Sussex University professor Kees van der Pijl claims that Israel was behind the 9 11 attacks 'with help from Zionists in the US government'.
Professor Kees van der Pijl is the former head of Sussex University's international relations department.
Professor Kees van der Pijl used as his source an article entitled '9-11/Israel did it' by the site Wiki Spooks, which also claims Al-Qaeda is a front for Mossad, the Israeli spy service.
Kees van der Pijl was immediately inundated with a storm of mocking tweets from Zionist trolls.
Kees van der Pijl is a Dutch political scientist who is emeritus professor of international relations at the University of Sussex.
"Van der Pijl now lives in Amsterdam and was named emeritus in 2012, an honorary title given to retired academics that allows them to keep calling themselves 'professor'.
"During his time at Sussex he received awards for his ‘exceptional contribution’ to academic life in 2002, 2007, 2008, and 2011.
"Responding to criticism his post was anti-Semitic, Van der Pijl responded: 'If criticism of the hard line Likud and the Mossad, for which by now millions have died and several countries wrecked, is 'virulently anti-Semitic', then I am guilty."
Academic says Israel was behind 9/11 Twin Towers attacks - Daily Mail

The sons of Jair Bolsonaro, the 'Zionist-Nazi' leader of Brazil.

Labels: 9 11, Israel, Kees van der Pijl, professor, Sussex University, Zionists
Alan Sabrosky
From Wikipedia, - "Ph.D, is a retired Marine officer and former Director of Studies at the United States Army War College's Strategic Studies Institute. He has taught at The United States Military Academy at West Point; Georgetown University; The University of Pennsylvania; and the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies. His publications have mainly focused on alliance systems and unionization in the United States military.[1] He also co-authored a book called Prisoners of War?: Nation-States in the Modern Era."
9 11 and Israel Alan Sabrosky'S Shocking Press Tv Interview
From Wikipedia,
Sabrosky has been critical of those who serve in the IDF, but not in the U.S. armed forces. Daniel Flesch, a former IDF paratrooper, has called Sabrosky a conspiracy theorist and criticized him for writing that "a large majority of American Jews...espouse a form of political bigamy called dual loyalty".[6]
Anti-Defamation League named him as a key figure in anti-Semitic 9/11 conspiracy theories"
Alan Sabrosky is Jewish
Dr Rosie 'Abuse survivors are fantasists' Waterhouse has links to Goa, where she has owned property.
The family of Keith Vaz MP hail from Goa. Keith Vaz is reportedly active in Goan politics and his wife owns a luxury villa there. He and his wife may also have other property or financial interests in Goa.
Moreover, for reasons that are unclear, "Vaz travelled to Goa in India with the Romanian charity worker and parliamentary aide alleged to have paid two male prostitutes on the Labour MP's behalf".
Some believe Mr Vaz was using his 'personal' diabetes charity called Silver Star - of which Dame Esther Rantzen is a Patron - to launder dirty money linked to child exploitation and/or cover ups in which Vaz is thought to be involved.
Much of Mr and Mrs Vaz's huge property empire in Goa and the UK was paid for with dirty money from somewhere.
The Mail on Sunday, 7 June 2009
How I got my cash out of Goa (at £250 a day)
By Rosie Waterhouse
"Among the frustrations of owning a property in India is how to get the money out when you come to sell.
"The country has strict currency controls, as well as numerous other laws and practices that seek to discourage non-Indian property buyers - the reasons, in fact, why I reluctantly decided to sell.
"So when I sold my small apartment in Goa for £11,000 three months ago, I was faced with a problem. I was paid £3,000 in sterling in the UK, but the rest was handed over locally in rupees.
"After seeking advice from all and sundry, I found the best way to bypass India's strict currency laws was simply to use an international Visa cashpoint card.
"I placed the money into an Indian bank account in mid-March and seven weeks later made the last of my daily withdrawals of £250 in London. And I even managed to gain on the exchange rate, as sterling had fallen from 80 rupees when I bought to 70.
"It was a successful outcome to the sale but it was with a heavy heart that I had sold my apartment in Goa. I had bought it five years ago on a whim - and on my overdraft - for £8,750, the price of a small car. It was a studio in the village of Majorda's Eden Gardens development, a ten-minute walk from a 28-mile-long beach.
"The sale price of £11,000 covered what I paid for it, and the extra costs such as air-conditioning, fridge and furnishings. So I just about broke even, which is more than I would have done with a car.
"Although I still love to visit Goa, a stunningly beautiful winter sun enclave on India's west coast, I decided to sell because foreign property owners are not really welcome, as local politicians and officials are making increasingly clear. About 5,000 Westerners - 3,000 of whom are British - have bought property in the region.
"All arrived after the long-standing law banning foreign ownership of 'immovable property' in India was relaxed with the passing of the Foreign Exchange Management Act 1999, designed to encourage inward investment.
"But since then there has been a political backlash against non-Indians owning property. In the past two years the state of Goa has issued new regulations to prevent non-Indians from registering the ownership of their properties. This has left people like me, who have paid for a property, with no security of tenure.
"Political parties in Goa have been vying with each other to criticise an 'invasion' of foreign property buyers who, they claim, are driving prices out of the reach of locals.
"It has even been suggested that foreign-owned properties be auctioned off as they were bought 'illegally' by non-Indians on tourist visas. A list of 482 purchases by foreigners has been sent to the ominous Enforcement Directorate in Mumbai.
"For me this was the last straw. So in April last year I put the word around Majorda that I was wanting to sell. Nothing happened during the monsoon (our summer) of 2008 but early this year I had an offer from one of my neighbours at Eden Gardens, an Indian-born writer who lives part of the year in Goa and part of the year in England. Officially he is a Person of Indian Origin (PIO) and therefore in a position to obtain a clear deed of sale.
"I was relieved yet sad to have sold. Two British homeowners have received a notice from the Enforcement Directorate alleging they had bought a property illegally and asked to 'show cause' why their property should not be confiscated. The British High Commission has been petitioned for help.
"For me, Goa remains addictive and the place where I have met lasting friends. Ironically, I have just returned from another trip - this time renting my old place at Eden Gardens."
Yea....I think most people thought that already.
I have little doubt he is right. The Saudis probably agreed to take the rap in return for favours of some kind.
Sack Roger Scruton over Soros comments, demand Labour MPs
Is the new leader of Brazil a crypto jew....well the previous ones it wouldn't be surprising.Apparently he is a great friend of Israel.
Jews were the chief slave traders in there is very likely to be an extensive Jewish network in in over countries.
Just for example Aryton Senna the F1 driver was a Jew.(he came from a wealthy background)'
Fabulous article which all insiders like myself know is 100% true israel did 9 11 and some important jews have admitted this. Criticising the way jews behave is not antisemitic as most jews are kazhars , the only semites are the palestinains
Yay, wikispooks. I remember when Tache set it up. I do hope he's well.
Tache, if you're reading - regards.
best etc.
Not necessarily to be cryptos. Any serious source Senna was a crypto? So if any celebrity comes from a wealthy background, that makes him or her automatically a crypto? Are u OK?
Well, he is of course right on 911sraeldidit!!, but on Putin this professor still has to do his homework. Comparing him to Bismarck vd Pijl (which means arrow in Dutch) misses the target completely.
Try this one Kees:
´Chris Dorsey commander of the American Militia has exposed the fact that Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump are controlled by the Chabad Lubavitch Jewish/Russian organized crime network, which controls all the Governments of the world. (2.33: And at the top, who is it? : Rothschild. (to remain excaxt RotSchild, gj)
Every corporate and Government official throughout the world is guilty of treason and fugitives from the Law/Justice
The Russian and the US govt. Have always been the same. have always been the same. Look who runs google: Larry Page & Sergei Brin. Who are their parents? Russian military intell. agents. And then they became NASA agents, because the cosmonaut program and NASA are the exact same entity. How do I know this? Well, I knew it for a longtime, but it was verified to me by Lieutenant Colonel Robert Bowman who is the Godfather of the starwarsprogram and weaponizing space for the US govt. And we have been telling everyone by the millions and millions ever since and they have to obfuscate this by putting out all this misinformation. We have been saying this forever. It is all treason. All govt. agents are guilty of treason....Peace & God Bless.´
Stumbled upon Chris Dorsey today. The vid with his comment is ok. Thank you for posting it.
Nevertheless after doing more net search-re-search strong doubts about Dorsey arise.
First of all:
Dorsey ´dishing´ Dyan Rawson as zionist jew, 11 june 2018.
And a y-tube comment on Dorsey (can´t find the actual place now):
`We've been investigating Chris Dorsey after seeing just how incredibly suspect his behavior has been. Sure enough, it turns out Chris Dorsey is in with AIPAC and has been spotted at AIPAC conferences. He's paid by his Zionists controllers to attack and attempt to discredit those who expose Israel/Zionist control over the system, especially when it comes to 9/11. His real name his Eben Dorsowitz (They just switched Dorsowitz to Dorsey). Apparently, his grandfather worked for the Israeli Mossad in the 1960's through the 90's which explains his ties to the Zionists and Israeli. In the 80's, "Chris" would spend his summers giving guided tours in Israel which is called the "Holy Land Tour". He also worked with a contractor in Israel to help get sweetheart deals from the Israeli government which was paid for by the US taxpayers. He doesn't pay taxes because he's a dual Israeli citizen so he doesn't have to file since government agents don't have to file taxes. You've been warned guys. Steer clear of "Chris Dorsey" aka Eben Dorsowitz. Eben Dorsowitz is a Zionist disinformation shill just as we suspected.´
The Dorsey-Dawson x-change to me is enough in itself. Surtout, why a light blue sweater when he was in front of the building where the AIPAC conf. was held in 2017. And that the black hat jew was all the time laughing his a. off while D. was reading.
At his twitter account one of Dorsey´s crew shows a vid that Europeans are the 12 lost tribes. I don´t buy that either.
Posted these quite solid sources here at Angirfan.
Everybody knows by now 911sraeldidit!! & the jews in todays Tel Aviv territory are not dna related to the types that lived in that area 2000+ years ago.
Once in a prison cell for 2 days in Amsterdam Schiphol Airport East I saw a slice of Al Jazeera (in its beginning days). A former CNN reporter (now working for Al Jazeera, quite questionable) was showing a documentary with a interview with a Palestinian.
The Palestinian said of course I am homesick after 60 years. Just like the people in Israel were homesick after 2000 years.....
Anyway, is todays world waiting for the real Hebrews to arise as the real Chosen Ones of the supreme being of the OT?
Menothinkso. But it is good that this cultural ID theft comes to light, not in the last place for the real descendants of the real Hebrews.
Brazil was one of the first countries to recognize the creation of Israel.
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