"I was bribed by the Israeli to destroy Jeremy Corbyn."

The UK Labour Member of Parliament Chris Williamson believes that recent 'antisemitism smears' are 'dirty tricks' being used to hurt Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour Party leader.
In 2017, Williamson said that attacks on Corbyn's handling of alleged antisemitism within the Labour Party were "proxy wars and bullshit" and that "I’m not saying it never ever happens but it is a really dirty, lowdown trick, particularly the antisemitism smears. Many people in the Jewish community are appalled by what they see as the weaponisation of antisemitism for political ends." [26]
Jewish Voice for Labour defended Williamson. [40][41]
But, Williamson is currently suspended from the Labour Party.

The irony of Chris Williamson's suspension is that Williamson identified the pretext, or ruse, for silencing political opponents which has now been turned on himself.
It's the 'antisemitism' charge.
Lob this charge at anyone you dislike and - behold - they cannot defend themselves, and nor can anyone else defend them, because the allegation is 'proof' in and of itself that the accused is guilty if the accuser is a Jew.
"I say you are Antisemitic and I am Jewish. Therefore you ARE antisemitic, because only Jews understand these things"
If you are one of the 'bad Jews' who doesn't go around labelling every critic of the State of Israel and the Zionist political agenda an 'anti-semite', then you are a 'radical fringe figure' whose opinion doesn't count and must be ignored by the media.

Anonymous 28 June 2019 at 05:44 comments:
The reactionary solicitor Luke Gittos has posted a new article on Spiked online, entitled 'The child-abuse inquiry is a stain on the justice system'.
Gittos, by way of background, contributed to the 2016 book 'Wrongful Allegations of Sexual and Child Abuse', edited by Ros Burnett.
As well as Gittos and Burnett, that book's other contributors included sinister Mail on Sunday hack David Rose; vitriol-spewing lawyer Barbara Hewson; and Professor Frank Furedi, whose stock in trade is dismissing allegations of paedophiles in high places as "moral panic".

Ros Burnett and David Rose appear to know each other, for they are both prominent supporters of the small lobby group 'F.A.I.R.', which pushes for anonymity for paedophilia and rape suspects.
As well as Ros Burnett and David Rose, F.A.I.R.'s other prominent supporters (see its website) include Harvey Proctor, Sir Cliff Richard, Paul Gambaccini, and Daniel Janner QC, son of the late Lord Greville Janner.
Whether Luke Gittos is a secret supporter of the 'F.A.I.R.' lobby group is a complete mystery.

Prof Frank Furedi, meanwhile, works at The University of Kent.
In a university newsletter linked to below, we find that ALAN BECK (aka 'Sister Latex'), who was identified by Scallywag magazine in connection with serious allegations involving a child, also worked at the University of Kent at the same time as Professor Frank Furedi.
Whether Prof Furedi and 'Sister Latex' know each other is another complete mystery.
It's the company you keep, I suppose...
- JR RetweetedBORIS JOHNSON'S ASSISTANT ❝... had his house raided by police who found reams of child pornography ❞ … ✱ Russell Walters, Johnson's assistant when Mr Johnson was London Mayor, also pimped for a VIP prostitution business & is close to Julian Lewis MP
- JR RetweetedLUKE GITTOS Reactionary lawyer says 'ANTISEMITISM' is behind @InquiryCSA's focus on Lord #Janner. …
- JR RetweetedA: ‘X is an antisemite. He must be expelled, banned and ostracised’. B ´Can you provide evidence?’ A ‘You ask to see evidence? That’s outrageous! You must be an anti-semite too!’ That’s where we’ve got to in Britain in 2019. More like Salem, 1693. #ChrisWilliamsonWitchHunt
- Greville Janner urges 14 year-old-boy to come to his office. …
Tony Gosling Retweeted
When you look at what Chris Williamson actually said, one wonders whether they targeted him because he was a skilled & strong supporter of Corbyn & a strong supporter of Membership power,rather than because they thought he was being antisemitic
Tony Gosling Retweeted
The ONLY Member of Parliament who has continued to look into the Integrity Initiative.
No government should be using funding to engage in cyber propaganda against it's opponents.
It's an affront to democracy.
Dame Alun Roberts Retweeted
One of the Sussex police detectives at the time of the murder of Vishal Mehrotra, found close to Mate's home, was Lord Bramall's business partner, Nigel Godden. … …
Dame Alun Roberts Retweeted
The body of the abducted Vishal Mehrotra was found only 200 m from the home of Michael Mates of Dolphin Square fame. Read up on Vishal's case in this blog: …
Dame Alun Roberts Retweeted
Frank Roddam Twiss was a Navy Admiral who later became Black Rod as Roddams do. …
His son Roddam was well known in the London rent boy scene which involved several senior politicians.
Dame Alun Roberts Retweeted
Roddam Twiss, involved in underhand business with Michael Mates, obviously knew the convicted paedophile and killer Lennie Smith. Did they live together?
Oh, and don't forget, Vishal Mehothra's body was found near Michael's Mate's home. …
Labels: anti-semitism, Boris Johnson, Bramall, Brittan, Chris Williamson, Corbyn, David Rose, Geelong, Janner, MATES, Michael Mates, pornography, TWISS, Vishal Mehrotra
Why am I blocked on this site?
You are not blocked. Nobody is blocked.
- Aangirfan.
"Jailed pervert, Max Clifford, uses the following shady business address:
11-15 Acre House
William Road
United Kingdom
"In February 2013, we were given a tip-off that Acre House is linked to less-than-kosher Conservative monetary shenanigans:
"By a strange coincidence, [Daniel] Finkelstein's Policy Exchange uses the same address.
"So does [a Tory about whom allegations have been made], Derek Laud.
"So does crooked Gerald Ronson.
"So does Leon Brittan ...
"By a strange coincidence, Lord Bramall used to own a company called Brassey's UK Ltd.
"That company was based at the following address:
11-15 Acre House
William Road
United Kingdom
"Is there more to Lord Bramall than meets the eye? ..."
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A trio of non-conformist Jewish writers - whom Zionists attack as 'bad Jews' as Aangirfan describes above - is that of Ron Unz, Gilad Atzmon, & Israel Shamir, all publishing on the Unz Review reaching some millions of readers every month
They have written thousands of words about Jewish history, all speaking of how they see the misconduct of their fellow Jews, as significantly sparking the 100-plus times Jews as a group have been expelled from various countries
Unz Jews speak of how there seems to be an enduring tendency, for leading Jewish figures to become a sort of ruthless mafia for whoever is the prevailing oligarchy or ruling class ... and that this is the source of Jewish power and influence
They see the real reason non-Jewish billionaires sponsor Jewish power, and the real source of all the 'fighting anti-semitism' extremism, is the wish to protect the Jewish mafias or 'kosher nostra', who serve the oligarchs so devotedly
But at the same time, these rebel Jews on Unz, say the pendulum tends to swing ... eventually, there always came a point when the oligarchs and rulers, found it to their advantage to restrict or even expel, the previously-high-positioned Jewish enablers who had become too powerful
The question now is whether the modern technology / surveillance apparatus, is so thorough and effective, that any kind of political change in the current framework, is hideously difficult
In the USA 2020 presidential election contest, the big money on the Democratic side is swinging toward Sen Kamala Harris, who is half-black (parental heritage split between Jamaica and India), and rather a female Obama type, speaking well but having full big corporation support
Kamala Harris has a Jewish husband, Douglas Emhoff, and is 'committed to Israel and fighting anti-semitism'
Anti-war, half-Samoan Hindu candidate from Hawaii, Tulsi Gabbard, won the most interest of voters in Google-searches in the aftermath of the Democratic debates
Tulsi is being furiously attacked by Jewish figures as a 'danger to Israel'
Some even attempt to dismiss Tulsi, by saying internet interest in her, is merely males responding to a young (age 38) attractive woman amongst the candidates ... not Americans just sick of war and the war machine
Via: Gordon Duff
"Protests quickly turned violent in Tel Aviv on Tuesday after an 18-year-old Israeli-Ethiopian was shot and killed by an off-duty police officer over the weekend."
The #Canadian branch of the #Jewish Defense League (#JDL) also arrived at the restaurant in recent days to disrupt Foodbenders' operations, via the use of picketing, in addition to vandalism, the alleged smashing of the restaurant's windows.
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