Carl Beech (Nick) 'blew the whistle on a child abuse ring run by top people'.
In May 2019, Carl Beech was put on trial!

Defendant Carl Beech (Nick) tells #NickTrial that in 2014 he blogged pseudonymously about #Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) inquiry because he felt that it was a very important development.
He had no intention at that stage of talking to the police about what had happened to him.

Defendant confirms to #NickTrial that he spoke to Ben Emmerson, then counsel to CSA inquiry at that stage (ie in mid-2014).
Brian Mitchell 5 July 2019 at 22:28 comments:
My name is Brian Mitchell.
I have been on radio several times and I can say that both me and Adam Pierce were forced to have sex with several folk named on this website.

Defendant tells #NickTrial that there were two occasions when Harvey Proctor threatened to cut him with a knife.
The first time, Proctor was stopped by someone whose identity defendant does not know.
The second time, Edward Heath stopped Proctor.

Defendant to #NickTrial: “It is something I get confused about. There were two similar incidents.”
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Asked by defence counsel Collingwood Thompson why he carried out internet searches on various people and places in May 2014, defendant tells #NickTrial: “It’s not something I believe to be research. It was confirming what I already know.”

Defendant tells #NickTrial that he carried out those searches when he was speaking to Mark Conrad of Exaro to be sure that his memories were accurate. He had no intention at that stage of talking to the police.

On the accusation that he drew on internet searches to help with sketches, defendant tells #NickTrial: “I can only reiterate that it was from my memory.”
Brian Mitchell 5 July 2019 at 22:28 comments:
My name is Brian Mitchell.
I have been on radio several times and I can say that both me and Adam Pierce were forced to have sex with several folk named on this website.

He had a meeting with Tom Symonds and, he thinks, Tom Bateman of BBC, and Peter McKelvie was there, defendant tells #NickTrial. He was shown a picture of a boy, Vishal (ie Malhotra), whom he only recognised from recent Press coverage.

Next, he was shown a picture of a second boy, defendant tells #NickTrial. “I became very upset... I felt very certain it was the boy from meeting 2... I couldn’t carry on with the meeting.”

Defence counsel refers at #NickTrial to an article in The Times on 27.11.14 about how police were investigating whether Martin Allen was the boy murdered by a group of paedophiles that included an MP.

Defendant tells #NickTrial that the article in The Times had the picture of a boy previously shown to him, so he now knew the boy’s name. Martin Allen.

He was “very certain” that Martin Allen was the boy killed by Harvey Proctor, defendant tells #NickTrial.

Defendant confirms to #NickTrial that he tried to help the Met contact his friend, John, who went through some of the abuse.
But, he says, John “wasn't keen” to talk to police, and “was quite angry” that he had gone to them.
But he did not totally reject the idea, he adds.

He agreed to act as an intermediary between Dr Elly Hanson, who was working with the Met police, and John, defendant confirms to #NickTrial.
He forwarded an e-mail from her to John, and a reply back to her.

Journalist Mark Conrad suggested using Protonmail to John because it was a “secure e-mail service”, defendant tells #NickTrial.
Conrad also recommended that he use TOR.

Carl Beech (Nick) tells #NickTrial that he set up a Protonmail e-mail account for John, which is why it had a retrieval e-mail address linked to him.
John completed setting up the account, and Carl Beech (Nick) did not have password to it.

John was “reluctant” to come forward to police, defendant tells #NickTrial, while he was “desperate” for him to do so.

Defendant tells #NickTrial that he met up with John in Paris while on holiday with his son.
John saw him at the restaurant/bar of his hotel, and they discussed whether he would go forward to the police.

He never told the police John’s surname because he did not have his permission and anyway the Met police was in e-mail contact with John so he could identify himself if he wanted to do so, defendant tells #NickTrial.

He has not had contact with John since September 2014, defendant tells #NickTrial.

Was he prepared to tell #NickTrial John’s surname? “No.” Why not? “I don’t have his permission to do so.”

Defendant confirms to #NickTrial that he wanted to withdraw from the Met’s investigation because it had left him needing counselling twice a week after having been in a “good place” before it began.

Despite his “reservations” in around January/February 2015, he continued to “assist” the police, defendant confirms to #NickTrial.

Defendant tells #NickTrial that he recorded anonymous interview in early 2013 for programme on Channel 5 about Jimmy Savile after NAPAC asked for people, especially males, to participate in the programme.

Asked by the judge whether he used the name ‘Stephen’ for that interview, the defendant tells #NickTrial that this was the name given to him by the programme makers.

What is alarming about the Scottish gang of paedophiles surrounding Nicholas Fairbairn and Robert Henderson is the fact that persons involved have ties to not one, not two but three @inquiry child sexual Abuse chairs.

Defendant confirms to #NickTrial that he was worried by the idea of allowing the police to access his counselling notes because he had thought that they were confidential and private. But he did agree to the police having access.

Defendant to #NickTrial: he was distressed by Harvey Proctor’s press conference of August 2015 because “he had put all the details out in the public domain, including all the names.” This is a reference to other alleged abusers.

Mark Conrad and the BBC told him that it was only a matter of time before he was identified, defendant tells #NickTrial.
A journalist even wrote that he had given Carl Beech's name to Harvey Proctor.

Defendant confirms to #NickTrial that the Daily Mail effectively identified him by publishing a poorly obscured picture of him. He told the Met that he was withdrawing from the investigation. He says that the harassment led him to this decision.

Nonetheless, he did still co-operate with the Met “at a distance”, defendant tells #NickTrial. He felt an “obligation” to do so. “It was the right thing to do.”

He agreed in late 2015 to a further Met interview, which he thought was for an identification process and to “clarify a few things”. The Met did not tell him what subjects would be covered, he says.

During this Met interview in January 2016, defendant tells #NickTrial, he was unhappy that they raised the deaths again, and then the issue of a diplomat even though he had always been clear that he would not talk about that.

Defendant to #NickTrial: “My head was pounding, and I couldn’t concentrate on what I was being asked.” He stopped the interview, saying that he had a headache.
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Defendant tells #NickTrial that he could not understand why ‘Operation Midland’ closed - before police carried out planned enquires, eg ID process for boys, inc for Scott, visiting with police the location of Scott’s death, and of the 16/17 property in Eccleston Square.

Defendant confirms to #NickTrial that he rented a locker at Big Yellow Storage Company to store boxes from home in order to free up space for work materials.

Defendant confirms to #NickTrial that he went to the locker after the search on his property. He was suspended from work following the search, and he had to check what work papers might be in the boxes in the locker.

Defendant tells #NickTrial that he rejects the prosecution accusation of putting “incriminating material” in the locker.

Defendant tells #NickTrial that he wrote a document “Too Many Secrets”, but this was a private document not meant for publication, which was part of trying to deal with what had happened to him.
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Defendant rejects prosecution accusation at #NickTrial that he copied parts of his story from a book. He had read the book because it told of similar experiences of another survivor, he says.

Defendant confirms to #NickTrial that he met Tom Watson. He thinks that Mark Conrad arranged this. Conrad also attended the meeting.

He accepts that he downloaded indecent images and the charge of voyeurism, defendant tells #NickTrial.

Why did he initially deny it? Defendant tells #NickTrial: “I was totally ashamed of what I had done. I couldn’t admit it to myself. I was in denial.”

Defendant to #NickTrial: he and his son decided to live in Sweden because he had connections with Scandanavia through his grandparents.
He was planning to change his name, which is why he sometimes used other names in Sweden.

He returned from Sweden to UK for court hearings for his images case, but not for the trial, defendant confirms to #NickTrial.
Why did he not return? “It was a stupid mistake on my part. I panicked. I was alone. I regret it.”

Defendant tells #NickTrial that he did not know how to evade justice for the images case, and that he was not intending to do that. “I knew I was going to come back in the end. My head was all over the place.”

Defendant to #NickTrial: I was not trying to evade justice. “I was already living in Sweden.”
Labels: Carl Beech, Heath, John, Martin Allen, Operation Midland, Paris, porn, Proctor, Protonmail, son, Sweden
"Asked by defence counsel Collingwood Thompson why he carried out internet searches on various people and places in May 2014 ..."
The British police and security services routinely access and gather data on British citizens' LEGAL internet searches?
Even worse, the State will use the details of a citizen's LEGAL web searches AGAINST him or her, in a courtroom??
It was NOT illegal for Carl Beech to search the web for "information on various people and places". Why then are these searches being 'analysed' in the courtoom?
"Defendant confirms to #NickTrial that the DAILY MAIL effectively identified him by publishing a poorly obscured picture of him."
This is no surprise, tragically.
The Security Services' agenda is to discredit and shut down all investigations and inquiries into organised VIP paedophilia. This mission often entails smearing survivors and whistleblowers using the controlled media and controlled elements of the judiciary.
Of course there are other ways to silence witnesses - some much worse than 'mere' character assassination. The Security Services will stoop to anything.
"Defendant tells #NickTrial that he could not understand why 'Operation Midland' closed - before police carried out planned enquires, eg ID process for boys, inc for Scott, visiting with police the location of Scott’s death, and of the 16/17 property in Eccleston Square."
16 Eccleston Square: the "abode of the convicted Dirty Dozen paedophile ring member Leslie Goddard, father of Adam Ant"
ADAM ANT - whose father, Alfred Leslie Goddard, reportedly lived at 16 Eccleston Square in Pimlico until his imprisonment in 2015 for child abuse offences. 16 Eccleston Square has been identified by Carl Beech in connection with the VIP paedophile ring which Carl alleges abused him.
BOY GEORGE - the Hampstead-based singer linked by Carl Beech to Dolphin Square in Pimlico through BG's strangely named song 'Do You Really Want to Hurt Me' and the accompanying music video which may depict the Dolphin Square swimming pool.
Brian Mitchell 5 July 2019 at 22:28 comments:
My name is Brian Mitchell.
My email is
I have been on radio several times and I can say that both me and Adam Pierce were forced to have sex with several folk named on this website.
We were age 10 or younger. Edward Heath, Jimmy Savile ... all homosexual abusers.
The story told by Nick in my opinion is 100% true
5 July 2019 at 16:02
Quotes in today's press from failed UK prime minister, Gordon Brown:
GB quote #1:
"we should do more to support the work of the Holocaust Educational Trust"
Who was the Holocaust Education Trust's chairman and founding patron? Greville Janner.
Gordon Brown quote #2:
"The next Labour government should announce it will appoint a designated [anti-antisemitism] minister, backed up by an ambassador."
What a sterling idea, Mr Brown.
In this way, we can inject more Identity Politics into Britain's fracturing social and political fabric... further weakening *economic* solidarity; further demoralising the public; and diverting the focus of individuals and organisations from skyrocketing economic inequality and the crimes of the obscenely rich oligarchs who are stealing our wealth and our power.
With more Identity Politics, Britain's 1% can step up the pursuit of privatizations, power centralisation, foreign wars, and wealth transfer, without facing any unified opposition from the 99%. Just a bunch of heterogeneous 'religious/sexual orientation/gender/ethnic membership groups' - all competing with each other for the media spotlight.
Divide and rule! Destroy economic solidarity.
And by appointing an 'anti-antisemitism' minister, we can align Britain's policy goals more perfectly with Israel's by ensuring that the UK's security, Intel and policing apparatus prioritise support for the Greater Israel plan in every aspect of day to day functioning.
Bravo indeed, Mr Brown.
Your honorary doctorate in Tel Aviv surely awaits...
I am sure he abused more than one child
"The UK is going through a 'political nervous breakdown', a former intelligence chief has told the BBC.
"Sir John Sawers said the UK could have a prime minister who does 'not have the standing that we have become used to in our top leadership' - a criticism of the two Tory leadership contenders.
"The former MI6 boss was also critical of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn ..."
Well, MI6 has let the cat out of the bag with these opinions.
I don't believe there is really any such thing as a "former" agent of the security and intel services. I think when you're in MI5/6/GCHQ, you're in for LIFE, even after you formally quit and get a job in the private sector (or retire).
So Sawers' comments reveal the prevalent opinions in MI5/6/GCHQ, right now, today.
And does anyone really believe that MI5/6 operatives don't translate their personal political opinions into tangible actions?
MI5/6/GCHQ, with the CIA and Mossad, are working NIGHT AND DAY to prevent Brexit! They are working night and day to render Boris Johnson powerless to implement it. And they are working flat out to ensure that Jeremy Corbyn never gets anywhere near 10 Downing Street.
Democracy? Ha ha.
Julien romanovsky
6 July 2019 at 07:55
CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE [Banned Discovery Channel Documentary]
“documentary listed for viewing in TV Guide Magazine was to be aired on the Discovery Channel, on May 3, 1994. This documentary exposed a network of religious leaders and Washington politicians who flew children to Washington D.C. for sex orgies.”
Interview with Annemarie van Blijenburgh witness to satanic child abuse & murders in Hatummerbroek allegedly 'by Beatrix (former Dutch queen). Allegedly saw George Soros, present Dutch PM Rutte, Geert Wilders, Dick Berlijn (former NATO secretary) & many more ´upper ten´.
Robert Mikelson (see page 27,in Dutch use the translation machine) a professional babysitter born in Latvia- nickname the monster of Riga- worked in a childcare centers in Amsterdam, got spotted on US tv playing with a toddler and a stuffed doll and got arrested later in A.
Annemarie van Blijenburgh writes (page 27-31) that Robert M. had/has close connections with the Dutch royal family and supplied babies under his care to top pedos who abused them ´during lunch.´ These victims were carefully kept in tact, no sign of abuse was left.
The children abused in the torture theatre in Hattummerbroek were killed and were pierced with a metal pole.
These children were carefully selected from youth detention centers.
UK establishment is getting more in favour of Brexit, because
1) London bankers do not want to be under EU regulation, now getting more interventionist
2) Upcoming global financial crisis will likely involve an implosion of the euro currency, with horrid collapses in EU banks - Britain wants to avoid paying for this
3) City of London will profit more by being a 'financial safe haven' outside of the EU, London under its own laws which it can control
4) Tory party will triumph next election if Boris does Brexit ... Tory party will be defeated by Farage if Brexit does not happen - This is clear from the latest polling, which separates the election scenarios with Brexit or without
5) There was always a major UK establishment faction for Brexit, this was clear in May 2016, a month before the 23 June 2016 Brexit vote ... On the telly, the pre-vote 'great Brexit debate' was what you see in this photo: Dapper, eloquent Tory MEP Daniel Hannan for Brexit, against cross-dressing comedian Eddie Izzard, in lipstick and ladies' shoes, for 'pro-EU Remain' ... that was a few per cent for Brexit right there
6 July 2019 at 17:10
The following comment was left by Anonymous on Craig Murray's blog in August 2015:
"Heath abused children from children's homes not just in Jersey but also on the English side of the Channel, on the Isle of Wight.
"As well as on the boat itself, children from Isle of Wight care homes were abused by both Edward Heath and P.... at the Priory Bay Hotel, near St Helens on the eastern side of the island.
"Sometimes Heath abused the children in the company of local extreme-right Tories who thought that joining the EEC was tantamount to surrendering to the great unwashed and communism. Despite their Powellite views they were still very fond of Heath, the PM who signed Britain into the EEC. Even today they recall how he used to entertain them by playing the piano – an activity he used to enjoy during his frequent sex-abuse visits.
"Other 'visitors' included convicted paedophiles from the jails on the island. Isle of Wight dubbed 'Paedo Island' (Daily Mirror). Abuse involving the convicts took place both in the prisons and on the hotel's large estate.
"The estate extends to some 60 acres and provides a lot of privacy. Once owned by Eton College, it was MI5's HQ on the island during WW2. (A number of German landings were attempted, away from the cliffs. Many British special operations against the occupying forces on the Channel Islands, including commando raids, were run from the island.) The estate even has its own beach which is highly secluded and which Heath sometimes accessed from the sea."
6 July 2019 at 10:37
ANOTHER ONE. Queenie seems to be the unluckiest woman in the world when it comes to employing alleged 'paedophiles' and people who have been linked to such!
1. The Queen's former butler ANDREW LIGHTWOOD.
The others include, but are not limited to:
2. Queenie's former adviser, Lord Justice Fulford, who was a member of the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE).
3. Queenie's former photographer, Reginald Forester-Smith, a convicted paedophile.
4. Queenie's 'Woman of the Bedchamber' (lady in waiting), Dame Mary Anne Morrison, whose brother was the late serial paedophile Sir Peter Morrison.
5. Queenie's former protection officer, Commander Michael Trestrail, who allegedly assaulted underage boys at Elm Guest House.
6. Queenie's former paintings archivist, Anthony Blunt, who allegedly assaulted boys both at Elm Guest House in Barnes, and Kincora boys' home in Belfast.
7. Queenie's former (regular) garden party guest, Patrick Gilbert.
8. Queenie's former choirmaster, Jonathan Rees-Williams.
9. Queenie's former chaplain, the Very Rev Selby Right.
10. Queenie's former cook, Douglas Slade.
11. Queenie's former Windsor Castle guard, Lance Corporal Simon Davies, 'a child rapist and paedophile ring member'.
12. Queenie's former Windsor Castle guard, Lance Corporal Mark Neal, arrested by police probing a paedophile ring involving Windsor Castle guards.
13. Queenie's former Harbour Master, Commander Tim Herman.
14. Queenie's 'favourite' former butler Nicholas Greaves.
15. Queenie's former verger, Clive McCleester.
16. Queenie's former chaplain, Canon Dr Stephen Palmer.
17. Queenie's CVO medal-recipient Peter Hayman, who was granted this honour by the Queen acting in her PERSONAL CAPACITY (i.e. she *chose* to honour him).
18. Queenie's CVO medal-recipient, John Henniker-Major, who was granted this honour by the Queen acting in her PERSONAL CAPACITY (i.e. she *chose* to honour him) - an alleged supporter of 'paedophiles'.
19. Queenie's former portrait artist, Rolf Harris.
20. Queenie's son, Prince Andrew, who was close friends with convicted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein and Epstein's former business partner, the alleged Madam and Mossad asset, Ghislaine Maxwell. Prince Andrew has also been linked to Derek Laud, the alleged Dolphin Square child trafficker and paedophile (source: Scallywag).
21. Queenie's son Prince Charles, who was great friends with Britain's worst ever paedophile, Jimmy Savile, and also with the reputed serial paedophile Lord Louis Mountbatten (Kincora, etc). Prince Charles also worked closely with Sir Harold Haywood, who was involved in promoting paedophilia.
22. Queenie's former household staff, whom the late Geoffrey Dickens MP said were involved in a Palace paedophile ring.
And many, MANY more...
How in the world did MI5 'miss' all these active serial paedophiles employed by the Queen or enjoying Queenie's friendship and patronage?
The question itself is absurd.
In the vetting process for individuals who wait on the Queen or provide her personal security, MI5 do not 'miss' things like serial paedophiles and child traffickers.
Most of the individuals listed above were hand picked, after MI5 performed in depth background checks.
MI5, in conjunction with Mossad, was *well aware* of the backgrounds of 95%, perhaps 100%, of the individuals above before they stepped inside the door of Buckingham Palace or one of Queenie's royal castles.
Draw your own conclusions.
Angriffan, very good you posted this AVB file & vid interview. In this vid she makes a reliable impression on me- more telling than >Toos Nijenhuis<- desperate urgency to talk about these horrific hobbies of the uberich and their minions.
Kenneth Annett - who recorded this interview with Annemarie van Blijenburgh- is more than questionable. But imv her writing and video testimony remains still standing.
At first, when she wrote her blogs capoditutticapi, inyourmajestysecretservice etc. and in videos with testimonies of the “Superwitness”, her nickname, she remained anonymous. With this video she came out in the open.
If only 10% of the things she states about the Dutch royals alone is true it would have been reason enough to do away with her. But instead ´they´ choose the strategy of silence.
In Dutch law there is ´Majestesteitschennis´, lese Majesty. Other less severe critics of the Dutch royals have done jail time.
Imagine AvB in a Dutch 60 minutes like Richard Kerr. One slight difference only: AvB nails the Dutch former colleague of Bad Elisa II, Beatrix - I call her based on close esp encounters- satanic Dirty Tricks.
Last but not least, most probably this little friend- Robert M. of the orange family, is already long ago, released has undergone some make over and is back in business.
(Pedos don´t live long in prison certainly not some one of the royal calibre of M.)
Ben Emmerson worked for Matrix Chambers - also the work place of Cherry Blair - ex-UK Prime Minister Tony Blair's wife.
can you contact Romala D - she is doing some great interviews exposing peodophilia and security services:
CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE [Banned Discovery Channel Documentary] - the original tapes were destroyed by non other than ex- UK Prime Minister David Cameron.
The Uk Queen is the patron of UK Freemasonry and head of the Church of England - or roles close to leadership - Freemsonry dominates the church of England - most are masons - certainly the Archbishop of Canterbury.
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