Sunday 15 January 2023


Helping Ukraine?


Legislators Request Suspension of Offshore Wind Development After Recent Whale Deaths

Significant economic, environmental, and safety issues have been identified with offshore wind power. 

Nevertheless, despite high costs, opposition, and warnings, the Biden Administration has continued to rush development  which has led to lawsuits being filed, including one to protect whales. 

Perhaps now that multiple dead whales have recently washed up on East Coast beaches, the powers-that-be will re-think their mission.

Vladik - linked to Toronto and Ukraine

Anonymous said...

Sunak's Headline

Grabbing Challenger 2 con trick

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak confirmed the sending of 14 Challenger 2 MBTs (Main Battle Tanks) to Ukraine. Around 30 AS90s 155mm self-propelled howitzers are expected to follow.


14 A very small number will have no effect

Crews will require training so delayed deployment

Ammo is different to std so a logistics problem

Weight 65t so Ukranian infrastructure and tank transporters designed for Soviet T34 at 45t wont suffice

Maintenance and spares an issue for Ukr adding further to logistic woes


At 15 January 2023 at 00:43 Anonymous Anonymous said...

After the tanks the helicopters will be delivered.

Presumably the Russian military will endevour to achieve their mission objectives before this.

The new package of support, to include tanks, was confirmed yesterday by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

A senior defence source told the Sunday People that up to four Apaches will be sent – and they will follow 10 Challenger 2 main battle tanks.

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky has begged the West to supply tanks and aircraft for months.

The insider said: “The Apache will be a major game-changer. The tanks will arrive first and it will take a while before helicopters can be deployed. Other Nato members will now follow suit.

Anonymous said...

WEF sees itself as part of the solution to the world’s problems, by bringing together influential parties from around the world to tackle the most pressing issues.

But others are not so sure. Patriotic Millionaires, a group of more than a hundred wealthy individuals mainly from the US, delivered a scathing verdict last year.

“The truth is that Davos doesn’t deserve the world’s trust right now. 

"For all the countless hours spent talking about making the world a better place, the conference has produced little tangible value amidst a torrent of self-congratulations,” the group stated in an open letter a year ago.


At 15 January 2023 at 00:43 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

After the tanks the helicopters will be delivered.

Presumably the Russian military will endevour to achieve their mission objectives before this.

The new package of support, to include tanks, was confirmed yesterday by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

A senior defence source told the Sunday People that up to four Apaches will be sent – and they will follow 10 Challenger 2 main battle tanks.

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky has begged the West to supply tanks and aircraft for months.

The insider said: “The Apache will be a major game-changer. The tanks will arrive first and it will take a while before helicopters can be deployed. Other Nato members will now follow suit.

At 15 January 2023 at 01:11 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Protests in Oxford not being reported VIDEO footage exposes council liars.

Oxford residents are furious over council plans to turn the city into ’15-minute’ controlled zones. They have been brushed away by the Council, which has ignored their displeasure.

At 15 January 2023 at 01:40 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mass leafleting in Oxford against 15-minute cities


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