Friday 8 September 2023

Marianna Spring CV

BBC's disinformation correspondent and chief fact-checker Marianna Spring is accused of lying on her CV

The BBC's disinformation correspondent is facing claims that she lied about her experience on her CV.

Marianna Spring is facing the  allegation that she gave misleading information to try to secure work. 

According to a report, about five years ago Spring was trying to get work as a freelancer in Moscow , when the misleading claim was made.

Her CV reportedly bragged: 'June 2018: Reported on International News with BBC correspondent Sarah Rainsford.'


At 8 September 2023 at 05:53 , Blogger Unknown said...

Not the best allegation for a 'disinformation correspondent' to have to face. It might be better if the BBC simply axed the post altogether....


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