13 federal executions since July 2020 cement Trump’s legacy as the most prolific execution president in over 130 years.
Epstein and his friend Gates.
Gates and his minions insist the billionaire never said we’d need digital vaccine passports. But in a June 2020 TED Talk, Gates said exactly that. Someone edited out the statement, but CHD tracked down the original.
Yes, Bill Gates Said That. Here’s the Proof.
Hannah Halstead-Morton, who secured two PPE deals worth £98million
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) means things like masks.
PPE 'Covidarchs' awash with YOUR tax millions
"We’re getting so many emails from military personnel, even people who would normally take a vaccine, who don’t want this vaccine."

"The test of Drosten and WHO is more or less, scientific crap."

Trump calls FDA a 'big, old, slow turtle' and instructs chief to ‘get the damn vaccine out NOW’.

- According to Dr. Roger Hodkinson, one of Canada’s top pathologists and an expert in virology, the COVID-19 pandemic is the “greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public”
- Hodkinson stressed that PCR tests cannot diagnose infection and mass testing should therefore cease immediately.
- He also pointed out that social distancing and universal mask wearing are useless measures

The University of Queensland had been developing the vaccine in partnership with pharmaceutical company CSL and the government had ordered 51 million doses.
Australian vaccine scientist Nikolai Petrovsky had warned the government about the risk of including HIV in a vaccine months before the $1billion deal was signed.

Leslie Kenderesi at lockdown rally.
The Canadian Forces is investigating after one of its members, Leslie Kenderesi, spoke at an anti-lockdown rally in Toronto.
“I’m asking military, right now serving, truck drivers, medical, engineers, whatever you are, do not take this unlawful order (for) the distribution of this vaccine,” Kenderesi said at the rally.
Kenderesi questioned the safety of taking the vaccine.
The Department of National Defence confirmed that Leslie Kenderesi is the person speaking at the rally and that he is a serving member of the Canadian Forces.

'In some UK health trust districts, as many as four out of every ten people "being treated for Covid-19" contracted it in hospital.
'Now why doesn't that surprise me? The National Health Service has plenty of previous when it comes to infecting patients with everything from sepsis to MRSA.'

'The under-fire system received £22 billion in funding with the promise that it would help prevent a second lockdown.
'Some 18,000 call handlers were taken on in May, but by June 17, they were working for only 1 per cent of the time – the equivalent of just under five minutes over an eight-hour shift.'
'The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, is publicly investigating the WHO’s motives in declaring a pandemic.
'The chairman of its influential health committee, epidemiologist Wolfgang Wodarg, has declared that the “false pandemic” is “one of the greatest medicine scandals of the century.”
'Even within the agency, the director of the WHO Collaborating Center for Epidemiology in Munster, Germany, Dr. Ulrich Kiel, has essentially labeled the pandemic a hoax.
'“We are witnessing a gigantic misallocation of resources [$18 billion so far] in terms of public health,” he said.'

An Ode to Rona
A poem by Lockdown reader Mike Smelt.
They lied about their modelling They lied about the deaths.
They lied about immunity They lied about the meds.
They lied about PPE contracts They lied about shutting schools.
They lied about pathology They lied about the rules.
They lied about effects on cancer They lied about Vitamin D.
They lied about track and trace They lied about its fee.
They lied about susceptibility They lied about asymptomatic spread.
They lied about false positives They lied about hospital beds.

They lied about the cases They lied about the second wave.
They lied about hospitality They lied about how to behave.
They lied about the testing They lied about the forecasts.
They lied about conflicts of interest They lied about the masks.
They lied about the care homes They lied about data seen.
They lied about absolutely everything Now they want us to trust them with the vaccine

"England’s National Health Service (NHS) warned Wednesday that people “with a history of a significant allergic reaction to a vaccine, medicine or food” should not be given the COVID-19 vaccine developed by U.S. pharmaceutical giant Pfizer and Germany’s BioNTech.
Life-Threatening Reaction to Pfizer COVID Vaccine. Will Regulators Take Action?

"As with all the countries and cities for which we have good mortality data — only after the lockdown began was there a significant increase in deaths.
"All this leads to the following questions, which we pose to anyone who continues to defend the use of lockdowns as an effective means to prevent excess deaths."
Q: Why was there no significant increase in overall mortality, in any country we have good data for, before the start of lockdowns?
Q: Why does a precise and exact correlation exist between the start of lockdowns and significant rises in overall mortality?

FDA Failed to Address 'Biohazard Nightmare' at Merck ...

Sovereigntea commented -
The Revolving Door ! Daily telegraph By Michael O'Dwyer 9 December 2020 -
In the UK -
Mark Sedwill, the head of the civil service under prime ministers Theresa May and Boris Johnson, will join Rothschild & Co as an adviser just over three months after leaving the public sector.
Sedwill was national security adviser to the prime minister.
It is the latest example of politicians and public servants taking on lucrative roles in investment banking.

When working in the pharma industry, Brandy sold Vioxx, a painkiller that was found to double the risk of stroke and heart attacks and was eventually taken off the market.
Who is behind the scamdemic?
"What we witness at this point in time is the omnipotence of the enormous power players behind this so-called pandemic: the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the global industrial titans that constitute it."Inaugurating the “New World Order” via the “Great Reset”

Professor Perronne and the vaccine: "We do not want to become GMOs like transgenic tomatoes or corn"
"The first 'vaccines' we are being offered are not vaccines, but gene therapy products.
"We we'll inject nucleic acids.

- Kristen Choi, an assistant professor in the School of Nursing at UCLA, was a participant in Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine trial.
'By the end of the day, I felt light-headed, chilled, nauseous, and had a splitting headache. I went to bed early and fell asleep immediately.
'Around midnight, I woke up feeling worse - feverish and chilled, nauseated, dizzy, and hardly able to lift my arm from muscle pain at the injection site.'
A total of 75 percent experienced fatigue, 68 percent had a headache, 33 percent experienced chills, 25 percent reported muscle pain and 17 percent had a fever.
A Nursing Researcher¿s Experience in a COVID-19 Vaccine Trial | Humanities | JAMA Internal Medicine | JAMA Network
Coronavirus vaccine trial participants: Exhaustion, fever, headaches

Did coronavirus data whistleblower hack Florida’s emergency alert system? Police raid home

Henry Makow@HenryMakow·8h
Labels: Choi, Dolan, gene therapy, genocide, HIV, NHS, scamdemic, side effects, tests, vaccinations
So in our faces, already routine:
Get ur popcorn!
From 2002 – Future prospects for vaccines to control fertility
Yes and more!
Anti-cabal, anti-oligarchy illustrator David Dees (1957-2020) passed away a few months ago
But before he died he did a powerful illustration of a Gestapo-type 'mandatory vaccine squad' grabbing citizens to inject them
One Flu Over the Coocoo’s Nest
At least 4 people dead during vaccine testing
Higher chance of being killed by the vaccine than 'by covid'?
2 dead in the trials of the Pfizer - BionTech covid vaccine
1 dead in the Moderna vaccine trial, a priest from Philadelphia
1 dead in Brazil in the Sinovac vaccine trial
Also, 2 in the UK seriously sickened in the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine trial
Death and serious illness seems to come particularly after the second dose
Isn’t it very strange that the great reset people don’t mention the elephant in the room, that the great reset requires a reduction in population. If they did then we could blame them should something happen. The silence is deafening on the depopulation agenda.
Rebekah Jones' own video shows she's lying about the conduct of the police. When have you ever heard of police with a warrant giving someone 20 minutes to open the door?
Mrs. Jones is pushing the narrative that the government is actually downplaying the mortality figures.
It would be informative to look into the source of her funding.
Tick-tock, tick-tock, Lady Rothschild
BREAKING: 100% PCR false positives found at Cambs Uni last week using their own gold standard lighthouse laboratory, when results were double checked with second test. Govt MUST now accept my treble test challenge with Lateral Flow & independent PCR.
Amazingly enuff (or maybe not) Dees doesn't have a wiki entry but in German
In English there is only a mocking piece of "article"
NHS England confirmed that two staff members who were administered doses on Tuesday – on the first day of the mass vaccination programme – suffered an allergic reaction.
Within 24 hours of the roll out of the Pfizer jab, two
NHS workers have had allegic reactions.
6 deaths after Pfizer vaccines
Anaphylaksy shock @ Allergy !!!
Watch it!
Jackboot Johnson breaks world record for the number of lies delivered in 1 minute 44 seconds
Washington State's plan to stop parents having a say or even knowledge of their children’s health treatment and handing that to schools – Item starts at 29.19
Soros-funded district attorney now plans to destroy Los Angeles as he destroyed San Francisco – last one out don’t forget the light
The Revolving Door !
Daily telegraph
By Michael O'Dwyer 9 December 2020 • 2:34pm
Mark Sedwill, the head of the civil service under prime ministers Theresa May and Boris Johnson, will join Rothschild & Co as an adviser just over three months after leaving the public sector.
The mandarin, who stepped down following reports of tensions with Mr Johnson’s former adviser Dominic Cummings, will take on a part-time role wining and dining clients and advising the firm and its clients on strategy.
It is the latest example of politicians and public servants taking on lucrative roles in investment banking.
Sajid Javid took a job at JPMorgan after he resigned as Chancellor this year. Another former Chancellor, George Osborne, bagged a reported £650,000 annually for working one day a week at fund manager BlackRock while his successor, Philip Hammond, took on at least 11 paid positions after leaving office.
Lord Sedwill, who was cabinet secretary from 2018 until September this year and who also acted as national security adviser to the prime minister, will begin work for Rothschild in January.
The U.S. Senate Banking Committee, the House Financial Services Committee, and the U.S. mainstream business media now thoroughly qualify as the dumb tourists snapping photos of the raging bull statue on Wall Street as the Wall Street banks loot the country for the second time in a decade.
Last Thursday the Financial Stability Oversight Council (pronounced F-SOC) released its 2020 Annual Report. Those tend to be tediously boring reports that tell one nothing meaningful about the true state of the Wall Street mega banks, so we just got around to perusing the document yesterday. Mixed in with the typical snooze-worthy minutiae was a bombshell that made us sit up straight in our chair. Those cumulative repo loans totaling more than $9 trillion to the trading houses on Wall Street that the Fed had been making from September 17 of 2019 – months before the onset of COVID-19 anywhere in the world – didn’t actually stop in July as the daily data from the Fed made it seem. The New York Fed simply went dark and stopped reporting how many billions of dollars a week it was funneling to miscreant mega banks on Wall Street as food pantry lines grew by miles across the U.S. and 3.3 million small businesses were forced to shutter.
Isn't it amazing?
A feature in children’s science magazine How It Works has inadvertently shone a light on the wholly inadequate standards in the PCR testing “megalab” in the spring. Among the accidental revelations of the interview with two lab workers, Beth Cole and Ben Galley, is that the quality control was so poor that the error rate was estimated to be around 30%.
George Osborne was chosen to become a Kissinger Fellow at the (John) McCain Institute in Sedona, Arizona.
The late Sedona resident, Senator John McCain, was formerly Lady de Rothchild's choice for president, despite or because of her previous close alliance with the jetsetting Clintons who ostensibly belong to the other political party (when I say "jetsetting", I am mean "jetsetting" as in Bill's numerous and regular trips on the Lolita Express with Lady de Rothchild's other close friends and collaborators, Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell).
Whether party politics is nothing more to Lady de Rothschild than putting 'highly compromised' individuals into high office who owe one political favours, and can be manipulated thanks to the extensive Control Files one has amassed on them... I couldn't possibly speculate. Perhaps she simply shares her close friend Ghislaine Maxwell's intense dislike of black people, and prefferd McCain for president for that sordid reason alone.
But I digress.
George Osborne was apparently chosen for the honour of being made a Kissinger Fellow by the great man himself (Henry Kissinger is great friends with Lady and Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, and until very recently lived with them in the very same, highly selective, Manhattan co-op: The River House. All the money in the world can't buy an apartment in the River House; one must be deemed to be "compatible" with the other elite inhabitants. Apparently, then, Henry Kissinger and the Rothschilds are "compatible").
No doubt Lady de Rothschild's late close friend, John McCain, was also involved in the selection of Mr Osborne for the Kissinger Fellowship position (it is, or was, John McCain's very own Institute, after all).
As chairman of the Kissinger Fellowship committee, Sir Evelyn de Rothschild will also have been involved in the selection of Mr Osborne for the prestigious honour.
By complete and utter coincidence, George Osborne is close friends with Sir Evelyn's elderly billionaire cousin, Lord Jacob Rothschild, as well as Lord Rothschild's son, "Nat" (without a "g"). Indeed Osborne, Jacob, and Nat appear to have shared business interests that require them to holiday together.
Not that any of these commercial considerations would have influenced the decision-making calculus of Sir Evelyn.
Sir Evelyn is, after all, the morally-upstanding husband of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine's Maxwell's benefactor, Lady Lynn, who owned one of the fabulous Manhattan properties that her infamous friends used for ... um... "entertaining" trafficked young women from Eastern Europe and underage girls, not to mention Prince Andrew, Lord Mandelson, a former prime minister of Israel and the rest.
Oh, George Osborne, you have found your people and your niche!
Want more mise-en-scene?
There we go with another faker/crisis actress
Covid vaccines "made from aborted foetuses"
An Ode to Rona
A poem by Lockdown reader Mike Smelt.
They lied about their modelling They lied about the deaths.
They lied about immunity They lied about the meds.
They lied about PPE contracts They lied about shutting schools.
They lied about pathology They lied about the rules.
They lied about effects on cancer They lied about Vitamin D.
They lied about track and trace They lied about its fee.
They lied about susceptibility They lied about asymptomatic spread.
They lied about false positives They lied about hospital beds.
They lied about the cases They lied about the second wave.
They lied about hospitality They lied about how to behave.
They lied about the testing They lied about the forecasts.
They lied about conflicts of interest They lied about the masks.
They lied about the care homes They lied about data seen.
They lied about absolutely everything Now they want us to trust them with the vaccine
Few comments and mostly coming from imbeciles/paid morons/bots
Sorry, Johnson Will Not Disappear
".... Partly that is due to Sir Keir Starmer having no apparent policy other than to ensure that no party member ever criticises Israel. But it is mostly due to the fact that Johnson’s supporters do not care what happens to the country, as long as they can see news footage of black people being deported on charter planes and immigrant children washed up dead ..."
Video of man receiving a posted CV19 fine. It came from a private company rather than West Midlands Police.
The company directors are largely chief constables who, like the medical professionals are making money out of misery.
Well worth a look.
They had to get the 119 in 😂😂
Samantha Baldwin, the tireless campaigner against sexual and satanic abuse of children – including her own – with a new book exposing the horrors inflicted on children by the satanic elite and their psychopathic gofers in the community
Investigation launched after Canadian Forces member called on fellow soldiers to ignore orders to help distribute COVID vaccine
Ghislaine Maxwell Borgerson would very much like to spend Christmas/Hannukah/Sol Invictus in Tel Aviv, if you wouldn't mind
Yeah, that's why we can't sleep at nite....
Great anti vax rap tune and lyrics to share.
Austrian MP shows parliament how cola tests positive for the ‘virus’ – the global scam by the global Cult is unravelling by the hour
Some lively posting on Twitter with the hashtag
4.45 MILLION now on hospital waiting list in UK in the wake of government shut down of much of the NHS – 160,000 have waited more than a year
Face nappies sing Christmas carols in a corridor – 2020 encapsulated. Come on people – wake up for goodness sake
Trump talks the same lies and bollocks as Biden about the ‘Covid’ vaccine – it’s a one-party state run by the Cult for which everyone being vaccinated worldwide is a foundation of its horrific agenda for humanity. Anyone who thinks Trump is a ‘saviour’ should watch this
Yes, that is horrifying, and it is confirmed by the FDA that there were 4 Bell's Palsy victims after taking the covid vaccine
Bell's Palsy is disfiguring facial paralysis, which is sometimes 'temporary' as they are trying to spin, but sometimes it lasts for decades or for your entire life, handicapping you and leading to people being frightened of you and avoiding you
Photo of several Bell's palsy victims, and screenshot of discussion by covid pharma gangsters that this is 'non-serious'
In the various media reports about the 2 NHS cases of severe reaction to the vaccine, as Aangirfan notes above, leading to the NHS warning about allergy victims staying away from being vaccinated -
Some media say it was a reaction of 'anaphylaxis' which can possibly be fatal if emergency antidotes and medical personnel are not at hand
Other media is spinning that these were 'anaphylactoid reactions' which are much less likely to be fatal ... so nothing to worry about, we are 'officially' advised
Right now Please consider page 16
US death penalty activities of apparent satanist William Barr, US Attorney General -
Are pointing to a military takeover of US government before 20 January
The USA death penalty is certaintly one of the very awful things about Donald Trump and the USA in general
Very bizarrely - several weeks after election day apparently giving victory to death-penalty-abolitionists Biden-Harris -
US Attorney General William Barr on 27 November, published new USA government death penalty protocols, expanding the ways in which executions may be carried out, to include all five methods used by the USA during the 20th century - hanging, electric chair, gas chamber, firing squad and lethal injection
This is the classic satanist desire to multiply methods of torment of the victim
But it also seems to signify, that Trump, Giuliani and Barr, are setting up the seizure of power before 20 January inauguration day ... with military tribunals able to quickly dispatch victims
Otherwise, why would Barr issue this bizarre regulation, in the last weeks of the Trump presidency?
The legal framework for military takeover is in place, its final elements put there under Obama ... if 'civil rights' are violated, if there is 'rebellion', or lack of 'equal legal treatment', the president may use 'all means' including the military to crush illegal activity ... Barr and the Supreme Court have bizarrely 'withdrawn' so that the military option is now forward
As if on cue, Col. Allen West, the 'military hero' black man who heads the Texas Republican party, after the conveniently improper Supreme Court refusal to hear evidence in court - and perhaps dismiss that evidence -
Col. West is calling now for secession by Texas and the break-up of the USA ... further fuelling the basis for Presidential 'national emergency' actions
The death penalty of itself, in a modern wealthy nation, is intrinsically satanic - a ritual spilling of blood of a degraded victim, satisfying the bit of satanic impulse that many people have
Satanism involves assuming a god-like power doing permanent harm to others - spilling blood, death, rape, torture, mauling of the mind, leaving permanent physical or mental scars
Bill Barr and his father have been associated with Jeffrey Epstein for 47 years, through the Dalton School, the satanic sex-slavery interests of Bill Barr's father expressed in his novel, Barr's Kirkland Ellis law firm, and the Justice Dept seizure and then ritual suiciding (release & escape?) of Epstein
The USA had no death penalty for nearly 10 years, 1967-77, between a gas chamber execution under California Gov. Ronald Reagan, and a firing squad in Utah in the last few days of Satanically-associated President Gerald Ford
Yet in those 10 years, murder rates went down, and the USA seemed as if becoming a more advanced, humane country
Humane judges of that era, tag-teamed to always 'delay' any execution order ... those judges were slowly replaced, with the more satanically-inclined
During World War II General Eisenhower famously ordered a deserter to be executed by firing squad, the mentally-troubled Eddie Slovik ... It was noted that scions of USA elite families, gathered together in a Satanic entourage in January 1945, to watch the young man be shot
this vaccine was not approved it was authorized for emergency use- BIG difference
I'm spreading the news- hope you don't mind?
The FDA DID NOT "APPROVE" The Pfizer Vaccine, They AUTHORIZED it For Use. EUA = Emergency Use Authorization
also Australia shut down their covid vaccine trials because they were using HIV as the molecular clamp and test subjects tested positive for AIDS..
"Promising" Covid-19 Vaccine Trial Halted in Australia After Positive HIV Results in Test Subjects (later deemed as false positives)
stay out of the fear.
No sensible person would regard Donald "lock 'er up" Trump as a saviour.He is a crypto jew and his daughter had plastic surgery to "de-Jewify" her appearance.
You'll notice that Hitlery Clintstein is still at worries mate.
Speaking of those govt Covid "subsidies"....The Labour govt of NZ has been throwing them around like confetti even if the companies concerned remained in black throughout the fake Covid Scam.
In Britain some companies are said to be refunding the monies.
NOT IN NZ.....So NZ taxpayers have taken two big elite hits in the last forty years.The first was the privatisation scam where taxpayer owned facilities were sold off in the biggest fire sale in history.
The richest man in NZ (estimated worth 14.5 BILLION dollars) got his seed money from this theft....he made almost $10,000,000 virtually overnight!!.
If only NZers were not duped by the creep Jacinda Ardern.....
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