Thursday 7 September 2023

BIRMINGHAM (UK) bankrupt.

Taxis for school kids in Birmingham (UK) - cost £17 million.

An investigation by MailOnline revealed the authority was paying one cab company more than £200 a day to take a child three miles to school and back. 

Birmingham Council, the largest in Europe, is bankrupt. 

Listed: The English councils that have gone BANKRUPT since 2000

Hackney (2000)- Labour

Northamptonshire (2018) - Conservative

Thurrock (2022) - Conservative

Croydon (2022) - Labour

Woking (2023) - Liberal Democrats

Birmingham (2023) - Labour

Slough (2021) - Labour

Revealed: How Birmingham council, in the UK,  spent millions on 'inclusive' new street signs, a botched IT system and the Commonwealth Games - while blowing hated Clean Air Zone cash on hydrogen buses... as rubbish piles up and violence soars

'Council boss John Cotton, who was handpicked for the role by Keir Starmer to run the authority, has been slammed for being on holiday in New York for his 50th birthday as his council goes bust.'  


At 7 September 2023 at 03:24 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stephen Fry is rushed to bomb shelter in Kyiv

“Before the incident, Fry had been in Kyiv to co-host a conference initiated by Olena Zelenska, the first lady of Ukraine.

“The event aimed to address mental health issues amid the war - a cause close to Fry's heart, as he is the president of the mental health charity Mind …”

At 7 September 2023 at 09:10 , Blogger Unknown said...

Send retired councillor Raymond Puddifoot MBE up there on a consultancy brief to bring the finances under control. He ran an exemplary council for 20 years and recently retired.


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