Saturday 9 September 2023


Coastal development, pollution, overfishing ...? 

Margi Bingley commented on "GLOBAL ELITES - Environment"

My selfish behaviour has been voluntarily modified. 

I don't use a hot water system. Haven't for 6 years. And I LOVE it. 

Meanwhile genuine concerns are verified by those who do care. 

eg 66 swans I am now looking after. 

They have sought refuge in the salty sea with stingrays for companions as the natural food dies off.

Seagrass loss is at an alarming rate. 

I personally filmed that in the last 3 months where I live it has almost disappeared. 

The Tweed River estuary is suffering the same fate as the entire East Coast of Australia & one suspects this is world wide. 


"Seagrass meadows are being lost at a rate of around 7% annually, equivalent to two football fields every hour. 

This loss is attributed to many variables, including climate change, coastal development, pollution, overfishing, and other anthropogenic factors"
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I have seen now 3 dead swans in 3 months, 2 dead turtles & one dugong. 

Quote: "there’s almost no seagrass remaining across most of previously mapped areas.

James Cook University TropWATER Centre is leading the monitoring of 2300km2 of seagrass meadows – one of the largest and most important areas of seagrass in eastern Australia – in partnership with the Department of Environment and Science (DES).

TropWATER Professor Michael Rasheed said there had been drastic reduction of seagrass when compared with previous extensive mapping. 

“Our boat surveys show there’s almost no seagrass visible in the 2m to 17m depth range for much of the deeper meadows, and these sites have previously recorded extensive areas of seagrass,” he said



Anonymous comments -

"Climate Change"?

If you want to talk about Weather Modification, such as; Atmospheric Aerosol Injection, Marine Cloud Whitening, HAARP OR Solar Radiation Management, you might get the 'grown ups' back on side...

However, with regards seagrass. 

Seagrass grows in very shallow, lagoon type waters. 

It benefits from full spectrum light and needs this to grow. Water is a poor medium for the transmission of light. Even as low as circa 20 metres, only blue light is predominantly left of the visible light spectrum. Sea grass won't and can't grow any deeper than a few metres. You'll remember this part of your Open Water diver syllabus training?

Therefore, Solar Radiation Management and Marine Cloud Whitening should be of utmost concern. 

Your concerns, therefore, should be redirected to the culprits of these geoengineering programmes. The UK Government has been kind enough to supply us with their Marine Cloud Whitening and Solar Radiation Management policies. I suggest you read them.

Lastly, As for Atmospheric Aerosol Injection. Rather than 'banging on' about climate change, I suggest you look up and see the mess caused by Government/Corporate criminals flying their chemtrails over the skies doing untold environmental damage. This week in the UK, the MSM managed to convince the brain dead masses that the brown powdery residue coating their vehicles was sand from the Sahara. There is no limit to human stupidity.

I have attached the UK Governments Geoengineering policy programme. No doubt your equally rubbish Government and paid shills will have something similar.

I sincerely hope that this material will have at least some benefit. Namely, to shut people up about Climate Change fraud.


At 10 September 2023 at 00:20 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I lost all interest when you said "Climate Change". If you are still 'pushing' that lazy slop then ALL credibility goes with it.

If you want to talk about Weather Modification, such as; Atmospheric Aerosol Injection, Marine Cloud Whitening, HAARP OR Solar Radiation Management, you might get the 'grown ups' back on side.

"No hot water for 6 years and 66 swans. Interesting. I won't offer any comments".

However, with regards seagrass. Seagrass grows in very shallow, lagoon type waters. It benefits from full spectrum light and needs this to grow. Water is a poor medium for the transmission of light. Even as low as circa 20 metres, only blue light is predominantly left of the visible light spectrum. Sea grass won't and can't grow any deeper than a few metres. You'll remember this part of your Open Water diver syllabus training?

Therefore, Solar Radiation Management and Marine Cloud Whitening should be of utmost concern. Your concerns, therefore, should be redirected to the culprits of these geoengineering programmes. The UK Government has been kind enough to supply us with their Marine Cloud Whitening and Solar Radiation Management policies. I suggest you read them.

Lastly, As for Atmospheric Aerosol Injection. Rather than 'banging on' about climate change, I suggest you look up and see the mess caused by Government/Corporate criminals flying their chemtrails over the skies doing untold environmental damage. This week in the UK, the MSM managed to convince the brain dead masses that the brown powdery residue coating their vehicles was sand from the Sahara. There is no limit to human stupidity.

I have attached the UK Governments Geoengineering policy programme. No doubt your equally rubbish Government and paid shills will have something similar.

I sincerely hope that this material will have at least some benefit. Namely, to shut people up about Climate Change fraud.


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