Would Thatcher have approved of Sir Keir Starmer?

Anonymous -
Would Thatcher have approved of Sir Keir Starmer?
Would Mossad?
“[JIMMY SAVILE’S] first encounter with Margaret Thatcher was at Stoke Mandeville Hospital in 1977.
“Two years later, on the eve of the general election … Thatcher appeared with Savile on ‘Jim’ll Fix It’, smiling that she wanted Savile to ‘Fix’ her becoming Prime Minister …
“[Files show] that Savile spent two New Year’s Day lunches at Chequers with Thatcher …
“In 1986 … Thatcher’s then private secretary Nigel Wicks wrote to [the Cabinet Secretary:] ‘She (Thatcher) wonders how many more times his name is to be pushed aside, especially in view of all the great work he has done for Stoke Mandeville.’
“In 1988, the entire management board of Broadmoor secure psychiatric hospital was suspended by Ken Clarke’s Department of Health. It would be, instead, replaced by a taskforce headed by Savile …
“This was rubber stamped by [Mrs Thatcher’s health minister,] Edwina Currie ….”
Keir Starmer “was ultimately responsible for the … decision not to bring charges against [JIMMY SAVILE] in 2009 …
“[Boris Johnson] alleged that Starmer 'failed to prosecute' Savile.
“And, since Starmer ultimately ran the public body that made the decision not to charge Savile, the [former] prime minister's claim … seems hard to dispute.”
If you want to join a Private Members Club, first you have to find sponsors. You only find sponsors if they know that you can be relied upon to 'do the right thing', namely put the interests of the Private Members Club first, second and last.
Starmer covering up for Savile was the first act he carried out to convince the sponsors he should be accorded membership. The second was pursuing Assange. The third was trashing Corbyn.
He's done his fagging. Now he can have his own fags.
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