Gabriel - 17 Sep - 24 min - Anonymous.
The following is from "We dance with the skulls in the church"
I will repost this here from a local parents' forum for those who haven't seen it -- it shows there is some local awareness of this case and it gives court dates etc:
Christchurch school hampstead (6 Posts)
Add message | Report | Message poster tara49 Tue 10-Feb-15 15:32:55
What on earth is going on in Christchurch school hampstead? Enough to close the school website down and allegations of satanic sexual abuse of children by teachers, priests, parents and coffee shop workers all over web (Google it) WITH video'd 'disclosures' by the children - filmed by their mother and her boyfriend and posted online. Too bizarre and widespread to be true but what is going on with those poor kids!?!
Add message | Report | Message poster justiceforchildren Tue 17-Feb-15 16:19:53
Hi Tara, I'm glad you've made this thread, keep in mind the last one regarding this scandal was deleted! just search 'hampstead abuse'
Ok here goes. I was at the Royal Courts of Justice today to show my support for the children; at first I didn't know what to make of this situation but I know abuse is RAMPANT and wanted to learn more. I saw the father (I wasn't supposed to go in, but the receptionist gave us directions, I guess she was swamped with the crowds for other trials so didn't tell us it wasn't a public trial). Anyway he looked evil as all hell! At one point we were in the waiting room together and he gave me some very creepy looks..well maybe creepy isn't the word; empty? Just evil. The mother's parents were there (outside in front of the building) as were the ex bf (the English one who took some of the videos) and her friend showed up saying she saw the signs of abuse years ago when she was staying with them for a month. Belinda McKenzie of McKenzie's Friends was there also, and a few other supporters. Everyone seemed really genuine.
I know what the kids say sounds really far fetched, but we know there are people who enjoy harming children. And we know they form into groups and cover for each other. Is it a stretch to say people evil enough to do these things to children are evil enough to be involved in Satanic cults? More people need to know about this, at the risk of seeming crazy, we need to put the kids first!
Add message | Report | Message poster tara49 Tue 17-Feb-15 23:55:51
I don't understand why more people aren't TALKING about this?!? I don't know the details but clearly SOMETHING has happened to those gorgeous kids, they are clearly bright articulate children making Huge allegations...Silence. I don't get it which is why I put it here but it got deleted - I don't know why it was deleted.
Add message | Report | Message poster justiceforchildren Thu 19-Feb-15 00:12:17
The only thing I can think of is they're scared of libel in case it's wrong? But ugh..the kids video testimony is EVIDENCE in a case that is being covered up. Anyone with a modicum of humanity would be worried about these kids and want to find out what's going on. Belinda McKenzie will be outside the Royal Courts of Justice between 12-2 everyday until the case is closed, here's the info if you'd like to join!:
The dates of the F/F('fact finding') hearing are:
Tuesday-Friday 17-20 February
(Then a week off)
Tuesday-Friday 3-6 March
Tuesday-Thursday 10-12 March
I hope you can make it!
Add message | Report | Message poster justiceforchildren Thu 19-Feb-15 00:13:41
I should mention this is for people who want to support the children and those trying to protect them, we're meeting up outside of the Royal Courts of Justice to spread awareness about this case. xx
Add message | Report | Message poster Tiller345 Fri 20-Feb-15 19:40:32
I live in the Hampstead area, with children in local schools, and have been following this story since is first appeared. Tara, I too am shocked at the deafening silence with regards to the allegations. It is uncharacteristically quiet. Justiceforchildren I will be joining you on the 3rd of March, and hopefully with other mothers from the area. Time to get our pointy elbows out!
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Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68224527 Christchurch school hampstead (6 Posts)
Add message | Report | Message poster tara49 Tue 10-Feb-15 15:32:55
What on earth is going on in Christchurch school hampstead? Enough to close the school website down and allegations of satanic sexual abuse of children by teachers, priests, parents and coffee shop workers all over web (Google it) WITH video'd 'disclosures' by the children - filmed by their mother and her boyfriend and posted online. Too bizarre and widespread to be true but what is going on with those poor kids!?!
Add message | Report | Message poster justiceforchildren Tue 17-Feb-15 16:19:53
Hi Tara, I'm glad you've made this thread, keep in mind the last one regarding this scandal was deleted! just search 'hampstead abuse'
Ok here goes. I was at the Royal Courts of Justice today to show my support for the children; at first I didn't know what to make of this situation but I know abuse is RAMPANT and wanted to learn more. I saw the father (I wasn't supposed to go in, but the receptionist gave us directions, I guess she was swamped with the crowds for other trials so didn't tell us it wasn't a public trial). Anyway he looked evil as all hell! At one point we were in the waiting room together and he gave me some very creepy looks..well maybe creepy isn't the word; empty? Just evil. The mother's parents were there (outside in front of the building) as were the ex bf (the English one who took some of the videos) and her friend showed up saying she saw the signs of abuse years ago when she was staying with them for a month. Belinda McKenzie of McKenzie's Friends was there also, and a few other supporters. Everyone seemed really genuine.
I know what the kids say sounds really far fetched, but we know there are people who enjoy harming children. And we know they form into groups and cover for each other. Is it a stretch to say people evil enough to do these things to children are evil enough to be involved in Satanic cults? More people need to know about this, at the risk of seeming crazy, we need to put the kids first!
Add message | Report | Message poster tara49 Tue 17-Feb-15 23:55:51
I don't understand why more people aren't TALKING about this?!? I don't know the details but clearly SOMETHING has happened to those gorgeous kids, they are clearly bright articulate children making Huge allegations...Silence. I don't get it which is why I put it here but it got deleted - I don't know why it was deleted.
Add message | Report | Message poster justiceforchildren Thu 19-Feb-15 00:12:17
The only thing I can think of is they're scared of libel in case it's wrong? But ugh..the kids video testimony is EVIDENCE in a case that is being covered up. Anyone with a modicum of humanity would be worried about these kids and want to find out what's going on. Belinda McKenzie will be outside the Royal Courts of Justice between 12-2 everyday until the case is closed, here's the info if you'd like to join!:
The dates of the F/F('fact finding') hearing are:
Tuesday-Friday 17-20 February
(Then a week off)
Tuesday-Friday 3-6 March
Tuesday-Thursday 10-12 March
I hope you can make it!
Add message | Report | Message poster justiceforchildren Thu 19-Feb-15 00:13:41
I should mention this is for people who want to support the children and those trying to protect them, we're meeting up outside of the Royal Courts of Justice to spread awareness about this case. xx
Add message | Report | Message poster Tiller345 Fri 20-Feb-15 19:40:32
I live in the Hampstead area, with children in local schools, and have been following this story since is first appeared. Tara, I too am shocked at the deafening silence with regards to the allegations. It is uncharacteristically quiet. Justiceforchildren I will be joining you on the 3rd of March, and hopefully with other mothers from the area. Time to get our pointy elbows out!
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