doesn't make any sense. All these events we see in the Zionist controlled media are completely fabricated false flag events. This was a staged hoax, lets be clear that nobody died. They don't need to kill people anymore. They already killing people in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Sudan and Syria. They only need to create a facade about 'terrorism' and let their standard Hegelian formula do the rest because it works every time. Divide and rule. Conquer by fear and control and legislation to advance a totalitarian govt which answers to no one. This is absolute power corrupting absolutely and it always follows the same principles which is the Hegelian Dialectic. ISIS is just another fabricated boogeman. Remember 1984 by George Orwell?. Well substitute ISIS for Emmanuelle Goldstein and you get the picture, right!

No, if I was a genuine terrorist I wouldn't bomb innocent people because people would not be my enemy. I would have solidarity with the people of the world and get them to overthrow their corrupt govts in a peaceful way (this is what Osama Bin Laden suggested. He loved the worlds people, it was just their govts that he hated). If that fails then armed rebellion would be my next plan. That way I would win sympathy for my cause by broadcasting information that would expose their govts as the corrupt treasonous swine they are. I would create an army of assassins trained at the highest levels to infiltrate masonic temples and take out leaders. I would strike at the heart of the beast and cut the heads off the snake and that means the money supply. But this doesn't happen. People ask why don't they attack Israel but this would be my greatest fear. When Israel does get attacked it will be another staged psy ops event with imaginary casualties in their 1000s that will trigger a fullscale possible nuclear exchange and we don't want that. There's enough genocide in the ME without that happening, but it could be staged easily.

Love, peace and goodwill to all my brothers and sisters. God bless you all.

At 12 December 2015 at 22:03 , Anonymous Greg Bacon said...

Delray Beach, Florida is also where the MOSSAD Arab 9/11 double hung out and shopped in the local stores and used the library.

My, what a small world.

At 12 December 2015 at 22:57 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 13 December 2015 at 03:58 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

A very informative interview with Robert Fisk about Syria-well worth a look

At 13 December 2015 at 04:01 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This French video, is showing some serious discrepancies concerning the background noises/sounds, which were shown by different channels for the very same film sequence. There is strong evidence, that resuscitation efforts were performed on a dummy-body..

( is presently under heavy government pressure…)

At 13 December 2015 at 08:12 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aang, there's a big problem with the bloody Bataclan photo leaked on Twitter by Israel Hatzolah:

Additionally, some of the "survivor testimonies" are highly suspect:

At 15 February 2016 at 01:38 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 15 February 2016 at 02:40 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 15 February 2016 at 06:30 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was very reassured by the recent article in the Times explaining why the allegations of child sexual abuse published by Scallywag are total and utter lies from start to finish and must be ignored.

To be quite frank, I'd been a bit concerned that children had been abused in children's homes and elsewhere. But now I can see how woefully misguided these concerns of mine were.

Thanks to the Times, I now understand that the editor of Scallywag, Simon Regan, was a deranged alcoholic and deeply evil man. Moreover, it seems Julian Lewis MP was in fact, the innocent victim of this malacious, deranged servant of Satan! And definitely not a scheming, ethically-challenged associate of two Tory lobbyists linked to 'paedophile parties' in Dolphin Square.

Likewise, it's helpful to know that the North Wales child abuse scandal was another total fabrication of the demonic, alcoholic, Labour-voting Regan. And to think some people actually fell for it!

The ridiculous, absurd, fantastical, totally untrue articles (that I advise everyone to completely ignore because they are so alcoholic and deranged) are here:

At 15 February 2016 at 23:01 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paris attacks: who warned Éric de Rothschild? (Panamza/Abel Danger)

At 21 February 2016 at 09:52 , Blogger Ann Diamond said...

One media company's involvement in the Paris attacks:

At 15 April 2016 at 04:37 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paris Cafe Attack Hoax Caught on CCTV: Woman Survivor Shoots at Cafe with Handgun
this video features also a smoking bullet hit the glass door

similar video with more comments


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