Much oil and gas has still to be explored for - off Scotland's West coast.
The military does not want its nuclear subs, which use the West coast, being interfered with.

'And a potential 24 billion barrels could remain – equivalent to 35 years’ worth of production.'

The Scottish National Party, under Nicola Sturgeon, is wrecking Scotland.
ALEX BRUMMER asks: Why is the UK facing an energy crisis when it is sitting on a gold mine?
'We should consider giving North Sea drillers the only 'green' light that matters: the one that says 'Go''
ALEX BRUMMER: Why are we facing an energy crisis?
'Nine energy firms have gone bust in 2021 amid soaring wholesale gas prices, while companies supplying some six million homes are said to be at risk of imminent collapse.
'Millions of pensioners and the most vulnerable households now face untold hardship this winter, while the 'squeezed' middle classes can expect their bills to soar far in excess of anything they are used to.'
ALEX BRUMMER: Why are we facing an energy crisis?
'Nine energy firms have gone bust in 2021 amid soaring wholesale gas prices, while companies supplying some six million homes are said to be at risk of imminent collapse.
'Millions of pensioners and the most vulnerable households now face untold hardship this winter, while the 'squeezed' middle classes can expect their bills to soar far in excess of anything they are used to.'

'Boris Johnson has clearly failed to understand the risk to the country of relying excessively on energy purchased from abroad.
'It ought to be obvious that surrendering our energy needs to the Moscow-controlled Gazprom (a huge gas supplier to Europe) and a ghastly collection of Middle-East potentates has been a grievous error.'
'Boris Johnson could license applications for development of the Cambo field situated some 75 miles to the west of Shetland.
'This contains more than 800 million barrels of oil as well as considerable potential gas deposits.
'Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer may come to regret his opposition to the drilling, which would have created a reported 1,000 jobs, on 'carbon emission' grounds.'
Labels: Faslane, Gazprom, Greens, Johnson, North Sea, reserves, Scotland, SNP, Starmer
Oil is not a fossil fuel, oil is not scarce. Oil was given the status of a fossil (limited resource) in 1892 by...... affiliates to Rockerfellar.
This precision engineered pile of tripe is part of the hybrid warfare being waged against us. Nothing about this latest fake crisis is organic.
Remember when the earth fell silent (Whitehorse of the Apocalypse) or Lockdown 1.0 to you and I. Fuel about £1.00 a litre at the pumps, oil tankers circling the earth unable to sell or off load. No hint of a lorry driver shortage then. No hint of dwindling supplies. No hint of the energy crisis with gas. No hint of cabling issues bringing a flow of electrons (electricity) from France.
How very, very odd. Gas a major issue. Oil a major issue and electricity too. Who'd have thought.
Meanwhile, the mothballed industry of gas and oil will see decommissioned rigs sitting in Dundee and off the coast of Leven in Fife. The Rust Belt of Scotland extending North to Aberdeen where more rigs idle in mediocrity.
The worst is yet to come. The Black Horse is approaching and the harbingers of doom are beginning their circling descent.
Health care rationed/withdrawn, schools ruined and debased, fuel to be rationed and food too. The Government have added food and supply chain legislation to The Coronavirus Act. This wilful act of terrorism will see all elements of the food chain from growing, processing and distribution being weaponised. No point in introducing legislation if you're not going to use it.
Siege has been a weapon of war for millenia. You won't last long with no food.
It makes zero difference though. The Tartan Terrorist in charge of the country commands an enviable support from an army of Tartan Idiots. The ginger clowns are far too stupid to realise the abject danger they face. Problem is, however, they will drag the rest of us over the cliff with them.
Finally, beware of Greeks bearing gifts. Or should I say beware of Greens.
The fake coalition between The Scottish Nazi Party and their uber fascist fake Greens is literally the 'tail that wags the dog'. A government engineered to just fall short of a majority needs to have a coalition to survive. Thankfully the Greens have came from obscurity to the rescue. Now the 2 ministers the Greens have can hold a gun to the head of Government and dictate policy - or we won't support you.
Reality, however, an engineered outcome to allow an agenda to be delivered by a minority party through a mainstream government. Just another spoke in the wheel of fake politking.
It appears Scotland got what it voted for. You vote for Nazis you get Nazis. Never mind eh - the fitbas oan.
Peace to the humans.
I must have missed what Sir Keir Starmer said
... "I will alter the rules so that you will no longer have a say in who becomes your leader."
... "I will jettison all the party's policies and rule without policies."
... "I will deal with anti-Semitism by expelling or suspending Jewish members of the party."
... "I will bring back Lord Mandelson."
... "I will endorse Conservative policies and priorities, especially when it comes to Covid and foreign policy."
Former Chair
Hampstead & Highgate Constituency Labour Party
Fake crisis, obviously.
oil is not scarce, but it's production might imply more energy then actually resulting in the process (EROI)
Following a report from 15 years ago, I have a very strong impression, that their predictions are unwinding at this very moment
The Gas price crisis was a predictable outcome of years of Quisling UK Govt policy.
1) Thatcher Sir Kieth Joseph and American spy Bill Letwin ( Oliver Letwin's father author of Privatise Everything) conspired to privatise British Gas enriching shareholders at the expense of taxpayers whose investments created the organisation and critically its assets.
2) Once privatised the assets were flogged off and little investments were made in infrastructure in order to maximise dividends. This led to the Rough storage facility being shut down in 2017.
3) Had the US and its puppet UK/EU regimes not engineered a series of economic sanctions against Russia then we would already be using cheap Russian gas. The unreliable partner USA would prefer us Brits to pay more for fracked LNG shipped from the states. Recall how they ripped us off for the yet to be delivered F35's.
4) As early as 2015 investment media sources have correctly predicted that this closure would lead to market price instability especially in the winter months.
5) The Rouugh facility closure suited the "net zero" fanatical Tories as they plan to store hydrogen there rather than natural gas. The engineered crisis will inevitably lead to massive taxpayer funded investment.
6) The nexus of Common Purpose traitors and controlled opposition eco fanatics will view this crisis as a means to "nudge" the public away from gas to their energy favourites ie nuclear.
7) As ever the controlled legacy media are on hand to screw us over....
MOS COMMENT: Forget the politics over petrol – it’s a nuclear strategy that we need
By Mail on Sunday Comment for the Daily Mail
We are, for now, far too reliant on unpredictable wind and solar power, and on foreign electricity imported through connectors which can too easily break down.
A real effort should now be made to create a reliable backbone of modern nuclear generation, which will not increase our carbon footprint but will help us to keep prices down and supplies steady.
We have had a severe warning in recent weeks. We would be foolish not to heed it and act on it soon.
Several agendas in play not merely nudging consumers and businesses away from gas whilst overcharging them in the meantime.
Who gains ? Who will control the new power sources ?
September 28, 2015
Gas flex case study: the impact of losing Rough storage
the loss of Rough would certainly impact market pricing. The UK gas market would become much more dependent on importing flexibility (e.g. from Norway and through the interconnectors). This would mean more pronounced price signals to attract gas flows i.e. higher NBP spot volatility and some increase in seasonal spreads. The UK would also be much more susceptible to winter price shocks, with more frequent and prolonged price jumps likely required to attract incremental LNG imports.
Commodities News reuters
June 20, 2017
Centrica to shut UK's giant Rough gas storage site
At over 30 years old, the Rough facility accounts for about 70 percent of UK storage capacity and a lack of new-build to replace it will increase dependency on imports over the next few years, boosting wholesale gas market volatility and prices, analysts and traders said.
Is this why the curiously Net Zero Ruski bashing fanatical tories allowed the price crisis ?
6 JUL 2021
Rough to return - a £1.6b plan for Britain's biggest gas storage facility to play huge hydrogen role
Rough could be repurposed for role in Net Zero ambition if government funding mechanisms materialise
By Harry Howard For Mailonline
Published: 09:37, 26 September 2021
Dawning of Britain's 'new nuclear age': Gas crisis prompts ministers to 'change focus' with Kwasi Kwarteng poised to approve 16 mini-reactors in bid to hit 2050 net zero target
Ministers understood to have adopted 'change of focus' towards nuclear power
Rolls-Royce believes plans to install at least 16 plants could create 40,000 jobs
Consortium has secured £210million to get matching funding from the taxpayer
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