Sunday 5 March 2023

Isabel Oakeshott Speaks Out After Leaking Matt Hancock's Private Message...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post 'HITCHENS - COVID - Disqualify those who backed ...':

GMTV tripe. Some 'fake' soul searching, 'fraudulent' journalism and Clownworld pantomime.

I wonder when they tell them about the HIV, Prion and Amyloid proteins and molecules.


At 5 March 2023 at 23:02 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bottom left hand corner of the screen.

Interview start time at 08.(33) am.
Just a coincidence right?

At 7 March 2023 at 01:13 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now in the public record, this conversation:

Matt Hancock:
"We frighten the pants of everyone with the new strain"

Damon Poole:
"Yep that's what will get proper behaviour change"

Matt Hancock:
"When do we deploy the new variant"

Screenshot image of the above dialogue, from the Oakeshott-leaked chats of Matt Hancock:



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