Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, with Netanyahu.
"For months, Israel has been assiduously lining itself up alongside India’s nationalist BJP government in an ... 'anti-Islamist' coalition ... while India itself has now become the largest weapons market for the Israeli arms trade."
Israel's fingerprints are all over India's escalating conflict with Pakistan
"Israeli-made Rafael Spice-2000 “smart bombs” were used by the Indian air force in its strike against Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) “terrorists” inside Pakistan."
Israel's fingerprints are all over India's escalating conflict with Pakistan

India claims it has shot down Pakistani warplane
Iran and China could get caught up in any future conflict between India and Pakistan?
Who wants to weaken China and Iran?
Recent events in Kashmir could be an election stunt by India's Prime Minister Modi?
Feb 14, 2019 -
There was an attack on Indian forces in Pulwama.
"India blamed Pakistan for involvement in the Pulwama attack, without presenting evidence.
"Pakistan proved that only a few trees were destroyed and no infrastructure damaged or people killed."

Who wants a war between India and Pakistan?
On 14 February 2019, a convoy of vehicles carrying Indian security personnel on the Jammu Srinagar National Highway was attacked by a vehicle-borne bomb at Lethpora in the Pulwama district, Jammu and Kashmir, India.
Jaish-e-Mohammed is friends with Al Qaeda, which is said to be run by the CIA and its friends.
According to a former Indian spy chief, the Pulwama attack must have been carried out by a group with inside knowledge.
Israel's fingerprints are all over India's escalating conflict with Pakistan

India claims it has shot down Pakistani warplane
Iran and China could get caught up in any future conflict between India and Pakistan?
Who wants to weaken China and Iran?
Recent events in Kashmir could be an election stunt by India's Prime Minister Modi?
Feb 14, 2019 -
There was an attack on Indian forces in Pulwama.
Feb. 25-27, 2019 -
"Pakistan said it downed two Indian jets in its airspace and captured two pilots, but insisted it does not 'want to go towards war' with its neighbour.
"India confirmed the loss of one of its planes and said it had shot down a Pakistani fighter jet, in a conflict played out over the skies of the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir."
India claims it has shot down Pakistani warplane
"Pakistan said it downed two Indian jets in its airspace and captured two pilots, but insisted it does not 'want to go towards war' with its neighbour.
"India confirmed the loss of one of its planes and said it had shot down a Pakistani fighter jet, in a conflict played out over the skies of the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir."
India claims it has shot down Pakistani warplane
"India blamed Pakistan for involvement in the Pulwama attack, without presenting evidence.
"India claimed to have pulled off a “surgical strike” against Pakistan on 26 February, declaring that 200-300 members of Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) were killed in retaliation for the group’s involvement in the Pulwama attack.
"Pakistan proved that only a few trees were destroyed and no infrastructure damaged or people killed."

Who wants a war between India and Pakistan?
On 14 February 2019, a convoy of vehicles carrying Indian security personnel on the Jammu Srinagar National Highway was attacked by a vehicle-borne bomb at Lethpora in the Pulwama district, Jammu and Kashmir, India.
'The attack resulted in the death of 40 Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF)[a] personnel and the alleged attacker.'
The responsibility for the attack was claimed by the Pakistan-based Islamist militant group Jaish-e-Mohammed. A local youth named Adil Ahmed Dar was identified as the attacker.[1][2][3]
Jaish-e-Mohammed is friends with Al Qaeda, which is said to be run by the CIA and its friends.
According to a former Indian spy chief, the Pulwama attack must have been carried out by a group with inside knowledge.
Labels: al Qaeda, China, CIA, election, India, Iran, Jaish-e-Mohammed, jets, KASHMIR, Modi, Pakistan, Pulwama
Look for da Zio print behind all this!
Hey Aang:
Interesting read!
"Beginning as an investigation into the author's childhood inside a closet aristocracy of "progressive" British entrepreneurs, The Vice of Kings uncovers a history both disturbingly personal and shockingly universal. By juxtaposing disc jockey Jimmy Savile's secret cultural, criminal, and political affiliations in the second half of the 20th century with the life and teachings of Aleister Crowley in the first, it uncovers an alarming body of evidence that organized child abuse is not only the dark side of occultism, but the shadowy secret at the heart of culture, both ancient and modern."
Halfway through it right now...
As for Kashmir.... My thoughts are third party stirring the pot. Given the situation in Kashmir it would be easy enough to do
"The situation in Kashmir is so volatile that it could easily be set off by the smallest spark. "
Iran and India have been doing business
India is not going along with the Venezuela situation
Also significant but barely noticed was a statement made by Russia, China and India
"Most important for India, however, was the inclusion of language that the three ministers “stressed that terrorist groups cannot be supported and used in political and geopolitical goals.” "
My thoughts on that statement? Not just for Pakistan.
So what happened to the 2nd pilot to eject from Indian jet? There are rumours that he was an Israeli pilot. Any info?
Kashmiris and the world need to understand the Parshooram Paradoix - which explains the doom recorded in Indian History
The Parashooran Paradox
What is the "Paradox of Parshooram" ? The man copulated wuth his mother,on the instructions of his father - who was an impotentica sage.The Hindoo Model,is that the Gods sent the husband of Brahmin wives,to jungles for penance and austerities - while the Hindoo Gods, seduced the wives of the Brahmins,and mated with them.
The father of Parshooram,did not want to mate iwth his wife,as he was on a celibacy trip.Hence his son banged mommy - but the Kshatriyas saw the kid.To hide the shame and guilt - the son and poppy,blamed the Kshatriyas - and theh killed all the Kshatriyas ! In Hindooism,incest is normal - even Gan-pati mated with his mother.
This is all a "copy and paste",from Greek Theology and Creativity.dindooohindoo
Net result - all the Kshatriya men were dead, and their women were on heat - and so,they copulated with the Brahmins,to breed a "new race" of Kshatriyas.These "mew" breed had the DNA of the Brahmins (cowards,weasels and impotenticas) and the DNA of their mothers (which is "whoring") - the "born agains" Kshatriyas.
The Disaster
When the Sakas,Scythians,Turks,Afghans,Mongols,Central Asians,Greeks,Persians, Abyssinians etc., attacked Hindoosthan - there was no martial race left,as the "real" so called Kshatriyas were killed.These Kshatriya cowards,joined hands with Babar and the Brits and the Portugese to kill and rape Hindoos.These "rat" Kshatriyas were called Rakpoots,Jats and Sikhs etc.
The DNA of these "born again" Kshatriyas (as stated above),explains Y the Hindoos were raped again and again and again and again (The DNA of Poppy - The Brahmin - and so were,their women.This also explains Y the Rajpoots sold their women,like whores,to the Mughals and the Brits - to save their lives and money (The DNA of their 1st mommy).
This also explains Y the Sakas,Scythians,Turks,Afghans,Mongols, Greeks,Persians, Abyssinians etc.,who stayed back in Hindoosthan,and married locals - also produced cowards,weasels,idiots and impotenticas.
The Curse
It is all the curse of Parshooram - the Curse of Incest and the Curse of Hindooism. Just like the curse of Ishvaku - whose own kids from the same mommy married each other - and then lineaged into Rama,the coward and impotentica.
Rama - captures the disaster the doom of the Hindoo race,and the Hindoo DNA - which is Y the Hindoo Muslims and Nassara,are treated as trash,all over the world - with real Muslims and Jesuits.
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