The James Bond stories were inspired partly by the John Buchan Stories.
In John Buchan's Thirty Nine Steps, the hero Richard Hannay is up against an international Cabal.

The John Buchan Way is a walking route from Peebles to Broughton in the Scottish Borders, a distance of approximately 22 km (13 miles).
Walking the John Buchan Way: Broughton to Peebles - Fiona

Cringletie - Hotel, Restaurant and Gardens - Peebles

John Buchan was in British army intelligence.
In London, John Buchan's Thirty Nine Steps, Richard Hannay comes in contact with Franklin P Scudder.
Scudder was an American, from Kentucky.
According to Scudder:
Away behind all the Governments and the armies there was a big subterranean movement going on, engineered by very dangerous people.
Most of the people in it were the sort of educated people that make revolutions, but beside them there were financiers who were playing for money.
A clever man can make big profits on a falling market.

According to Scudder:
The aim of the whole conspiracy was to get certain people at loggerheads.
Everything would be in the melting-pot, and they looked to see a new world emerge.
The capitalists would rake in the shekels, and make fortunes by buying up wreckage.
Capital, he said, had no conscience and no fatherland.
Besides, the Jew was behind it.

Glasgow - not much has changed.
According to Scudder:
The Jew is everywhere, but you have to go far down the backstairs to find him.
According to Scudder:
The Jew is everywhere, but you have to go far down the backstairs to find him.
Take any big business concern.
If you have dealings with it the first man you meet is Prince von und zu Something, an elegant young man who talks Eton-and-Harrow English.
But he cuts no ice.
If your business is big, you get behind him and find a prognathous Westphalian with a retreating brow and the manners of a hog.
But if you're on the biggest kind of job and are bound to get to the real boss, ten to one you are brought up against a little white-faced Jew in a bath-chair with an eye like a rattle-snake.
Yes, sir, he is the man who is ruling the world just now.

British spy boss John Buchan wrote the spy novel Greenmantle in 1916.
In Greenmantle a shadowy Moslem figure threatens to spark an Islamic jihad.
This shadowy Moslem figure secretly works for the intelligence services.
"The Germans and their Turkish allies are plotting to cause a great uprising throughout the Muslim world, that will throw the whole of the Middle East, India and North Africa into turmoil..."
(Greenmantle - Wikipedia)

In Greenmantle a shadowy Moslem figure threatens to spark an Islamic jihad.
This shadowy Moslem figure secretly works for the intelligence services.
"The Germans and their Turkish allies are plotting to cause a great uprising throughout the Muslim world, that will throw the whole of the Middle East, India and North Africa into turmoil..."
(Greenmantle - Wikipedia)

Who controls the prime ministers, presidents, police chiefs, spy chiefs, military generals, newspaper editors, TV bosses, trade union leaders, top civil servants, religious leaders, Islamist leaders and terrorist jihadis?

Max von Oppenheim (above), of the Jewish banking family, had a plan to incite religious violence in various Moslem countries.
He described Islam as 'one of our most important weapons'.
His idea was to use Jihadis to advance a certain agenda.
Thus, spies were sent into Moslem countries, including Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkey and Iran.
Mullahs were bribed with large sums of money to get them to support Jihad.
Max von Oppenheim.
Of course Britain had the same idea, of using Moslems.
That was in 1914.

Max von Oppenheim (above), of the Jewish banking family, had a plan to incite religious violence in various Moslem countries.
He described Islam as 'one of our most important weapons'.
His idea was to use Jihadis to advance a certain agenda.
Thus, spies were sent into Moslem countries, including Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkey and Iran.
Mullahs were bribed with large sums of money to get them to support Jihad.
Max von Oppenheim.
Of course Britain had the same idea, of using Moslems.
That was in 1914.
Fatwa and Jihad, promoted by Max von Oppenheim
During World War One, Germany used its Moslem prisoners of war to promote jihad.
"Muslim prisoners of war were used as pawns...
Germany's Grand WW1 Jihad.
The leader of ISIS (Simon Elliot) with John McCain. JAMES FOLEY FALSE FLAG FAKE
The Jewish bankers were not just friends of the Moslems; they were also friends of the Nazis.
American Ambassador in Berlin, William Dodd, wrote about Hitler's American and Jewish friends:
"One evening my wife visited Baron Eberhard von Oppenheim...
During World War One, Germany used its Moslem prisoners of war to promote jihad.
"Muslim prisoners of war were used as pawns...
"Their duty was to deliver scripted lines in Arabic and Turkish promising the crowds that they would take the German jihad to North Africa."

The leader of ISIS (Simon Elliot) with John McCain. JAMES FOLEY FALSE FLAG FAKE
The Jewish bankers were not just friends of the Moslems; they were also friends of the Nazis.
American Ambassador in Berlin, William Dodd, wrote about Hitler's American and Jewish friends:
"One evening my wife visited Baron Eberhard von Oppenheim...
"Many German Nazis were present.
"It is said that Oppenheim gave the Nazi party 200,000 marks..."
Hitler's Secret Backers - / The rulers of the World are German

In real life, it is Mossad, MI6 and the CIA who control the shadowy Moslem figures.

"It is said that Oppenheim gave the Nazi party 200,000 marks..."
Hitler's Secret Backers - / The rulers of the World are German

In real life, it is Mossad, MI6 and the CIA who control the shadowy Moslem figures.

Victor Rothschild, said to have controlled key British spies.
Anonymous comments:
The Oppenheim jihadi adventure is covered in McMeekin's Berlin to Baghdad Express account of German Middle East foreign policy up to WW1.
The Oppenheim jihadi adventure is covered in McMeekin's Berlin to Baghdad Express account of German Middle East foreign policy up to WW1.
McMeekin is a pro-Zionist writer so the fact that German intelligence was organized by the scion of a Jewish banking cartel goes unremarked.
Buchan in Greenmantle was a tad more forthright:
"The German has the poorest notion of psychology of any of God's creatures.
Buchan in Greenmantle was a tad more forthright:
"The German has the poorest notion of psychology of any of God's creatures.
"In Germany only the Jew can get outside himself and that is why, if you look into the matter, you will find that the Jew is at the back of most German enterprises."
Insidious psychological infiltration of host cultures which are vulnerable to the machinations of a hostile minority and international networking via the UN, CFR, the Rothschild fiat money scam et al are hallmarks of the Jewish crimes against humanity which are ongoing in Palestine, Iraq and Syria.
Insidious psychological infiltration of host cultures which are vulnerable to the machinations of a hostile minority and international networking via the UN, CFR, the Rothschild fiat money scam et al are hallmarks of the Jewish crimes against humanity which are ongoing in Palestine, Iraq and Syria.
Moreover the subversion is in plain sight now.
The Project for the American Century is there for anyone to read.
Ian Fleming (1908 -1964), grandson of the banker Robert Fleming, wrote the James Bond novels.
In Dr No Bond meets Honeychile Rider whose bottom is "almost as firm and rounded as a boy's".
What do we know about the real Ian Fleming?
The source for most of the following is the excellent Ian Fleming -The Man Behind James Bond by Andrew Lycett.
1. William Plomer's Turbott Wolfe was published in 1925.
In this novel, the homosexual Plomer tackled gay relationships.
The teenage Ian Fleming was so impressed by Turbot Wolfe that he wrote a fan letter to the author.
Ian and the gay William Plomer became very close friends. (Lycett)

2. Ian Fleming attended Eton, the all boys private school. Some poems he wrote there are signed with the 'sexually ambiguous name Cary Anan'. (Lycett)
3. After Eton, Ian Fleming studied in Austria.
He decided to translate the text of Anja and Esther, a play by Klaus Mann, the homosexual son of Thomas Mann, the author of Death in Venice .
Anja and Esther was Ian's first publication. (Lycett)
Ian's favourite book was The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann.

4. In Austria, Ian found that a number of young women threw themselves at him.
He wrote in his notebook about how these heterosexual couplings of Austrians with Anglo-Saxons could be 'so distasteful'.
Ian hiked in the Austrian hills with his male friends.
Sometimes they spent a couple of nights in Alpine huts. (Lycett)
5. In the summer of 1929 Ian and his mother were on holiday in Corsica. Ian met up with two homosexuals with whom he passed the time playing bridge. (Lycett)

6. Back in London, while strolling down Bond Street, Ian spotted, in the window of a bookshop, a book of poetry entitled Pansies.
Ian entered the bookshop to make enquiries about the book. (Lycett)
7. In 1935 Ian went to work as a stockbroker with the firm of Rowe and Pitman in London.
Lancy Hugh Smith, the firm's senior partner was a bachelor.
Lancy got on well with Ian who was good at charming older men.
One former colleague of Ian's described Ian as being 'a hell of a tart'. (Lycett)

8. In his late twenties, Ian was still living at home with his 'overbearing' mother.
Eventually he bought a central London flat. (Lycett)
9. One of Ian's female friends was Lady Mary Pakenham.
According to Lady Mary, Ian was feminine and nervous and he often had a look of melancholy and loss.
According to Lady Mary, "the average girl simply did not like him."
At parties, Ian would initiate a conversation with a put-down. (Lycett)

10. In some of Ian's erotic fantasies, there were schoolmistresses who whipped people.
According to Lycett, Ian had a large collection of books about flagellation. (Lycett)
11. During World War II, Ian worked for Naval Intelligence.

12. At this time, two of Ian's friends were Ann O'Neill, who strongly fancied Ian, and Sefton Delmer, an expert on black propaganda.
According to Ann, Delmer "rouses all Ian's brain mania, plus his sublimated homosexualism." (Lycett)
On the subject of marriage, Ian told a friend Peter Smithers: "I can't see anything in it for me." (Lycett)
Ian was eventually persuaded or manipulated into marrying Ann when he was aged 43. It was not a happy marriage.

13. One evening in London, in 1943, Ian stepped into a pub off Piccadilly and got talking to a stranger, who turned out to be the homosexual poet James Kirkup. Ian asked for Kirkup's address. (Lycett)
14. At a Christmas day party, in 1943, Ian gave each of the female guests a book of Verlaine's poems, with suitable passages marked by Ian.
Ann O'Neill found that her passage referred to lesbian love.
Paul Verlaine's poetry celebrates homosexuality. (Lycett)

15. One of Ian's American contacts was Lieutenant AlanSchneider of the US navy.
Ian told Schneider that "men were the only real human beings, the only ones he could be friends with." (Lycett)
16. Ian attended an Anglo-American naval conference in Jamaica.
He told his friend Ivar Bryce: "When we have won this blasted war, I am going to live in Jamaica ... and write books." (Lycett)
Jamaica was to become, for a time, a place that attracted many famous gay men, such as Ian's friend Noel Coward.
According to Ian, Kingston, the capital, "would provide you with every known amorous constellation and permutation." (Lycett)

16. Ian went to work for The Sunday Times as foreign manager.
Many of the journalists he worked with, such as Antony Terryand Henry Brandon, had links to the intelligence services.
According to Anthony Cavendish, a former British agent, the newspaper group for which Ian worked was happy to take on MI6 people as foreign correspondents. (Lycett).
17. In 1946, aged 38, Ian was smoking 70 cigarettes and drinking a bottle of gin each day. (Lycett)

Ian Fleming created the character of the Child Catcher, in his book Chitty Chitty Bangbang. The film script is by fellow spy Roald Dahl.
18. On Jamaica, Ian built a house called Goldeneye.
Ian employed a houseboy and other staff for this bachelors' paradise.
When Ivar Bryce and John Fox-Strangeways came to stay with Ian, the three of them would swim naked before breakfast. (Lycett)
Ian's first tenant at Goldeneye was his gay friend Noel Coward.

Ralph, the leading boy in Lord of the Flies, was found "in a swimming pool in an army camp in Jamaica." (Lord of the Flies - From the Current )
19. Around 1948, Ann O'Neill wrote a fictionalised account of her relationship with Ian.
In this story, Ian is called Gervase.
Ann explained that Gervase (Ian) was attractive to both men and women and his services were solicited by "middle-aged men of medium eminence."
Ann once told Evelyn Waugh that Ian's "only happiness is pink gin, golf clubs and men." (Lycett)
20. Ann divorced her husband Viscount Rothermere. In 1952, she became pregnant. Ian, aged 43, decided to marry her.

1952 - 1964
21. Marriage led Ian to start writing his Bond books. It was a form of escape.
22. Ian and Ann often took separate holidays.
23. Ian traveled to Jamaica as often as possible.
Among the guests at Goldeneye at this time was Angus Wilson who lived in Jamaica with his companion Odo Cross, a former Guards officer who liked to wear his mother's pearls. (Lycett)

24. Ann and Ian were friends of the reportedly gay writer Somerset Maugham and they visited him at his villa in the South of France.
Ian adopted a 'fawning role' with Maugham and Ann was struck by the similarities between the two writers.
Both liked exotic-smelling soaps in their bathrooms. Ann had "a curious feeling that they both regarded 'women' with mistrust". (Lycett)
25. Truman Capote stayed at Goldeneye and Ian described him as being a 'fascinating companion'.
Errol Flynn was another visitor to Goldeneye.
The north coast of Jamaica was seen as having a growing gay enclave. (Lycett)

26. Ann began a long relationship with Hugh Gaitskell, leader of the United Kingdom's Labour Party, and seen as being a possible future Prime Minister.
Ann reported to her friend Beaverbrook that Gaitskell was a "changed man - all he wants is wine, women and song". (Lycett)
Meanwhile, Ian was having a relationship with a wealthy Jewish woman in Jamaica, called Blanche Blackwell.

Gaitskell, leader of the UK Labour party, was reportedly murdered.
27. When Ian's four-year-old son Caspar came out to Jamaica, Ian noted that Caspar wore a hibiscus flower in his ear and called himself Mary.
When the family went to Austria, Caspar was dressed in lederhosen. (Lycett)
28. In 1957, Ian found himself in a Dean's Bar.
This was a gay bar, in Tangier in Morocco.
Ian had chosen Tangier as a place to meet retired MI5 agent John Collard who was based in South Africa.
Ian wanted to talk to Collard in connection with research for a book. (Lycett)

29. Ian liked Venice and when he traveled there with Ann he gave her a copy of Thomas Mann's Death in Venice, the story of a man's love for a boy. (Lycett)
In 1963, Cyril Connolly wrote a parody of Bond for the London Magazine.
This was called Bond Strikes Camp and it seemed to suggest that most British spies were secretly gay.
31. In the early 1960s, Ian would spend evenings with John blackwell.
Blackwell was a bachelor school teacher who had a house in the grounds of Wellesley House school at Broadstairs in Kent.
Broadstairs was the home of Edward Heath.
The school takes boys up to the age of thirteen.

On Sunday afternoons Ian and Blackwell would take some pupils from the school on a car outing to a local golf course.
Ian would give the boys Bond memorabilia. (Lycett)
32. Hugh Gaitskell died rather mysteriously in 1963.
33. Ian Fleming died in 1964, aged 56.
34. His son Caspar died in 1975, aged 22.
Labels: Deep State, Greenmantle, ISIS, Jews, Oppenheim, Scudder, terrorism, Thirty Nine Steps
I used to get a Christmas card from one of his great grandchildren
the 39 steps had a mysterious international group called blackstone
rupert everett wanted to play bond.he did play a role based on spy guy burgess
In the clip from 39 Steps...the opening sequence shows a grey Mk2 Ford Consul the next time it appears it has mysteriously changed into a grey Mk2 Ford Zephyr (the 6 cylinder upmarket model of the 4 cylinder Consul.)
There was also a 1935 black and white version of The 39 Steps directed by Alfred Hitchcock. It wasn't one tenth as hilarious as the 1959 version in the clip there.
The first Bond movie, Dr No, was very soon after this; hard to believe. From almost Victorian to somewhat risqué in just three years.
And I don't know about alleged big gay Fleming's alleged big gay lifestyle, but fortunately Ursula Andress, playing Honey Ryder --- in a state of andress --- was very much 1000% woman.
68... She's reading 47...
So thankfully, the directors of the Bond movies had a far more refined appreciation of women.
There really are some fantastic female characters in the Bond movies, and even more fantastic actresses playing them.
Not just so-called Bond girls, some of the other women characters are just captivatingly perfect.
Practically zero. She's clear.
There used to be an amazing Fell Race from Traquair House to Broughton called 'the Two Breweries': sponsored by Greenmantle Ale, it was memorable for the organiser advising runners 'not to drop down into Glen Sax, as you may get shot by stalkers!' The race had what is proverbially known as a 'sting in the tail' - the steepness of Trahenna Hill is sufficient to make tired legs cramp up! But at the finish, organisers included a plate of reviving chilli con carne and a few pints of Greenmantle prior to prizegiving. Many made a weekend of it, camping at Broughton on Friday and Saturday nights and utilising a race bus to get them round to the start on Saturday morning.
Hope the race still exists - it was a classic.
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