Thursday 4 January 2024

ISIS (The CIA & MOSSAD) claims responsibility for deadliest attack in Iran since 1979 revolution

The CIA (ISIS) bombed Iran


ISIS (The CIA & MOSSAD) claims responsibility for deadliest attack in Iran since 1979 revolution

Bahrain’s Gulf Daily News reported that "Edward Snowden revealed that the British and American intelligence and the Mossad (Israel’s intelligence agency) worked together to create the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)." This operation, they said, was codenamed "Hornet’s Nest."

And the Palestinian Authority insisted that the Islamic State is a Zionist plot by the United States and Israel.


At 4 January 2024 at 12:00 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing new, nothing to see here, move on...

At 4 January 2024 at 15:35 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Douglas Murray standing in for Piers Morgan. Alan Dershowitz being interviewed and in full denial mode.

Operation Cover-Up in full swing.

At 4 January 2024 at 19:50 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

UK Labour party leader Sir Keir Starmer is grilled on Peter Mandelson’s friendship with Jeffrey Epstein

Jim Pickard of the Financial Times “asked [Keir Starmer] whether Mandelson — described in the Guardian as a ‘core part’ of [Starmer’s] ‘network’ – had questions to answer.

“The reply of the former Director of Public Prosecutions was …:

“‘On Peter Mandelson, look … I don’t know any more than you do …’”

Starmer’s answer on Peter Mandelson’s friendship with Jeffrey Epstein:

At 4 January 2024 at 19:57 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keir Starmer ‘struggles’ to explain his top adviser’s friendship with Jeffrey Epstein?

Eleni Courea of Politico “says she thinks Starmer struggled with [the Financial Times journalist’s] question about Peter Mandelson and Jeffrey Epstein …”

At 4 January 2024 at 20:15 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim Pickard, Deputy Political Editor, Financial Times

I just asked Keir Starmer if Lord Mandelson has questions to answer on this:

“I don’t know any more than you and there’s not really much I can add to what is already out there I’m afraid”

“[JPMorgan] bank’s probe…..suggests that in June 2009, when he was the UK business secretary, Mandelson stayed at Epstein’s lavish townhouse in Manhattan, while the financier was in prison for soliciting prostitution from a minor.”

At 4 January 2024 at 21:05 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill Clinton marched into Vanity Fair's office and THREATENED staff not to write about Jeffrey Epstein, Virginia Roberts Giuffre claims in latest bombshell court documents

At 4 January 2024 at 21:07 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prince Andrew is reported to police: Calls for the Duke of York to face prosecution after unsealed documents make more claims of sexual assault

At 4 January 2024 at 21:45 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Note that the Zionist-captured political class and Mainstream Media is STILL protecting the likes of Lady ‘Mossad’ de Rothschild and Lord ‘Mossad’ Mandelson: producing far fewer (and ‘tamer’) news items about the two of them, in comparison to the number and ferocity of items dissecting their alleged ‘captives’ like Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton.

But, then, the latter have long outlived their usefulness, so can be usefully sacrificed along with other washed-up has-beens ?

While the reputations of the former remain important to Mossad and its foreign friends, so the pair — in terms of their alleged roles in the Epstein/Maxwell conspiracy — remain largely OFF LIMITS to savvy editors, commentators, politicians, top cops and prosecutors ?

At 4 January 2024 at 21:54 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jewish hedge fund manager Glenn Dubin was first person Ghislaine Maxwell told Virginia Roberts Giuffre to have sex with, unsealed Jeffrey Epstein files allege

At 4 January 2024 at 22:06 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another Biden official resigns over Israel policy

“A senior official at the US Department of Education has resigned in protest at President Joe Biden’s support for Israel, saying the administration has turned a blind eye to ‘atrocities’ against Palestinians since the start of the war in Gaza.

“Policy adviser Tariq Habash, a Palestinian-American, left his position on Wednesday, explaining in a resignation letter that he could not continue to ‘represent an administration that does not value all human life equally’.

“‘The actions of the Biden-Harris Administration have put millions of innocent lives in danger, most immediately for the 2.3 million Palestinian civilians living in Gaza who remain under continuous assault and ethnic cleansing by the Israeli government. Therefore, I must resign’, Habash wrote.

“‘I cannot stay silent as this administration turns a blind eye to the atrocities committed against innocent Palestinian lives, in what leading human rights experts have called a genocidal campaign by the Israeli government’ …

“Despite repeated warnings of a humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza by international rights groups, along with the United Nations, Washington has offered little public criticism of the Israeli campaign, and continued to pledge military support …”


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