Biosolids: mix human waste with toxic chemicals, then spread on crops.

We like Greta. Most of her opponents are in denial about the environment.
The Simpsons are said to have predicted Greta Thunberg.
In 2008, "The Simpsons" showed Homer trying to vote Democrat in the US general election, but a faulty machine changed his vote to Republican.
Four years later, a voting machine in Pennsylvania had to be removed after it kept changing people's votes from Democrat to Republican.
18 times 'The Simpsons' accurately predicted the future ...
Brendan O'Neill of Spiked called Greta Thunberg a 'millenarian weirdo'.

Brendan O'Neill of Spiked called Greta Thunberg a 'millenarian weirdo'.
Brendan O'Neill.
'Hasbara' journalist Brendan O'Neill is opposed to conspiracy theorists.
Why is Greta Thunberg so triggering for certain men?

"Wildlife is dying out due to habitat destruction, overhunting, toxic pollution, invasion by alien species and climate change.
"But the ultimate cause of all of these factors is human overpopulation and continued population growth, and overconsumption, especially by the rich."
Earth's sixth mass extinction event under way, scientists warn ...
"At a deep level, the language of climate denialism is tied up with a form of masculine identity predicated on modern industrial capitalism - specifically, the Promethean idea of the conquest of nature by man, in a world especially made for men.
"By attacking industrial capitalism, and its ethos of politics as usual, Thunberg is not only attacking the core beliefs and world view of certain sorts of men, but also their sense of masculine self-worth.
'Hasbara' journalist Brendan O'Neill is opposed to conspiracy theorists.
Brendan O'Neill's Spiked is a defender of alleged child abuser Greville Janner.
Hasbara means Israeli propaganda, and it is often produced by crypto-Jews.
Brendan O'Neill is a Telegraph hasbara blogger, according to Jews sans frontieres.
Jennifer O'Connell writes that 'Denial is easier than confronting the terrifying truth.'
Hasbara means Israeli propaganda, and it is often produced by crypto-Jews.
Brendan O'Neill is a Telegraph hasbara blogger, according to Jews sans frontieres.

Why is Greta Thunberg so triggering for certain men?

"Wildlife is dying out due to habitat destruction, overhunting, toxic pollution, invasion by alien species and climate change.
"But the ultimate cause of all of these factors is human overpopulation and continued population growth, and overconsumption, especially by the rich."
Earth's sixth mass extinction event under way, scientists warn ...

"At a deep level, the language of climate denialism is tied up with a form of masculine identity predicated on modern industrial capitalism - specifically, the Promethean idea of the conquest of nature by man, in a world especially made for men.
"By attacking industrial capitalism, and its ethos of politics as usual, Thunberg is not only attacking the core beliefs and world view of certain sorts of men, but also their sense of masculine self-worth.

According to the World Health Organization, air pollution in 2012 caused the deaths of around 7 million people worldwide.[4] [5]
Studies published in March 2019 indicated that the number may be around 8.8 million per year.[42]
Around 98 % of Europeans living in cities are exposed to levels of air pollutants deemed damaging to health by the World Health Organization.[35]
Greta has got us thinking about our environment.

The Friends of Science Society (FoS) attacks the idea of global warming.
In an August 12, 2006, article The Globe and Mail revealed that the group had received significant funding from the oil industry.

Altered photo.
Tony Cartalucci writes that Greta Thunberg's supporters should be attacking 'Big-Biz' :-
"Big-agriculture poisons our land and water with chemicals and genetic contamination.
"Big-oil chokes our air.
"Big-defense litters battlefields with depleted uranium constituting a modern-day equivalent of plowing the earth with salt.
"Plastic packaging necessary for 'globalized' consumerism fills our land and seas.
"Even if one does not believe in mainstream notions of 'climate change,' petroleum-based transportation has a direct and undeniable impact on human health that must be reduced if not entirely eliminated...

"When 'Fridays for Future' begins advocating and investing in alternative energy rather than demanding the government do it for them - they will finally be on the road with a growing number of very real activists already working to truly save the environment."
"Even if one does not believe in mainstream notions of 'climate change,' petroleum-based transportation has a direct and undeniable impact on human health that must be reduced if not entirely eliminated...

Greta's 'Fridays for Future' "does not specifically and explicitly target the worst environmental offenders on Earth - corporations like Monsanto, Bayer, DuPont, and Syngenta spraying our food and environment with poison, or Exxon, BP, and Shell...
"Worst still is the likelihood that this movement will actually result in much of the burden for these corporations' offenses against the environment and human health being shifted onto the public in the form of new taxes and regulations...

"Greta Thunberg and 'her' movement - should they in any way acutally threaten the special interests that still dominate Western society - would be marginalized, censored, smeared, and attacked across the media.
"Worst still is the likelihood that this movement will actually result in much of the burden for these corporations' offenses against the environment and human health being shifted onto the public in the form of new taxes and regulations...

"At their protest venues - they would be tear-gassed, beaten, and chased off the streets...
What have the Koch brothers said?
'The billionaire Koch brothers have opposed regulation of the environment and have opposed action on climate change.'
Kochland: The Secret History of Koch Industries and Corporate Power in America.
We like Greta.
Dr James Cusack, director of science at the autism charity, Autistica, says she's been a really important role model for others with the condition.
"Her brave, clear-minded and science-led approach to activism is inspiring for many people," he says.
Henry Makow @HenryMakow Sep 27
"Pretty clear who our oppressors are - French intellectual Alain Soral sentenced to 2 years jail for sharing 'Gilets-Jaunes' anti-Rothschild rap video (above)".
(Soral is opposed to the Zionists.)

There are lots of fake photos going around.
Eduardo Bolsonaro, the alleged 'Nazi Zionist', has tweeted the fake photo on the right.
Fake photo of Greta Thunberg eating lunch

Above, we see Eduardo and Carlos Bolsonaro, the sons of Jair Bolsonaro, the 'Zionist-Nazi' leader of Brazil.

"A quarter of all premature deaths and diseases worldwide are due to manmade pollution and environmental damage."
Environment damage behind 1 in 4 global deaths, disease: UN

Altered photo
Kids are protesting.
"In the Gaza Strip, Israel's bombing campaigns targeted sewage treatment and power facilities, leaving 97% of Gaza’s freshwater contaminated by saline and sewage."
Severn Suzuki spoke in 1992.

Altered photo.
"The Pentagon is the single largest institutional consumer of fossil fuels in the world.
"Military operations leave a toxic legacy in their wake.
"In Iraq, environmental toxins left behind by the Pentagon's 2003 invasion include depleted uranium."
10 Ways that the Climate Crisis and Militarism are Intertwined ...

"In the Gaza Strip, Israel’s bombing campaigns targeted sewage treatment and power facilities, leaving 97% of Gaza’s freshwater contaminated by saline and sewage.
"Militarized state violence is leveled against communities resisting corporate-led environmental destruction."
10 Ways that the Climate Crisis and Militarism are Intertwined ...
What have the Koch brothers said?
'The billionaire Koch brothers have opposed regulation of the environment and have opposed action on climate change.'
Kochland: The Secret History of Koch Industries and Corporate Power in America.
We like Greta.
Dr James Cusack, director of science at the autism charity, Autistica, says she's been a really important role model for others with the condition.
"Her brave, clear-minded and science-led approach to activism is inspiring for many people," he says.

"Pretty clear who our oppressors are - French intellectual Alain Soral sentenced to 2 years jail for sharing 'Gilets-Jaunes' anti-Rothschild rap video (above)".
(Soral is opposed to the Zionists.)

There are lots of fake photos going around.
Eduardo Bolsonaro, the alleged 'Nazi Zionist', has tweeted the fake photo on the right.
Fake photo of Greta Thunberg eating lunch

Above, we see Eduardo and Carlos Bolsonaro, the sons of Jair Bolsonaro, the 'Zionist-Nazi' leader of Brazil.

Altered photo
Kids are protesting.
"In the Gaza Strip, Israel's bombing campaigns targeted sewage treatment and power facilities, leaving 97% of Gaza’s freshwater contaminated by saline and sewage."
Severn Suzuki spoke in 1992.

Altered photo.
"Military operations leave a toxic legacy in their wake.
"In Iraq, environmental toxins left behind by the Pentagon's 2003 invasion include depleted uranium."
10 Ways that the Climate Crisis and Militarism are Intertwined ...

"In the Gaza Strip, Israel’s bombing campaigns targeted sewage treatment and power facilities, leaving 97% of Gaza’s freshwater contaminated by saline and sewage.
"Militarized state violence is leveled against communities resisting corporate-led environmental destruction."
10 Ways that the Climate Crisis and Militarism are Intertwined ...
Vladimir Putin has accused Western governments of geo-manipulation of the Earth’s environment through chemical spraying operations designed to alter the world's climate and poison the population.
Putin said that he was 'deeply concerned' about the 'uneducated risks' of altering our planet’s climate and that it posed a “monumental threat” that was 'against nature' and all in the pursuit of 'population control and profit'.

On the left we have a fake photo. On the right we have the original non-fake photo.

"The world's oceans are warming at an alarming rate, melting glaciers, depleting fish populations, supercharging tropical cyclones, and threatening the livelihoods of millions of people who live in coastal areas and the Arctic, according to a new report from the United Nations' body in charge of monitoring climate change."
Climate Change Is Warming Oceans At An Alarming Rate. - BuzzFeed-25 Sep 2019

"Nowhere in the Green New Deal/Climate Action agenda is there any mention of:
"5G microwave radiation;
"Genetically modified organisms (GMO)
"Aerosol geoengineering."
Climate Action Protests and "Extinction Rebellion" versus 5G
AND, the climate kids are not protesting about:
False Flag terrorism (eg 9 11)
VIP Child Abuse Rings (Epstein/Savile)
Mind control of kids (MIND CONTROL)
Israel's treatment of Palestine
The province of Jambi, in Indonesia, has turned red.
What is the problem?

My house in South East Asia got flooded.
In and around the city - too many trees have been cut down and there has been too much concreting over of land?
The view from my hotel on the Mediterranean coast is increasingly of hazy skies.
Too much pollution?
Brabantian 21 September 2019 at 14:32 comments:
Scientists in the 1960s and 1970s were selling the 'ice age coming' scare ...
Here is Leonard Nimoy, Mr Spock of Star Trek, 1979 TV commercial of 1 minute, warning us to follow 'Science' regarding how, much of humanity was soon going to freeze to death etc.
Greta explains.

Climate change denial has been associated with the fossil fuels lobby, the Koch brothers, industry advocates and conservative think tanks, often in the United States.[12][21][22][23]
Climate Change Is Warming Oceans At An Alarming Rate. - BuzzFeed-25 Sep 2019

"Nowhere in the Green New Deal/Climate Action agenda is there any mention of:
"5G microwave radiation;
"Genetically modified organisms (GMO)
"Aerosol geoengineering."
False Flag terrorism (eg 9 11)
VIP Child Abuse Rings (Epstein/Savile)
Mind control of kids (MIND CONTROL)
Israel's treatment of Palestine
The province of Jambi, in Indonesia, has turned red.
What is the problem?

My house in South East Asia got flooded.
In and around the city - too many trees have been cut down and there has been too much concreting over of land?
The view from my hotel on the Mediterranean coast is increasingly of hazy skies.
Too much pollution?
Brabantian 21 September 2019 at 14:32 comments:
Scientists in the 1960s and 1970s were selling the 'ice age coming' scare ...
Here is Leonard Nimoy, Mr Spock of Star Trek, 1979 TV commercial of 1 minute, warning us to follow 'Science' regarding how, much of humanity was soon going to freeze to death etc.

"Behind the schoolgirl climate warrior lies a shadowy cabal of lobbyists, investors and energy companies seeking to profit from a green bonanza."
Greta explains.
Haiti has few trees left.
More than 90% of papers sceptical on climate change originate from right-wing think tanks.[24]

A new study published in the journal Science reports that since 1970, the bird population across North America has plummeted by 29%.

Henry Makow @HenryMakow Sep 20
Reader: " Why can't these environmentalists say the word "glyphosate" or "Roundup" or "Monsanto" or "Bayer"? Or "Frankenstein GMOed crap" growing everywhere? It's killing people, why would it not kill birds that eat the insects it poisons?"

Margi Bingley 20 September 2019 at 15:31 comments:
As a SCUBA diver of 33 years I've watched the beauty of the equatorial reef systems diminish.
Half of them have gone in the last 30 years.
When in El Nido, Palawan Islands, PPN it was disheartening to observe the '57 best dive sites in the world' according to Jaques Cousteau - gone.
The giant coral he spoke of and filmed was not there in 2005.
I asked the dive guide to take me to the BIG coral. He replied - "the ocean temperature has risen 2 deg. killing the coral..."

Climate change is the main reason (according to experts) behind the death of nearly half of the Great Barrier Reef’s corals.
Not one of my Sydney high society friends SCUBA dived. So when I bought this topic up on my return they were totally disinterested.
Sri Lanka Boxing Day tsunami - Where the reefs were intact nobody died. I stayed in a hotel that was protected by the reef. That is what people don't get. Everything is connected. Some of nature protects us. As we destroy nature we will become more exposed.

On 31 January 2019, more than 3400 scientists and academics signed an open letter in support of the school strikes in Belgium.[94]

A new study published in the journal Science reports that since 1970, the bird population across North America has plummeted by 29%.

Henry Makow @HenryMakow Sep 20
Reader: " Why can't these environmentalists say the word "glyphosate" or "Roundup" or "Monsanto" or "Bayer"? Or "Frankenstein GMOed crap" growing everywhere? It's killing people, why would it not kill birds that eat the insects it poisons?"

Margi Bingley 20 September 2019 at 15:31 comments:
As a SCUBA diver of 33 years I've watched the beauty of the equatorial reef systems diminish.
Half of them have gone in the last 30 years.
When in El Nido, Palawan Islands, PPN it was disheartening to observe the '57 best dive sites in the world' according to Jaques Cousteau - gone.
The giant coral he spoke of and filmed was not there in 2005.
I asked the dive guide to take me to the BIG coral. He replied - "the ocean temperature has risen 2 deg. killing the coral..."

Climate change is the main reason (according to experts) behind the death of nearly half of the Great Barrier Reef’s corals.
Not one of my Sydney high society friends SCUBA dived. So when I bought this topic up on my return they were totally disinterested.
Sri Lanka Boxing Day tsunami - Where the reefs were intact nobody died. I stayed in a hotel that was protected by the reef. That is what people don't get. Everything is connected. Some of nature protects us. As we destroy nature we will become more exposed.

On 31 January 2019, more than 3400 scientists and academics signed an open letter in support of the school strikes in Belgium.[94]
The letter reads "On the basis of the facts supplied by climate science, the campaigners are right. That is why we, as scientists, support them."[95]
This was followed by an open letter in support of the school strikes in the Netherlands, signed by 340 scientists,[96] and by 1200 researchers in Finland signing a letter, on 11 March 2019, supporting the strikes.[97]
An article published in Nature in March 2019 listed many other expressions of support, and no criticisms, from scientists, with comments such as "The idea of a climate strike is innovative. It’s provocative, and I think it’s the right form of non-violent civil disobedience".[93]

In Germany, Austria, and Switzerland a group of scientists founded Scientists for Future (S4F) in support of the factual correctness of the claims formulated by the movement.[98][99][100][101]

In Germany, Austria, and Switzerland a group of scientists founded Scientists for Future (S4F) in support of the factual correctness of the claims formulated by the movement.[98][99][100][101]
The statement was signed by over 26000 German-language scientists and scholars.[102]
On 14 March 2019, the Club of Rome issued an official statement in support of Thunberg and the strikes, urging governments across the world to respond to this call for action and cut global carbon emissions.[103]

In early April 2019, a letter titled "Concerns of young protesters are justified" was published in Science.
On 14 March 2019, the Club of Rome issued an official statement in support of Thunberg and the strikes, urging governments across the world to respond to this call for action and cut global carbon emissions.[103]

In early April 2019, a letter titled "Concerns of young protesters are justified" was published in Science.
The letter declared that the climate strikers' concerns are "justified and supported by the best available science" and was signed by over 3000 scientists worldwide.[104]

In June 2019, 1000 healthcare professionals in the UK and elsewhere, including professors, eminent public health figures, and former presidents of royal colleges, called for widespread non-violent civil disobedience in response to "woefully inadequate" government policies on the unfolding ecological emergency.

In June 2019, 1000 healthcare professionals in the UK and elsewhere, including professors, eminent public health figures, and former presidents of royal colleges, called for widespread non-violent civil disobedience in response to "woefully inadequate" government policies on the unfolding ecological emergency.
They called on politicians and the news media to face the facts of the unfolding ecological emergency and take action.
They supported the school strike movement and Extinction Rebellion.[105]

Kirkcudbright Academy pupils Fergus McClure, Frankie Wright, Sahara Paton Laroque and Max Wright.

Rainforests (red) are being destroyed.

What about 'chemtrails'?

1. Climate Change?
"Climate change is now blamed for just about everything...
"Famines and drought have a long history in Ethiopia and development experts have traditionally blamed poor governance and the state’s exclusive, and inefficient, hold on farmland for that.
"But, with the possibility of another famine looming, Meles Zenawi, the country’s prime minister for the past 18 years, has preferred to blame climate change for his country’s woes."
- The Economics and Politics of Climate Change
2. Trees?
"85 % of Sumatra's forests are gone."

Kirkcudbright Academy pupils Fergus McClure, Frankie Wright, Sahara Paton Laroque and Max Wright.

Rainforests (red) are being destroyed.

What about 'chemtrails'?

1. Climate Change?
"Climate change is now blamed for just about everything...
"Famines and drought have a long history in Ethiopia and development experts have traditionally blamed poor governance and the state’s exclusive, and inefficient, hold on farmland for that.
"But, with the possibility of another famine looming, Meles Zenawi, the country’s prime minister for the past 18 years, has preferred to blame climate change for his country’s woes."
- The Economics and Politics of Climate Change
2. Trees?
"85 % of Sumatra's forests are gone."
Rainforests turned into smoldering ruins
3. Big corporations?
"Most rainforests are cleared ... for its timber value and then are followed by farming and ranching operations, even by world giants like Mitsubishi Corporation, Georgia Pacific, Texaco and Unocal."
"Experts agree that by leaving the rainforests intact and harvesting it's many nuts, fruits, oil-producing plants, and medicinal plants, the rainforest has more economic value than if they were cut down to make grazing land for cattle or for timber.
"The latest statistics show that rainforest land converted to cattle operations yields the land owner $60 per acre and if timber is harvested, the land is worth $400 per acre.
"However, if these renewable and sustainable resources are harvested, the land will yield the land owner $2,400 per acre."
Rainforest Facts
4. Who to copy?
There is a dispute about global warming.
But, most people agree about the need to look after the environment.
Too many trees are being cut down, too much air is polluted and too many creatures are dying out
A new report from the charity Oxfam says the world should copy Scotland in environmental policy.
One of Obama’s top advisers says the world must follow Scotland's lead in environmental policy.
Obama's climate adviser praises Scotland
Professor Diana Liverman, the Oxford scientist and presidential adviser, backs the Oxfam report that singles out Scotland as an example for the rest of the world to follow.
Malcolm Fleming, Oxfam's Scottish campaigns manager, said: "Scotland is already leading the world ... with targets guided by science rather than political expediency."
The Oxfam report states 375m people will likely be affected by climate-related disasters by 2015, and that 200m people may need to migrate each year by 2050 because of hunger, environmental degradation and loss of land.
Scotland is expected to provide around 25% of Europe's ALTERNATIVE energy.
Scotland's SNP government is OPPOSED to nuclear energy.
There appears to be an ecological crisis - It's Over
We need to think about over-population - The Crisis of Overpopulation

Brabantian 21 September 2019 at 14:32 comments:
When I have had a chance to talk to scientists about 'moon landings', 'global warming' etc ... a few have admitted that it is all corrupt; it is a question of money from the powers that be, that is 'science' now
Pollution and destruction of the nature of the planet is a terrible crime.
But we have records of European weather for 1000 years thanks to people like monks and nuns in the middle ages
Sometimes it has been much colder ... sometimes it has been much hotter ... climate is always 'changing', it seems tied to the 11-year sunspot cycles, which sometimes group together for decades
Nature and earth are also cruel ... I don't doubt the coral reef destruction, but it may be pollution or just the cycle of things ... The Arctic was empty of ice 100 years ago too, there are 'seasons'
There seems overall more dirty suspect corrupt money flowing into selling the 'climate change - Greta Thunberg' agenda, then there is in 'climate denial'
"The global climate change industry is worth an annual $1.5 trillion, according to Climate Change Business Journal."
Greta Thunberg's backers are devious financial speculators in companies who will profit from government 'climate change' programmes ... she is a manipulated teen-ager.

3. Big corporations?
"Experts agree that by leaving the rainforests intact and harvesting it's many nuts, fruits, oil-producing plants, and medicinal plants, the rainforest has more economic value than if they were cut down to make grazing land for cattle or for timber.
"The latest statistics show that rainforest land converted to cattle operations yields the land owner $60 per acre and if timber is harvested, the land is worth $400 per acre.
"However, if these renewable and sustainable resources are harvested, the land will yield the land owner $2,400 per acre."
Rainforest Facts
But, most people agree about the need to look after the environment.
Too many trees are being cut down, too much air is polluted and too many creatures are dying out
A new report from the charity Oxfam says the world should copy Scotland in environmental policy.
One of Obama’s top advisers says the world must follow Scotland's lead in environmental policy.
Obama's climate adviser praises Scotland
Professor Diana Liverman, the Oxford scientist and presidential adviser, backs the Oxfam report that singles out Scotland as an example for the rest of the world to follow.
Malcolm Fleming, Oxfam's Scottish campaigns manager, said: "Scotland is already leading the world ... with targets guided by science rather than political expediency."
The Oxfam report states 375m people will likely be affected by climate-related disasters by 2015, and that 200m people may need to migrate each year by 2050 because of hunger, environmental degradation and loss of land.
Scotland's SNP government is OPPOSED to nuclear energy.
Cuba by Henryk Kotowski
5. We should copy Cuba?
A study of 93 nations has found that only one nation - Cuba - is developing sustainably.
"The wholesale plunder of the planet’s natural resources has brought into sharp focus the necessity for some kind of global (and globally enforceable) regulation of what’s left of the planet’s precious cargo of life.
"But can capitalism undertake such a task?...
"There is a certain irony in the fact that Cuba, through force of circumstance, has had to embark on the construction of a sustainable economy."
- Marx, the First Real Globalist
- Marx, the First Real Globalist
What is the problem with regard to Population and Growth?
There appears to be a problem of over-population - Once it Starts ....
There appears to be an ecological crisis - It's Over
We need to think about over-population - The Crisis of Overpopulation

Why must we all copy Cuba?
Cubans have high life expectancy and literacy. Cubans do not use much oil.
A study of 93 nations has found that only one nation - Cuba - is developing sustainably.
Cuba is the only nation which:
(1) provides a decent standard of living for its people and
(2) does not consume more than its fair share of the world's resources.
(2) does not consume more than its fair share of the world's resources.
New Scientist (World failing on sustainable development - earth - 03 October 2007 ... / Cuba Flies Lone Flag for Sustainability - Indymedia Ireland) provides the details:
"An international team led by Mathis Wackernagel of the Global Footprint Network looked at how the living conditions and ecological footprints of 93 nations have changed in the last 30 years.
"They used the ecological footprint (EF) index, a tool devised in 1993 by Wackernagel and William Rees, his PhD supervisor at the University of British Columbia, Canada. EF quantifies the area of land required to provide the infrastructure used by a person or a nation, the food and goods they consume, and to reabsorb the waste they produce, using available technology."
We should not copy the poorest countries in Africa because, although they do not consume more than their fair share of resources, they do not have a decent standard of living for all their people.
Under no circumstances should we copy the USA or the United Arab Emirates, because they consume much more than their fair share of resources.

Brabantian 21 September 2019 at 14:32 comments:
When I have had a chance to talk to scientists about 'moon landings', 'global warming' etc ... a few have admitted that it is all corrupt; it is a question of money from the powers that be, that is 'science' now
Pollution and destruction of the nature of the planet is a terrible crime.
But we have records of European weather for 1000 years thanks to people like monks and nuns in the middle ages
Sometimes it has been much colder ... sometimes it has been much hotter ... climate is always 'changing', it seems tied to the 11-year sunspot cycles, which sometimes group together for decades
Nature and earth are also cruel ... I don't doubt the coral reef destruction, but it may be pollution or just the cycle of things ... The Arctic was empty of ice 100 years ago too, there are 'seasons'
There seems overall more dirty suspect corrupt money flowing into selling the 'climate change - Greta Thunberg' agenda, then there is in 'climate denial'
"The global climate change industry is worth an annual $1.5 trillion, according to Climate Change Business Journal."
Greta Thunberg's backers are devious financial speculators in companies who will profit from government 'climate change' programmes ... she is a manipulated teen-ager.

"Behind the schoolgirl climate warrior lies a shadowy cabal of lobbyists, investors and energy companies seeking to profit from a green bonanza." Greta's very corporate children's crusade | Dominic Green ...
Banks profit from 'carbon credit trading' etc ... this goes back to Al Gore & Enron scam days.
2009 - "Leading British scientists at the University of East Anglia, were accused of manipulating climate change data - dubbed Climategate", to get their global warming money
Co-founder and former president of Greenpeace, Patrick Moore, says that climate change is a "complete hoax and scam"
John Coleman, the late Weather Channel founder, called global warming "the greatest scam in history"
AccuWeather founder Dr Joel Myers supports the 'denialism' too.
So does Jeremy Corbyn's scientist brother Piers Corbyn.
Some hilariously false climate change global warming predictions.
Climate change scientist & his wife raking in $750,000 per year, tried to harass climate denialists with legal charges.
There are many more instances, when MSM is obviously hyping up the so called climate warming.
If school kids are worried about the environment, they are free to demonstrate. But why do they so on Fridays, losing their classes/tuition, when in fact they could do it on their free Saturday or Sunday. (are their pushing teachers worried to lose their weekend??)
Never discussed in the climate warming scenarios is the obvious fact of peak fossil fuels.
If the burning of fossil fuels is effectively causing climate warming, then the impending scarcity of fossil fuels is wonderful news for worried citizen…
The North Sea oil production is in decline since a long time, Mexico is a net oil importer since one year, the “huge reserves” in Venezuela consist largely of very problematic tar type oil, the fantastic increase in US production through new drilling procedures is extremely costly and the wells dry up very fast and understand the “huge reserves” 4000m under the seal level off the coast of Brasil did not yet produce one single barrel of oil and they never will because the water pressure problem can not be overcome…
TPTB obviously do not want to inform the public of the impending energy crunch and they are using the CO2-hoax instead…
The late Michael Rupert stated in one of his shows, that Henri Kissinger (aka Heinz Loeb) would have said, “if we can’t adapt the existing fuel reserves to the actual population, we have to adapt the actual population to the existing fuel reserves…”
Banks profit from 'carbon credit trading' etc ... this goes back to Al Gore & Enron scam days.
2009 - "Leading British scientists at the University of East Anglia, were accused of manipulating climate change data - dubbed Climategate", to get their global warming money
Co-founder and former president of Greenpeace, Patrick Moore, says that climate change is a "complete hoax and scam"
John Coleman, the late Weather Channel founder, called global warming "the greatest scam in history"
AccuWeather founder Dr Joel Myers supports the 'denialism' too.
So does Jeremy Corbyn's scientist brother Piers Corbyn.
Some hilariously false climate change global warming predictions.
Climate change scientist & his wife raking in $750,000 per year, tried to harass climate denialists with legal charges.
"Climate change is a hoax led by the United Nations so that it can end democracy and impose authoritarian rule ... global warming was merely a 'hook' to install the NWO new world order"
- Maurice Newman, advisor to 2013-15 Australian PM Tony Abbott

Caveman 21 September 2019 at 15:27 comments:
I am a complete layman concerning climate and climate change. But I did observe, that the Swiss Natl radio reported on the 3rd of December of last year, that 2018 would be the 4th warmest year since measurements are made. How can a serious organization report a final yearly measurement, when the last 28 days of that year were still outstanding?
"Climate change is a hoax led by the United Nations so that it can end democracy and impose authoritarian rule ... global warming was merely a 'hook' to install the NWO new world order"
- Maurice Newman, advisor to 2013-15 Australian PM Tony Abbott

Caveman 21 September 2019 at 15:27 comments:
I am a complete layman concerning climate and climate change. But I did observe, that the Swiss Natl radio reported on the 3rd of December of last year, that 2018 would be the 4th warmest year since measurements are made. How can a serious organization report a final yearly measurement, when the last 28 days of that year were still outstanding?
There are many more instances, when MSM is obviously hyping up the so called climate warming.
If school kids are worried about the environment, they are free to demonstrate. But why do they so on Fridays, losing their classes/tuition, when in fact they could do it on their free Saturday or Sunday. (are their pushing teachers worried to lose their weekend??)
Never discussed in the climate warming scenarios is the obvious fact of peak fossil fuels.
If the burning of fossil fuels is effectively causing climate warming, then the impending scarcity of fossil fuels is wonderful news for worried citizen…
The North Sea oil production is in decline since a long time, Mexico is a net oil importer since one year, the “huge reserves” in Venezuela consist largely of very problematic tar type oil, the fantastic increase in US production through new drilling procedures is extremely costly and the wells dry up very fast and understand the “huge reserves” 4000m under the seal level off the coast of Brasil did not yet produce one single barrel of oil and they never will because the water pressure problem can not be overcome…
TPTB obviously do not want to inform the public of the impending energy crunch and they are using the CO2-hoax instead…
The late Michael Rupert stated in one of his shows, that Henri Kissinger (aka Heinz Loeb) would have said, “if we can’t adapt the existing fuel reserves to the actual population, we have to adapt the actual population to the existing fuel reserves…”
Labels: 5G, birds, CLIMATE, coral, corporations, Cuba, fracking, Gaza, Greta, kids, Koch, Monsanto, Palestine, Pentagon, pollution, rainforest, Scotland, Soros, Suzuki, trees
Thank you. As a SCUBA diver of 33 years I've watched the beauty of the equatorial reef systems diminish. Half of them have gone in the last 30 years. I've witnessed that. When in El Nido, Palawan Islands, PPN it was disheartening to observe the '57 best dive sites in the world' according to Jaques Cousteau - gone. The giant coral he spoke of and filmed were not there in 2005. I asked the dive guides to take me to the BIG coral. He replied - "the ocean temperature has risen 2 deg. killing the coral. Then we had a typhoon with strong ocean currents and that broke it up." Not one of my Sydney high society friends SCUBA dived. So when I bought this topic up on my return they were totally disinterested. When in Sri Lanka I saw the coral reef system had been removed by the locals for construction use. That area was where the most people died from the Boxing Day tsunami. Where the reefs were in tact nobody died. I stayed in a hotel that was protected by the reef. That is what people don't get. Everything is connected. Some of nature protects us. As we destroy nature we will become more exposed.
Global warming is not happening
Coral is not being damaged by global warming
man made CO2 is insignificant compared to natural CO2
The Climate religion is brainwashing school kids
Remember Eugenics and how it led to mas sterilisation
They are cutting down trees to grow bio fuel
UK is changing from coal to wood burning
The BBC , ITV , SKY all push out global warming aka climate change aka extreme weather
Meanwhile steel plant closes as they can not afford the green tax
This is pure propaganda. The climate is cooling as we are entering a period of low sunspot activity. It happens regularly, so check out the Maunder Minimum.
For a good take on what really is happening and who's behind it, check Marc Morano's work and especially his book "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change". David Dubyne has also done some great work and gives some great talks about what is coming very soon.
Piers Corbyn (jeremy's borther) is also very good on this topic.
Also see
Rupert Darwell
We should protect our environment, without question. We need to urgently address pollution and deforestation.
However, I believe the 'climate-change' movement itself is little more than a political cult, preying on the naive, founded on inconclusive science with the aim of keeping the world's raw materials in the hands of the very rich.
Like other extremist political movements, 'climate-change' activists and their backers shut down dissent, label anyone who disagrees with them 'deniers' and stir up division and hatred at whole sections of society - notably older, white people in a way that would be illegal against any other ethnic group.
Scientists in the 1960s and 1970s were selling the opposite 'ice age coming' scare ... Here is Leonard Nimoy, Mr Spock of Star Trek, 1979 TV commercial of 1 minute, warning us to follow 'Science' regarding how, much of humanity was soon going to freeze to death etc
'Scientists' got that wrong but we are supposed to trust a group of them now?
'She Blinded Me with Science!' Thomas Dolby
When I have had a chance to talk to scientists about 'moon landings', 'global warming' etc ... a few have admitted that it is all corrupt, it is a question of money from the powers that be, that is 'science' now
Pollution and destruction of the nature of the planet is a terrible crime
But we have records of European weather for 1000 years thanks to people like monks and nuns in the middle ages
Sometimes it has been much colder ... sometimes it has been much hotter ... climate is always 'changing', it seems tied to the 11-year sunspot cycles, which sometimes group together for decades
Nature and earth are also cruel ... I don't doubt the coral reef destruction, but it may be pollution or just the cycle of things ... The Arctic was empty of ice 100 years ago too, there are 'seasons'
There seems overall more dirty suspect corrupt money flowing into selling the 'climate change - Greta Thunberg' agenda, then there is in 'climate denial'
"The global climate change industry is worth an annual $1.5 trillion, according to Climate Change Business Journal."
Greta Thunberg's backers are devious financial speculators in companies who will profit from government 'climate change' programmes ... she is a manipulated teen-ager
Banks profit from 'carbon credit trading' etc ... this goes back to Al Gore & Enron scam days
2009 - "Leading British scientists at the University of East Anglia, were accused of manipulating climate change data - dubbed Climategate", to get their global warming money
Co-founder and former president of Greenpeace, Patrick Moore, says that climate change is a "complete hoax and scam"
John Coleman, the late Weather Channel founder, called global warming "the greatest scam in history"
AccuWeather founder Dr Joel Myers supports the 'denialism' too
So does Jeremy Corbyn's scientist brother Piers Corbyn
Some hilariously false climate change global warming predictions
Climate change scientist & his wife raking in $750,000 per year, tried to harass climate denialists with legal charges
"Climate change is a hoax led by the United Nations so that it can end democracy and impose authoritarian rule ... global warming was merely a 'hook' to install the NWO new world order"
- Maurice Newman, advisor to 2013-15 Australian PM Tony Abbott
I am a complete layman concerning climate and climate change. But I did observe, that the Swiss Natl radio reported on the 3rd of December of last year, that 2018 would be the 4th warmest year since measurements are made. How can a serious organization report a final yearly measurement, when the last 28 days of that year were still outstanding?
There are many more instances, when MSM is obviously hyping up the so called climate warming.
If school kids are worried about the environment, they are free to demonstrate. But why do they so on Fridays, losing their classes/tuition, when in fact they could do it on their free Saturday or Sunday. (are their pushing teachers worried to lose their weekend??)
Never discussed in the climate warming scenarios is the obvious fact of peak fossil fuels.
If the burning of fossil fuels is effectively causing climate warming, then the impending scarcity of fossil fuels is wonderful news for worried citizen…
The North Sea oil production is in decline since a long time, Mexico is a net oil importer since one year, the “huge reserves” in Venezuela consist largely of very problematic tar type oil, the fantastic increase in US production through new drilling procedures is extremely costly and the wells dry up very fast and understand the “huge reserves” 4000m under the seal level off the coast of Brasil did not yet produce one single barrel of oil and they never will because the water pressure problem can not be overcome…
TPTB obviously do not want to inform the public of the impending energy crunch and they are using the CO2-hoax instead…
The late Michael Rupert stated in one of his shows, that Henri Kissinger (aka Heinz Loeb) would have said, “if we can’t adapt the existing fuel reserves to the actual population, we have to adapt the actual population to the existing fuel reserves…”
The BBC - Thought Police - The EU - Social Engineering - Lobby Groups
"[John Humphreys] The 76-year-old, who spent 33 years on Radio 4's flagship news show Today, says he is now free of 'the BBC Thought Police' ...
"His memoir also reveals that: BBC bosses wallowed in despair when Britain voted Leave in the referendum ...
"[Recalling] the morning after the 2016 referendum, he says:
"'Leave had won - and this was not what the BBC had expected. Nor what it wanted.
"'No nods and smiles when the big bosses appeared. No attempt to pretend that this was anything other than a disaster ...
"'Robin Aitken, a senior BBC journalist I used to work with ... took the undeniably courageous step of putting together a dossier which, he said, proved that the BBC ... was 'wholeheartedly and unashamedly pro-EU' ...
"'One temptation the BBC sometimes finds hard to resist is social engineering ...'
"'It worries me that the nation has become susceptible to certain pressure groups in a way that we should all find disturbing ...'"
I am going to share 2 pictures
Greta showing who she really works for. If you can't work it out from the picture, I'll give you a clue......... The giant shadowy hand covering her eye.
2. Clue, front cover of iD magazine - a photo shoot depicting the 'all seeing eye'
The weather modification technology has been around in various forms since the 70s. Control the weather and you control almost everything.
Go back a few years and remember the University of East Anglia were caught red handed lying about climate change/global warming/this years panic.
Old news. Pics of one eye Greta already shown here.
Thank you for providing the above link that debunks the 'climate gate' stolen email scandal from a few years ago.
It's nice to see that the stolen emails that provided insight into the fraud being perpetrated on mankind by 'science' were debunked. {sarcasm}
Government, industry insiders and the scientific community with colleagues of the East Anglia Uni have 'rallied' and have given assurances all is well. {sarcasm}
The greatest debate of our time is now settled. A child 'Greta', MSM, Government and Science have concluded that anybody questions the official narrative is a 'climate denier' and heretic. Debate settled then. {sarcasm}
Let's apply the 'debunking' methodology accross other sectors where scrutiny is required:-
1. Royalty
Palace insiders and loyalists assure us that Prince Andrew is a great guy and has done nothing wrong. He now officially hates his ex friend Epstein.
2. Politics
Politicians and advisors assure us Politicians are honest, truthful and Rt Hon. Therefore any suggestion that they have sexual relations with children, lie to the public or steal - are not true.
3. Banks and Banking
Assure us they didn't knowingly launder hundreds of billions of drug money and steal all the cash at the credit crunch. Therefore, cleared of wrong doing and are officially trustworthy again.
4. Military
Have assured us wars are necessary and any suggestions that the Generals are liars and 'fake' reasons to start war are not true. Blowing up buildings (911) or Saudi Oil Facilities is just a coincidence. Anyone questioning the official narrative is in fact a terrorist.
5. MSM
The Mainstream media have debunked reports that they are 'fake news'. A group of 'respected' journalists assure us the mainstream media are telling the truth and everyone else are liars - thanks to the BBC for providing us with this invaluable insight.
6. Sport
Anyone questioning the integrity of this industry is just jealous. Athletes like the Freemason Usain Bolt can in fact walk on water and should be revered. Match fixing isn't true and doping doesn't happen. Any suggestions that female sprinters get pregnant to boost hormone productivity then terminate the pregnancy isn't nice. Therefore, sport is good and needs to be worshipped.
7. Vaccines
Big Pharmacy have debunked 'vaccine deniers' as liars and anti science. As such, they are influencing law makers to mandate vaccines or privileges will be withdrawn and you will be placed under home arrest. Big Pharma have assured us vaccination is safe. Autism, autoimmune diseases and death are most likely caused by a 2 degree rise in the ocean temperatures. Vaccine courts are a witch hunt against these great 'SCIENTISTS'.
9. Opioid.
Big pharmacy debunked any suggestion that their drugs kill tens of thousands every year. A new report clears then of wrong doing. The cause of death is in fact 'stopping breathing' and not opioids.
10. Moonlandings
A new report confirms NASA are telling the truth and went to the moon. The Freemason Association report 'proves' this. Anyone with any skepticism is just nuts and should be ignored.
Science should never be questioned or anything in the public domain scrutinised. Science is in fact God and cannot ever be questioned. The only thing that is real is the official narrative and everything else fake.
Fridays rabble of 'well meaning', hive minded children backed by the shadowy creatures that are driving the 'publics' perception on fake climate change are further 'evidence' to me that people can't think for themselves or see when they are being manipulated - despite it being glaringly obvious.
As for 'Old News' for the 2 pictures of Greta the Great which I posted. Even older news is the Hegelian Dialect that the terminally dumb keep falling for. Now that is 'Old News'........
Peace to the Humans.
Gift to climate alarmists:
Debunks all the climate alarmist's major claims. It's the BIG LIE. They're after mass suicide of kids.
Here's the psychiatrists perhaps beginning the effort? They're certainly 'concerned':
And an RT article on the 'cult':
Let's hope a certain young Norwegian isn't 'suicided' to lead the way.
Greta is SWEDISH.
Groundwork for Agenda 21/30?
The exact moment when Greta Thunberg saw Donald Trump in person at the United Nations
The expression on her face priceless, one for the ages
- "The voyage of the Malizia II is the latest stage in AN EPIC JOURNEY THAT THUNBERG HAS BEEN ON for the last few years."
- "Greta Thunberg is THE HERO WE NEED in 2019"
- "I think that some kind of DIVINE POWER but also some kind of unseen, unimaginable, unexplainable force is WORKING THROUGH HER"
- "Greta Thunberg was DYING FROM DEPRESSION AND STARVATION when she had a nightmare about climate change that saved her life. It might just SAVE ALL OF US."
- Greta Thunberg "MAY SAVE THE WORLD"
The Hero with a Thousand Faces by the comparative mythologist Joseph Campbell
"It has often been pointed out that the recurrence of superheroes in myth, film, and literature is a reflection of our own subconscious yearning for a Savior."
"A child endowed with extraordinary gifts from birth becomes a champion whose deeds will redeem humanity."
"In Act I or the Departure, the hero or protagonist lives an ordinary, uneventful, unfulfilling life and receives a call to go on an adventure. The hero resists following the call and is encouraged by a mentor type figure.
Act II or the Initiation, starts with the hero crossing into an unknown or special world where he is subjected to quests and ordeals, alone or aided by helpers. Ultimately the hero reaches the central crisis of his adventure, facing adversity and overcoming his main obstacle or enemy. At the end of this stage, the hero undergoes an apotheosis and gains an elixir, treasure, or other reward.
In Act III, the Return, the hero must cross the threshold between the worlds again, returning to the ordinary world with his elixir, treasure, or reward which he uses for the benefit of his fellow man. The adventure transforms the hero, imparting wisdom or spiritual power over both worlds."
Whatever the oil industry or coal industry or Koch Bros. pay you it is not enough. The ocean temperature has risen. I SCUBA dive and have witnessed the changes. Small coral is very different to the large old coral outcrops that take from 10,000s to millions of years to grow. Quote: 30 August 2019: "The evidence-based report written by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) using more than 1,000 scientific reports, was described by its chairman Ian Poiner as "sobering findings".
The five-yearly report said climate change is escalating and is the most significant threat to the Great Barrier Reef's long-term survival.
"The current rate of global warming will not allow the maintenance of a healthy reef for future generations," the report said. How long to make a coral barrier reef: One hopes you are literate enough to read a graph showing the increasing ocean temperatures to which coral is very sensitive.
I expected better from you. Totally oblivious to Comet NEAT in 2003 twice the size of Jupiter. Missed that one? No wonder NASA kept quiet they didn't think we would survive. Miraculously a large solar flare diverted it's path out of our solar system. However 7 years later scientists observing this found the tail of the comet (gaseous) had and was going to accelerate the polar melt downs. Right on target this is exactly what is happening. 6,122 people have viewed this video. Out of 7 billion that's not alot. PS 7 billion people make a difference. So much so Jakarta is sinking. FACT check that one. And yes there are cycles. The GRAND Solar MINIMUM is supposed to hit 2020. Seen any mini ice ages lately? just wait for the opposite to this the GRAND solar MAXIMUM. And the Malekovitch cycle do you even know where earth is in that cycle at present. In the SWEET spot. So no extremes supposed to be happening. Not only that humans breath oxygen beneficially that's why sick people are put on it. CO2 is NOT used as humans do NOT benefit from excessive CO2.
So we human beings are left with either detail, which serves to obfuscate reality, or purpose, id est to decide upon a path and follow that path to our human destiny.
That destiny must be GOOD. To do no harm? To act according to our Ren, our human-heartedness?
Is this why YOU are here, NOW?
Or are we all sleep-walking into the wank-fest of Satan's disgusting perpetuality?
Spooky roots of Extinction Rebellion (5 part series, this is part 1)
stuf you don't see in the MSM regarding the great barrier reef:
....... Or a 'stage managed' photo opportunity just like Time Magazine or with all the other world leaders who have bent over backwards to accommodate Greta.
Ask yourself this........... What are the chances of an organic (chance encounter) with Trump and Thunberg taking place?
Just so happens both are at the UN exactly at the same time and Trumps security team allowed a security breach with the camera 'rolling' at exactly the moment required to allow the 'iconic' Thunberg Thesis to clash with Trumps Antithesis.
The world is a stage and the bad Hollywood B movie actors are just playing their respective roles.
Wake Up
check out:
24 September 2019 at 23:37
Great work. Great links. As always - scratch at the surface and look what comes tumbling out.
It doesn't take too much investigation before the 'wheels come off'. Interesting reading about alternatives with the barrier reef and what the 'real' reasons behind its demise could be.
An excellent and timeous article written by a guest writer on David Ickes website. Takes a hard hitting look at the actors behind the actress - Greta Thunberg.
It appears that the Bilderbergers and The Club of Rome and other NWO sponsors are pushing the Toxic Teen.
If ever there is a doubt about fake climate change and the equally fake Thunberg, just follow the money.
Peace to the humans.
Greta "The world's oceans are warming at an alarming rate"
It is a good job Greta did not fall into the ocean during her journey or she would have found out just how cold the ocean's are.
Prince Pierre Casiraghi owns the Malizia II yacht and is President of the Monaco Yacht Club and is an interesting, colourful charachter.
Also linked to the Malizia Team is the Gitana Team. This is owned by Benjamin De Rothschild.
Small world! Greta has some interesting friends.
Rather puppeteers (than friends)
In these news stories, the account is that the boat on which Greta Thunberg sailed to the USA from Europe, built at a cost of more than €4 million, a boat formerly named the 'Edmond de Rothschild', is described as now owned by German property tycoon Gerhard Senft, who bought it from the Rothschilds
Tho the boat is indeed described as captained by famous yachtsman Boris Herrmann along with Pierre Casiraghi, grandson of Monaco’s late Prince Ranier III and actress Grace Kelly
Re the suggestion that 'mass suicides of kids' are a purpose here, from Twitter:
"A 14 year old child from Manchester, U.K. reportedly commits suicide ‘because of climate change’"
Greta Thunberg's promoters now have blood on their hands?
« 500 Scientists Write U.N.: ‘There Is No Climate Emergency’ »
Is this like the 3000+ architects & engineers for 9-11 truth?
'Dozens Of Failed Climate Predictions Stretch 80 Years Back'
"Justin Murphy tweets that if Greta Thunberg guides global policy, then we 'cannot object to Jeffrey Epstein paying 16-year-olds for sex'"
Many friends say to me "It's natural cycles. Climate change has been happening for years." True. There are natural cycles, 11 year solar sunspot cycles, 420 year GRAND Solar Minimum/Maximum. Also the Milankovitch elliptical orbit of earth around the sun cycle. 100,000 to 400,000 year cycle. The problem with the natural cycle rhetoric is that in 2020 NASA long told us the Grand Solar MINIMUM would be at it's peak. Where the Romans, Chinese scholars etc report a mini ice age effect. So where is the mini ice age next year? Do you see it coming? No - one effect is global temperature differences out of kilter. When you know that the average global temperature of air and sea are going up the effect of the GRAND solar minimum is counter balanced. Tell me what do you think earth is going to be like when it swings into GRAND solar MAXIMUM? Re: the Milankovitch cycle - guess where earth is right now? Too near the sun? NO. Too far away? NO.. so rule that out. We have not been hit by an asteroid lately however COMET NEAT was NOT reported by NASA and the tail of it (7 years later) was proven to have had an adverse effect on Earth's biosphere. Comet NEAT (approx. 2004) was twice the size of Jupiter. It came into our solar system and was on a collision course. NASA could not tell us for fear of panic. Luckily a large solar flare diverted it from it's course and we were saved. Not bad for 10,000 year old prediction so says Nassim Harramein.
Photos of Trump's 'accidental' encounter with Greta Thunberg in the same room at the United Nations, closely copy long-ago frames in 'The Simpsons' cartoon show, where Donald Trump (as cartoon of himself) meets Homer's daughter Lisa Simpson ... Lisa even has a similar look on her face
Comparison photo pair here:
Just like the Simpsons prefigured 9-11, and also the Simpsons showing cartoon Trump riding down the escalator, just as he did later in real life to begin his drive to become US President?
The Greta Thunberg show at the UN, repeats a similar 'climate change' emotional speech at the UN in 1992 by a Canadian 12 year old girl
« Nearly 30 years before angry 16-year-old girl Greta Thunberg "shamed" world leaders in a tearful tirade at The UN, a 12-year-old girl “silenced the world for five minutes”.
In 1992, Severn Cullis-Suzuki - then 12-year-old daughter of Canadian environmentalist David Suzuki, addressed the plenary session of the UN Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro.
"We're A Group Of 12-Year-Olds Trying To Make A Difference" »
'Listen to the Children - Severn Cullis-Suzuki's famous speech on the environment (1992)'
Truly disturbing. The implications and the seriousness of that 1 'photo still' from the Simpsons puts the whole climate change lie into perspective.
The paradigm shifts from the 'politics of the day' or the 'debate of the ages' to one of reality and the monstrous fraud being perpetrated on mankind from every angle.
Not just a 'coincidence' or 'likeness' but a carefully planned and methodical fraud. The other Simpson parodies are further proofs of the monstrous fraud being played out.
Better to know than not know. Equally, any event being played out in the so-called real world be it political, environmental, war or events of the day, just remember the Thunberg/Simpsons photo and use that as the test or benchmark of authentication.
We are All being 'mugged off' by liars who have subverted and inverted reality.
On a positive note, however, it is further evidence that the government, media and all the other state actors are liars and not to be trusted. It also helps cement any lingering doubts about so-called real world events,....... they're fake.
Peace to the humans.
Greta Thunberg is often seen in photos with an age 23 'official handler', also running interference with journalists etc
That handler turns out to be Hamburg-born Luisa-Marie Neubauer, a member of the 'ONE Foundation' – an organisation founded & funded by Melinda Gates husband of Bill Gates, George Soros and others
Neubauer is often a Jewish name All I Want is the Truth
Absolutely brilliant video. The truth!!!
Thanks for cheering me up. I was having a bad day.
Peace to you.
for those that remember spitting images , something came to me tonight , i was sure there was a song called randy andy and wow i found the song i think it may go viral , sorry its not on topic but since i have add adhd etc i had to share while in my head , strange how long term memory excellent but short term poor , enjoy
SCOMO in OHIO with Anthony Pratt when he was supposed to be at the UN discussion on climate raised my curiosity. Esp. as they were opening a cardboard making factory worth $1 bil and 5,000 jobs in OHIO which is a 2020 vote winner crucial state for Trump. What I didn't know was that Pratt paid for 2016 Trump electikon advertising and bet $100,000 that Trump would win in 2016. Pratt continues to back Trump and more crucial states will get more cardboard factories. BlueScope Steel is also spending $1 billion in its North Star facility in OHIO. The cost to run is cheaper than in Australia. Cardboard manufacturing is a huge energy consumer and polluter emitting methane, a greenhouse gas. Little wonder that PM SCOMO is tardy in accepting the concept of man's contribution to dirty air. Anthony Pratt is the richest man in Australia promising a $billion to the Jewish/Israel cause. What is amazing is that SCOMO was so blatant about his lack of loyalty to Australia and jobs for Australians. see: How Donald Trump helps Anthony Pratt get richer also,13146 and Cardboard pollution:
Of course a young person gaining world wide coverage would have backing. Many companies, including BHP, are flagging change. In any transition period to a new system - there are those who will seek to benefit. That doesn't mean the transition is bad. Other companies are actively denying all responsibility and it's business as usual. It shouldn't matter who benefits as long as the over all beneficiaries are we the human race, animals, fish, bees, birds etc.The primary goals of the foundation are, globally, to enhance healthcare and reduce extreme poverty, and, in the U.S., to expand educational opportunities and access to information technology. The foundation is controlled by its three trustees: Bill and Melinda Gates, and Warren Buffett. Re: Jewish names. Just say it if they are Jews. eg Anthony Pratt, richest man in Australia is a Jew, supports Israel and Jews he has not need to worry about his ID.
The old German family name Neubauer is derived from several possible sources, and no doubt different families of this name emerged independently during the era in which surnames first began to be used. The Low German word 'nabur' meant "neighbor," and then came to be used as a surname.
I, My Pet Goat series same thing. 2012 made and showed Notre Dame spier falling at exactly the same angle it did fall. And 'Christ' sailing off as the poles melt along with the pyramids crumbling. I screen shot Notre Dame spiers on both. Many predictions in that series coming to pass. Same for Economist NY front cover. They also make predictions with clues for those who wish to decipher them. Many have known what's ahead for decades. I was warned by Steve Wozniak in 1984 about climate change and chose to not have children at his suggestion. I have three of his letters with calculations I still can't understand. These advanced thinkers have been awake and aware long before the sheeple. If life hands you lemons make lemonade. Those who deny para normal and the CRAFT are foolish. see IXXI 9/11 in Plain Sight. Study the Ars Goetia (Solomonic Magick)
Identify the 500 scientists? If not - not credible. I've read 100s of pseudo scientists refuting the majority. This is the correct methodology. Btw the carbon trading scheme in 11/9/2001 was worth $65 trillion. Oil, gas, coal etc is worth way more than that. TPTB need to replace that income in a transitional period. Nothing will happen without their approval or at least the majority of the rich and famous. Those who are not on board have $millions to throw at creating doubt. 97% of CLIMATE SCIENTISTS DO AGREE..
Harvard Prof - Provides Thought leadership of the cult !
Leading the Public into Emergency Mode
Introducing the Climate Emergency Movement
By Margaret Klein Salamon, PhD
Founding Director, The Climate Mobilization.
Who funds the cult its leaders and acolytes ?
Greta Thunberg is part of a well-connected network tied to the organization of Al Gore who is being cynically and professionally marketed and used by such agencies as the UN, the EU Commission and the financial interests behind the present climate agenda. As Canadian researcher and climate activist, Cory Morningstar, documents in an excellent series of posts, young Greta is working with a well-knit network that is tied to US climate investor and enormously wealthy climate profiteer, Al Gore, chairman of Generation Investment group. Gore’s partner, ex-Goldman Sachs official David Blood as noted earlier, is a member of the BIS-created TCFD. Greta Thunberg along with her 17-year-old US climate friend, Jamie Margolin, were both listed as “special youth advisor and trustee” of the Swedish We Don’t Have Time NGO, founded by its CEO Ingmar Rentzhog. Rentzhog is a member of Al Gore’s Climate Reality Organization Leaders, and part of the European Climate Policy Task Force. He was trained in March 2017 by Al Gore in Denver, and again in June 2018, in Berlin. Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project is a partner of We Don’t Have Time.
Indoctrination and exploitation is child abuse !
...the sky is falling causing the sea levels rising...
Uri Geller and The Secret Seven
"Putin Warns:Western Governments Are Destroying The Planet"
Crypto jew Chabad Lubavitch laptop/dog Putin, you can´t take seriously, he is clearly controlled opposition.
Fitzpatrick´s Informers site is deleted (s.o.s. synagogue of satan in action, alarming indeed). He had a huge dossier on Wladimir P. and Donald T.
Check out:
Video not available. Friends of Science (also the Heartland Institute) are great at cranking out videos and guest '500 scientists) as debunkers. Very simple research shows Friends of Science is funded by the fossil fuel industry and the 'scientists' speakers for Heartland Institute received $46 million from Koch's, Mobil Exxon, or Scaife.. Fossil fuel tax payer subsidies reached $5.2 TRILLION - that's not profit - then it's easy to see why they pump out so much misleading crap. Just open your eyes look at the sky, smell the air in places like Jakarata. That pollution is not natural. see: Global fossil fuel subsidies reach $5.2 trillion, and $29 billion in Australia
Michael Mazengarb13 May 2019 Also Friends of Science:,work%20cited%20in%20Friends'%20publications. and '500 scientists' (not climate scientists) 17 of the 43 sponsors of the Heartland Institute’s Sixth International Conference on Climate Change, including the Heartland Institute itself, have collectively received over $46 million from either Scaife Foundations, Koch Foundations, or ExxonMobil and its foundation.
Should we be wondering whether the oil company funded opposition to the fake-money-from-thin-air funded climate change mind control operation follows Lenin's rule regarding controlling ones opposition? Also that the vast maze of political discourse is designed to distract humanity from the simple step required to set our species free, i.e. a 'global' refusal to pay usurious interest? That's how we win.
just wait until the IPCC and Al Gore start selling those Carbon Credits in 2030, just in time for Agenda 2030, then we'll see who's making the big BIG bucks...….as always ….follow the money.....look up the Carbon Credits the IPCC are holding and who's on board.....and then link the Paris Accords to 2030 EVERY country will need to buy Carbon Credits from the friendly IPCC and Al Gore and all the other big money men that hold them....and whose money will the the worlds government use to buy them.....why the lowly taxpayer of course, as always through the increase in prices of everything, especially fuel, moreso the fossil types, which will still be the main source of fuel for us mere mortals in 2030 as the scam-wagon keeps on rolling while Greta does fck all apart from shouting "How dare you"
Hullo Aang,
The mistake comes in imagining that one is either pro-pollution or pro-carbon tax. And never mind where the second-fiddle oil companies appear to be directing their support, the question is: where is banking and big money at?
If global warming was about the environment we would deal with that. But it isn't, it's about a global monetary unit under the control of the bankers. And of course, the bankers couldn't give a tinker's cuss for the environment (well... not beyond their views of Lago di Como, that is).
A carbon tax is the prize. THE prize. The environment is just a disposable stalking horse.
Absurd as it may appear to some, that a cartoon or film may point towards real world events. Sadly, the sheer volume and extent to which this has occurred gives this phenomenon reasonable weight and should be studied seriously before being dismissed out-of-hand.
There are some that would laugh at this suggestion uncontrollably and brand anyone giving consideration to this - a conspiracy theorist or worse, delusional.
I have attached 3 short clips that relate to 911 and the dozens of references in movies and subtle nuances.
Well worth a look if you haven't seen it before. The material isn't new. It offers further anecdotal evidence that there is something seriously amiss.
Perhaps in addition to the Simpsons, further evidence (albeit subtle) should be considered in its context and observed objectively.
As we 'appear' to be behind the curve on matters affecting our collective existence, further consideration needs to be given to a supernatural explanation. Current world evaluation with a political, scientific or economic narrative is not enough to explain our understanding of all things.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. It's the Djinn. The Book of Enoch gives an excellent understanding to this. Many cultures around the world may use a different name to describe them, however, are talking about the same entities.
Peace to the humans.
Anon re carbon tax: Think Bigger, much bigger:
'Climate change' usurped all environmentalism, it's not about saving anything, it's about lining pockets and control of the human race. 1 degree change in the average global temp (when the daily change is 10's of degrees, and the yearly change is orders of magnitude larger) has zero effect on the environment, Co2 levels are historically low in geologic terms, the only effect of which is to increase biomass from record crop production to trees.
Herbicides, insecticides, GMO's??? Traditional farming methods conserve soil fertility with an ecosystem supporting high levels of food production and the wider insect, and bird populations. We could produce good healthy food for our own regions if we aim to eat less exotic imported food and more indigenous varieties, seasonally grown. And let's use our gardens for growing whatever we can rather than just be the car-parks and dog toilets that they have become.
And it's not just men who can't stand Greta's hectoring temper tantrums. Soros badly misfired with that little lady!
“I’m sure that Greta is a kind and very sincere girl ... But adults must do everything not to bring teenagers and children into some extreme situations.”
- Vladimir Putin on Greta Thunberg
Where are the Bankers on this topic? A house divided? "If life hands you lemons make lemonade" or "Let no opportunity go to waste." We know they know. 9 years ago David Meyer de Rothschild was the expedition leader of Plastiki, a protest about wanton discarding of plastic etc. The Plastiki is a 60-foot (18 m) catamaran made out of 12,500 reclaimed plastic bottles and other recycled PET plastic and waste products. Michael Pawlyn of Exploration Architecture worked on the concept design with David de Rothschild and helped to shape some of the key ideas. The craft was built using cradle to cradle design philosophies and features many renewable energy systems, including solar panels, wind and trailing propeller turbines, and bicycle generators. The frame was designed by Australian naval architect Andrew Dovell. Departing in March 2010, the expedition arrived in Sydney, Australia in July, 2010. Plans included visits to several sites en route of ecological importance or which were susceptible to environmental issues caused by global warming, for instance the current sea level rise, ocean acidification and marine pollution. That's one side. Then you have 9/11 when specific companies were targeted. And murder committed. That of Carlton Bartel's ( He owned 2 patents for concepts he designed. One was the 'war games' the other a global carbon trading software system. A little over one year later Rothschilds' Carbon Ring trading was set up. By 2012 nothing more was heard of it. Scepticism sank the boat? As an involuntary medium I became aware of the murder of Carlton Bartels, whom I had never heard of. From the original source. See others quoted excerpt:
Hawks CAFE believes UBS and Federal Reserve bank insiders conspired with Barzan al-Tikriti and Yeslam bin Laden in Geneva to assassinate hundreds of employees of Cantor Fitzgerald, including Carlton Bartels, founder of in One World Trade Center offices during a 'Global Guardian' war game on 9/11, and then confiscate Cantor Fitzgerald's $70 trillion/year electronic trading business known as "Espeed". Also: On the other hand you have Mr Iraqi oil, Nathan Rothschild. Saddam had 'missed' a rather large oil field. By nationalising Iraq's oil this caused an inconvenience to those who knew about it's potential. By removing him there was a change in oil policy. That venture appears to have failed after the initial launching and excitement. See excerpt quote: " The award under the share incentive plan to former BP chief executive Mr Hayward in 2012 is expected to be equal to 150pc of his salary, with Mr Metherell's share incentives worth 140pc of base salary, the prospectus revealed.
Genel has oil assets in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, where a deal on revenue sharing from oil exports is yet to be agreed with Iraq's central government. Kurdistan operates as a semi-autonomous region, but currently it is allowed to sell only 100,000 barrels of oil a day. An agreement is in place for this to rise to 175,000 barrels next year.
The new Genel Energy will have a warchest of about $1.9bn (£1.2bn) which it plans to use for acquisitions in Kurdistan and the wider Middle Eastern region. In 2010, Genel's revenues were $142.3m – 400pc higher than 2009. This produced an operating profit of $70.7m, compared with a loss of $24.3m the year before. In the first six months of 2011, revenues rose 70pc to $80.7m." and
In Peter Hamilton's SF trilogy Night's Dawn, an super-power offers to resolve a galaxy-wide crisis that humanity faces. The catch is that the hero must decide on the solution immediately. He must "choose". Here Aanirfan seems undecided. So, the bull must get equal coverge. This is how dinosaur-financed propaganda on climate has persisted.
On cue, the trolls raise the red herrings: conspiracy, gun rights/liberty/world government, covert climate engineering, the Ice Age that failed, solar variation, cosmic gamma rays, 5G, Hasbara, creeps manipulating an activist, creeps profiting from helpful changes, fame (Time, Nobel, etc.), defending jobs in dinosaur industries, inconveniences (such as diving), needless fear-mongering.
The aim is to overwhelm any coherent argument or firm programme of action. The capitalist masters fear that people will cast of their yoke. The insane plunder, hoarding and flexing of power must continue.
"In the current debate on climate change and carbon emissions, even if the claims of impending danger were shoddy science, you should consider the consequences of the very remote possibility that they may be right." - Prof. Nassim Taleb, 2008
Watch this then decide about extinction rebellion... › W...
Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025 - uk sky watch
A link to a PDF - Weather modification and weaponisation of the ionospheric layer. US Government December 1997.
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