"The NWO, using their global corporations, the political parties they funded, the leading politicians they corrupted and their international banking cartels, created World War I
The New World Order - Who Are They
"The NWO funded the Russian revolution to ensure they retained access to future Soviet markets and secure their investment no matter who won the war.
"They ran both sides of the war.
There are eight people who have more money than the bottom economic half of the world’s population.
The economist Thomas Pickety demonstrated, in the last 30 years, income growth, in real terms, for the lower half of the planet’s population has been zero while the top 1% have seen their real term incomes increase by 300%.

The New World Order involves dictatorship run by the rich eleite.
In 1888, Cecil Rhodes founded De Beers Consolidated Mining with the financial backing of N.M. Rothschild & Sons. Upon his death, the bulk of Rhodes’ fortune was set aside to create a single, one world government
George H.W. Bush spoke of a “new world order”.
Gorbachev said - “Further world progress is now possible only through the search for a consensus of all mankind, in movement toward a new world order.”
Kissinger said - "The New World Order cannot happen without U.S. participation, as we are the single most significant component. Yes, there will be a New World Order, and it will force the United States to change its perception."
"Upper-class families with "old money" who founded and finance the Bilderberg Group, Bohemian Club, Club of Rome, Council on Foreign Relations, Rhodes Trust, Skull and Bones, Trilateral Commission, and similar think tanks and private clubs, are conspirators plotting to impose a totalitarian New World Order -
"- The implementation of an authoritarian world government controlled by the United Nations and a global central bank, which maintains political power through the financialization of the economy, regulation and restriction of speech through the concentration of media ownership, mass surveillance, widespread use of state terrorism, and an all-encompassing propaganda that creates a cult of personality around a puppet world leader and ideologizes world government as the culmination of history's progress.[6]"

Labels: Australia, Jeremy Lee, New World Order
Good stuff:
Talk of the '1%' as above, is now held by the ADL to be 'anti-semitic' because of the large proportion of Jews in that 1%
On the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and its founding and funding of the USA American Nazi Party of George Lincoln Rockwell, in order to raise more money
"Businessman DeWest “West” Hooker (1918–1999) had gone into the streets of New York City and rounded up gangs of tough kids and potential juvenile delinquents and he led those little New York gutter kids out of despondency to form picket lines against Jewish Communism, right in New York City
The girl friend that Hooker was sleeping with in his apartment was not only Jewish, but also a member of the ADL.
In the 1950’s Hooker was on rather intimate terms with Arnold Forster, a head honcho of the ADL, who for many years served as its general counsel. Forster, was at that time a very vocal and the most visible and aggressive head of the Jewish ADL.
Jews wanted to whip up more fervent support for the ADL among their own, and in order to do so Forster had an idea. They would print and distribute half a million Nazi flyers in Miami Beach, which would scare the hell out of the rank and file Jews and get them to cough up more shekels for the support of the ADL. But they wanted some goyim to head up this project and do the distributing and dirty work, although they, the Jews, would get the flyers printed and pay all the expenses.
Forster approached DeWest Hooker and asked him if he would do the job. Hooker told him no, but he knew a young man out of the Navy that would be glad to take it on and take advantage of the opportunity to spread such Nazi propaganda. His name was Commander George Lincoln Rockwell.
Hooker contacted Rockwell, and sure enough, he was ready, willing and eager to do the job just the way the Jews planned it. And sure enough, it achieved the very results the ADL had anticipated. It stirred the Jews up into a frenzy, and the money started rolling into the ADL coffers by the bushel. And that was how the American Nazi Party got its start and continued to function."
Bill Gates is pushing you to the vaccine for his own financial gain , he is in cahoots with the British government , funding the BBC to push all the scare mongering news and keep the sheep as sheep ... people really need to switch of from main stream media ... do a little research and really find out for themselves that this pandemic is a plandemic .... why are so many scientist being ignored globally and we still have to dance to what BJ's puppet scientist are saying ? for starters you can't get accurate results from PCR testing yet the government are pushing to do so ? wake up ... do some research and stop wearing the stupid mask unless you have serious underlying conditions.. survival rate as follows...0-19 years old, 99.997 percent; 20-49 years old, 99.98 percent; 50-69 years, 99.5 percent; and 70 years old or older, 94.6 percent.....please wake up !
‘Health’ passport Ireland – the government video that lies to you from first word to last
The lockdown—apparently supported mainly by Establishment jurisdictions– was bound to create a variety of social tensions. Hence the situation was ripe for some creative counter-insurgency work. It is no secret that police officers, especially but not only in urban forces, perform contract murders– frequently for those who run the drug business in the area.
Crimes against Humanity by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
Some more common sense. Keep up the great work with the blog!
lots of links in the comments - but no time for a short explanation - hence links get ignored.
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