Isaacson (right)
Names found in Epstein's black book -
Walter Isaacson: Former managing editor of Time, and former chairman and CEO of CNN.

Mick Jagger
In 1967, police raided the home of Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards, arresting him and Mick Jagger for drugs offences.
Marianne Faithfull was present during the Sussex police raid in Redlands.
Marianne faithfull insists that the arrests were a ploy to mask the abuse of young boys in care.
Faithful: Stones' drugs bust was diversion from VIP child abuse
Marianne Faithful’s father de-briefed Heinrich Himmler in 1945.
Marianne Faithfull has links to MI6, Himmler, S&M

Sarah Kellen (left)
Sarah Kellen: An alleged enabler.
Sarah Kellen, Nadia Marcinkova, Adriana Ross, and Lesley Groff were identified in the 2007 Florida case against Epstein as possible co-conspirators, though none was charged.
John Kerry: former Secretary of State.
The seven numbers listed for Kerry in Epstein's address book include the direct line to his presidential campaign.
Khashoggi, Adnan: Saudi Arabian with links to Trump.
The late Saudi arms dealer Khashoggi was a middleman in the Iran-Contra scandal.

Kissinger, Henry: former Secretary of State and national-security adviser.
Kissinger served on the Council on Foreign Relations with Epstein.
Koch, David.
Names found in Epstein's black book -
Walter Isaacson: Former managing editor of Time, and former chairman and CEO of CNN.

Mick Jagger
In 1967, police raided the home of Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards, arresting him and Mick Jagger for drugs offences.
Marianne Faithfull was present during the Sussex police raid in Redlands.
Marianne faithfull insists that the arrests were a ploy to mask the abuse of young boys in care.
Faithful: Stones' drugs bust was diversion from VIP child abuse
Marianne Faithful’s father de-briefed Heinrich Himmler in 1945.
Marianne Faithfull has links to MI6, Himmler, S&M

Sarah Kellen (left)
Sarah Kellen: An alleged enabler.
Sarah Kellen, Nadia Marcinkova, Adriana Ross, and Lesley Groff were identified in the 2007 Florida case against Epstein as possible co-conspirators, though none was charged.
John Kerry: former Secretary of State.
The seven numbers listed for Kerry in Epstein's address book include the direct line to his presidential campaign.
Khashoggi, Adnan: Saudi Arabian with links to Trump.
The late Saudi arms dealer Khashoggi was a middleman in the Iran-Contra scandal.

Kissinger, Henry: former Secretary of State and national-security adviser.
Kissinger served on the Council on Foreign Relations with Epstein.
Koch, David.
Labels: Epstein, Isaacson, Jagger, Kellen, Kerry, Khashoggi, Kissinger, Koch
Well, of course, they had to invent smth, poor gal....
The Marianne Faithful link has been "suspended"....that's New World Order speak for CENSORED.
It's all becoming a joke isn't it.How long can the elite keep up the pretence of free speech and democracy.....probably up until the elites planned ww3....by which time the censorship can be excused under new regulations for national security.
1 November 2019 at 17:44
For when it's time to look at contacts whose last names begin with the letter "M"!! ...
(the brothers' links to Ghislaine & her 'activities' haven't been explored by journalists as thoroughly as those of Ghislaine's sisters)
KEVIN MAXWELL was running his business, Telemonde, out of 230 Park Avenue NY -- a building that was subsequently bought up by JEFFREY EPSTEIN'S co-investor Andrew Farkas in concert with Dubai royalty.
KEVIN MAXWELL has also used the 'lawless' British-American lawyer, Leah Saffian, who was discovered to be Ghislaine's personal friend (and Kevin's too?) when she distributed fabricated photos purporting to show Ghislaine at a Los Angeles burger joint.
And, most recently, KEVIN MAXWELL appears to be operating a (pretty blatant) pro-Israel propaganda outfit - 'CoJiT' - for one or more of the security services, popularising tropes about 'radicalised Muslims' supposedly threatening Western Civilization (i.e. standing in the way of the Israeli State's expansionary goals.. but Shhh!)
The blog was hacked but it is up on scribd https://www.scribd.com/document/387678665/The-Rolling-Stones-Marianne-Faithfull-MI6-Himmler-and-My-Granddad
Seems we have two major psy-ops regarding Jeffrey Epstein in the last few days
One is having major media highlight the 'Epstein not a suicide, but was killed' idea ... which would distract from Epstein being alive & in Israel, as many of us think is the most likely
The notorious forensic expert Dr Michael Baden, born 1934, recently joining the 'Epstein was killed' chorus ... Baden was involved in the cover-up of the 1963 President Kennedy assassination when the US Congress was investigating that, Baden the head of the 'Forensic Pathology Panel' supporting the absurd 'lone gunman' official story ... Baden has had a long career on other politically-connected deaths too
Another is today's alleged 'bombshell revelations' from James O'Keefe of 'Project Veritas' ... his much-ballyhooed 'revelations' boiling down to how a US major media network 'buried' the Epstein story ... as many networks obviously did ... this is in fact a 'nothing-burger'
O'Keefe has been criminally convicted, with felony charges 'reduced' ... Is he working for the government in part now, as part of that 'deal'? (see below for O'Keefe's criminal record) ... We have a history of fake 'investigative truth' organisations, like that ICIJ involving Israeli-Mossad personnel ... Is this another one?
What is so 'new' about media hiding a story & hiding criminal allegations, as O'Keefe is trumpeting? Aangirfan readers know this happens all the time ... with sometimes a bit of publication in somewhat less-prominent media, a kind of 'pressure valve' release, tho nothing is done by the Powers That Be
Everything is 'wrong' with the Epstein story, suddenly revived by the major media Miami Herald last autumn, in what appears to be an orchestrated 'operation' leading to Epstein's 'arrest' & then 'disappearance'
Another thing we all know, is that laws are very comprehensive regarding major criminal activity ... all sorts of 'little people' helping the crimes can be questioned, charged, convicted ... what is happening re Epstein's helpers such as Ghislaine Maxwell?
Lots of people can be targeted even if Epstein is dead / disappeared ... yet little seems happening in this regard
There is an eerie silence from top US law enforcement prosecutors about many things
We know US Attorney General William Barr, & quasi-special prosecutors John Durham & John Huber & US Justice Inspector General Horowitz, are all working on 'something' ... & there is a suggestive announcement that Barr & Durham are now 'criminally' investigating the origins of Russia-Gate amongst other matters
We possibly have a 'storm' of federal indictments of USA Democrats & some Republicans too, in months ahead, perhaps offsetting the Trump 'impeachment'?
Maybe more on Epstein & Ghislaine Maxwell etc.? At last? Or never?
Some media items on O'Keefe's criminal record, O'Keefe who just conducted the major Epstein distraction occurring today:
« O'Keefe is charged & convicted of a misdemeanor for tampering with the phones of a former US senator.
O’Keefe pleaded guilty to one misdemeanor count of illegally entering government property under false pretenses.
Conservative filmmaker James O’Keefe was sentenced to three years of probation, 100 hours of community service & a $1,500 fine after he pleaded guilty on Wednesday to misdemeanor charges stemming from his involvement in a break-in at Sen. Mary Landrieu’s (D-La.) office.
Prosecutors initially said they caught four individuals in the process of committing a felony, but the charges were later reduced to misdemeanors. »
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