Was the election rigged?
The corrupt elite stay in power, no matter how you vote.
Election 2018 and The Unraveling of America. The Great Distraction. Rising Social Inequality
“There’s only been 5 times in the last 105 years that an incumbent President has won seats in the Senate in the off year election. Mr. Trump has magic about him. This guy has magic coming out of his ears. He is an astonishing vote getter & campaigner. The Republicans are.........

Nancy Pelosi is the Democrat leader in the House of Representatives. Nancy Pelosi and Donald Trump are both said to be crypto-Jews. Pelosi's husband is a Jewish real estate developer.
The 'Kosher Nostra' has its friends in both the Democrat and Republican parties.
"Caucus elections will take place between now and the launch of the 116th Congress, but barring a surprise, these five Jewish Democrats are now set to chair key House committees, including three from New York - Jerrold Nadler, the Judiciary Committee; Eliot Engel, Foreign Affairs; and Nita Lowey, Appropriations. Also, Adam Schiff of California will helm the Intelligence Committee and John Yarmuth of Kentucky will lead the Budget Committee.
"Israel and many of its backers in the Jewish community have been thrilled with Trump’s unilateral and often precedent-breaking moves on Israel, including his decision to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv; his tepid talk about a two-state solution; and especially his decision to scrap the nuclear deal with Iran. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hasn’t been shy about how pleased he has been with the president and his Republican party."
In new Democratic House, Jewish party figures hold the power of subpoena
Voters in South Carolina say voting machines changed their choices
I haven't changed my prognosis on the midterm elections
Reportedly, "voting machines in two Georgia counties are switching Democrat votes to Republican votes.
"A tightly fought contest is taking place for the Governorship of Georgia, with Democrat Stacey Abrams taking on Trump-backing Republican Brian Kemp.
"Mr Kemp has been Georgia’s secretary of state since 2010, a position which makes him responsible for overseeing elections in the state."
Reportedly, "votes cast for Ms Abrams are being changed to Mr Kemp in Cobb and Bartow counties."
US midterms 2018: election rigging allegations

"As Texans were casting their early ballots last week for today's midterm elections, a few of them encountered something disturbing.
"While inputting their choices on the electronic voting machines used in about a third of Texas's counties, they had chosen Democrats for every position – but when asked to check their ballot at the end of the process, they found some of their votes had been switched to the Republicans."
Vote of no confidence in electoral machines ahead of US midterms

Are they all secretly on the same side - Trump, Clinton, Soros, Rothschild ....?
A new poll conducted by research firm SSRS finds Democrats hold a 55 per cent to 42 per cent lead over Republicans on the eve of the election.

"Just in time for the midterms, another 'spontaneous' migration from Central America began with Hondurans leading the way.
"Evidence exists that these migrations are not spontaneous."
Who is funding the migrant "caravan"?
"While inputting their choices on the electronic voting machines used in about a third of Texas's counties, they had chosen Democrats for every position – but when asked to check their ballot at the end of the process, they found some of their votes had been switched to the Republicans."
Vote of no confidence in electoral machines ahead of US midterms

Are they all secretly on the same side - Trump, Clinton, Soros, Rothschild ....?
A new poll conducted by research firm SSRS finds Democrats hold a 55 per cent to 42 per cent lead over Republicans on the eve of the election.

"Evidence exists that these migrations are not spontaneous."
Who is funding the migrant "caravan"?
Each migrant's passage can cost as much as $7K each.
Per capita income Honduras is $2.3 K.
Honduras and Soros behind migrant caravans?
Trump has gained in the polls as a result of the migrant caravan psy-op.

There is a belief that both Trump and Soros work for the Rothschilds.
Ivanka dated Nat Rothschild.

Nat Rothschild (left) and Ghislaine Maxwell (right). Ghislaine, daughter of 'Mossad agent' Robert Maxwell, is alleged to have supplied young girls for her friend Jeffrey Epstein.
"Trump's Resorts International was originally set up and controlled by -
1. "Front men for the Rockefeller and Rothschild families.
2. "And, the Rockefeller and Rothschild's 'enforcers' in the CIA and Mossad."
Who Towers Behind Trump? | Michael Collins Piper

George Soros is said to be a front man for the Rothschilds.

Trump and Evelyn de Rothschild are both in Jeffrey Epstein's little black book.
Did you believe Trump when he said he was going to get down the US trade deficit?
The U.S. trade deficit soared 12% in 2017.
U.S. trade deficit in Trump's first year soars
Did you beleive Trump when he said he was going to reveal the truth about 9 11?
Do you believe the crazy idea that Soros opposes Trump?

On 20 September 2016, a black man called Keith Lamont Scott was shot dead in Charlotte, in North Carolina.
On 22 September 2016, the governor of North Carolina declared a state of emergency in the city of Charlotte, after the killing of Scott, violent protests, and the shooting of a black protester.
Certain Trump supporters suggest that the riots were designed to help Hillary Clinton, yet Trump gained in the polls after the outbreaks of violence.
George Soros has been linked to the riots in North Carolina.
Is George Soros secretly helping Trump?
George Soros, as a teenager, 'collaborated with the Nazis'.
'First he worked for the Judenrat which rounded up Jews.
'He helped to confiscate property from Jews.'
George Soros
Trump and Soros are linked to the GM Building in New York.
Donald Trump Took George Soros's Money / Donald Trump and Soros. / TRUMP, SOROS
Trump spent Christmas Eve with George Soros in 2009, according to the New York Post.
In 2009, Nouriel Roubini hosted a party which was attended by George Soros, Donald Trump, and Oliver Stone.
In 2009, Trump changed his party status from Democrat to Republican.

The Chicago Tribune reported on October 28, 2004, that George Soros was the primary financier of the Chicago Trump Tower.
Soros invested $160 million in Trump's Chicago tower which was completed in 2009.

Trump named Steven Mnuchin to lead his fundraising, and then made him the US Treasury Secretary.
Mnuchin worked at Soros Fund Management LLC.
How sound is the US economy?
Honduras and Soros behind migrant caravans?
Trump has gained in the polls as a result of the migrant caravan psy-op.
Trump is in bed with Soros.

There is a belief that both Trump and Soros work for the Rothschilds.
Ivanka dated Nat Rothschild.

Nat Rothschild (left) and Ghislaine Maxwell (right). Ghislaine, daughter of 'Mossad agent' Robert Maxwell, is alleged to have supplied young girls for her friend Jeffrey Epstein.
"Trump's Resorts International was originally set up and controlled by -
1. "Front men for the Rockefeller and Rothschild families.
2. "And, the Rockefeller and Rothschild's 'enforcers' in the CIA and Mossad."
Who Towers Behind Trump? | Michael Collins Piper

George Soros is said to be a front man for the Rothschilds.

Trump and Evelyn de Rothschild are both in Jeffrey Epstein's little black book.
Did you believe Trump when he said he was going to get down the US trade deficit?
The U.S. trade deficit soared 12% in 2017.
U.S. trade deficit in Trump's first year soars
Did you beleive Trump when he said he was going to reveal the truth about 9 11?
Do you believe the crazy idea that Soros opposes Trump?

On 20 September 2016, a black man called Keith Lamont Scott was shot dead in Charlotte, in North Carolina.
On 22 September 2016, the governor of North Carolina declared a state of emergency in the city of Charlotte, after the killing of Scott, violent protests, and the shooting of a black protester.
Certain Trump supporters suggest that the riots were designed to help Hillary Clinton, yet Trump gained in the polls after the outbreaks of violence.
George Soros has been linked to the riots in North Carolina.
Is George Soros secretly helping Trump?
George Soros, as a teenager, 'collaborated with the Nazis'.
'First he worked for the Judenrat which rounded up Jews.
'He helped to confiscate property from Jews.'
George Soros
Trump and Soros are linked to the GM Building in New York.
Donald Trump Took George Soros's Money / Donald Trump and Soros. / TRUMP, SOROS

In 2009, Nouriel Roubini hosted a party which was attended by George Soros, Donald Trump, and Oliver Stone.
In 2009, Trump changed his party status from Democrat to Republican.
The Chicago Tribune reported on October 28, 2004, that George Soros was the primary financier of the Chicago Trump Tower.
Soros invested $160 million in Trump's Chicago tower which was completed in 2009.

Trump named Steven Mnuchin to lead his fundraising, and then made him the US Treasury Secretary.
Mnuchin worked at Soros Fund Management LLC.
How sound is the US economy?
Polls suggest the Democrat Party has a 7-8 % point lead over the Republicans going into the vote on 6 November 2018.
Polls suggest the Democrat Party has a 7-8 % point lead over the Republicans going into the vote on 6 November 2018.
Real Clear Politics (RCP) is predicting, based on multiple polls collected in recent days, that the Democrats will take the House of Representatives with 203 seats compared to 196 for the Republicans.
Labels: 2018, Beto, Georgia, midterm election, MIGRANT CARAVAN, North Carolina, rigged, Soros, South Carolina, Texas, Trump, US, voting machines
One aspect of the vote is that the Republicans in the US Congress have been somewhat cleansed of those not on board with Trump
Pro-Trump Republicans largely won or kept their seats, if they supported Trump and focused on anti-immigration ... the so-called 'cucks' or 'cuckold' Republicans, avoiding Trump issues, soft on migrants, focusing old-style on 'lower taxes' etc, were often defeated
So we are set for two USA years of show 'conflict', anti-Trump lower house of US Congress loudly posturing ... with pro-Trump US Senators in the upper house, who can block anything along with the US Supreme Court and military
Sad to see the oligarchs performing so much racial-hate manipulation
When perhaps greatest-American-ever Martin Luther King Jr, was assassinated on 4 April 1968, he was successfully building a coalition of blacks and minorities and poor whites, alongside those against militarism and war ... It was a beautiful project in a now-lost USA, which had in that time even begun a decade-long effective moratorium on the death penalty (1967-77)
But now, the oligarchs are promoting people and events who stir racial tension ... feeding into the Right as if by plan
Minority voices being promoted by often-very-Jewish media outlets like the New York times, are those expressing extreme forms of anti-white-people dislike ... of course provoking white reaction
This is co-ordinated with continual Jewish-pundit attacks on 'white privilege', provoking the same
The core of truth re colonialism, slavery, past discrimination, is being put into extreme forms demanding 'destruction of the white culture' ... which drives the 'moderate-middle-leftist' white, to the Right
The rough young male migrants with Soros-funded or UN-funded etc prepaid bank cards to help them enter en masse to either Europe or the USA, and crime associated with them, are also driving people to the Right
Media suppression - categorising many nice people as 'racist' 'bigot' or 'anti-semite', merely because they might, e.g., cite facts about the kosher nostra - is being run by a Silicon Valley 'Left', once again driving people to the Right, as the only ones allowing expressing of much opinion or relating of certain 'facts', slammed now as 'hate facts' and 'hate speech'
Now it is the 'Left' who more play the Orwellian censors, the Right for 'Free Speech' ... freeze peach
Racism? Never heard of it.
Check out:
Trump Is Russia’s Asset In The White House.
Trump, who called a black woman a dog, this week...(vid: 00.17).
Btw, the vid is of 16 august 2018.
Cryptojew Trump is just saying what the white majority in the Stolen Land called the USA is thinking. No problem apparently. Otherwise this would have caused turmoil. Even in a jew run country like the Netherlands it certainly would have.
so this fucking idiot considers his daughter a mistake because of her gender:
From Wiki: "In a public speech in April 2017, Bolsonaro said that he had five children, that the first four were male and that for the fifth he produced a daughter out of "a moment of weakness"
And this is the article in Portuguese:
More bones are found at Vatican embassy linked to disappearance of girl feared kidnapped and held for years before being killed - as tests prove they're the remains of a female in her thirties
Predictable outcome this time- gridlock between frenemies in house and senate, plenty of wrestlemania between the usual suspects.
The prols may tune in to watch grueling political reenactment of WWI trench warfare: demo pols making heroic efforts to advance 5 yards politically against the enemy etc....or just parrot what they are fed on social media about their chosen team....
Greg Palast is great, I just love his cheeky chappy, 1550's B-movie private detective look.
I just fell off my seat with laughter when I saw the Brian Kemp video clips. These would just terrorize most liberals as Brian Kemp is a stereotypical 'red neck' who can't resist branding a gun in most photo shoots.
He says, while aggressively holding a pump rifle and setting off an explosion behind him, that he's going to blow up the federal budget, but I bet he won't be stopping the welfare for the rich handout by cutting the military budget a wee bit.
Nancy Pelosi is 'said to be a crypto'?
Lets find out:
Scan [Cntrl F] for "testimony" on this following page where direct links to relevant parts of the interview on Pelosi and Boxer who are BOTH Jews by blood from two separate Cal residents.
1) Pelosi demands a California ex-pat's children as 'collateral' as quid pro quo for a one way passport to TEXAS. You know sort of like they gave JKF.
2) Nancy Pelosi IS a crypto Jew!
From the Times of Israel -
« US President Donald Trump watched the results come in from Tuesday’s midterm elections at the White House with Jewish billionaires Sheldon Adelson and Stephen Schwarzman.
Hawkish pro-Israel casino magnate Adelson shelled out $112,250,000 for Republicans during the 2018 election, Adelson was joined by his wife Miriam at the White House
Schwarzman, CEO of private equity firm The Blackstone Group, gave Republicans $11,750,000 for this year’s elections, and is considered a close friend of Trump’s
Other Jewish supporters of the president who attended the election night watch party at the White House were Cleveland Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert and financier Michael Milken »
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