Anonymous writes: 23 May 2019
Theresa May will be on her way home to Sonning imminently.
Her famous former neighbour, Uri Geller, will be pleased.
I have influenced many high ranking officials around the world.
On one occasion, Senator Clayborne Pell, then the chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, directed me to bombard the mind of Yuli Vorontsov, the Soviet Union's chief nuclear negotiator, to influence him telepathically to sign the Nuclear Arms Reduction treaty, which I did successfully.

Now to the point of my open letter to you.
I feel psychically and very strongly that most British people do not want Brexit.
I love you very much but I will not allow you to lead Britain into Brexit.
As much as I admire you, I will stop you telepathically from doing this - and believe me I am capable of executing it.
Before I take this drastic course of action, I appeal to you to stop the process immediately while you still have a chance.
Although I currently live in Israel I am still a British citizen and feel very passionately about the country and the people I came to love.
Much energy and love
Can Uri Gellar stop Brexit with Telepathy? | Newstalk
Recall what Geller wrote to May, in March 2019:
"My Dear Theresa,
We have known each other for over 21 years since you became our MP.
"My Dear Theresa,
We have known each other for over 21 years since you became our MP.
You visited my home in Sonning, where you also lived.
Three years before you became Prime Minister, I predicted your victory when I showed you Winston Churchill's spoon on my Cadillac, which I asked you to touch. Despite popular public opinion, I also predicted that Donald Trump would become the 45th President of the United States.
As you might have read, I am ensuring that Jeremy Corbyn never gets the keys to Number 10 Downing Street, with the power of my mind which I have proved over and again.
As you might have read, I am ensuring that Jeremy Corbyn never gets the keys to Number 10 Downing Street, with the power of my mind which I have proved over and again.
I will ensure that they bend out of all proportion to ensure that he never takes up residence there.

My power has been validated by the CIA, MI5 and Mossad.
The CIA concluded: 'As a result of Geller's success in this experimental period, we consider that he has demonstrated his paranormal perceptual ability in a convincing and unambiguous manner.'
It is easily verifiable. Just look at the official CIA website.

My power has been validated by the CIA, MI5 and Mossad.
The CIA concluded: 'As a result of Geller's success in this experimental period, we consider that he has demonstrated his paranormal perceptual ability in a convincing and unambiguous manner.'
It is easily verifiable. Just look at the official CIA website.
I have influenced many high ranking officials around the world.
On one occasion, Senator Clayborne Pell, then the chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, directed me to bombard the mind of Yuli Vorontsov, the Soviet Union's chief nuclear negotiator, to influence him telepathically to sign the Nuclear Arms Reduction treaty, which I did successfully.

Now to the point of my open letter to you.
I feel psychically and very strongly that most British people do not want Brexit.
I love you very much but I will not allow you to lead Britain into Brexit.
As much as I admire you, I will stop you telepathically from doing this - and believe me I am capable of executing it.
Before I take this drastic course of action, I appeal to you to stop the process immediately while you still have a chance.
Although I currently live in Israel I am still a British citizen and feel very passionately about the country and the people I came to love.
Much energy and love
Can Uri Gellar stop Brexit with Telepathy? | Newstalk

Israel wants the UK to stay in the European Union.
"The EU has underwritten Israel's economic success.
"It has violated its own constitution to give Israel special trading status and thereby turned Europe into Israel’s largest export market."
Israel deeply disturbed by Brexit -
Israel deeply disturbed by Brexit -
Jews were Europeans

Simon Cowell, George Osborne, Robert Halfon, Rupert Murdoch, David Beckham
David Beckham: I Consider Myself To Be Jewish – Tablet Magazine

Letwin, linked to the Rothschilds.
The following are some of the top 'Jewish' people who want the UK to stay in the EU.
Sir Oliver Letwin - "shop steward for Remainer ministers ... coordinating a cross-party alliance of Remainer MPs.
Simon Cowell, George Osborne, Robert Halfon, Rupert Murdoch, David Beckham
David Beckham: I Consider Myself To Be Jewish – Tablet Magazine

Nick Boles.
Remainer MP ringleader Nick Boles celebrates taking control of Brexit ...
Nick Boles is gay,[26] and in May 2011, he entered a civil partnership with Israeli Shay Meshulam [27]
Boles claimed £679 in Parliamentary expenses for Hebrew lessons so that he could talk to his partner, Israeli Shay Meshulam.[28][29]

Theresa May and Mossad's Uri Geller, who currently lives in Israel.
Yuri Geller wants the UK to stay in the European Union.
Uri Geller is the man who runs Britain?
Geller claims that he made Theresa May Prime Minister and claims that he is going to make Theresa May call a second referendum on Brexit.
"I lived in the same village as she still does, Sonning.
"She visited my home, I took her to my garage..."
Now Geller is going to 'use the power of his mind to help his fellow Remainers'.
He is going to 'mount a telepathic attack on May aimed at forcing her to hold a second referendum'.
Uri Geller, and his mother Manzy Freud, in Nicosia. Uri Geller later served in the Israeli Army's Paratroop Brigade.
In the Daily Telegraph, Uri Geller says that he told Theresa May in 2013 that she was destined to become the UK's Prime Minister.
Uri Geller has admitted to working with the CIA, MI5 and Mossad.
Uri Geller / dailymail / Uri Geller's double life as a spy.
Does Mossad choose the UK's prime ministers?
The village of Sonning, west of London, was home to Uri Geller for 35 years.
Theresa May lives in Sonning.
Theresa May has been the cabinet minister responsible for MI5, and responsible for dealing with the child abuse crisis.
Geller with former UK prime minister Edward Heath, who has reportedly been linked to pedophile rings, allegedly linked to Mossad.
UK foreign secretary Boris Johnson has a house in Sonning.
People who have visited Geller's house in Sonning include presidents, royalty, Michael Jackson and various Hollywood people.
Sonning is on the edge of Reading, which is linked to Jo Cox and Brendan Cox.
Mossad's Uri Geller with former cabinet minister Michael Portillo.
Uri Geller has been photograpphed with a number of people allegedly linked to alleged child abuse rings.
Uri Geller is related to Sir Clement Freud (above).
It was Clement Freud who persuaded Geller to come to England and settle in Sonning.
Clement Freud's brother Lucian Freud "had a well-documented relationship with the Kray twins."
Clement Freud, grandson of psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, had a holiday home in Praia da Luz, in Portugal.
In July 2007, Clement Freud helped the parents of missing child Madeleine McCann by cooking them dinners in Praia da Luz and offering them drinks.
(Clement Freud - Wikipedia)
Sir Clement Freud's son Matthew Freud is married to Elisabeth Murdoch, daughter of Rupert Murdoch.

Above, we see Uri Geller and Lord Greville Janner, former President of the Board of British Jews, former vice president of the World Jewish Congress, and former member of the Boy Scouts Association.
Greville Janner, VIP child abuse, mysterious death
Above, we see Michael Jackson, Yuri Geller, Lord Janner, David Blaine and Paul Boateng.
Above, we see Cliff Richard with Uri Geller who has been linked to MOSSAD-CIA MIND CONTROL.
Three times a year, Uri Geller would bring a number of children to his house.
Round the bend | The Sunday Times.
The house contains a secret passage and a secret room.
Round the bend | The Sunday Times

Geller with Michael Jackson, who is reported to have been mind-controlled.
The village of Sonning was home to Uri Geller for 35 years.
Other people who have houses in Sonning include:
1. Led Zeppelin’s guitarist, Jimmy Page
2. George and Amal Clooney.
Round the bend | The Sunday Times.

Geller's house in Sonning

Uri Geller, and his mother Manzy Freud, in Nicosia. Uri Geller later served in the Israeli Army's Paratroop Brigade.
In the Daily Telegraph, Uri Geller says that he told Theresa May in 2013 that she was destined to become the UK's Prime Minister.
Uri Geller has admitted to working with the CIA, MI5 and Mossad.
Uri Geller / dailymail / Uri Geller's double life as a spy.
Does Mossad choose the UK's prime ministers?

Does Mossad choose the US presidents?

Here is Obama and man who looks like astronaut Virgil Grissom, or, Obama's grandfather.
NASA ran a mind control program involving gifted children called 'Space Kids.'
Uri Geller was reportedly involved with a group of NASA Space Kids called the 'Gellerings', who were subjected to intensive hypnosis and trauma based mind control.
Did Uri Geller mind-control Obama?
Theresa May.Does Mossad choose the US presidents?

Here is Obama and man who looks like astronaut Virgil Grissom, or, Obama's grandfather.
NASA ran a mind control program involving gifted children called 'Space Kids.'
Uri Geller was reportedly involved with a group of NASA Space Kids called the 'Gellerings', who were subjected to intensive hypnosis and trauma based mind control.
Did Uri Geller mind-control Obama?

The village of Sonning, west of London, was home to Uri Geller for 35 years.
Theresa May lives in Sonning.
Theresa May has been the cabinet minister responsible for MI5, and responsible for dealing with the child abuse crisis.

UK foreign secretary Boris Johnson has a house in Sonning.
People who have visited Geller's house in Sonning include presidents, royalty, Michael Jackson and various Hollywood people.

Uri Geller has been photograpphed with a number of people allegedly linked to alleged child abuse rings.

It was Clement Freud who persuaded Geller to come to England and settle in Sonning.
Clement Freud's brother Lucian Freud "had a well-documented relationship with the Kray twins."
Clement Freud, grandson of psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, had a holiday home in Praia da Luz, in Portugal.
In July 2007, Clement Freud helped the parents of missing child Madeleine McCann by cooking them dinners in Praia da Luz and offering them drinks.
(Clement Freud - Wikipedia)
Sir Clement Freud's son Matthew Freud is married to Elisabeth Murdoch, daughter of Rupert Murdoch.

Above, we see Uri Geller and Lord Greville Janner, former President of the Board of British Jews, former vice president of the World Jewish Congress, and former member of the Boy Scouts Association.
Greville Janner, VIP child abuse, mysterious death


Round the bend | The Sunday Times.
The house contains a secret passage and a secret room.
Round the bend | The Sunday Times

Geller with Michael Jackson, who is reported to have been mind-controlled.
The village of Sonning was home to Uri Geller for 35 years.
Other people who have houses in Sonning include:
1. Led Zeppelin’s guitarist, Jimmy Page
2. George and Amal Clooney.
Round the bend | The Sunday Times.

Geller's house in Sonning
Labels: Boris Johnson, child abuse rings, Clement Freud, Cliff Richard, Heath, Janner, Madeleine McCann, Michael Jackson, mind control, Mossad, NASA, Obama, Savile, Sonning, Theresa May, Trump, Uri Geller
Nigel Farage too has his ties to Israel, City of London banking, mid-east conflict promotors ... Farage getting some good media recently as well
Maybe this is another episode of the classic intra-oligarch bickering Henry Makow describes -
Between Soros-tied globalists (pro-EU), and Netanyahu-tied nationalists (pro-Brexit)
With the world's 250 trillion in debt perhaps about to explode, the 'nationalist' side is maybe more useful ... everyone would have foreigners they can blame
£150 million wasted upon the UK vote for the EU Parliament this week ... the UK National Health Service etc. had no need for those funds?
Maybe too they have been testing how much voter betrayal people will swallow
The Powers That Be perhaps had fun seeing the point at which Theresa May's 'I'm working to deliver Brexit' rhetoric, did not work anymore
Funny how UK minister Andrea Leadsom suddenly decided May was not honouring Brexit voters, seven weeks after Brexit day came and went
USA people seem to swallow a good deal more ... Trump's voters seem to still think Trump is still 'fighting to build a border wall' ... when only something around 3 kilometres of new fence has been constructed, and a record-high million-plus-annual undocumented migrants are pouring over the Mexican border into the USA ... Trump on Twitter yet again claiming 22 May, that "tremendous work is being done" on the border walls
Perhaps political despair is another oligarch objective ... as has taken over in Greece, where people no longer hope for anything from politicians
What if Nigel Farage became UK prime minister ... and then decided Brexit is very complicated and he needs more time
Nigel Farage, Jewish billionaires, & ultra-Zionist settler lobbies (part 1 of 2)
"Farage is an Israeli front, a most obvious one if the money trail is followed. Farage has received vast sums from Arron Banks, a British financier closely tied to the Israeli lobby in the US ... other routes for funds flow from the US Israeli lobby to Farage"
- Ian Greenhalgh, Veterans Today
3 billionaire families dominate financing of the USA Republican party:
- Jewish casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson & his wife Miriam
- Billionaire brothers Charles & David Koch
- Jewish hedge fund billionaire Robert Mercer & his daughter Rebekah
The Mercers are the most secretive of the above; their Jewish identity confirmed in Israeli media here:
"In 2014, Steve Bannon set up Breitbart News in London with the specific intention of helping & supporting Farage’s campaign to take Britain out of the EU. The money came from Robert Mercer, the hedge-fund billionaire who would go on to become the single biggest donor to the Trump campaign."
On a lower level of wealth, Farage & his Brexit parties have been funded with millions by two UK figures, 'insurance tycoon from Basingstoke' Arron Banks, & 'former diplomat & businessman' UK-Belize dual citizen Andy Wigmore:
"Arron Banks has rented a house in Washington DC for Nigel Farage to use when he visits the US to meet with President Donald Trump. Banks, who has donated over £1 million ($1.2 million) to [Farage parties] since 2014, has signed a five-year lease for a three-bedroom house in the Georgetown district of Washington along with fellow Farage ally & Brexiteer Andy Wigmore. Banks & Wigmore have nicknamed the property the 'alternative British embassy' & expect it host a range of high-profile US politicians as Farage continues to develop his close relationship with the US President.
Farage, Banks, & Wigmore describe themselves as the 'bad boys of Brexit'. All three have met with Trump on a number of occasions, including when they posed for a picture with the businessman-turned-politician in Trump Tower."
Photo of, from left to right, Arron Banks, Donald Trump, Nigel Farage & Andy Wigmore
(continued in part 2)
Nigel Farage, Jewish billionaires, & ultra-Zionist settler lobbies (part 2 of 2)
Aaron Banks once famously tweeted, “I suppose there are good Jews & bad Jews, then George Soros.”
Nigel Farage's political vehicle was UKIP until he resigned from it in December 2018. From the Farage days at UKIP:
There is a "strong level of UKIP involvement in a recently formed group dedicated to supporting Israel’s war crimes. 'Friends of Judea & Samaria in the European Parliament', has been set up in response to the Palestinian call for boycott, divestment & sanctions against Israel.
It seeks to build a direct link between the Brussels institutions & Israeli settlers. The group was founded by Yossi Dagan, chair of Samaria Regional Council, local authority for some of Israel’s illegal settlements. Fifteen members of the European Parliament support the new group, three of the 15 belong to UKIP, the only party to have more than one."
There are questions & investigations as to where & how Arron Banks & Andy Wigmore got their funds for Farage's political parties, with media notes suggesting, e.g., business contacts involving a 'Russian with Israeli - Belize passports'
"The United Kingdom's Electoral Commission has referred Arron Banks, a British businessman who co-founded one of the campaigns to exit the European Union, for criminal investigation for concealing the source of $10.3 million in campaign funds that were allegedly obtained improperly."
"The EU has launched an investigation into claims that wealthy Brexit donor Arron Banks splashed £450,000 on a luxury lifestyle for Nigel Farage following the referendum. The European Parliament’s advisory committee will probe the Brexit Party leader for failing to declare the lavish expenses."
Is Brexit v Remain just another chapter in the divide and conquer playbook ?
Looks like it, yes.
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