Su writes in her blog about "the child in a burn ward screaming, screaming, screaming."
Su refers to Eastern religions and the value of 'Stepping out of mind.....god willing'.
Nina refers to the cruel 'plantation owners' of this world.
Nina refers to the Taoist view of things in 'a select destiny'.
Is there an old man in the sky?
The Jewish, Christian and Moslem religions think so.
The Jewish, Christian and Moslem religions have their origins in Zoroastrianism, which began in Iran, around the 6th century BC .
(Influence of Zoroastrianism on Judaism and Christianity - (CAIS)©)
In Zoroastrianism (Zoroastrianism)a:
There is a God who is the Creator and who is all good.
There is an evil force who will ultimately be destroyed.
There is a saviour who will save the world.
In Zoroastrianism we find the equivalents of baptism, communion, guardian angels, heaven, worship on Sunday, the celebration of Mithras' birthday on December 25th, celibate priests who mediate between man and God, and the Trinity.
(Influence of Zoroastrianism on Judaism and Christianity - (CAIS)©)

BUT, what if the Zoroastrians have not got it quite right?
The Buddhists believe in some kind of life after death, but they keep a noble silence on the idea of God.
The Taoists refer to some kind of divine force called the Tao, but they say that it cannot be described in words.
It is difficult to imagine an old man in the sky designing this world on his design board.
It is difficult to imagine him designing a world in which one creatures survives by eating another creature.
So, maybe there was no Bible-style creation.
Maybe things have always existed.
Maybe there is a mysterious something which nourishes us.
Maybe we reap what we sow.
Maybe what we are now is due to what we thought in the past.
Maybe what we will become is what we are thinking now.
We quote from: 'a select destiny' (Deep Into Artlife West - blogspot)
"Something we cannot define with science and logic is happening here, a grand design, some not-of-this-world intention we are simply not at the rightful stage of development to comprehend regardless of our effort.
"I believe this makes us a unique product of evolution to remain invincible in the face of pure unadulterated evil where vast and continuing material loss strips us to the lowest category of Earthly life and it has no influence at all, we go on in trust, always looking forward, accepting each test as triathlon athletes determined to pass and not just well, but intact, because in spite of the incessant repeats, it makes the good, the pure, the honest, the natural reverent and holy, gifts from somewhere else reminding us the world we desire really does exist and one day we are destined to reach it."

Reincarnation, the story of a scottish child, Part 2 - YouTube
Reincarnation, the story of a scottish child, Part 3 - YouTube
Reincarnation, the story of a scottish child, Part 4 - YouTube
Reincarnation, the story of a scottish child, Part 5 - YouTube
Old man in the sky?
Anonymous comments:
In both Islam and Judaism, the Creator is neither male nor female, neither begets nor is begotten.
Is not corporeal in the human sense, but rather is the all-encompassing and all-pervading sentience and ultimate creator of things. Any corporeal references are purely metaphorical.
Religions that believe in God?
Anonymous comments:
There are obvious similarities with certain aspects of Buddhism and Vedantic Hinduism.
In particular, Nirvana and Samsara are analogous to Paradise and the unenlightened worlds (this world, various hells).
Also Brahman patently shares the same properties as the One Creator of Judaism, Islam and Christianity: eternal, self-sustaining, transcendent, the Ultimate Reality, the Supreme Consciousness.
Even the concept of karma has analogues in monotheism.
All good eminates from the Creator; evil is what we ourselves create and inflict upon ourselves. As you sow...
Reincarnation is also not so simple.
The scriptures of the monotheistic religions mention instances in which prophets are returned to this world subsequent to their exit from it.
The prophet Yeshua is the canonical example.
As for the pains and evil of this world, they are not inflicted for sadistic reasons but as a trial. To separate the wheat from the chaff...

Anthony Flew, a philosophy professor who has been an atheist for more than 50 years, has decided that God may exist after all. He believes scientific evidence supports the theory that some sort of intelligence created the universe.
Flew argues that the investigation of DNA "has shown, by the almost unbelievable complexity of the arrangements which are needed to produce life, that intelligence must have been involved."
But, how can a God, who is all powerful, all knowing and all good, allow a tsunami to wipe out thousands of people?
The answer seems to be that if there is a God, that God is not necessarily the sort of God described by most churches.

So, if God exists, what is God like?
According to Dr Robert Beckford, a committed pentecostal Christian and a reader in theology at Birmingham University, the Bible may not have all the answers.
In a British Channel 4 documentary on 25 December 2004 Beckford said: 'The so-called law of Moses turns out to be the work of many human hands. What I once thought was the word of God was now beginning to sound like something out of Stalin's Russia.'
Beckford produced archaeological evidence to suggest that the kingdoms of David and Solomon did NOT dominate the 10th century BC, as the Bible claims.
He declared the New Testament a 'masterwork of spin written by people who were nowhere near the events they describe, all gathered by powerful editors who kept out ideas they did not like'.
Does anyone have the answers?

Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung (1875 - 1961) said in Memories, Dreams, Reflections:
"If the Creator were conscious of Himself, He would not need conscious creatures; nor is it probable that the extremely indirect methods of creation, which squander millions of years upon the development of countless species and creatures, are the outcome of purposeful intention. Natural history tells us of a haphazard and casual transformation of species over hundreds of millions of years of devouring and being devoured. The biological and political history of man is an elaborate repetition of the same thing. But the history of the mind offers a different picture. Here the miracle of reflecting consciousness intervenes."
French theologian and scientist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955) also sees God as an evolving thing. De Chardin argues that all things are evolving and the unity of the universe is grounded not in matter or energy but spirit.
The Buddhists keep a noble silence on the subject of God.
Taoists say that the Tao which can be described in words is not the real Tao.
Even Jesus spoke about God mainly in parables.

Robert Lanza from North Carolina
Professor Robert Lanza believes that Death is an illusion.
He believes that it is our minds that create space and time.
He believes that Life creates the Universe.

Robert Lanza and Deepak Chopra, in an article entitled Evolution Reigns, but Darwin Outmoded write:
"Darwin's theory of evolution is an enormous over-simplification.
It's helpful if you want to connect the dots and understand the interrelatedness of life on the planet - and it’s simple enough to teach to children between recess and lunch.
"But it fails to capture the driving force and what’s really going on."

Lanza believes that until you observe the sky as blue and the girl as pretty, everything exists in a state of probability.
Some people would say that the sky would exist even if no one was observing it.
Some people would say that our universe existed before people came into existence.
So, some people will not like Lanza's ideas.
Biocentrism Demystified: A Response to Deepak Chopra and Robert Lanza.

Lanza believes that there are many universes.
Lanza explains that everything which can possibly happen is happening at some point across these multiverses.
So, you may think you have died in one universe, but you are still alive in another?
Lanza says that that when we die our life becomes a 'perennial flower that returns to bloom in the multiverse.'
By maria dupovkina
Lanza writes: 'Life is an adventure that transcends our ordinary linear way of thinking.
"When we die, we do so not in the random billiard-ball-matrix but in the inescapable-life-matrix.'
Lanza refers to the famous double-slit experiment involving a particle and two slits in a barrier.
When the scientist is watching, the particle goes through one slit or the other.
But, if the scientist is not watching, the particle acts like a wave and can go through both slits at the same time.
This suggests that the behaviour of the particle is decided by the mind of the scientist.
Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe.

Lanza's Answers to Basic Questions:
What created the Big Bang?
What IS this universe?

This is reflected in the seven principles of biocentrism:
1st Principle: What we perceive as reality is a process that involves our consciousness.
2nd Principle: Our external and internal perceptions are inextricably intertwined. They are different sides of the same coin and can’t be divorced from one another.
3rd Principle: The behavior of matter is inextricably linked to the presence of an observer.
4th Principle: Without consciousness, “matter” dwells in an undetermined state of probability.
5th Principle: The structure of the universe is explainable only through biocentrism. It’s fine-tuned for life; life creates the universe, not the other way around.
6th Principle: Time doesn’t have a real existence outside of animal intuition.
7th Principle: Space, like time, isn’t an object or thing that has an independent reality.
Robert Lanza, M.D. – BIOCENTRISM » Religion vs. Science
They can't be divorced; split them and the reality is gone...
How can entangled particles be instantaneously connected on opposite sides of the galaxy as if there's no space or time between them?

'If I get a parking ticket, there is always a parallel universe where I didn't.'
'Matter is done away with and only information itself is taken to be ultimately real.'
Physics Is Pointing Inexorably to Mind - Scientific American ...
'On microscopic scales, particles appear in two places at once.
'Plato argued that what we humans call our everyday reality is similarly just a limited and distorted representation of the true reality, and that we must free ourselves from our mental shackles to begin comprehending it.'

"Time does not exist independently of the life that notices it...
Tortotubus - the oldest fossil of a land-dwelling organism. First Life on Land? Examples were discovered on the Scottish island of Kerrera. Meet the 440-million-year-old Scottish fungus which kick-started the human race
Where were you when creatures like the one above existed over 400 million years ago?
In the Hindu's Bhagavad Gita, Krishna tells Arjuna; "Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor all these kings; nor in the future shall any of us cease to be.
An early Christian called Origen believed that souls existed before they were born.
In Jeremiah 1:4-5 we read:
'Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.'

According to Lisa P., in the book Coming from the Light:
"I was putting three-year-old Johnny to bed...
"Johnny said 'tell me of Grandpa Robert.' I was surprised...I had not told stories of him, and I could not imagine where he had heard his name. He had died before I had even married.
"'How do you know about Grandpa Robert?' I asked. 'Well, Momma,' he said with reverence, 'he's the one who brought me to earth.'"

Dr Bradford Skow says that the past, present and future all exist together
According to the Buddhists, it is best not to keep on being re-incarnated.
"To transcend suffering one must cease the cycle of arising and cessation. Of birth and death.
"Early Christians, before Constantine took over the religion, had a much different view of the soul and its relationship to God than mainstream Christianity does today.
"It viewed the soul as having a past history with God and was destined to rejoin God in the future, and that Christ came as an example of how we accomplish this task and to make make it possible in an all new way for us to achieve our union with God.
"In many ways this teaching wasn't that much different than what Buddha taught concerning the soul and its relationship with the Absolute. Christ taught we must be reborn in the spirit and Buddha taught we must transcend this world and our attachment to it."
Mystic Doctrines.
Where were you over 400 million years ago?
Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor of philosophy Dr Bradford Skow says that the idea that time flows like a river is not correct.
Instead he claims the past, present and future all exist together
dailymail / Does time pass? | MIT News
"If we were to ‘look down’ upon the universe, we would see time spread out in all directions.
"Events exist in different parts of space-time.
"While installing central heating in the cellar of the Treasurer’s House in 1953, Harry Martindale was witness to an astounding sight.
Dr Bradford Skow says that space-time is a 'block universe'.
A 'block universe' can be compared to a movie reel, where all the parts of the movie exist at the same time.

Dr Skow says that events, such as the American Revolution or 9 11, exist in different parts of space-time.

Shawn Radcliffe has written: The Flow of Time in a Timeless Universe
He points out that according to quantum physics, "the future isn't set until we measure a quantum object - at which point its state becomes fixed.
"Viewed this way, we live on the leading edge of a growing block universe, with future possibilities coming into existence every time we take measurements.
"So each 'now' determines the future, a future that is always just beyond our reach."
To some thinkers, such as Parmenides and Julian Barbour in his book The End of Time,Time is an illusion.
"Buddhism and the illusion of time"

"You can picture this ... as a vast blue sky, and the world of time and change is just a little tiny cloud passing within it...
"You are the vast empty sky and this whole universe is a tiny cloud within you.
"Buddhism and the illusion of time"
"Then you must discover that the reflections are not separate from the mirror. At that point you become Free as the Absolute Unity of mirror-and-reflections together...
"Buddhism and the illusion of time"
"Rather than being some constant, fixed reality, this whole universe constantly appears and disappears.
"But there is a way to experience the true nature of this constantly changing universe.
"Simply do not become attached to any outside world.
"Don’t become attached to names and forms.
"If you keep that point, then your mind is not moving.
"You attain that names and forms are fundamentally empty.
"This whole universe is completely empty. You are completely empty. Nothing ever comes or goes. Nothing ever appears or disappears.
"When you keep this mind, you soon attain your true self."
-Zen Master Seung Sahn, The Compass of Zen, pp. 127-129
"Waking up from the dream means realizing that nothing ever happened. With Enlightenment there is no history. It has been burned out of existence. Time itself has been destroyed."
-Andrew Cohen

The security chip on a credit card is a two-dimensional surface which allows us to see a three dimensional object.
Above we see a hologram which is flat and two dimensional, but, which can be seen as non-flat and three dimensional.

Some scientists think that we live in a hologram and that we are simply 'a projection' from that hologram.
Simulations back up theory that Universe is a hologram ....
The hologram contains all the information needed to project us and our world into three dimensional things.
Some scientists believe that all 'things', or particles, are really just one interlinked thing.
Some people believe that 'consciousness' creates everything that there is.
Some scientists believe that all 'events', past, present or future, are actually taking place at the same time.

And what about your ancestors, the single celled creatures - the earliest form of life?
"Single-celled slime moulds demonstrate the ability to memorize and anticipate repeated events, a team of Japanese researchers reported in January 2008."
Time and Torsion in a Conscious, Holographic Universe ....

We can tune into different frequencies.
The psychiatrist Stanislav Grof "had one female patient who suddenly became convinced she had assumed the identity of a female of a species of prehistoric reptile...
"Grof had patients ... with little or no education who suddenly gave detailed descriptions of Zoroastrian funerary practices and scenes from Hindu mythology...

Choosing to be happy?
"As Grof recently noted, if the mind is actually part of a continuum, a labyrinth that is connected not only to every other mind that exists or has existed, but to every atom, organism, and region in the vastness of space and time itself, the fact that it is able to occasionally make forays into the labyrinth and have transpersonal experiences no longer seems so strange...

Professor Kater Murch (above) has found that by knowing the future of a cat, its life in the past is altered.
Professor Kater Murch, at Washington University, has found that by knowing the future outcome of a particle, its state in the past is altered.
Things are made out of tiny 'particles'.
According to the scientists, when you come a cross a 'particle' it does not have a 'fixed state' - until your mind decides what its 'fixed state' will be.
In other words, if you come across Mr Schrödinger's cat lying very still on the grass, the cat is neither dead nor alive - until your mind decides what its 'fixed state' will be.
Let us imagine that you have a very strong feeling that the cat will be alive and well next year.
Then the cat is currently not dead.
The future has affected the present.
dailymail - Can the past change the FUTURE?

Christians believe that things go better when you tune into the Holy Spirit.
The Taoists would call the Holy Spirit the Tao.
When you are tuned in, the cat is not dead.
What are the essentials of Taoism?
(http://www.godquest.org/taoism.htm / Http://www.crystalinks.com/taoism.html)
Some Taoists and Christians and others believe that bliss can be achieved when:
1. You believe that, when tuned in, life works out for the best.
2. You are compassionate
3. You are moderate (Avoid extremes)
4. You are humble (The selfish ego is switched off)
5. Everything is in balance
6. Being tuned into the Holy Spirit or the Tao or whatever you want to call it, you go with the flow (You are not battling against the Holy Spirit or Tau)
7. You avoid the use of force; you avoid pitting your will against the universe.

Eventually the cat will die, but it will continue in the Spirit.

The son learns to be part of 'God' rather than an individual selfish self.
As Jesus said: "I and the father are one".
3. p3ndulum (If everything is just an illusion) refers to our possible illusions about our 'loved one'.

4. There is a belief that if we can detach ourself from our sense of being an individual self, then we are detached from physical and emotional discomforts.

Everything is made out of tiny things called particles.
A particle called the Weyl fermion has no mass.
It is empty of matter.
It is a basic building block of matter, even more fundamental than the electron.
The Weyl fermion can act as matter and anti-matter simultaneously.
0 = +X -X

Stav Strashko can be both nothing and something at the same time.
Stav Strashko can be both male and female at the same time.

Everything has its opposite - left and right, happy and sad, love and hate, inside and outside...
In other words, the scientists have observed a particle that is its own antiparticle.
Particle observed, both matter & antimatter

Matter is a mirror image of antimatter.
There is a belief that it is our minds that create matter.
'0' can become something.
How might things come into existence?
A mathematical equation shows us how it may work.
0 = +X -X
+X is matter (particles)
-X is anti-matter (anti-particles)

Think of the TAOIST idea of YIN and YANG.
The Buddhists say that you cannot have Nirvana without Samsara.
A good game of golf involves a LITTLE bit of 'plus' and a LITTLE bit of 'minus'?
Photo from Photobucket
10. Let's look at Taoism.
1. The Force
Consider Luke Skywalker and how Obi-wan Kenobi taught him about "the Force".
Luke had to avoid being distracted by things like fear and anger.
On one occasion, Luke was trying, without success, to avoid laser blasts from a 'remote'.
When Obi-wan Kenobi placed a helmet on Luke's head so he couldn't be distracted, he easily deflected the remote's laser blasts.
The idea is that when you are aware of the 'Tao' and feel 'the force', you can flow with it, and the right action appears for itself, spontaneously.
(More here: http://www.exn.ca/starwars/taoism.cfm / http://www.belief )

The economy does not work when things are out of balance.
The Christians talk about God’s spirit.
The Taoists talk about the Tao being a force that flows through everything.
2. The Tao and Yin and Yang:
When the Tao is in balance one can be happy. (+ X - X rather than +X - 1000X?)
There is Yin and there is Yang (just as there is black and white, up and down, male and female).
'The Tao surrounds everyone and one must listen to find enlightenment.'
True Taoism does not get bogged down with theology. "The Tao that can be named is not the true Tao."
Taoists love their enemies. "I am good to the man who is good to me, likewise, I am also good to the bad man."

The USA's Phoenix programme (left) involved torturing and killing civilians. The USA's ISIS force is also going to extremes. www.thesleuthjournal.com
3. Wu wei is action through inaction; ‘a practice of minimal action, particularly minimal violent action’.
Don't force yourself or others to be compassionate. Be spontaneous.
Genuine love is spontaneous love.

The USA is out of balance. www.youtube.com
"The Master does not see evil as a force to resist, but simply as an opaqueness, a state of self-absorption that is in disharmony with the universal process, so that, as with a dirty window, the light can't shine through.
"The Tao regulates natural processes and nourishes balance in the Universe.

4. Henry C K Liu wrote in the Asia Times about Taoism.
Where does evil come from?
There can be no ‘good’ without ‘evil’.
"Controlled quantities of the bad can be good.
"To employ poison to attack poison is a Taoist principle."

Americans carrying out torture in Vietnam.
How should we act?
We should avoid producing unintended consequences.
"Not taking premature or unnecessary actions keeps all of one's options open, so that the most appropriate action remains available.
"To follow the dao (path) of life is to go with the natural flow of life and to avoid going against it.
"The ethical theories of Taoism lean toward passive resistance, believing that evil, by definition, will ultimately destroy even itself without undue interference.
"Yet it would be a mistake to regard Taoism as fatalistic and pessimistic, instead of the ultimate sophistication in optimism that it is.
"Only by not applying effort can one achieve that state in which nothing is not attainable effortlessly.
"A little ambition is a good thing. Total elimination, even of undesirables, is an extreme solution, and it is therefore self-defeating.
"Life is a prison from which one can escape only if one does not try to escape. It is the desire to escape that makes a place a prison, and the desire to return that makes it a home. Home is not where one is, it is where one wants to return."

5. Taoism and other religions.
The following comes from: http://www.jadedragon.com/archives/tao_heal/teach01.html
From Taoism: happiness comes from helping others; wealth comes from giving to others.
From Buddhism: "Set your heart on doing good. Do it over and over again, and you will be filled with joy."
From Islam: "There is a reward for your treatment of every living thing." Muhammad also said: "None of you is a believer until you like for others what you like for yourself."
From Christianity: "Do unto others as you would have them do to you."
Veritopian refers to Yin & Yang Mathematics. http://everythingforever.com/st_math.htm

Unknown commented -
There was substantial belief in reincarnation in the ancient Western world as well as the East; this percolated through to the Christian era, as with Origen from around 185-254 CE whom Aangirfan notes above.
Labels: BIOCENTRISM, Buddhists, God, Jesus, Jung, Old Testament, reincarnation, Robert Lanza, Taoism
All things were either created or came into existence by themselves. The 8,000,000 known species and goodness how many unseen on earth alone - just arrived out of nowhere or they were created.
Is it reasonable to expect that life was created and that your DNA is a code that was written by a Necessary Being.
Or should we just believe that all 8,000,000 species just created themselves out of no-thing.
So, who wrote the code? Code doesn't write itself - does it? The DNA, and out of the 11 complex and intelligent systems in the human body who designed them too? Respiratory system, reproduction system, nervous system, cardiovascular system, lymphatic system (you get the idea).
Physics or the Phi-cycle teaches us energy is a constant and changes form but remains a constant. I guess that just manifested itself too.
The sun and the moon, you know the celestial bodies that are so accurate that Breitling, Rolex, Omega et al set their watches to it. I guess their accuracy and timeousness is just another system that came into existence by itself.
The seasons just came into existence by themselves too. The Platonic solids just happened to be the most geometrically perfect and stable building blocks in existence. The question likewise, who put them in all that exists? Just another coincidence - right?
The only other constant humanity has faced is the continuous stream of tripe that our dark overlords (Djinns/Crown Corporation) have us believe. Covid, the lie that just keeps on giving, should have been enough for the masses to realise. Despite energy being a constant in the phi-cycle, so is the perpetual motion of lies. However, the masses prefer their Darwinian rubbish and their monkey-man and dino-fish half baked nonsense.
The imposter (the ego) will tell you any old tripe and the dimwits listen to it. The dualistic, multi-layered reality throws us into a system few barely even know exists let alone are able to see.
As for religion, the narrative is reasonably constant. Abrhamic faiths and God (Necessary Being) and the Dharmic faith a bit more esoteric with Deities and customs and practices likewise. Older religions or newer ones - a belief or knowing in a higher power. There is no right or wrong. A vehicle or pathway for people the world over. Academics always ready to point to an earlier God or an inconsistency.
So where are we on the religious/cosmic timeline? Christian eschatology and Islamic eschatology seem to know.
The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse and Revelation seem very present in the Covidian chaos that is upon us. The White Horse being a metaphor for pestilence. The virus playing its starring role. Thus causing the earth to rest quiet. (lockdown 1.0).
The Red Horse and war present too. Sabre rattling with China whilst the present day incarnation if the Tiergartenstrasse kill and genocide billions. Warfare is a hybrid and evolution based concept.
Why stop, the Black Horse will bring famine. Coming to you by Christmas. Food shortages, energy crisis and a return to the dark ages.
Leaving us with the 4th palerider. Perhaps Christian prophecy really is present. Darkness is present, the Antichrist is in the infected minds of the terminally stupid Covidians, married to the State apparatus that is the physical embodiment of the Dajal/Antichrist. A physical state interlocked with a mental state.
As the Lockdown/Vax protestors are often heard chanting 'choose your side'. The time has come for everyone to choose theirs. Either you were created and as such have a Necessary Being known as God or you came into existence out of nothing and you yourself are God.
Good luck and will see you at Al Qiyamah.
Peace to the humans.
The beauty of intelligent design.
A soul is another creature. It is a parasite of sorts. It grows on the experience of animal life, as it cannot experience that, itself. We are the soul, attaching to an animal. Souls do not reproduce. They combine.
The story of Esau/Jesus is a parable! The timings are a warning of the next cataclysm.
TPTB are forcing humans. The galaxy is about to change polarity, as the electrity is AC. Roughly every 500 years.
Someone seems to haver misinformed TPTB of the timing of the cataclysm! Covid was enacted prematurely.... embarrassing....
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