Friday 19 July 2024

Paul Sellar in Venice


At 19 July 2024 at 08:20 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

3 Days ago.

At 19 July 2024 at 19:00 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How the Godfathers plan to remove Biden

‘The president, who for some reason thinks he’s in charge, seems poised to wake up with a bloody equine head in his bed’

“First they ask him to leave, then they tell him to leave, and finally they threaten to destroy him if he won't wise up.

“We are almost at step three …

“[Biden] has already rejected team Obama when they told him, ‘that’s a nice legacy you got there. It'd be a shame if something happened to it.’

“The threats from the editorial boards of The New York Times and Chicago Tribune … have been ignored by an obstinate sitting president who, for some reason, thinks he's in charge.

“Now Biden seems poised to wake up with a bloody equine head in his bed …

“Perhaps the tape of his interview with special counsel Robert Hur will be released …

“Then there is his prodigal son, Hunter, who hopes to beat the rap and go legit with his art career …

“Finally, there is the 25th amendment, the ultimate play, in which Democrats would remove Biden from office, his legacy in tatters.

“He would be the only president ever kicked out of office for losing his marbles ..

“Soon the door will lock, and [the Bidens] will hear the words, ‘now youse can’t leave’, before the punches start flying …”

At 19 July 2024 at 19:08 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Microsoft and CrowdStrike: ‘Another fake crisis’

“So far Microsoft is blaming a ‘third party’ … CrowdStrike …

“Allegedly, the fault was due to a new software update …

“… [It] looks like travel is off the table for a lot of people. Whoops.

“You’d be forgiven for thinking this is yet another fake crisis designed to disrupt everyday life and normalise these types of restrictions …

“Real or not, contrived or not — this should bring home to everyone, once again, the importance of cash, hard copies and self-reliance …”

At 19 July 2024 at 22:00 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Danny Kruger MP — an Evangelical Christian Zionist warmonger associated with a group calling itself the ‘British Friends of Israel’ — has been appointed a UK Shadow Defence Minister.

Kruger can be a Jewish name.

Danny Kruger is the son of the late Rayne Kruger, and Prue Leith.

Prue Leith, who recently wrote a novel ‘featuring a lesbian love affair’, has spoken of her attraction to gay, Jewish, men.

She said: “One day I was at a dinner party, and the host said to us single women, 'If you could choose a man, describe what sort of man would make you marry again’ …

“I said, 'I'd like somebody who is .. Jewish … and gay’ …

“… Months later, I stayed with an old friend [Sir Ernest Hall] … Then I fell in love with him …

“I thought it was odd because he was … one eighth Jewish …”

Unfortunately, this second chance at love didn’t last.

“He became bipolar … Well, he was already bipolar …”

Prue Leith is a supporter of a ‘peculiar’ charity called ‘The Mulberry Bush’ — a recipient of funding from The Rothschild Foundation which conducts research into the effects of trauma and abuse on children’s brains.

Hannah Rothschild has been a Guest Speaker.

Lord David Astor is a Patron and, until 2009, Camilla Sainsbury was a Director. (Sainsbury was the wife of Esther Rantzen's Childline cofounder, Shaun Woodward, at the time.)

In contrast to her son Danny, Prue Leith insists she is an atheist.

“… [My] Atheism has got more and more confirmed as I’ve got older … I just find the whole idea of a God that needs to be worshipped, wants to be praised morning, night and day is rather despicable …”


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